domingo, 31 de maio de 2020

Gizmodo Brasil

Gizmodo Brasil

Xbox Live Gold de junho de 2020: Shantae, Coffee Talk e mais jogos grátis

Posted: 31 May 2020 01:44 PM PDT

Xbox Live Gold: jogos de junho de 2020

Os assinantes do Xbox Live Gold e Xbox Game Pass podem aproveitar jogos gratuitos que são liberados a cada mês. Para junho de 2020, a Microsoft liberou Shantae and the Pirate's Curse e Coffee Talk para Xbox One; Destroy All Humans! e Sine Mora para Xbox 360.

São sempre disponibilizados quatro games: dois para o Xbox One e outros dois da geração anterior. Os jogos de Xbox 360 também podem ser aproveitados no Xbox One por meio de retrocompatibilidade.

O Xbox Live Gold também ativa o recurso de multiplayer online e dá descontos na compra de outros jogos na loja. O plano mensal do Xbox Live Gold custa R$ 29. Ao comprar o pacote de um ano, sai por R$ 149.

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse é um jogo de plataforma em pixel art. Depois de perder suas habilidades mágicas, Shantae precisa se unir ao seu nêmesis, Risky Boots, para salvar a Sequin Land. Destrua monstros, combata chefões épicos e obtenha novas armas em uma busca para remover uma maldição maligna e recuperar seus poderes mágicos.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse poderá ser resgatado entre os dias 1 e 30 de junho.

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk é um joguinho mais leve, em que você precisa prestar atenção em seus clientes enquanto serve bebidas. Você é o dono da cafeteria neste jogo calmante e relaxante, em que poderá mergulhar nas histórias dos habitantes da cidade – a progressão é baseada na variedade de bebidas que você serve.

Coffee Talk poderá ser resgatado entre os dias 16 de junho e 15 de julho.

Destroy All Humans! (Xbox)

Destroy All Humans! inverte o papel da maioria dos jogos: o seu objetivo é controlar alienígenas em busca da dominação da Terra. Como parte da frota Cryptosporidium 137, tome conta de toda a humanidade por terra ou ar usando uma variedade de armamentos alienígenas. Dispare armas de raios, lance vacas ou se disfarce de um humano ao dar um passo gigantesco na humanidade.

Destroy All Humans! poderá ser resgatado entre os dias 1 e 15 de junho.

Sine Mora (Xbox 360)

Sine Mora é um jogo de tiro em que o tempo é o fator determinante. Em vez da tradicional barra de saúde, o game foca na destruição em massa e na manipulação do tempo. Com fases bem elaboradas e modos História e Arcade profundamente desafiadores, é um jogo para testar suas habilidades neste no gênero shoot ‘em up.

Sine Mora poderá ser resgatado entre os dias 16 e 30 de junho.

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PS Plus de junho de 2020: Call of Duty WWII e Star Wars Battlefront 2 grátis este mês

Posted: 31 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

Ofertas da PS Plus em junho de 2020

Os assinantes da PS Plus podem obter jogos gratuitos todos os meses para o PlayStation 4. Para junho de 2020, a Sony liberou dois sucessos do estilo tiro: Call of Duty: WWII e Star Wars: Battlefront 2.

Uma vez que os games são resgatados, ficam disponíveis permanentemente em sua conta – mas é necessário manter uma assinatura ativa do serviço para continuar jogando.

A PS Plus também ativa o recurso de multiplayer online e dá descontos na compra de outros jogos na loja do PlayStation. O plano mensal da PS Plus custa R$ 25,90. Ao comprar o pacote de um ano, sai por R$ 149,90.

Call of Duty: WWII

A aclamada franquia Call of Duty retorna ao passado, na Segunda Guerra Mundial, com a recriação dos conflitos de guerra que inspiraram o início do título. Lançado em 2017, o game tem o modo campanha inspirado por momentos históricos e o modo multiplayer com os tradicionais modo de jogo da franquia.

Call of Duty: WWII já pode ser resgatado e fica disponível até 6 de julho.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Em Star Wars: Battlefront II, os jogadores vão dominar os blasters, sabres de luz e o usarão a força como chave do sucesso no campo de batalha. Também lançado em 2017, o título já recebeu mais de 25 atualizações gratuitas. O game é repleto de locais famosos da franquia de cinema e pode estar a bordo de naves e veículos marcantes. Além do modo história, há a campanha cooperativa para jogar com os amigos e multiplayer local ou online.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 poderá ser resgatado a partir de 2 de junho e fica disponível até 6 de julho.

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Asteroide que extinguiu dinossauros gerou uma enorme câmara de magma que durou milhões de anos

Posted: 31 May 2020 10:44 AM PDT

Representação artística de um grande asteroide atingindo a Terra

Quando o asteroide que extinguiu os dinossauros atingiu a Terra há cerca de 66 milhões de anos, ele produziu uma piscina subterrânea de magma aproximadamente nove vezes maior que a atual caldeira do Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, nos EUA, de acordo com nova pesquisa.

