sábado, 30 de novembro de 2019

Gizmodo Brasil

Gizmodo Brasil

Estudo mostra como as abelhas utilizam suas asas para escapar da água

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

Simplesmente devo informá-lo desse fato crucial sobre as abelhas: quando as abelhas ficam presas na água, elas usam suas asas como aerofólios para navegar de volta à segurança da terra.

Embora as abelhas possam boiar, elas não podem voar com asas molhadas e, pior ainda, não são fortes o suficiente para libertar suas asas da superfície da água. Isso pode parecer uma sentença de morte caso caiam acidentalmente em uma piscina ou poça. Mas não se preocupe. Elas têm uma solução.

Os pesquisadores Chris Roh e Morteza Gharib, do Caltech Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, coletaram abelhas de um jardim em Pasadena, Califórnia, colocaram-nas em tubos de plástico e bateram gentilmente nos tubos até que as abelhas caíssem em cerca de 2,5 cm de água. Em seguida, a dupla filmou as abelhas com câmeras de alta velocidade, observando a força e a frequência dos batimentos das asas e a rapidez com que se moviam. Eles também colocaram luzes acima das abelhas para ver os padrões de sombra produzidos pelas ondas.

As abelhas se moveram pela água, batendo suas asas de forma mais lentas e menos linear do que costumam fazer para voar. A vibração criou padrões de ondas assimétricos que diferiam na frente e à frente da abelha, demonstrando que as abelhas estavam realmente usando suas asas para lançar ondas que as empurrariam para frente. As abelhas viajavam a taxas de até três comprimentos de abelha por segundo.

No entanto, está claro que a água não é o habitat preferido das abelhas. “Comparado à locomoção na superfície da água de outros insetos, nem a velocidade nem a eficiência alcançada pela hidrodinâmica da abelha impressionam”, escrevem os autores no artigo publicado no Proceedings da Academia Nacional de Ciências. Mas a técnica de hidrofólio parece ser única entre os insetos que podem se mover na água, de acordo com o estudo.

O batimento das asas era suficiente para que as abelhas escapassem da água em uma lagoa local. Elas viajaram vários metros para chegarem à terra para se secarem antes de retornarem à sua vida regular de abelha.

Existem limitações para este estudo, no entanto; os pesquisadores apenas modelaram as características mais gerais do movimento das asas e não incluíram a flexão delas. O modelo também não explica a gravidade ou a tensão superficial na água.

Quanto ao motivo pelo qual engenheiros em um laboratório aeroespacial estudavam abelhas, bem, o mecanismo pode inspirar veículos aquático-aéreos híbridos, escrevem os autores, em que o bater das asas oferece propulsão aérea e aquática sem mudanças drásticas na forma do veículo. A equipe modelou as asas das abelhas em ação e, talvez, esse trabalho possa ser usado algum dia para realmente criar esse veículo.

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Como encontrar e apagar tudo o que você falou para seus assistentes digitais

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

Quase todo mundo se sente confortável para perguntar a assistentes digitais sobre o clima, o trânsito a caminho do trabalho ou quantos anos se passaram desde que seu time favorito ganhou alguma coisa pela última vez. Mas o que está acontecendo com todos os nossos comandos e consultas por voz? E quantos seres humanos os ouvem? Veja como ver o que está registrado e apagar as gravações.

Google Assistente

Captura de tela: Gizmodo

O Google Assistente é talvez o mais onipresente dos assistentes digitais desta lista. Ele está em todos os tipos de telefones, computadores e outros dispositivos, além de possuir o conjunto mais abrangente de ferramentas para atender seus comandos.

Faça login na sua conta do Google na web, clique em Dados e personalização e vá para Gerenciar seus Controles de atividade. Na página seguinte, desmarque a opção Incluir gravações de voz e áudio, se você não quiser que o Google mantenha o que você diz ao Google Assistente em qualquer dispositivo.

Para continuar, clique em Gerenciar histórico em Atividade na Web e de aplicativos. No topo, há uma opção relativamente nova que diz ao Google para limpar automaticamente suas atividades na Web e de aplicativos em intervalos determinados. Isso se aplica a todos os apps, dispositivos e a tudo, desde seu histórico de navegação até seus comandos de voz.

Clique em Selecionar para excluir automaticamente e escolha três meses ou 18 meses para o intervalo da limpeza automática. Essa opção de três meses é uma boa maneira de manter o Google com pouco acesso, enquanto ainda permite algum nível de personalização e segmentação de anúncios.

Para focar especificamente em seus comandos de voz, clique em Filtrar por data e produto, escolha Voz e áudio e clique em Aplicar. Todos os clipes de áudio existentes são listados cronologicamente e você pode até clicar nas entradas para ouvir os clipes reais, se desejar. Clique no ícone da lixeira ao lado de qualquer entrada para excluí-la dos servidores do Google.

Não há opção para escolher se os trechos do Google Assistente são ou não ouvidos por humanos para melhorar a precisão, embora agora o Google esteja perguntando aos usuários se desejam optar por este programa quando o Assistente for configurado pela primeira vez. Por enquanto, pelo menos, não parece haver uma maneira de ativar ou desativar isso manualmente após o processo de configuração.

