Salmon is one of the tastiest fish on the planet—even grouchy old grizzly bears know this! To bring out the best flavor, a slow grill and a little patience are all you need to achieve perfect grilled salmon! We'll show you a couple different ways, and add a sauce that goes great with salmon.
Season the salmon. Blend the dry seasonings—garlic powder, salt, and pepper—in a small bowl, and dust the salmon evenly with that.
Marinate for a couple hours. Blend the lemon juice, soy sauce, brown sugar, water, and vegetable oil until it is well blended and the sugar is dissolved, and then pour into a large Ziploc plastic bag with the fish.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, and no more than 4. Turn occasionally to mix things up.
Fire up the grill.
For a charcoal grill, heap the coals to the side so you have a hot area and a warm area. Consider using real wood charcoal, as the briquettes impart a chemical taste to delicate meats.
For a gas grill, set the temperature to medium heat: 325° F (160° C).
Lightly brush the grill grate with vegetable oil.
Place the salmon on the warm part of the grill. Discard the marinade.
Turn the salmon over after six to eight minutes and allow it to cook on the other side for another six to eight minutes.
Sear it. Place the salmon on the hottest part of the grill to get grill marks on it—it only takes a minute or so on each side.
Fire up the grill. For a charcoal grill, heap the coals to the side so you have a hot area and a warm area. For a gas grill, set the temperature to medium heat: 325° F (160° C).
Lightly brush the grill grate with vegetable oil.
Baste the salmon. With a small brush or paper towel, lightly apply mayonnaise onto both sides of the salmon. You may use olive oil, if you prefer.
Grill it slow. Place the salmon on the warm part of the grill. The mayonnaise keeps the fish from sticking, and will burn off. Before you flip it, coat the visible side of the salmon with more mayonnaise so it will not stick.
Turn the salmon over after three to five minutes and allow it to cook on the other side for about three minutes.
Sear it. Place the salmon on the hottest part of the grill to get grill marks on it—it only takes a minute or so on each side.
Do this as the salmon marinates. It takes about an hour to make, mostly unattended.
Fill medium saucepan with port. Reserve about 1/4 cup port. This will be used near the end.
Add all but 2 tablespoons of blueberries. These will go in near the end.
Bring to a simmer. Do not boil. Stir every 10 minutes or so.
When the sauce has reduced down far enough so it's starting to get thick (about 1 hour), strain the solids from the sauce with a sieve and return the liquid to the saucepan.
Add the remaining port, and continue reducing until the sauce is thick and syrupy.
If you still have a while until dinner, you can either remove the sauce from the heat, or add more port if you like.
About 10 minutes before serving, add in the reserved blueberries.
Serve over the grilled salmon.
Options. You can add other flavors to the reduction sauce, too. Some flavors that go well with this sauce include black peppercorns, rosemary, or chocolate. Experiment!
The chef usually does a better job if provided with a cold beer or a nice glass of wine.
Salmon goes well with rice pilaf and a green salad.
Suggested wine pairings:
Chardonnay: Especially one that lets the fruit come out. Not too oaky
Pinot Noir: A classic pairing for grilled salmon especially
Chenin Blanc: Fragrant and a little sweet, a wonderful and often overlooked pairing for salmon
To add a light smoke flavor to your salmon, you may want to consider Northern White Cedar chips or chunks. For charcoal, toss a handful of chips directly on the coals just before adding the salmon. For gas grills, place chunks on grilling surface. When they start to smoke, add the salmon.
A prática de demonstrar vínculo a partir de objetos não é algo exclusivo da modernidade. Na verdade, um estudo publicado no Journal of Archaeological Method and Theorysugere que caçadores-coletores da Idade da Pedra usavam fragmentos de anéis de ardósia (tipo de rocha metamórfica) para firmar laços.
O estudo é assinado por pesquisadores da Universidade de Helsinque e da Universidade de Turku, ambas finlandesas. Por muito tempo, cientistas pensaram que estas peças costumavam ser encontradas aos pedaços devido à ação do tempo. Agora, os pesquisadores sugerem que os anéis de 5 mil anos eram partidos deliberadamente, sendo depois transformados em pingentes.
Uma análise de aproximadamente 50 anéis revelou que as peças haviam sido importadas da região do Lago Onega, na Rússia, apesar de descobertas na Finlândia. Os anéis de ardósia parecem ter viajado a Europa por meio de uma ampla rota comercial da época.
Além disso, metades que se completavam foram encontradas em locais diferentes, indicando que não pertenciam a uma mesma pessoa. Os pesquisadores também notaram que alguns fragmentos eram mais trabalhados do que o outros, sugerindo que o dono de cada uma das pulseiras da amizade a estilizou de acordo com seus gostos.
A peça também pode ter sido utilizada para manter uma conexão entre os vivos e os mortos. A sugestão veio após os pesquisadores identificarem semicírculos que se completavam em um assentamento e em um cemitério próximo.