O impacto de Chicxulub que ocorreu no Cretáceo Superior extinguiu 75% da vida na Terra, incluindo todos os dinossauros que não eram aviários. Porém, o evento também gerou um enorme e duradouro sistema hidrotérmico cheio de magma, de acordo com uma nova pesquisa publicada na Science Advances. Evidências disso foram encontradas em amostras de núcleo retiradas da Península de Yucatan, no México, o local do impacto.

A energia cinética produzida pelo impacto foi de cerca de 100 milhões de megatons, o que equivale aproximadamente a 10 bilhões de bombas de Hiroshima. Essa energia foi suficiente para derreter uma porção significativa da crosta terrestre, resultando na câmara de magma. Essa “central de fusão”, como os pesquisadores a chamam, durou centenas de milhares de anos e possivelmente mais de 2 milhões de anos antes de finalmente esfriar, de acordo com o artigo.

No seu auge, o maciço sistema hidrotermal de Chicxulub tinha cerca de 3 quilômetros de espessura, abrangendo 140.000 quilômetros cúbicos da crosta terrestre. Isso é mais de nove vezes o tamanho do sistema hidrotermal do Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, nos EUA.

Minerais hidrotérmicos extraídos da cratera de ChicxulubMinerais hidrotérmicos extraídos da cratera de Chicxulub. Imagem: David A. Kring

Mas enquanto “calderas vulcânicas como Yellowstone são alimentadas por magma das profundezas da Terra”, o sistema hidrotermal Chicxulub foi “movido por uma quantidade maciça de magma criada no centro da cratera”, disse David Kring, principal autor do estudo e pesquisador do Instituto Lunar e Planetário do Texas, ao Gizmodo.

Os cientistas haviam suspeitado anteriormente da existência de um antigo sistema hidrotérmico no local de Chicxulub, mas faltavam detalhes cruciais, tais como seu tamanho geral e profundidade, seu efeito sobre o ambiente ao redor e sua vida útil total.

Para o estudo, Kring e seus colegas analisaram as rochas quimicamente alteradas retiradas da cratera de Chicxulub. Essas amostras foram fornecidas por uma expedição de perfuração liderada pelo Programa Internacional de Descoberta do Oceano (IODP, na sigla em inglês) e pelo Programa Internacional de Perfuração Científica Continental (ICDP), que adquiriu rochas entre 617 e 1.335 metros abaixo do fundo do mar.

Amostras armazenadas de núcleo obtida a partir de uma expedição que perfurou a cratera de ChicxulubAmostras armazenadas de núcleo obtida a partir de uma expedição que perfurou a cratera de Chicxulub. Imagem: David A. Kring

A análise desses minerais sugere que a temperatura inicial da piscina de magma estava entre 300 e 400 graus Celsius. Durante este tempo, a câmara de magma era como um gigantesco forno, cozendo a crosta ao redor. A piscina central de fusão estava aproximadamente 700 metros abaixo da superfície, que é 600 metros mais baixo do que as estimativas anteriores.

Um aspecto interessante desse estudo é como ele potencialmente nos dá pistas sobre a origem da vida na Terra. Há bilhões de anos, poderosos impactos de meteoritos geraram argilas hidrotermais, que estão ligadas à formação do RNA, um ácido nucleico básico auto-replicável e um alicerce para a vida.

“Chicxulub é a maior e mais bem preservada cratera da Terra e é, portanto, nosso melhor exemplo das crateras que foram produzidas no início da história da Terra”, disse Kring ao Gizmodo. “Havia milhares de crateras do seu tamanho e maiores do que ela quando a vida surgiu na Terra. Há evidências que sugerem que a vida emergiu de sistemas hidrotermais, potencialmente produzidos pelo impacto de asteróides e cometas.”

Para o futuro, Kring disse que sua equipe analisará amostras adicionais do núcleo de 1,3 quilômetro de profundidade na esperança de descobrir detalhes adicionais sobre o sistema hidrotermal Chicxulub e seu potencial para hospedar ecossistemas microbianos.

Este é o segundo grande artigo recente sobre o evento de impacto Chicxulub, sendo o outro uma análise do ângulo de impacto do asteroide. O estudo descobriu que o asteroide desceu num ângulo de 60 graus em relação à horizontal, o que maximizou seu potencial destrutivo. Kring contribuiu para esse trabalho, que também se baseou em dados retirados das expedições IODP e ICDP.

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Como agendar posts no Twitter web

Posted: 31 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

Logo do Twitter

O Twitter agora permite que você programe publicações direto da versão web. Antes, se você quisesse agendar um tuíte era preciso recorrer a ferramentas de terceiros ou usar o TweetDeck.

Para utilizar o recurso é bem fácil: ao escrever uma nova publicação, há um ícone de calendário ao lado das opções para inserir imagens, GIF, enquetes, etc. Ao clicar nele, será aberto uma janela chamada “Programar” para definir a data, horário e o fuso horário de referência. Depois é só clicar em “confirmar” e em “programar”.