Amazon Alexa

Captura de tela: Gizmodo

No momento, a Alexa não permite pesquisas e consultas em telefones, embora exista um aplicativo oficial da Alexa. Portanto, a maioria das suas interações de voz com a assistente será através de algum tipo de alto-falante inteligente. As gravações de voz podem ser facilmente gerenciadas e excluídas, se necessário.

Para encontrar seu histórico de gravação, entre na sua conta na Amazon, clique em Contas e listas e Gerencie seu conteúdo e dispositivos. Abra Privacidade da Alexa, Revisar o Histórico de Voz e você poderá ver todas as suas gravações. Clique em qualquer entrada para ouvi-la ou excluí-la dos servidores da Amazon. A opção de excluir tudo o que você já disse está no topo da lista.

Ative a opção Ativar exclusão por voz na parte superior e você pode excluir gravações com um comando de voz para seus alto-falantes inteligentes — “Alexa, delete tudo o que eu disse hoje”, por exemplo. Enquanto isso, para impedir que qualquer uma das suas gravações de voz seja revisada por humanos, escolha Gerenciar seus dados Alexa e desmarque a opção Usar gravações de voz para melhorar os serviços da Amazon e para desenvolver novos recursos.

Apple Siri

Captura de tela: Gizmodo

A Siri está na maior parte do hardware fabricado pela Apple atualmente, mas a Apple ainda está atrás do Google e da Alexa em termos de acesso a gravações passadas. Isso acontece, em parte, porque ela processa o máximo possível de dados nos próprios dispositivos, com apenas um mínimo de dados enviados de volta aos servidores da Apple.

Depois de encerrar temporariamente o processo de revisão humana para gravações selecionadas da Siri, ele agora está de volta e funcionando, embora uma equipe da própria Apple tenha ocupado o lugar de terceirizados e freelancers. Para gerenciar como suas gravações são usadas, abra o Ajustes no iOS ou iPadOS, vá para Privacidade, Analítica e aprimoramentos e desative a opção Melhorar Siri e Ditado. Você encontrará uma opção semelhante na seção Segurança e privacidade das Preferências do sistema no macOS.

Para excluir gravações do iOS e iPadOS, abra Ajustes e escolha Siri e pesquisa, Histórico de Siri e ditado e Excluir histórico de Siri e ditado. No macOS, você pode encontrar a mesma opção na tela Siri das Preferências do sistema.

Microsoft Cortana

Captura de tela: Gizmodo

A Cortana não se tornou uma verdadeira concorrente no mercado de assistentes digitais como imaginávamos que ela seria. Mesmo assim, ela ainda está no Windows, e coletará gravações da sua voz (e ocasionalmente colocará humanos para revisá-las), a menos que você desative.

Se você acessar sua conta da Microsoft na Web e clicar em Histórico de atividade, em Privacidade, poderá ver suas gravações de voz (e ouvi-las, se desejar) clicando em Voz. Para remover entradas individuais da lista, basta clicar em um dos botões Limpar; para limpar todos eles dos servidores da Microsoft, clique em Limpar atividade.

Por enquanto, pelo menos, a Microsoft não permite que você impeça que seus clipes de voz sejam ouvidos por um revisor humano. Para usar a Cortana, você concorda com isso. Mesmo assim, como ocorre na Alexa, no Google Assistente e na Siri, nós estamos falando apenas de uma porcentagem muito pequena de clipes e de um número muito baixo de usuários.

The post Como encontrar e apagar tudo o que você falou para seus assistentes digitais appeared first on Gizmodo Brasil.

O Nubank não está contente com quem paga a fatura usando o próprio cartão

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:01 AM PST

Cartão de crédito do Nubank

Tem muita carteira digital por aí, e quase todas permitem que você cadastre um cartão de crédito para fazer compras e pagar boletos. E tem gente que usa para pagar a fatura do próprio cartão cadastrado. Quem não gosta nada dessa história é o Nubank. Em um post, a administradora do cartão roxinho alertou para os problemas da prática e relembrou que isso pode causar o bloqueio ou o cancelamento do cartão.

Carteiras digitais, como PicPay, iti e Mercado Pago, deixam o cliente pagar contas com um cartão de crédito cadastrado. O Nubank diz que não tem nada de errado com isso, caso o boleto seja de uma conta de água, de luz ou uma compra, por exemplo. O problema é usar essa possibilidade para pagar a fatura do cartão com o próprio cartão.

O texto alerta sobre o risco disso para o planejamento financeiro do cliente, pois só empurra a dívida para o mês seguinte. A fatura é dada como paga, mas seu valor entra com uma compra na próxima. Se a pessoa continuar com o mesmo padrão de gastos, a tendência é ter uma conta com o dobro do valor no fim do mês seguinte.

Outra prática mencionada no texto é usar as carteiras digitais para pagar boletos de depósito na NuConta com o Nubank.

Além disso, a empresa adverte que essa prática pode ter consequências. Diz o texto que “o uso do cartão para pagamento da própria fatura ou para depósitos na NuConta poderá ser considerado indevido e poderá acarretar no bloqueio ou cancelamento do cartão” (grifo do próprio Nubank).

Dá para entender a postura do Nubank. Afinal, pagar a fatura com o próprio cartão faz com que a empresa tenha que bancar as contas do cliente sem receber o dinheiro dele. Além disso, se ele tem Nubank Rewards, vai ganhando pontos (pagos pela empresa) sem fazer compras reais.