O mercado de TI cresce cada vez mais, estando em constante aquecimento e atualizações, ainda mais com questões que envolvem a LGPD na era digital. Além disso, empresas que utilizaram o contexto pandêmico para atualizações de processos passaram a exigir mais do seu setor pessoal de TI, assim como o mercado se tornou propício para a expansão de filiais que fornecem serviços no nicho.
Com isso, a procura por profissionais qualificados também acompanha a onda de expansão do nicho, sendo promissora para quem procura se destacar. No entanto, existem alguns perfis de profissionais que são mais procurados pelo mercado. Conheça agora quais são!
Especialistas em Cibersegurança e Arquitetos de Big Data
Estando presentes na área de cibersegurança e banco de dados virtuais, a necessidade de um profissional de TI qualificado para cuidar dos sistemas de empresas, principalmente com a adaptação de ambientes por conta da pandemia, aumentou exponencialmente.
A necessidade de manter softwares, hardwares e sistemas de multiplataformas seguros, mesmo com os colaboradores em casa, fez com diversas companhias investirem em profissionais de cibersegurança, evitando possíveis exposições, invasões ou vazamento de informações.
Com isso, os profissionais que estão envolvidos com esse tipo de atividade dentro do mercado de TI começaram a ser mais requisitados. Estes seriam:
Especialista em infraestrutura
Especialista em segurança da informação
Especialista em BI
Arquiteto de Big Data
Analistas e especialistas DevOps, Gerentes e Desenvolvedores de Sistemas
De acordo com a pesquisa levantada pela Conquest One, profissionais responsáveis pela otimização e gerenciamento de processos internos das empresas, ampliação da qualidade de produtos entregues, e os desenvolvedores de sistemas e aplicativos, representam cerca de 40% das vagas disponibilizadas no mercado.
Com isso, a necessidade de pessoas atuantes nas frentes de DevOps, desenvolvimento mobile, testagem de códigos e Agile é alta, com os nichos mais procurados em:
Gerente de engenharia de sistemas
Engenheiros de software
Programador de sistemas (Mobile)
Cientistas e engenheiros de dados
Testador de Códigos
Analistas DevOps
No entanto, por mais que o mercado de TI esteja em constante crescimento, é necessário que o profissional que está contextualizado nesse nicho seja atualizado e possua alguns conhecimentos específicos, além de estar sempre aprimorando o lado profissional com estudos na área.
A melhor educação de TI no Brasil
O IGTI (Instituto de Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação) oferece a melhor educação em TI do Brasil, com cursos presenciais ou 100% online, e pode ajudar você, que quer iniciar na carreira da tecnologia, ou que já é da área e tem interesse em sair na frente nesse mercado cada vez mais abrangente.
No site da IGTI você encontra os Bootcamps, que tratam de diferentes áreas do conhecimento do nicho, e cada um possui duração de 10 semanas. As aulas desta modalidade são ministradas ao vivo, o que oferece uma ótima oportunidade para fazer networking com os professores, bem como construir o aprendizado com outros estudantes.
Além dos bootcamps, você encontra cursos de pós-graduação com duração total de sete meses, estruturados por dois bootcamps (cada um com duração de 10 semanas) e um Projeto Aplicado, em que o aluno desenvolve competências técnicas por meio de abordagens dinâmicas e inovadoras.
Confira nossa seleção de pós graduações para você se inscrever, arrasar nos estudos e integrar o mercado com grandes diferenciais:
Taylor Hawkins, baterista do Foo Fighters, morreu aos 50 anos no último dia 25 de março. O músico foi encontrado sem vida em um hotel em Bogotá, na Colômbia.
Com isso, o resto da turnê do grupo na América Latina foi encerrado. Entre os shows previstos estava o festival Lollapalooza Brasil, em São Paulo.
“Seu espírito musical e risada contagiante viverão com todos nós para sempre. Nossos corações estão com sua esposa, filhos e família, e pedimos que sua privacidade seja tratada com o maior respeito neste momento inimaginavelmente difícil”, disse a banda liderada por Dave Grohl, ex-integrante do Nirvana, em um post nas redes sociais.
Hawkins tocou com o Foo Fighters por mais de duas décadas, juntando-se ao grupo logo depois logo após o álbum "The Color And The Shape", de 1997.
O baterista nasceu no Texas em 1972 e cresceu em Laguna Beach, Califórnia, onde começou a estudar música de conservatório. Embora sua especialidade fosse bateria, ele também tocava piano e violão.
Antes de ingressar no Foo Fighters, Hawkins tocou bateria para Alanis Morissette. Entre os artistas que inspiraram sua carreira estavam Stewart Copeland, do The Police, e Roger Taylor, do Queen –banda inglesa que ele era fã declarado como vamos perceber abaixo.