Campo para agendar posts no Twitter web

Se você mudar de ideia depois de programar uma publicação, é possível excluir o tuíte. Para isso, clique novamente no ícone de de calendário e na janela “Programar”, procure pelo link “tweets programados” na parte inferior. Na nova janela, clique em “Editar” no canto superior direito, selecione a publicação e escolha “Excluir”.

O Twitter anunciou ainda a chegada do recurso de rascunho para a versão web, antes disponível somente nos aplicativos para Android e iOS. Com essa opção, você pode escrever um tuíte agora e completá-lo em outro momento. Os rascunhos também podem ser encontrados na aba “tweets não enviados”.

The post Como agendar posts no Twitter web appeared first on Gizmodo Brasil.

Macacos roubaram amostras de sangue de pacientes com COVID-19 na Índia

Posted: 31 May 2020 07:12 AM PDT

Macacos em Kerala, Índia

Um bando de macacos atacou um laboratório de pesquisas na Índia e levou amostras de exames de sangue que haviam sido coletadas de pacientes com COVID-19.

A agência de notícias Reuters relata que o roubo realizado pelos macacos aconteceu em um campus de uma universidade na cidade de Meerut. Os animais atacaram um técnico de laboratório que trabalhava na faculdade e roubaram diversas amostras de sangue antes de escaparem.

Um vídeo posterior mostrou um dos macacos com as amostras na mão, colocando-a em sua boca, conforme uma reportagem do Times of India.

“Os macacos pegaram as amostras de sangue de quatro pacientes com COVID-19 que estão sob tratamento e fugiram […] tivemos que fazer a coleta de sangue novamente”, disse S. K. Carg, uma das autoridades da faculdade, segundo a Reuters.

Macacos agressivos na Índia não são novidade. Essas populações de primatas não se incomodam com o contato humano e muitas vezes vivem de restos de comida dados pelas pessoas.

Porém, os lockdowns implementados na Índia têm levado a mais invasões de macacos em espaços que antes estavam lotados de humanos.

Algumas pessoas na área também estão preocupadas que os macacos estejam se tornando mais agressivos devido à fome, já que eles não estão mais sendo alimentados pelos humanos, de acordo com a Sky News.

Não está claro se esse roubo pode colocar os macacos em perigo. Experimentos de laboratório têm mostrado que é possível que algumas espécies de macacos sejam infectadas com o coronavírus e subsequentemente desenvolvam sintomas similares ao que vemos nas pessoas. Mas isso não significa que esses macacos seriam infectados por mastigar amostras, mesmo assumindo que eles foram expostos ao vírus vivo.

Mesmo assim, 2020 se parece cada vez mais com um cenário de filme de terror.

The post Macacos roubaram amostras de sangue de pacientes com COVID-19 na Índia appeared first on Gizmodo Brasil.

Dicas de como fazer!

Dicas de como fazer!

Apple, Amazon among companies adjusting operations amid demonstrations

Posted: 31 May 2020 03:21 PM PDT

POLITICS-RACISM-JUSTICE-US-demonstration-police-minorities Photo by Valerie Macon/AFP via Getty Images

Amazon, Target, and Apple all made modifications to their business operations over the weekend in light of demonstrations in cities across the US, Bloomberg reported.

Apple kept many of its retail stores closed on Sunday, including some that had just reopened after weeks of being shuttered due to the pandemic. Target closed 32 of its stores in the Minneapolis area and said Sunday it would temporarily close several more across the country.

Amazon told Bloomberg that it had scaled back and adjusted routes "in a handful of cities" to ensure workers' safety. Drivers in Chicago and Los Angeles received messages Saturday instructing them to stop delivering packages and return home, according to Bloomberg.

Minneapolis has been the site of...

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A restaurant in the Netherlands is using creepy robot waiters for social distancing

Posted: 31 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

Royal Palace Renesse/Instagram

A restaurant in the Netherlands has introduced new robot waiters as a way to reduce human-to-human contact in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The red-and-white robots (which are giving me serious Rosey the robot vibes) will greet customers, serve food and pick up used dishes from diners' tables at the Royal Palace restaurant in the town of Renesse, according to the Associated Press.

The as-yet-unnamed robots say "hello and welcome," in and they wear little scarves (to seem less creepy? idk).

"They help us with the work we do," says Leah Hu, whose family owns the Royal Palace. "We are often busy and cleaning tables and the robots give us an extra hand. We are not disappearing. We are still here. They will always need people in...

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YouTube will donate $1 million to the Center for Policing Equity

Posted: 31 May 2020 01:44 PM PDT

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

YouTube says it will donate $1 million to the Center for Policing Equity, to demonstrate "solidarity against racism and violence." The Alphabet-owned video platform tweeted that it was pledging the funds "in support of efforts to address social injustice."