The post O Nubank não está contente com quem paga a fatura usando o próprio cartão appeared first on Gizmodo Brasil.

Cachorrinho de 18 mil anos foi encontrado congelado e quase perfeitamente preservado no solo da Sibéria

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

O cachorrinho de 18 mil anos, com dentes intactos

O DNA de um cãozinho que foi encontrado na Sibéria quase que totalmente preservado não parece se encaixar perfeitamente no perfil genético de um cão ou de um lobo, o que significa que ele pode ser uma espécie entre os dois.

O cãozinho congelado, encontrado perto de Yakutsk, no leste da Sibéria, tinha apenas dois meses quando morreu, conforme aponta uma reportagem da CNN.

Cientistas do Centro de Paleogenética — um projeto conjunto entre a Universidade de Estocolmo e o Museu Sueco de História Natural — usaram a técnica de datação por radiocarbono nos ossos de sua costela e estimaram que ele viveu há 18 mil anos, durante o final da última era glacial.

O nível de preservação é incrível. O filhote ainda tem dentes, nariz e pelo intactos. Os cientistas conseguiram extrair uma amostra de DNA, o que possibilitou confirmar que se tratava de um macho. Desde então, ele tem sido chamado de “Dogor”, que significa “amigo” em Yakutian.

O corpo do cachorrinho de 18 mil anosO corpo do cachorrinho de 18 mil anos, chamado “Dogor”. Imagem: Centro de Paleogenética

A análise de DNA, no entanto, não conseguiu concluir a espécie do animal. A criaturinha não parece se encaixar no perfil genético de um cão ou de um lobo, e possivelmente representa um estágio intermediário durante a domesticação de cães.

“Já temos muitos dados sobre ele e, com essa quantidade de dados, seria de esperar que soubéssemos se é um lobo ou um cão”, disse David Stanton, pesquisador do Centro de Paleogenética, à CNN. “O fato de não conseguirmos definir, sugere que ele é de uma população que era ancestral a ambos — aos cães e lobos”.

Tradução: Aqui está outra descoberta incrível da região de Belaya Gora! Datação por radiocarbono diz que ele tem 18 mil anos. Pergunta: é um filhote de lobo, ou possivelmente o cão mais antigo já encontrado? Nós esperamos responder essa pergunta ao sequenciar o seu genoma (ele tem 43% do DNA endógeno). Mas o que você acha?

A possibilidade dele pertencer a uma espécie híbrida é fascinante, mas é importante que não tiremos conclusões precipitadas. O espécime poderia muito bem ser um lobo ancestral.

Se for um cão, no entanto, é provável que represente o mais antigo no registo arqueológico da espécie. O atual recordista é o cão Bonn-Oberkassel, datado de cerca de 14.223 anos. Os restos incompletos deste antigo cão domesticado foram descobertos em uma pedreira de basalto perto de Bonn, Alemanha, em 1910.

A origem dos cães ainda não está completamente clara, daí a importância da nova descoberta. Os primeiros cães domesticados surgiram na Ásia cerca de 14 mil a 16 mil anos atrás, mas evidências genéticas sugerem que a data de divergência entre cães e lobos antigos aconteceu em algum momento entre 20 mil a 40 mil anos atrás.

Para complicar as coisas, os cães podem ter sido domesticados duas vezes, em locais diferentes: uma na Ásia e outra na Europa.

A tese de que o cachorrinho de 18 mil anos seja algum tipo de elo perdido evolucionário é bastante plausível, já que as datas parecem estar corretas. Porém, mais evidências são necessárias.

Os pesquisadores do Centro de Paleogenética planejam realizar mais testes para elucidar completamente a sua constituição genética e ter um melhor entedimento sobre a espécie a que pertenceu.

The post Cachorrinho de 18 mil anos foi encontrado congelado e quase perfeitamente preservado no solo da Sibéria appeared first on Gizmodo Brasil.

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The Nintendo Switch Lite comes with a free $25 GameStop or Amazon gift card through Sunday

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:57 AM PST

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

Updated 4:43PM ET November 30th: Amazon is offering a $25 gift card when you buy a Switch Lite, so we've added a link in.

Nintendo's Switch Lite likely won't be dropping in price any time soon, so the best deals we have to work with in the meantime are the rare promos, much like Amazon and GameStop's Black Friday sale happening right now. Until Sunday night, on the eve of Cyber Monday, GameStop will include a $25 gift card with the $199.99 Switch Lite.

Amazon has since jumped in on this deal, just enter the code UUDDLRLRBA at checkout to get a $25 Amazon gift card (the credit will show up on your account after seven days.

Back to GameStop, this deal works with any color (turquoise, yellow, grey), as well as with Nintendo's limited...

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Here are the best Black Friday deals that are still available

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:48 AM PST

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

It's no longer Black Friday, which means that some of the deals have been swept away with the night. However, there are still plenty (and by that, I mean a lot) of deals available to you to shop. For those remaining deals, Saturday is likely to be the last day you'll be able to take advantage of them. Cyber Monday is coming on Monday, December 2nd, and that Black Friday deal you may have missed out on just might make another appearance — but you'll be rolling the dice if you count on it.

Here are a few of our favorite deals that are still active.