Como forma de homenagem, separamos quatro momentos saudosos do baterista Taylor Hawkins, do Foo Fighters. Confira:
1- Carpool Karaoke
James Corden do The Late Late Show e os Foo Fighters passeiam por Los Angeles, cantando os clássicos da banda antes de entrar em uma loja de música para uma jam de bateria com Dave Grohl e Taylor Hawkins.
2- Somebody To Love – Chile
O último show. Na apresentação noo Lollapalooza Chile, em março, o baterista deixa as baquetas para cantar o clássico "Somebody to Love", do Queen, e interagir com a plateia. Dave Grohl vai para a bateria e é aclamado por Hawkins. Uma emoção só.
3- Steve Lamacq Show – BBC 6
O baterista do Foo Fighters também bateu um papo na BBC Radio 6 Music com o conceituado apresentador Steve Lamacq. Na entrevista, ele falou sobre os mais de 20 anos na banda. Vale a pena conferir a conversa e as demonstrações sensacionais de Hawkins neste programa especial.
4- Foo Fighters e o filho do Roger Taylor (Queen)
O último destaque da lista fica com outro momento em que Taylor Hawkins assumiu os vocais. Desta vez, a música é um cover de “Under Pressure”, clássico do Queen com David Bowie, performado durante um show em Nova Orleans, nos EUA, em 2017. Mas não foi só isso! A banda convida o baterista Rufus Taylor, filho do Roger Taylor, do Queen, para assumir as baquetas. Inesquecível.
Farol, sinal, sinaleira, o semáforo tem vários nomes pelo Brasil, mas sua funcionalidade é a mesma em qualquer lugar do mundo. Mas você sabe quando foi instalado o primeiro semáforo do Brasil e qual o primeiro do mundo? Vem que o Gizmodo te conta.
O primeiro semáforo surgiu em Londres, por volta do ano de 1868 e foi inventado pelo inglês John Peake Knight. O equipamento foi colocado na praça em frente ao Parlamento britânico, onde fica o relógio Big Ben, visando regular o tráfego de cavalos.
O equipamento que era uma espécie de lanterna, funcionava com gás, na época só tinham duas luzes, verde e vermelha, mas, durante a operação de uma dessas lanternas, houve uma explosão e um dos policiais que mexia no dispositivo se feriu. O método se mostrou bastante inseguro e foi banido.
Só em 1920, inspirado nos semáforos ferroviários (sim, muito antes de haver faróis ou sinaleiras nas ruas, eles já existiam para orientar as locomotivas a vapor), nasceu o semáforo que conhecemos hoje. Ele foi criado nos Estado Unidos e desde então passou a organizar os cruzamentos e avenidas ao redor do mundo.
Primeiro do Brasil
Quem nunca reclamou da quantidade de sinal fechado no trânsito por ou do caos porque tem um desligado? Mas acredite, ruim com eles, muito pior sem eles, e por aqui foi assim por muito tempo.
No Brasil, o primeiro equipamento surgiu em 1935 e foi instalado em solo paulista, no centro da cidade, no Brás.
Assim como o primeiro lançado lá em 1920 nos EUA, o do Brasil também foi uma novidade de última geração que visava garantir a segurança e ordem nos cruzamentos e assim ficou até hoje.
Ordem das cores
Uma curiosidade extra em relação à invenção dos semáforos são as suas cores já tão conhecidas por todos, mas você já reparou a ordem delas e você sabe por qual motivo elas seguem a ordem de vermelho, laranja/amarelo e verde?
Em todos os países a luz vermelha está acima, ou à esquerda, para as pessoas com alguma doença de visão, o daltonismo, por exemplo, consigam interpretar e entender quando é preciso parar e assim evitar problemas.
Atualmente já existem inúmeros modelos de sinal, sinaleira, farol seja lá como é chamado no seu estado. Alguns mostram os minutos que vão ficar fechado ou aberto. Existem também os para os pedestres com as silhuetas, existem até para ciclistas. Mas todos com o mesmo objetivo, organizar — ou não — o trânsito local.
No AliExpress você encontra sempre novidades e mega descontos sob produtos de diversas categorias. Com isso, a plataforma fez mais uma seleção completa de produtos e oferece descontos de até 80% para os clientes da plataforma.
Essa semana de Super Ofertas é válida para todos os clientes, indo do dia 25 de Abril a 2 de Maio, das 21 horas até 00:00 do último dia das ofertas.
Você pode conferir todas as ofertas clicando aqui. No entanto, confira algumas opções que achamos que podem te interessar dessa mega promoção:
Além desta semana de Super Ofertas, o AliExpress fez algo diferente para os novos usuários da plataforma.
Funcionando somente pelo aplicativo, os novos clientes encontram mais produtos com preços especiais! Essa promoção é válida do dia 25 de Abril das 4 da manhã até o dia 2 de Maio até 3:59 da manhã.