The company did not specifically reference the demonstrations in cities across the US over the weekend protesting the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Authorities charged fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd's death, after a video showed Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck as other officers looked on.

The Center for Policing Equity is a nonprofit research think tank made up of research scientists and race...

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Jake Paul filmed looting, but denies being a part of it

Posted: 31 May 2020 10:47 AM PDT

Demetrius Andrade v Luke Keeler - Press Conference Eric Espada/Getty Images

Jake Paul is denying that he took part in looting captured on video at an Arizona mall after backlash about his appearance sprung up online.

In multiple videos posted to Instagram and Twitter, Paul and members of his crew are seen outside and inside an Arizona mall where looting is taking place. It remained unclear from the videos whether Paul and his team were actively involved in any looting, but commenters on social media, including prominent members of the YouTube community, criticized Paul for his appearance at the scene regardless. Paul's new statement claims that "neither I, nor anyone in our group, was engaged in any looting or vandalism."

"We filmed everything we saw in an effort to share our experience and bring more...

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Caught on camera, police explode in rage and violence across the US

Posted: 31 May 2020 08:46 AM PDT

Violent protest against police killing of George Floyd in NYC Photo by Mostafa Bassim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Over the past 72 hours, people across the US have captured what may be the most comprehensive live picture of police brutality ever. Any one of the videos we've seen could have sparked a national discussion, with people picking apart their elements, searching for context to argue about, and digging through the pasts of everyone involved. But it's not just one act of violence. It's everywhere.

Here is just a short list of scenes from the past few days:

  • A New York City police officer tore a protective mask off of a young black man and assaulted him with pepper spray while the victim peacefully stood with his hands up
  • New York City police officers, in two separate vehicles, rammed a crowd in a street. Separately, an officer in a moving...

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SpaceX’s Crew Dragon successfully docks with the space station

Posted: 31 May 2020 07:30 AM PDT

Crew Dragon Endeavour approaches the ISS. | Image: NASA / SpaceX

This morning, SpaceX's new Crew Dragon capsule successfully docked with the International Space Station, bringing the company's first crew to the orbiting outpost. Their arrival marks another major milestone for SpaceX's first crewed mission of the Crew Dragon, which successfully took off yesterday, May 30th, from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Now, the Crew Dragon's passengers — NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley — are set to begin an extended stay on board the ISS that could last up to four months. They will join three crew mates already living on board the station: NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner.

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Amazon removed racist images that appeared on some listings for headphones

Posted: 31 May 2020 07:10 AM PDT

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Amazon says it has removed images with racist language from some listings for headphones on its UK site, The Financial Times reported. Users posted screenshots to Twitter of search results for "AirPods" and "bluetooth headphones" that appeared on the e-commerce site. Instead of photos of headphones, the search results showed images that contained the N-word.

The listings seemed to be limited to the UK site, and appeared on the pages of new Amazon sellers, most of whom had few or no customer reviews, the FT reported.

As of Sunday morning the images did not appear on Amazon's UK site. "Our store maintains content guidelines which third party sellers are required to follow," an Amazon spokesperson said in an email to The Verge on Sunday....

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Trump vs. Twitter: The president takes on social media moderation

Posted: 31 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

President Trump Holds Press Conference In White House Rose Garden Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Twitter finally flagged several of Trump's tweets that violated its policies

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How to watch SpaceX’s first crew dock with the International Space Station

Posted: 31 May 2020 02:00 AM PDT

On Saturday afternoon, SpaceX launched its first human crew to space for NASA on the company's new Crew Dragon spacecraft — but the mission isn't over yet. After spending nearly a full day in orbit, the two passengers on board SpaceX's vehicle, NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, will attempt to dock with the International Space Station this morning.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon has an automatic docking system, which uses a series of sensors and cameras to help the vehicle approach the ISS and then grab on to an existing docking port. The Crew Dragon successfully tested out this technique last year when SpaceX launched a test version of the vehicle to the ISS without crew on board. But this time, the Crew Dragon will carry very precious...

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Fizemos a BOLA DE AÇÚCAR perfeita!

Posted: 30 May 2020 07:34 AM PDT

Manual do Mundo - Onde a gente aprende tudo!

Com açúcar, glicose de milho e água, fizemos a bola de açúcar perfeita!

Fizemos a BOLA DE AÇÚCAR perfeita! pertence a Manual do Mundo.

How to Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies

Posted: 31 May 2020 01:00 AM PDT

When you have a bad sunburn, you might be willing to try anything to get some relief. The itchy, red, flaky skin can be anything from an annoyance to a severely painful experience. Thankfully, most sunburns can be cured with a few natural remedies that you can do at home. Seek medical attention if you show symptoms of dehydration or if your sunburn isn't gone after 1 week.