Laptops and tablets

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How to Use Makeup to Make Eyes and Lips Appear Larger

Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

There are some great tips and tricks you can use to make both your eyes and lips look bigger without having to resort to a medical procedure or injections! Use a subtle hand to apply your makeup so that the effects look as natural as possible. Once you know what works for you, you'll be able to add these techniques to your daily routine with ease.


[Edit]Creating Bigger Eyes

  1. Cover dark circles with concealer to brighten your eyes. When you want to make your eyes look bigger, think "lighter and brighter." Dark circles make your eyes look smaller. After you've applied the rest of your foundation, use a concealer underneath your eyes to fully mask any dark circles.[1]

    • For the best results, use concealer that is a shade lighter than the rest of your foundation.
  2. Fill in your brows to create a more defined border for your eyes. Darker, bolder brows create an outline for the rest of your eye makeup and can help define your eyes so that they are more expressive. Opt for a brow filler that is the same shade or slightly darker than your natural hair color for the most natural looking effect.[2]

    • Don't forget to pluck any stray eyebrow hairs before you fill them in.
  3. Create dimension on your eyelids with eyeshadow. Choose a shade of eyeshadow that is slightly darker than your skin tone and sweep it over the crease of your eyelid with a makeup brush. Brush the eyeshadow up toward your eyebrows and out toward the end of your eyebrow line to create a smokey look that will enlarge your eyes. Use a lighter shade of shadow for your actual eyelids.[3]

    • You could also apply eyeshadow along your lower lash line from just the middle of your eye out to the outer corner.
    • Make sure to blend the eyeshadow into your skin so there are no discernible lines.
    • Stick with lighter, neutral shades of eyeshadow to make your eyes look bigger. Beiges, tans, browns, and bronzes are your friend!
  4. Make your eyes pop by using a flesh-toned liner on your bottom waterline. You may be tempted to line your eyes on the top and bottom with brown or black liner, but that can actually make your eyes look smaller. Use a flesh-toned liner to brighten and lighten your eyes along your waterline.[4]

    • Apply the liner as quickly as you can, otherwise, your eyes will start to water and the liner will smudge.
  5. Keep darker eyeliner as close to your upper lash line as possible. Use black or brown eyeliner on your upper lids to create definition. Do your best to draw a thin line that adheres close to your actual lash line. A thick, dark sweep of eyeliner will make your eyes look smaller, but a thinly applied line will open up your eyes.[5]

    • Liquid eyeliner or a pencil that you can sharpen are the best tools for this process. They give you more control over the thickness of the line.
  6. Extend eyeliner out and up past the corners of your eyes to elongate them. This is basically the same as creating a cat eye, just with a focus on making that line a little bit thinner than usual. When drawing the winged tip, make it a little bit thicker than the line on your eyelid and bring the end upwards at a slant rather than straight out from your eye.[6]

    • If your cat eye tends to crease and smudge when you smile, try using a setting spray to keep it in place for longer.
  7. Widen your eyes by adding a nude iridescent shadow to your tear ducts. Rather than using a brightly colored eyeshadow, stick to a skin-tone, like beige, tan, bronze, or brown. Simply dab an eyeshadow brush into the shadow and pat it over top of your tear ducts. You could also use a Q-tip for the same effect.[7]

    • Try to use a shade of eyeshadow that is slightly lighter than your skin tone for a gentle contrast. If you want a sharper contract, use a white eyeshadow.
  8. Use a lash-lengthening mascara to make your eyes look bigger. Once the rest of your eye makeup is done, apply a single coat of mascara to all of your top lashes. Then, on the second coat, focus on applying a thicker layer to the center lashes only. For your bottom lashes, just a single coat of mascara will do to make your eyes pop. Opt for a formula that is lash-lengthening rather than thickening, as the longer your lashes are, the bigger your eyes will look.[8]

    • If you don't want to mess with mascara, consider getting false lashes.

[Edit]Plumping Your Lips

  1. Use a plumping balm to give your lips extra definition and hydration. There are tons of plumping products to choose from, so picking one is mainly a matter of preference. Look for a product that has ingredients like cinnamon, peppermint, or ginger.[9]

    • Even if you don't plan on wearing any lipstick, just applying a simple plumping balm can puff up your lips a little and make them appear fuller.
  2. Opt for lighter colored lipsticks to make your lips appear bigger. Nudes, pale pinks, and shades similar to your skin tone will actually make your lips look larger. Darker shades can flatten your lips and make them look smaller.[10]
    Use Makeup to Make Eyes and Lips Appear Larger Step 10 Version 7.jpg
    • If you can, pick lipsticks and glosses that claim to be "hydrating." Keeping your lips moisturized and hydrated is a huge part of helping them look big. Dry lips get wrinkled and look smaller.
  3. Make your lips bigger with concealer and lip liner. Add a light layer of concealer over your lips and extend it above and below your actual lip line a little bit. Use the liner to draw your lip line larger than it actually is, and then fill in your lips with a matching lipstick.[11]

    • Be careful when doing this to blend the concealer in with the rest of your makeup.
  4. Give yourself ombre lips to make your lips look larger. You'll need 2 shades of lipstick and a lip liner that matches the darker shade. Apply your lip liner like you normally would, and then use a lipstick brush to apply the lighter shade of lipstick to your lips, but avoid getting it around the outer edges where the liner is. Use the darker shade of lipstick around the edges of your lips, and then use the lipstick brush to blend the edges of the darker and lighter shades so the gradient has a natural transition.[12]