Confira todas as ofertas para usuários do aplicativo clicando aqui, ou dê uma olhadinha em algumas opções que achamos que podem ser do seu interesse:
Os emojis fazem parte do modo com que as pessoas se comunicam e se expressam na internet. É muito comum se deparar com comentários em redes sociais que não possuem nenhuma palavra, mas você entende perfeitamente o que quer ser dito apenas com os emojis que foram publicados. Os emojis não estão presentes apenas nas redes sociais, já chegaram até mesmo ao Google Docs e devem ganhar mais terreno nos próximos anos.
A primeira coisa que você precisa saber, caso queira enviar sua ideia de emoji é que o Unicode, é um padrão que unifica os caracteres e permite que os computadores entendam quaisquer sistema de escrita em quaisquer idiomas e é por lá que você enviará sua proposta. Ele também é responsável por unificar e centralizar o vasto catálogo de emojis que existe, e se tiver uma ideia sobre algum novo emoji, precisa passar por um processo de avaliação para ver se a proposta do emoji é ou não aceita.
Recentemente o Wired publicou uma matéria sobre o processo de submissão de uma ideia de emoji ao Unicode e o que é preciso para que uma ideia seja aceita e vire de fato um ícone.
A primeira dica, caso queira enviar uma proposta é dar uma olhada na Emojipedia, para conferir se a sua ideia já não existe. Além disso, é uma boa prática olhar os pedidos recusados de emojis, já que de acordo com as diretrizes da plataforma, um pedido recusado só pode ser refeito após o fim de um período de 2022.
Imagem: Unsplash
Quem for fazer o envio a indicação precisa justificar a necessidade de uso e também apresentar algum dado que comprove a demanda pelo seu emoji. De acordo com as regras do Unicode, se algum desenho existente for capaz de representar a sua ideia – mesmo que não signifique exatamente aquilo –, sua proposta será recusada.
Outro ponto para se atentar é que a arte precisa ser original, ou de algum modo apresentar evidências de que a imagem enviada é de domínio público.
Resumindo tudo: confira se sua ideia é original mesmo e se já não existe nenhum emoji disponível no catálogo, fundamente bem a necessidade e colete a maior quantidade de dados possíveis que possam enfatizar a importância do seu ícone, dê ideias de design e siga à risca todas as exigências da plataforma para ter maiores chances de emplacar.
A partir deste sábado (29), a estrela Kirsten Caroline Dunst tem 40 anos de idade. Dona de uma das mais incríveis carreiras do cinema contemporâneo, esta norte-americana de New Jersey começou a atuar desde cedo. Aos 12 anos já fazia sucesso como a vampirinha Claudia em “Entrevista Com o Vampiro” (1994). Foi só o começo.
Logo em seguida, fez importantes papéis coadjuvantes em "Adoráveis Mulheres" (1994) e "Jumanji" (1995). Mas a vida em Hollywood decolou mesmo em "As Virgens Suicidas” (1999). E precocemente atingiu o auge aos 20 anos como a Mary Jane Watson na franquia do "Homem-Aranha" (2002), completando a trilogia em 2004 e 2007.
Com reconhecimento na indústria, a atriz foi convidada para diversos projetos interessantes, vivendo personagens marcantes que ficaram na memória dos fãs de cinema. Dunst passou a estrelar várias comédias românticas, dramas e provou ser uma atriz de alcance e habilidades excepcionais. Normalmente, a maioria dos filmes de Kirsten Dunst aparecem na categoria de romance, mas sua escolha de filmes tem sido notavelmente diversa.
Como forma de homenagear a mais nova quarentona do cinema, separamos os nove melhores filmes com Kirsten Dunst disponíveis em streaming. Se liga só:
Ataque dos Cães (2021)
Lançado no final de 2021 pela Netflix, "Ataque dos Cães" ("The Power of the Dog", no original) é um drama cheio de cenas intensas e personagens bem construídos. Dirigido pela cineasta Jane Campion, na trama, Dunst vive Rose Gordon, uma viúva que é proprietária de um restaurante. Ela é mãe de Peter (Kodi Smit-McPhee), que se torna alvo de zombaria por parte de Phil Burbank (Benedict Cumberbatch).
No entanto, em determinado ponto da narrativa, George Burbank (Jesse Plemons), o irmão de Phil, decide se casar com ela, gerando grande desconforto na família. Talvez esse seja um dos papéis mais desafiadores da atriz, rendendo, inclusive, uma indicação ao Oscar de Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante neste ano.
Onde o filme está disponível: Netflix.
O Estranho que Nós Amamos (2017)
Em sua segunda parceria com Sofia Coppola, Dunst vive Edwina Dabney, papel que coube anteriormente à Elizabeth Hartman, em 1971, quando a primeira versão da história foi levada aos cinemas. Consistindo em um drama de guerra com grande elenco, incluindo estrelas como Elle Fanning, Colin Farrell e Nicole Kidman, o roteiro explora um internato para mulheres que serve de abrigo para um soldado da União.