[Edit]Applying Topical Treatments

  1. Rub aloe vera on your sunburn. Aloe vera is great for preventing sunburns and repairing sunburned skin. Purchase pure aloe vera gel or lotion that contains aloe vera and rub it directly on the affected skin. Or, cut a piece of aloe vera from the base of the plant and cut a slit down the center to expose the gel, then rub the gel on the sunburn.[1]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    • You can find these products at most drug stores.
    • You can reapply aloe vera gel throughout the day whenever the sunburn begins to feel painful.
    • Consider keeping a few aloe vera leaves in the refrigerator for an extra cooling effect.
  2. Cool your skin down with a cold washcloth or shower. Dampen a washcloth with cold water from your sink and wring out the excess. Put the washcloth gently on your skin to relieve the pain and feeling of heat. Or, take a shower that is slightly colder than lukewarm to cool down your whole body.[2]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    • If the spray from a shower is too painful for your tender skin, take a cool bath instead.
    • Don't use freezing cold water, because it could be too harsh for your body. Instead, keep the water cool but not cold.
  3. Avoid using benzocaine products, as they may cause an allergic reaction. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that you apply topically. Although benzocaine products are sometimes marketed toward sunburn relief, they may actually irritate your skin or even give you an allergic reaction. Stick to aloe vera or calamine products for a natural, soothing remedy.[3]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 3 Version 2.jpg

[Edit]Healing Your Sunburn Quickly

  1. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Although it may seem obvious, your sunburn will heal much faster if you don't aggravate it by exposing it to sunlight. Try to stay indoors or in the shade as much as possible until your sunburn is healed.[4]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    • Depending on the severity of your sunburn, it could take up to 1 week to heal.
  2. Drink water to stay hydrated. When your skin is burned, it doesn't keep fluid in as well. Make sure you are drinking water whenever you are thirsty, and try to stay away from dehydrating liquids like coffee, soda, and alcohol.[5]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    • Keep a water bottle nearby to drink out of anytime you get thirsty.
  3. Peel your skin gently if it starts to flake off. After a few days, your sunburn may begin to shed its topmost layer of skin. This is a good sign, and it means that your sunburn is healing. Wash your hands with soap and water and then try gently pulling the affected skin off the area with your fingers to speed up the process.[6]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    • Continue moisturizing as you peel your skin to aid in healing.
  4. Avoid repeat sun exposure once your sunburn has healed. If you get sunburns often on the same area of your body, you could be at risk for premature wrinkling, dark spots, or even some types of skin cancer. Once your sunburn heals, use an SPF 30 sunscreen or higher anytime you are outside to prevent it from happening again.[7]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    • If you have light, fair skin, you are more at risk for a sunburn.

[Edit]When to Seek Medical Attention

  1. See your doctor if you have red skin that doesn't go away after 1 week. Red skin is a common symptom of sunburn. If you have red skin that won't go away even after treating it, talk to your doctor to make sure there isn't a more serious problem. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medicine to help you heal.[8]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 8 Version 2.jpg
  2. Get medical treatment if you develop a reaction after using a natural remedy. Even the most gentle of natural treatments can cause a reaction in some people. If you notice irritation or the signs of an allergic reaction after using natural treatment for sunburn, stop using the remedy immediately and see a doctor.[9]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    • Seek emergency medical care if you develop severe allergic reaction symptoms such as rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, or if you feel like your throat may close up.
    • If you develop a painful rash, go to the emergency room or an urgent care clinic.
  3. Consult a doctor if you develop blisters on your body. Severe sunburn can include red skin and small blisters on the surface of your skin. If you develop big blisters over a portion of your body, it could lead to serious infection.[10]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 10.jpg
    • Do not attempt to pop or drain the blisters, or you could get an infection.
    • Avoid putting cream on the blisters.
  4. Seek emergency treatment if you develop a skin infection. Look for pus, swelling, or red streaks leading from any blisters that develop. They could be signs of an infection and can be very dangerous. Go to an emergency room or an urgent care clinic immediately for emergency treatment.[11]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 11.jpg
    • Untreated infections can lead to serious health issues and death.
    • Do not attempt to drain any blisters that may be infected.
  5. Get emergency medical care if you develop fever, chills, or dehydration. Being in the sun for too long can cause you to become dehydrated. If you develop symptoms of dehydration, you need to get to an urgent care clinic or an emergency room quickly.[12]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 12.jpg
    • Call an ambulance if you cannot drive to an emergency room.
    • Symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, dizziness, headache, sleepiness, rapid breathing and heart rate, and dark-colored urine.
  6. Go to a dermatologist if you develop new moles on your skin. Moles can sometimes become cancerous. Sunburn damages your skin and can lead to the development of cancer cells. When you're treating your sunburn, keep an eye on any moles that you have. If you develop new ones or your changes in your existing moles, make an appointment to see a dermatologist.[13]
    Treat Sunburn with Natural Remedies Step 13.jpg
    • If your existing moles get larger, change shape, or become raised, go to a dermatologist.
    • See a doctor immediately if your moles become painful or swollen.
    • Pay attention to the color of your moles. If any of them turn darker or lighter, see a dermatologist.