    • Be careful to not smudge your lips or rub them together, otherwise you'll ruin the ombre effect.
  5. Get a natural pout by dabbing lipgloss on the center of your lips. After applying your lipstick, add a dab of a clear gloss or of a gloss that matches your lipstick to the center of both your bottom and upper lips. Avoid rubbing your lips together so it doesn't smear.[13]

    • If too much gloss gets transferred from the wand to your lips, try putting a dab of gloss on your fingertip and applying it that way.
  6. Emphasize your cupid's bow with highlighter to make your lips pop. Your cupid's bow is where your top lip dips down in the center. Add a really small dab of highlighter right in the crease of the bow above where your lipstick starts. This will add a little juxtaposition between your lips and your skin and will give the appearance of bigger lips.[14]

    • Do your best to not get the highlighter on your actual lip or mixed in with the lipstick.
  7. Add bronzer below your bottom lip to create a "shadow". Don't extend the bronzer fully from one end of your lips to the other. Instead, just put a light dab right below the center of your bottom lip. Make sure it's blended in so it looks natural.[15]

    • You could also use eyeliner for the same effect, just make sure to choose a subtle brown color rather than black.



  • Figure out which tricks work the best for your eyes! Once you know what works and have experimented a little, it'll be easy for you to do your makeup and look great every day.
  • Keep these techniques as subtle as possible so that they look natural and not overdone.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Creating Bigger Eyes

  • Concealer
  • Eyeshadow
  • Brow pencil
  • Flesh-toned eyeliner
  • Brown or black eyeliner
  • Mascara

[Edit]Plumping Your Lips

  • Plumping lip balm
  • Lipstick
  • Lip liner
  • Lipgloss
  • Concealer
  • Highlighter
  • Bronzer
  • Lipstick brush

[Edit]Related wikiHows


How to Stay Healthy Living in a City

Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

Staying in a city is a great way to live a safer and more environmentally friendly lifestyle.[1] Aside from sporting a happier population, city living also provides you with plenty of opportunities to stay healthy.[2] To begin, try finding ways to stay active in your everyday life, such as biking and running. If you're looking to improve your diet, try meal planning and looking for healthy grocery store and restaurant options in your neighborhood. Finally, take advantage of the city's resources to keep regular tabs on your health and wellness. You're only a few steps away from being your healthiest self! This article will tell you how to.


[Edit]Staying Active

  1. Travel by bike instead of car to get places. Invest in a bike to save time and money traveling. While cars seem faster, you can have more mobility by riding a bike. Check and see if your city has any bike routes or bike lanes built into the street that allow you to travel more safely.[3]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 1.jpg
    • See more of the city on a bike! For example, if you live in New York City, try biking across the Brooklyn Bridge.
  2. Join a local gym to stay healthy. Search online or look through your local newspaper advertisements to see if there's a gym or fitness club near you. While gyms are a bit more expensive, you get constant access to special equipment. Don't worry about the facility being too crowded—if anything, exercising in a busier place can help you feel more motivated.[4]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 2.jpg
    • Use an online review site to figure out the nearest and cleanest gyms in your area.
    • See if you can find a yoga studio in your area or within walking distance to increase mindfulness and stay fit.[5]
  3. Run to stay in shape. Use the abundant amount of sidewalks around you to get some exercise around some nearby city streets. If you don't feel like driving or biking, running can also be a great alternative for getting from place to place. Whenever you go out, make sure that you're running in comfortable shoes and wearing a reflective shirt or vest.[6]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 3.jpg
    • You can also run in the wintertime—just remember to adjust your wardrobe to the elements.
  4. Participate in citywide activities to meet new people. Look online or at your local community center to see what events are going on, like yoga sessions or cooking classes. Look for opportunities that are free of charge—just keep in mind that these events might fill up fast due to popular interest.[7]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 4.jpg
    • For instance, San Diego has a partnership with Scripps Health that sponsors free, healthy events each month.
  5. Search for green spaces to spend time regularly. Check the area in walking distance from your home to see if you have any urban green spaces, such as public parks, nature preserves, or sports fields. Try to visit urban green spaces at least once a week to increase your happiness and be active.[8]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 5.jpg
    • Urban green spaces also include community gardens, tree cover, and yards as well.