Quando chega ao local, John McBurney está muito ferido. No entanto, durante seu processo de recuperação acaba se afeiçoando por algumas das mulheres da região.
Onde o filme está disponível: Google Play Filmes e TV, Apple TV e Youtube.
Maria Antonieta (2006)
Kirsten Dunst coleciona diversos papéis em filmes dirigidos por Sofia Coppola. Um deles é o de Maria Antonieta, uma figura histórica repleta de nuances interessantes. Na produção, os espectadores acompanham a trajetória da arquiduquesa desde os seus primeiros anos, quando precisou mudar de seu país natal, no caso, a Áustria, para a França e se casar com o príncipe Luis XVI (Jason Schwartzman).
Aos poucos, é também possível assistir o desenvolvimento da personagem durante a Revolução Russa. Todo o requinte do Palácio de Versailles não fica de fora do longa-metragem.
Onde o filme está disponível: Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Filmes e TV, Apple TV e Youtube.
Tudo acontece em Elizabethtown (2005)
Nesta comédia romântica, há muitos encontros e desencontros. Depois de lidar com o fracasso de um de seus projetos dentro da empresa em que trabalha, Drew (Orlando Bloom) é informado de que seu pai morreu.
A caminho de Elizabethtown, no estado americano de Kentucky, cidade onde ocorreu o enterro, ele conhece Claire (Kirsten Dunst) e se apaixona perdidamente por ela. O elenco ainda conta com as participações de Susan Sarandon e Alec Baldwin.
Onde o filme está disponível: Globo Play, Telecine, Youtube e Google Play Filmes e TV.
Trilogia do Homem-Aranha (2002, 2004, 2007)
A trilogia "Homem-Aranha" altamente popular de Sam Raimi e estrelada por Dunst como Mary Jane Watson, o interesse amoroso de Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire). Esta não é uma peça particularmente boa de atuação e o papel não exige muito dela, mas ela é dona de Mary Jane e traz um certo charme ao papel que eleva o elemento divertido de toda a trilogia. Ela é incrivelmente doce e afetuosa e nos impressiona com um charme que torna todos os três filmes infinitamente “assistíveis”.
Onde os filmes estão disponíveis: Netflix, HBO Max, Globo Play e Amazon Prime Video.
Teenagers – As Apimentadas (2000)
Este foi o primeiro grande papel principal de Dunst em um filme. No exuberante drama esportivo adolescente de Peyton Reed, Dunst interpreta Torrance Shipman, a capitã da equipe de líderes de torcida que precisa obter o melhor do grupo para ganhar competições. Dunst se encaixa no papel como uma luva e ela consegue trazer a exuberância, a vivacidade e o charme necessários para o papel que transforma o filme em uma experiência emocionante, apesar de seu enredo banal e narrativa ocasional sinuosa.
Onde o filme está disponível: Globo Play e Amazon Prime Video.
As Virgens Suicidas (1999)
As cinco filhas do casal Lisbon viveriam tranquilamente em uma cidade no subúrbio norte-americano durante os anos 1970, se não fosse pela repressão sofrida dentro de casa com regras muito rígidas a serem seguidas. Tudo isso porque as meninas são sempre alvos de olhares e investidas de inúmeros garotos da região.
Obviamente, essas questões culminam em tentativas de suicídio de todas elas, tendo em vista que não poderiam viver sua juventude da forma que gostariam. Isso inclui Lux (Kirsten Dunst), que se envolve com Trip Fontaine (Josh Hartnett) de um jeito catastrófico. Primeira parceria da atriz com a diretora Sofia Coppola.
Onde o filme está disponível: Amazon Prime Video e Apple TV. is a fun online game where you get to draw pictures and guess what others are creating. Private Skribbl rooms are rooms you can only join with a link. These rooms are helpful when you only want to play with a specific group of people. This wikiHow will teach you how to create one yourself!
Navigate to in a web browser. You can use any web browser on PC or Mac. You can play from within a web browser.
Enter your name into the first box. Use the text box above the image of your avatar. You can use a nickname or your real name.
Alternatively, you can leave this box blank. You will be given a random name.
Select your language. Use the drop-down menu next to your name to select a language. This sets the language for the room you will be creating.
Use the top arrows to change the eyes (optional). The character in the center of the window to the left is the avatar that is used to represent you during the game. You can use the arrows to the left and right to customize it. Use the top arrows to change the eyes (optional). There are 31 options for the eyes.
Alternatively, you can also click the dice at the top-right to have the look of the avatar randomly selected for you.
Use the middle arrows to change the mouth of the avatar (optional). The middle arrows to the left and right of the avatar change its mouth. There are 24 options for the mouth.
Use the bottom arrows to change the color of the avatar (optional). The bottom arrows to the left and right of the avatar change its color. There are 18 different colors to choose from.