  • Although sunburns are itchy and painful, they usually go away within 1 week on their own.
  • Topical treatments like essential oils, oatmeal, baking soda, and witch hazel are sometimes recommended for healing sunburns, but they are not scientifically proven and can actually cause skin irritation.


  • Seek medical attention if your symptoms don't go away within 1 week.[14]


How to Learn Prepositions

Posted: 30 May 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Compared to nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, prepositions—which identify relationships between things in sentences—are harder to categorize and often more difficult to learn. Because there isn't much logical order in the way prepositions are used in the English language, memorization is an important part of learning them. Fortunately, this memorization can include drawing pictures, listening to podcasts, and playing "Simon says," among other things! Also note that, while the primary focus here is on prepositions in English, most of these suggestions are applicable for other languages as well.


[Edit]Using Learning Aids

  1. Utilize images to help you visualize prepositions. Combining text and images helps to reinforce what you're learning and can make it easier to remember specific prepositions. Either use learning aids that include both text and images, or create your own as you work on prepositions.[1]
    Learn Prepositions Step 1.jpg
    • For younger learners, for instance, try worksheets that include a sentence using a preposition and a corresponding image to color—such as an image showing "The cow jumped over the moon."
    • You might buy, download, or make flash cards that contain an image on one side and a corresponding sentence using one or more prepositions on the other side.
  2. Refer to preposition charts that use categories and examples. Prepositions are easier to "digest" when they're broken down into smaller "chunks." Instead of trying to memorize a random list of prepositions, download or make preposition charts that are broken down by category. Make sure the charts provide lots of examples as well![2]
    Learn Prepositions Step 2.jpg
    • A chart might use categories like "Time" and "Place." Note that a single preposition like "on" can appear in multiple categories—"on Wednesday" (time) and "on the table" (place)—which makes the inclusion of specific examples very helpful.
    • Look over the charts regularly, but don't try to just memorize everything in them. Instead, use them to write your own sample sentences, draw corresponding pictures, and so on.
  3. Use quizzes and learning drills you find online. There's no magical shortcut to learning prepositions—it takes time, patience, and practice. Frequent, brief drills and quizzes may help you get a firm grip on the most commonly-used prepositions and prepositional phrases in English. Check out well-known, well-respected e-learning sites and apps for free quizzes and drills.[3]
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    • A quiz might be as simple as picking the right preposition usage from 4 options, or filling in the blank in a sample sentence with the correct preposition. But simple quizzes can really work!

[Edit]Hearing, Reading, and Writing Prepositions

  1. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and similar sources. Many aspects of the English language don't follow a logical pattern, and prepositions definitely fall into that category. This doesn't mean that memorizing list after list of prepositions is your only alternative, though. Instead, listen carefully to how strong English speakers use prepositions in context.[4]
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    • Podcasts and audiobooks are great listening options, because you get to listen at your own pace to speakers who typically have a strong command of English. That said, listening to anyone using the language helps to build your familiarity with different prepositions and their usage.
  2. Repeat to yourself the prepositional phrases you identify. When you pick out a preposition while listening, quietly say the phrase or the entire sentence. Additionally, visualize what is being described while you repeat the words.[5]
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    • For instance, if you hear "He put his coat in the closet," repeat it to yourself and picture a man putting his coat in the closet.
    • Alternatively, jot down the phrases or sentences you identify. You can also make quick sketches—for instance, of a stick figure putting a coat into a closet.
  3. Read widely in the language you're learning. The more you read, the more prepositions you'll encounter, recognize, and remember. Use any reading material that's appropriate for your age and reading level—and that you also find interesting![6]
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    • Read slowly and carefully so you can pick out the prepositions.
  4. Highlight the prepositions you find. Use an actual highlighter, if possible, on written pages, or a digital highlighter for e-texts. Alternatively, jot down the preposition and where you can find it in the text.[7]
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    • If you're not sure if you've found a preposition, ask yourself the following about the whole prepositional phrase: Does it establish a "when," "where," or "how" relationship among people, objects, locations, or actions within the sentence? For instance, in "She likes to go to the store," the first "to" isn't a preposition, but the second "to" is.
  5. Sort by preposition and write complete sentences from the text. Once you've highlighted the prepositions in your reading passage, grab a notebook and write down each separate preposition—"in," "under," "at," and so on—at the top of its own page. Then, write down each sentence in the text that uses that preposition.[8]
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    • For example, your "on" page might include sentences like "Joe went on vacation last week," "He wrote his phone number on a scrap of paper," and "They got on the boat with a bit of trepidation."
    • This exercise helps you to recognize and eventually memorize different ways in which common prepositions are frequently used.