[Edit]Choosing Healthy Foods

  1. Plan healthy meals for each week. Create a calendar specifically for mealtime, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Decide ahead of time what you'd like to eat throughout the week, so you can shop for what you need early on. If you're going to be busy on a certain day of the week, opt for a frozen meal instead.[9]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 6.jpg
    • Planning your meals allows you to adjust your lifestyle to meet more of your nutritional needs.
    • Meal planning is also helpful for people who are vegetarian or vegan.
  2. Save time by using simple cooking devices. Opt for a slow cooker if you'd prefer the taste of a home-cooked meal. Prepare any recipe earlier the day by adding a healthy combination of vegetables, proteins, and other ingredients into the appliance. If you'd prefer a more instant meal, try microwaving a healthy frozen dinner, instead![10]
    Stay Healthy Living in a City Step 7.jpg
    • When using a slow cooker, remember to use less liquid than you would in the traditional cooking process. Additionally, consider cutting your produce into larger pieces if you want your food to be even more flavorful.
    • Avoid using cookware that has Teflon or non-stick properties since they could create fumes that are harmful if inhaled.
  3. Order from healthier restaurants instead of going for fast food. Download apps like DoorDash so you can get a variety of food delivered to your front door. By using these services, you can try a more customized delivery service that gives you the freedom to choose healthier options.[11]
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    • If you have an issue with your order, companies like DoorDash and Postmates are very easy to contact.
  4. Figure out where your closest grocery store is. Use a navigational app or website to find out what grocery stores are in your area. Before you go shopping, look up some reviews of the stores. Additionally, look at convenience stores to see if they sell any healthy snacks or entrees.[12]
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    • When shopping, try to avoid processed foods, as these are less healthy.[13]
    • Look for farmer's markets as well. You can purchase a lot of fresh and delicious produce for a great price at these kinds of places![14]
    • While at a grocery store, be sure to check out the freezer section. Frozen fruits and vegetables are easy and healthy options that last for a long time in your home.
  5. Take advantage of healthy places that are open late. Look up the opening and closing times for restaurants, convenience stores, and other eateries and shops. If your work schedule causes you to arrive home at a later time, knowing your options can be useful for grabbing a late-night snack or meal. See if any stores or healthy restaurants near you work with a third-party delivery app, like Postmates.[15]
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    • Some stores also have online grocery shopping options that let you ship food to your door. If you don't want to deal with an extra shopping trip or a late-night grocery run, opt for this program instead.[16]
    • Ideally, try having a set mealtime. In the long run, this can help contribute to healthier eating habits![17]
  6. Participate in a community garden. Ask your landlord or neighbors to see if there's a community garden in the area. If there is a plot near you, consider using a section of it to grow your own produce. Some apartment complexes and other condensed living spaces (e.g., condos, flats) already have plots that you can join or contribute to. If your neighborhood doesn't have a garden already, try starting one instead![18]
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[Edit]Managing Your Health

  1. Schedule regular doctor's appointments to keep tabs on your health. Live each day of your city life to the healthiest and fullest by checking in with the doctor on a regular basis. If you're ever feeling under the weather, look up an urgent care clinic that can examine your symptoms right away.[19]
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    • If you don't have insurance or have a plan that won't cover the cost of your visit, try looking up free clinics in the area. While they might be difficult to find, most cities have places that are willing to see you for little to no charge.
    • Bring a notebook in case you're worried that you'll forget what your doctor says later on.
  2. Stay up-to-date on the latest vaccines and flu shots. Ask your doctor if you need any new vaccines, be they for new illnesses (e.g., the flu) or longstanding sicknesses (e.g., chicken pox, measles, polio, etc.). Since cities are more densely populated than other regions, illnesses can spread more rapidly. Protect yourself and those around you by getting all of the immunizations that you need.[20]
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    • For example, the United States has had an increase in reported measles cases over the past year.[21]
    • If you do feel sick, wear a face mask to prevent spreading the illness to others or being exposed to more disease.
    • You can also get an online doctor instead of going out if you feel very bad.
  3. Practice good hand hygiene while you're in public. A lot of people touch door handles, shopping carts, and other items in public, so germs can spread easily between people. Do your best to avoid touching handles with your bare hands, using a tissue or paper towel instead. Don't touch your face so you avoid transferring bacteria near your nose and mouth.
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    • Many stores offer sanitary wipes for shopping carts so you can wipe them before you use them.
    • Always wash your hands before you touch your face or eat so you don't spread germs.
  4. Meditate regularly to reduce your anxiety levels. Keep your mind clear by practicing meditation each day. Spend a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing, which will help distract you from many of the major stressors in your life. Ideally, try meditating for about 20 minutes each day.[22]
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    • Meditation has other positive side effects, like lowering your blood pressure and current heart rate.
  5. Use a HEPA air purifier in your room to filter out harmful particles. High-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) air purifiers have special filters that can remove small particles, such as dust, dirt, and smog. Keep an air purifier in your bedroom, and run it while you sleep so you can breathe clean air.[23]
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    • Not every city will have bad air quality. You can check the air quality index of your city online.
  6. Get a healthy night's sleep. Cities can be bright and noisy, which can make it difficult to sleep well through the night. Close your windows if you're able to and use blinds that block out light so your room is completely dark while you're sleeping. If you can't fall asleep due to the noise, wear ear plugs while you sleep to block out annoying sounds.[24]
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    • Use a white noise generator or app to help you block out ambient city sounds if you aren't able to use ear plugs.
    • Wear a sleep mask to cover your eyes if your blinds don't entirely block out light.
    • Avoid using your phone or electronics right before bed so you aren't kept awake from the blue light.
  7. Spend time with nature to improve your mental health. Give yourself some room to think and breathe by spending time at a park or other natural area. While these spaces can be hard to come by in cities, try to look for places with a lot of trees. Although it may seem mundane, you can get a lot of mental health benefits from walking through areas with a lot of foliage, like lowered anxiety.[25]
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    • Search online to find a park near you.
  8. Find a supportive community to help boost your mental health. Spending time with other people has positive effects on your mental health and helps you get to know your community. Find a meditation group, a book club, church, or local meet-up in your area so you can branch out and make more friends. Seek people that have similar interests as you so you can have fun together.
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    • You can find local meet-ups and groups using apps like Facebook and Meetup.
    • Check your local library to see what events and groups they host.
  9. Even if it's just for a few minutes, set aside some time to focus on your dental hygiene. A little time in the morning and before bed is all it takes to take care of your teeth![26]
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    • Brush your teeth two times every day with fluoride toothpaste. This will help prevent cavities.
    • Using an electric toothbrush will be even more beneficial for your teeth.
    • Remember to floss! To floss, put the floss between two teeth, and make it into about a C shape. Shake it there to cause friction and remove plaque.
    • You can also try a waterpik to wash your teeth even better.