Click . It's the blue button at the bottom of the window. This takes you into the private room you can invite people to, not the public room anyone can join.
If there is an advertisement, just wait for it to finish to proceed.
Pick how many Rounds you want to play. The default is 3 rounds. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select the number of rounds you want to play.
You can pick from 2 rounds up to 10 rounds.
Choose the "Draw time in seconds". This will be how long each player gets to draw. The default is 80 seconds.
You can choose between 30 seconds and 180 seconds.
Change your language if you didn't already. Make the language your default language, or the language everybody talks in.
Enter your custom words. The custom words are words that you will be able to draw when it is your turn. When typing them, separate them with a comma. You have to have 4 at minimum, and they have to be 30 characters or less.
If you want to use the custom words exclusively, then click the check box beneath.
Click next to the link. The link is displays when you hover the mouse cursor over the white bar at the bottom. Click the yellow button that says Copy to copy the link. You can send it to your friends to invite them to join.
Share the link with your friends. Simply paste the link in a message to invite your friends to join. You can paste it in an email, a social media or web forum post, or a direct message. To paste the link, simply right-click and click Paste. You can have up to 12 players in a private room.
Your friend will be directed to the main lobby first. They have to make a name and look before joining your room. After they are ready to play and have customized their avatar. Once they are finished, they should click the green button that says Play.
If the link is not taking your friends to the private room, you can try right-clicking the link and clicking Copy instead of clicking the copy button. If that doesn't work, you can try typing the link manually.
Click after everyone has joined. This will now open the game, and you will be able to play just like normal.
The only thing different is that you will have a crown, due to you being the one who created the room.
You need at least one other player in the room before you can start a game.
Keeping a clean face requires only a little bit of effort, and the results are rewarding: a glowing, acne-free complexion. This wikiHow will give you advice on how to keep your face clean.
Figure out what kind of skin you have. Is your skin dry, oily or normal? This is what you have to figure out so you can make sure you have the right face products.[1] There are so many different types that it can be confusing.[2]
If you have normal skin, your skin has the right balance of moisture, oil and durability. This is what you're trying to achieve with keeping it clean.
If you have oily skin you face might appear shiny, greasy or oil only a few hours after washing.
If you have dry skin, it's often flaky, and can look dull.
If you have sensitive skin, your skin is often tight or itchy and you experience allergic reactions when you come into contact with certain chemicals.
A lot of people have combination skin, where part of your face is oily while a different part is dry.[3]
Use a simple face wash twice a day. Wash once in the morning and once in the evening.[4] Everyone's skin is different and needs different things. You may have to test out a few different face washes to find the one that works best for you. What you really want from a face wash is something that cleans away dirt and germs and excess oils, but doesn't strip your skin of its healthy oils.[5]
Picking your cleanser is based on your skin type, how often you wear make-up, and how often you work out.[6] For instance, if your skin is oily, you'll want a cleanser that has a low pH level, which will be more effective in cleaning the oil. If you have sensitive skin, you won't want the cleansers that are full of chemicals.
Avoid using ordinary soaps, which are too harsh for your face and can strip it of its natural oils.
It's best to rinse your face with warm water or cool water. Hot water strips the healthy natural oils from your skin.
You need to wash your face after exercising to get rid of any sweat and dirt and oils that might clog your pores.
If you want to avoid chemicals from store-bought face wash, you can consider making your own.
Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Don't scrub your face dry, be gentle. The skin on your face is sensitive. Make sure that the towel is clean. Otherwise, you'll be transferring bacteria to your clean face.
Use toners. While not necessary, toners can be a great help to people with oily skin, acne, or badly plugged pores. Toners help remove excess oils, and dead skin after that remain after cleansing. This is an excellent way to add active ingredients like retinoids, antioxidants and exfoliants to your skin regimen.[7]
Apply the toner after cleansing with a clean cotton facial pad to your forehead, nose and chin (the so-called "t-zone"). Move the pad in gentle circles, avoiding the eye area.
Find the right toner for your skin type. Certain formulations can help exfoliate acne-prone skin; others contain anti-inflammatory properties for sensitive.
Many dermatologists recommended not using an alcohol based toner because it's too drying even for oily skin.
Treat the skin around your eyes gently. Don't rub your eyes, or use harsh make-up removers on them. That part of the face is delicate. So, likewise, don't splash yourself awake in the morning with cold water.
Don't touch your face. Touching your face can spread the bacteria which cause your pores to become inflamed.[8] If you have to touch your face to apply makeup or face cream, wash your hands first to make sure they're clean of oils.
Also, try to avoid leaning your face against items that collect sebum and skin residue, such as a phone. Sebum is a light oily substance secreted by the skin glands which moisturizes skin and hair.
Use makeup that is suitable for your skin type. Try to buy make-up that has "noncomedogenic" or "non-acnegenic" on the label if you can, as these are designed to help prevent acne and breakouts and won't clog your pores.