[Edit]Learning with Games and Activities

  1. Try the activity "look at me now" alone or with others. This simple but helpful activity involves nothing more than describing—to yourself or others—your situation in the present moment. So long as your description goes beyond the most basic details, you'll have to choose and use at least one preposition in the process.[9]
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    • You may want to make a game out of how many prepositions you can use: "I am sitting" (0); "I am sitting in my chair" (1); "I am sitting in my chair at home" (2); "I am sitting in my chair at home on a rainy day" (3).
    • This is a useful activity at home alone and in a classroom setting. As a teacher, you might ask the class at different times during the school day, "OK, who wants to give us a "look at me now" update?"
  2. Play "Simon says" to introduce different prepositions. Most of the common commands in this game—"Simon says put your hand on your head," "Simon says stand on one foot," "Touch your nose with your finger," and so on—use one or more prepositions. While playing with a group of friends or in a classroom, you'll hear and start to recognize how prepositions are used in English.[10]
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    • Alternatively, you might play a variation on this game in which the goal is to follow the commands only when the correct preposition is used—for instance, "Stand on one foot" versus "Stand at one foot."
  3. Have fun with charades or quick-drawing guessing games. While describing what the person is acting out or drawing, you'll probably have to use one or more prepositions. As a variation on the game, you might have different individuals or teams compete to see who can use the most prepositions to describe what's being acted out or drawn.[11]
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    • To reinforce what's being learned, write out the answers, circle the prepositions, and underline the prepositional phrases.


How to Remove Scratches from a Car

Posted: 30 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Scratches in car paint can be caused by a variety of things. Car accidents, vandalism, poor parking, and other parking lot mishaps are all common causes for a scratch or 2 on your perfect paint job. While scratches do detract from the appearance of your car, paying a body shop for a new coat of paint or even a small touch-up can be costly. You can try buffing out surface scratches with toothpaste, using a scratch removal product for small scratches, or sanding and repainting the area if the scratch is deep.


[Edit]Using Toothpaste for Surface Scratches

  1. Run a fingernail over the scratches to see if they are surface or deep. If your fingernail does not catch on the scratches, then they are on the surface and using toothpaste might be a good option. If your fingernail does catch on them, then they are deeper and you will need to use a professional scratch removal product.[1]
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  2. Wash and dry the scratched area. Before you apply toothpaste to the scratches, make sure that the area is very clean. Rubbing dirt and debris into the scratched area will make the scratches worse.[2]
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    • You can take your car to a car wash or wash it yourself.
    • To wash your car yourself, spray it with a hose to wet it all over and remove the majority of the dirt and debris. Then, use a large sponge or car-washing brush to apply soap formulated for vehicles to your car. Work the soap into all surface of your car and then use the hose to spray it off. Dry your car with a clean, dry towel.
  3. Apply a quarter-sized amount of toothpaste to a dampened microfiber towel. Get the microfiber towel wet enough so that it is just damp. Then, apply a quarter-sized amount of the toothpaste to the towel, or a little more or less depending on the size of the scratch.[3]
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    • Whitening toothpaste works best, but you can try removing the scratches with any toothpaste you have on hand.
    • You will need to apply the toothpaste with a soft, clean, microfiber towel to ensure that rubbing in the toothpaste does not cause more damage.
  4. Rub the toothpaste into the scratched area using a circular motion. Push down on the microfiber cloth and move it in small circles to buff out the scratches. Do this until the toothpaste is well-distributed on the surface.[4]
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    • You will need to apply some pressure as you apply the toothpaste, but not too much.
  5. Rinse off any excess toothpaste. After you finish buffing out the scratches, rinse the area thoroughly to remove the excess toothpaste. Spray your car with a hose and then dry the area with a microfiber towel.[5]
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    • You can also wipe away the excess toothpaste with a wet microfiber towel.
  6. Repeat the process up to 2 more times. You may need to do more than 1 application to get rid of surface scratches using toothpaste. Check the area to see if the scratches are still visible and then repeat the process 1 or 2 more times if needed.
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    • Make sure that you do not do more than 3 applications or you may damage the clear coat of the car's paint.