  1. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/health-impacts-of-living-in-a-city/
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/here-s-why-big-cities-are-healthier-n664501
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/here-s-why-big-cities-are-healthier-n664501
  4. https://bestlifeonline.com/city-living-benefits/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447533/
  6. https://www.mec.ca/en/article/5-ways-to-stay-active-in-the-city-during-winter
  7. https://downtownsandiego.org/healthyscripps/
  8. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-6-149
  9. https://familydoctor.org/healthy-food-city/
  10. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/videos/techniques/how-use-slow-cooker
  11. https://familydoctor.org/healthy-food-city/
  12. https://familydoctor.org/healthy-food-city/
  13. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/basics/healthy-menus-and-shopping-strategies/hlv-20049477
  14. https://bestlifeonline.com/city-living-benefits/
  15. https://bestlifeonline.com/city-living-benefits/
  16. https://familydoctor.org/healthy-food-city/
  17. https://time.com/4008273/regular-mealtimes-eat-healthy-eating/
  18. https://familydoctor.org/healthy-food-city/
  19. https://bestlifeonline.com/city-living-benefits/
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/feb/27/sick-cities-how-to-stay-healthy-city
  21. https://www.chop.edu/news/vaccine-news-briefs
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/feb/27/sick-cities-how-to-stay-healthy-city
  23. https://www.abatement.com/learning-center/patient-isolation/facts-about-hepa-filtration/
  24. https://sleeping.guide/sleep-in-noisy-city-apartment/
  25. https://www.sciencealert.com/increasing-urban-tree-cover-gives-community-mental-health-a-boost-says-new-study
  26. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/dental/art-20045536/

How to Be Frugal on Black Friday

Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

On the day after Thanksgiving, also known as "Black Friday," retail stores entice customers with special offers and deep discounts on gifts for the holidays. If you've been putting off doing your Christmas shopping, you might decide that it would be a good idea to take advantage of Black Friday sales and snatch up as many coveted items as you can at one time. But be careful—though the goal is to save money, it can be easy to fall into the trap of spending much more than you intended during the frantic holiday rush. For this reason, it's important to keep a few guidelines in mind before you set off on your Black Friday shopping spree.


[Edit]Planning Ahead

  1. Set out with a goal in mind. Before you pull on your scarf and mittens and prepare to wait in line for hours first thing in the morning, have a clear idea of what you're shopping for and whether it's worth it. If you've already got a Christmas list for reference and you're trying to check off items at bargain prices, Black Friday sales may save you a substantial amount of money. If you're simply intoxicated by the idea of discounted goods, however, or you're just shopping to see what's out there, you may end up parting with more money than you planned to.[1]
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    • Black Friday sales are most favorable to shoppers when they can identify a few things they need, that they can score for significantly less, and only buy these items.
    • If there's nothing you absolutely have to have, and you're feeling tempted to shop purely for its own sake, you may be better off finding something else to do with your time.[2]
  2. Preview Black Friday deals. Traditionally, Black Friday sales ads have run in the newspaper on Thanksgiving day. Nowadays, though, it may be possible to take a look at upcoming specials through store websites or even smartphone apps a few days in advance. Browse through early listings to see how things are being priced, and whether a particular store has what you're looking for on sale.[3]
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    • Being able to look at products and prices in advance will help you calculate a realistic shopping budget, another must for saving during the Black Friday frenzy.
    • Go through reputable channels (such as official sites like Macy's and Brookstone, or bargain shopping apps like Flipp and Slice) to guarantee that the sales you find are legit.[4]
  3. Look over merchandise before you buy it. If you've scanned through previews of Black Friday sales and something has caught your eye, take a scouting trip to the store that's selling it and give it a closer look. This way, you'll be able to inspect the product for quality and see if it suits your budget and personal tastes before committing yourself to buying it. Some basic recon will also familiarize with where to find the item before the store is overrun with swarming crowds.[5]
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    • Browsing before doing the bulk of your shopping can provide an opportunity to learn about exclusive in-store deals.
    • Devise a "battle plan" by plotting your path through a store that you expect to be busy.
  4. Limit yourself to a handful of stores. Instead of just darting aimlessly from one sale to another, come up with a few stores in particular to visit. In the interest of time and expense, try to keep this number around five or six at most. Settle on stores that stock a wide range of items to get as much done in as few locations as you can, or stores that provide specialty products you can't get anywhere else.
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    • If possible, have a shopping buddy to go deal-hunting with. The two of you can split up and cover more ground, getting to hot items faster and eliminating the need to trek all over town.[6]