Make sure that you aren't using old make-up. Skincare products, like food, have an expiration date. Using them after that date will do more harm than good.
Try to use mineral based or water based makeup instead of choosing oil based ones as they make skin look greasy and dull.
Drink lots of water. Drink at least eight glasses of water. Staying hydrated and making sure that your body has plenty of water means that your body will be better able to function properly, including maintaining the health and cleanliness of your skin.
Follow a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits and eliminates sugar and "junk foods."[9]
Try low-fat dairy products. A low-fat yogurt has vitamin A, something our skin is dependent upon. It also has acidophilus, a "live" bacteria that helps promote intestinal health, which in turn can help skin.
Eat foods that have a high antioxidant content like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums.
Try foods that deliver essential fatty acids needed for healthy skin like salmon, walnuts, and flax seed. Essential fatty acids promote healthy cell membranes, which in turn promote healthy skin.
Have a facial. You can either go to a beautician and have someone do a facial for you, or you can try one of the many home facials. Remember to use the one which goes for your skin type. If your skin is oily, try a facial that is for oily skin.
A good home facial mask is a mixture of milk and honey together. After blending the ingredients, put the mixture on your face for 30 minutes, then clean your face with warm water.
Exfoliate your skin. Gently exfoliating your skin will make you get rid of dead cells in your face, which can make your skin look dark and rough. Exfoliate your skin once a week, or once a month. Don't do it more than once a week, because it can strip your skin of important essential oils.[10]
A nice exfoliation scrub can increase the circulation in your face giving you a healthy, rosy glow.
All you need for a home exfoliating scrub is an exfoliant like salt or sugar, a binder like honey or water, and a moisturizer that includes vitamin E oil, jojoba oil or even olive oil. If you have oily skin, you can use a mashed banana or avocado as a moisturizer.
Get rid of pimples. While it can be satisfying to pick at the pimples and pop them with your fingernails, that is the exact wrong way to deal with a pimple! Wash your hands well before dealing with pimples to avoid infection.[11]
Avoid touching or trying to pop the pimple or you might irritate it. Popping a pimple can lead to scarring if you're not careful.
Apply a cold, wet washcloth or teabag on the spot for three to five minutes throughout the day. This will help lessen the irritation.
Use a spot treatment that contains 1 percent or 2 percent salicylic acid, which is often less irritating than benzoyl.
Applying Visine on a cotton swab to the spot can reduce the redness.
Try putting honey on your pimples, that is a good home remedy instead of popping them!
If you have a collagen (cloth) mask, you can get a container and squeeze all of the good stuff out of the mask and pour it from the package into the container. It dries faster, you can apply it to hard-to-reach areas, and you can reuse it for later.
You can also use a Clarisonic to cleanse your face when you need a deeper clean.
Look out for over-cleansing during winter, when it's tempting to take long hot showers. Over-cleansing will dry your skin in out more quickly.
If you have sensitive skin, try the milk and honey mix on a small part of skin before applying to the full face.
Allergies to the products used in the face mixture can produce a variety of reactions. If you do have a reaction to a product, stop using it and find something else.
"How much paint do I need?" This age-old question is an important one—after all, you don't want to run out of paint in the middle of a house painting project, but you also don't want to have a huge container of paint leftover when everything's finished. Don't worry. With just a tape measure and a calculator, you can calculate the exact amount of paint you need in a matter of minutes. We've outlined the exact formula you need to get the job done so you can complete your project as efficiently as possible.
Wall length helps you figure out total square footage. Grab a tape measure and place it flush along one end of the wall. Check that the tape measure is firmly in place, and then pull it in a straight, taut line lengthwise across the wall. To be safe, do a couple of measurements to make sure your calculations are totally accurate. Then, measure the length of all the other walls in your room.[1]
It may help to ask a friend to hold the measuring tape in place while you pull it across the wall.
The total height is the other part of your square footage equation. Anchor your tape measure at the bottom edge of the wall and slowly pull the tape measure upward, keeping it flush against the wall as you extend it. Jot down the measurement once the tape reaches the edge of the ceiling. Then, check the height of all the other walls to make sure your measurements are exact.[2]
You may need to use a stepstool or ladder to measure the entire height of the wall. Don't be afraid to ask a friend for help if you need it!
All of your height measurements might be the same, depending on the size and shape of your room.
Don't include the trim in your measurements—you'll be calculating that separately.
[Edit]Multiply the total length by the height for each wall.
Length times height gives you the total surface area of your walls. Find the area of each individual wall, jotting down the area for each one. There's a chance that your walls are all different sizes, so doing individual calculations helps you get more accurate results.[3]
For example, if a wall is and tall, the total surface area would be .