[Edit]Using a Scratch Removal Product for Small Scratches

  1. Wash your car so there is no dirt or debris left in the scratch. It is important to make sure that the area is completely clean before you apply any product to it or try to buff the area. Any dirt or debris left on the surface when you buff it will result in more scratches.[6]
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    • Spray your car with a hose before applying any soap to it. Then, use a sponge or brush meant for washing cars to work the soap in. Rinse the soap off completely and dry your car with microfiber towels. Be sure to use soap designed for washing cars.
  2. Purchase a scratch-removal product or kit. You can buy scratch-removal products at auto supply stores or in the auto supply section of large one-stop stores. These products are often sold as a scratch-removal kit that includes the scratch-removal solution and a buffing pad to apply the product.[7]
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    • If you are unsure about what types of scratch removal product to buy, ask a sales associate for help. Employees who work in auto supply stores are usually knowledgeable about these products.
    • A microfiber towel is often a good choice for applying scratch removal products since they are gentle on the surface of your car.
    • Some products even come with a mechanical buffing tool that you can use to get rid of the scratches.
  3. Apply a quarter-sized dollop of scratch-removal product to the pad. You may need a little more or less depending on the size of the scratched area. Squirt the product onto the buffing pad or microfiber cloth, and then fold it in half to work the product around the surface of the pad or cloth.[8]
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    • Make sure that the product is evenly distributed on the cloth or pad before you begin.
  4. Work the product into the scratched area and the surrounding areas. You can work the product in using a circular motion or a back and forth motion. Do what is most comfortable for you and what covers the scratched area best, but do not switch directions! Only go back and forth or in circles. Continue to work in the product for a few minutes so that it is well distributed.[9]
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    • Make sure to apply light to medium pressure as you work in the product.
  5. Wipe away the product residue. After you have finished buffing the scratched area, use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away the excess product. Buff the surface of the car where you applied the product using a circular motion.[10]
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    • Do not allow the excess product to dry on the surface of your car.
    • Check the manufacturer's instructions to be sure about how to remove the excess product.
  6. Repeat 2 to 3 times if needed. Check the area to see if the scratches are still visible. If they are, then you can repeat the product application 2 to 3 times. Just be careful not to do this too many times or you may damage the clear coat on your car.
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    • Check the manufacturer's instructions before proceeding with another application.

[Edit]Painting to Fix Deep Scratches

  1. Wash and dry the car thoroughly. If your car is dirty during scratch repair, that dirt could create more scratches. Wash your car thoroughly to remove all of the dirt and debris. You may want to rinse the scratched area a couple of extra time to be certain that it is clean.
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    • Pay particular attention to the area you will be repairing. Spray the scratched area with water, making sure to get any debris out of the scratch. Then, clean the area well with soap formulated for use on cars and rinse it all away with clean water.
  2. Sand the scratched area to strip away the top layers of paint. Wrap 2000-grit wet/dry sandpaper around a sanding pad (a holder for the sandpaper with a handle on it) and begin sanding the scratched area.[11] Sand for 10 to 15 seconds at a time and then check the area to see if you need to sand deeper.
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    • Always sand in the direction of the scratch. You do not want to create opposing scratches, which will only add more ridges and valleys in the paint that need to be repaired.
    • Rinse the area with water as needed to check your progress. This will allow you to better see if you have gotten to the bottom of the scratch.
    • If the scratch is slightly deeper than the clear coat, use 1500-grit sandpaper to level the surface and then 2000-grit sandpaper to remove the scratches made by the coarser sandpaper.
    • Avoid getting dirt or debris between the sandpaper and the vehicle. This will cause scratching.
  3. Rinse and dry the area. Rinse away the debris left by sanding the scratched area. Then, use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe the surface dry.
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    • Avoid using old or dirty rags since these could cause more scratches on the surface of your car.
  4. Spray a few coats of primer onto the sanded areas. Get some sandable primer in an aerosol can. Spray the primer onto the area you have just sanded. Use a back and forth motion to spray on the paint. Then, wait 5 to 10 minutes for the primer to dry and spray on another layer. Do this a total of 3 times.[12]
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    • Choose a primer that is close to the color of your car's paint, if possible. It will not be an exact match, but your paint will be.
  5. Apply a few coats of paint that match your car. Next, spray on the same color paint as is on the rest of your car to the area where you applied the primer. Wait 5 to 10 minutes between each application so that the paint dries completely.[13]
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    • To ensure that the paint will match, check with your car's manufacturer to get the same shade of paint. You may be able to purchase the paint from an auto supply store, or you may have to special order the paint from your car's manufacturer.
  6. Wax the area to seal the paint you have repaired. Apply a high-quality carnauba wax to the surface of your car and then buff the area with a buffer pad or microfiber cloth. You can purchase a waxing kit that includes everything you need to wax your car, such as the wax and a buffing pad or microfiber cloth.[14]
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    • Apply a quarter-size amount of wax to the buffing pad or cloth to start and add more if needed.
    • Use circular motions and press down on the pad or cloth with medium pressure.
    • Keep going until the wax is evenly distributed and the car's surface looks shiny.




  • If the scratches in your car's paint are deep or excessive, you may want to consider going to a body shop to get them repaired. Auto body shops have the professional set up and know-how to give your car a beautiful, shiny new surface.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Using Toothpaste for Surface Scratches

  • Soap
  • Hose
  • Sponge
  • Microfiber towels
  • Toothpaste

[Edit]Using a Scratch Removal Product for Small Scratches

  • Soap
  • Hose
  • Sponge
  • Microfiber towels (to dry your car)
  • Scratch removal kit
  • Buffing pad or microfiber towel

[Edit]Painting to Fix Deep Scratches

  • Soap
  • Hose
  • Sponge
  • Microfiber towels (to dry your car)
  • 1500- and 2000-grit sandpaper
  • Sanding pad
  • Sander
  • Sandable spray primer
  • Spray paint that matches your car's existing paint
  • Car wax

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