[Edit]Getting Organized

  1. Set a budget. Decide on a realistic amount that you're willing and able to spend. Don't deviate from this figure. You'll be much more careful about comparing prices and making necessary compromises if you know you can't exceed a strict total. Having a fixed budget in mind might also force you to get more creative about picking out gifts, which means you could end up with more items than you originally expected for the same amount.[7]
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    • Make sure your primary finances are in order before you set aside money for shopping.[8]
    • Be conservative. It's always better to spend less now and not have to worry about financial security later on.
  2. Make a list of must-have items. Write down everything you know you need and prioritize necessities over casual purchases before you start looking at other things. For instance, if your daughter has asked for a new winter coat, and you want to get your best friend a toaster as a housewarming gift, pick these items out first. After your main shopping is done, you can start browsing freely if you have some spending money leftover.[9]
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    • If you're not shopping for anything in particular, think of what you could personally use in your wardrobe or around the house.
    • Write down the price beside each item on your list and make sure it corresponds with your budget.
  3. Compare prices. Don't take sale advertisements at face value. You can find some remarkable bargains on Black Friday, but you might be able to track down an even better one somewhere else. Pore over newspaper ads, mailer promotions, store websites and shopping apps to find out who is offering what for how much. That way, you'll know exactly where to go once it's time to get shopping.
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    • For the sake of business, most stores are willing to match low prices with competitors, saving you money and the need for an extra trip uptown.[10]
    • Pay attention to less obvious stores that might be offering deals on the same products. For instance, you can find a variety of name-brand goods at drugstores, which are likely to be less crowded than mall shops and more popular destinations.[11]
  4. Collect coupons. Check the mail around Thanksgiving and sign up for store newsletters for a chance to receive coupons that could save you even more on Black Friday purchases. Coupons are an often overlooked way to be thrifty, and, when combined with slashed rates on promotional items, can help keep a little bit of extra money in your pocket. Tuck some coupons in your wallet or checkbook before you head out for your first stop of the day.[12]
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    • To prevent overspending, only use coupons for the limited number of stores you decided on ahead of time.
    • In addition to coupons, there are websites where you can go to buy discounted gift cards that will allow you to save a few more bucks on Black Friday purchases.

[Edit]Showing Restraint

  1. Stay home. One option for Black Friday shopping that a lot of people tend to forget about is simply not participating. Decide whether saving $30 or $40 is worth the tedium, exhaustion and stress of surrendering your whole day for a chance to make mad grabs at the local mall. Remember, your time is valuable too. The hours you give up waiting in line or fighting your way through angry mobs could be spent enjoying the holidays with your loved ones.[13]
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    • If you just can't let a bargain pass you by, avoid the chaos and capitalize on Black Friday savings by doing your shopping online through participating sites. It's a win-win situations.
    • Keep in mind what's really important during the holidays: warmth, comfort, and making loving memories with the people you care about.
  2. Avoid the temptation to impulse-buy. Sure, that all-in-one coffee maker/juicer/smoothie machine might look nifty, but is it something you really need? If an item isn't on your list, and you can't justify buying it, keep moving. The irony of Black Friday is that prices are often so low that people are tricked into buying things they have no real use for. In doing so, they end up spending more than they would have on a typical outing.[14]
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    • Stay focused and practice a little self-control when you run into attractive but unnecessary deals.
    • Having concrete items and figures in mind, like making a list or setting a budget, can keep you from dropping money on extra purchases you may regret later.
  3. Stick to advertised deals. The items that comprise your shopping list should all come from Black Friday savings offers. The whole point of Black Friday shopping is to secure goods at markdown, so ignore non-sale items for now. The more you spend on regularly-priced goods, the less you'll have available to buy more of the things that end up saving you money. If you're not careful, you'll just end up racking up added expenses that set you back, defeating the purpose of the commercial holiday.[15]
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    • Sometimes, stores will advertise products at prices that aren't much lower than what they ordinarily cost. Take advantage of the biggest discounts you can and bypass the rest.[16]
    • You can always come back later and buy other items with the money you saved doing your Black Friday shopping.
  4. Look into each store's return policy. Hold onto your receipts in case you decide to bring something back and be aware of how individual stores handle returns and exchanges. It may be that you give someone something they already have, or you get home only to be confronted with immediate buyer's remorse. In these cases, making use of returns can put some of that hard-earned holiday cash back in your hands.[17]
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    • Stash your receipts in your wallet or pocketbook to help you keep up with them, or file them away in a separate folder back home.
    • Some return policies may be subject to change on Black Friday. Be sure to read the fine print and don't miss your window to take an unwanted item back.


  • Keep an eye on sales advertised in the weeks leading up to and following Thanksgiving to see how much shopping you can get done before and after the rush.
  • Once you get home, look over everything you've bought and decide whether it's all worth keeping or whether there are some items you'd be willing to return.
  • Stores are opening earlier than ever for Black Friday. If you don't want to miss out, plan to do your shopping as early as the midnight after Thanksgiving day.
  • Eat before you set out so that you don't have to negotiate busy restaurants and food courts in the middle of the day.
  • Wait for other commercial holidays, such as Cyber Monday, to look for deals on electronic goods.
  • Return unwanted items for store credit. You may be able to find something else on your list without an additional trip or transaction.


  • Guard your wallet, shopping bags and other belongings closely. It's common for thieves to prey on distracted Black Friday shoppers.
  • Be wary of "free" offers. These usually come with unadvertised payment plans or some other catch.