This gives you a rough estimate of how much surface area you need to paint. Plug all of the surface areas you just calculated into a calculator and see what the total surface area comes out to. This isn't the exact amount of surface you have to paint—it's just a starting point![4]
Multiplying length by width gets you this number. Use your tape measure to figure out the length and height of all the windows in your room, as well as the length and height of any doors. Then, multiply the measurements for each individual structure together to get the total surface area of each structure.[5]
If all of your windows and doors are the same size, you only need to measure them once—but you still need to multiply by the total number of structures that you have. For example, if you have 3 windows that have a total surface area of , you'd multiply that by 3 (giving you a total of ).
[Edit]Subtract each door and window from the total.
This gives you the exact amount of surface area that you need to paint. Let's say your walls' total surface area is , and there are 2 windows that are each and a door that's . Subtract the of doors and windows from the original , which gives you a total of to paint.[6]
[Edit]Double the total square footage if you plan on painting 2 coats.
Your square footage calculation only counts for 1 coat of paint. Chances are, you're probably giving your walls at least 2 coats of paint for a polished, long-lasting look. For each extra coat of paint, add the total surface area to your final calculation.[7]
If your total wall surface area is and you plan on adding 3 coats of paint, you'd need enough paint for of wall space.
You may need extra coats of paint if you're repainting dark walls with a light-colored paint.
[Edit]Divide the total square footage by 350 to 400.
This helps you figure out how much paint you need. A single gallon of paint can cover about of wall space. So, dividing your total square footage by 350 to 400 gives you an accurate idea of how many gallons of paint you'll need for your project.[8]
Paint Calculation Formula: Surface Area / 350 = gallons of paint needed or Surface Area / 400 = gallons of paint needed
If you'd rather err on the side of caution, divide your total square footage by 350 rather than 400. That way, you'll have a little extra paint on hand if the project ends up being bigger than you expect.
If you have of wall space to paint, you'd need to paint your space.
If your walls are textured or completely unpainted, divide your total square footage by instead. These surfaces tend to use more paint than regular, smooth walls.
A little extra paint is good, but you don't want too much leftover. Chances are, you won't get an exact number of gallons or liters; instead, it'll be a decimal. Rather than rounding up to the next whole number (gallon), round up to the next quarter (quart) instead.[9]
If you need of paint to cover your wall space, you'd round it up to instead.
[Edit]Calculate the total amount of paint for trim.
Multiplying the width and length gets you the total square footage. Grab your tape measure and take down the exact width and length for each individual section of trim. Multiply the length and width of each individual section together, and then add up all the sections to get your total surface area. Then, divide the surface area by 350 to 400 to get the amount of paint you need in gallons.[10]
Let's say the sections of trim are , , , and . The total square footage would ; divided by 400, you'd get . To be safe, you'd round up to 0.5, giving you a total of .
Multiply the height and length of the ceiling if you'd like to paint that surface, too. As a general rule of thumb, provides enough coverage for of space, but you may need more if you plan on adding another coat.[11]
Ever wanted some body spray, but either couldn't find that special scent, or couldn't afford it? Making your own is very easy. What's even better is that you can control what goes into your body spray. This means that you can customize it to your heart's desire, and come up with a truly unique fragrance. You can even add some shimmer with loose eyeshadow!
Get any sized spray bottle. Try to get a spray bottle that is made out of glass instead of plastic; essential oils can degrade plastic over time. Also, choose a blue or brown glass bottle to protect the oils from sunlight.[1]
Fill the bottle most of the way with normal water. Be sure to leave some room for your essential oils.[2] If you can't find any normal water, you can use filtered water instead. Do not use tap water, however.
If you have an unsteady hand, consider using a funnel to help you pour the water into the bottle.
Add some essential oils. Start with 40 to 45 drops for every 2 ounces (60 milliliters) of water. You can use all one scent, or you can experiment with different combinations. For example, lavender and grapefruit will give you a nice, refreshing scent.[3]
Close the bottle and shake it. Your body spray is now ready to use. Keep in mind that the oils and water will separate naturally over time, so you will need to shake the bottle each time before you use it.
Get a 2 to 3-ounce (60 to 90-milliliter) spray bottle. Try to get a glass spray bottle if you can, as essential oils have a tendency to degrade plastic bottles over time. If you can't find a glass spray bottle, use a high-quality plastic bottle instead.
Stick a funnel down the mouth of the bottle. This will make pouring the ingredients into the bottle easier.
Pour 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) of distilled water into the bottle. If you can't find any distilled water, use filtered water instead. Do not use tap water because it contains too many minerals. These minerals may affect your body spray.[4]
For a twist, use 3 tablespoons (45 milliliters) of rose hydrosol instead of water. It will make your body spray smell like roses. It is lighter and gentler than essential oil, and has some toning properties as well.[5]
Add 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of vodka or witch hazel into the bottle. This will act as a preservative, and help your body spray last longer. It will also help act as a binder, and prevent the essential oils from separating from the water.[6]
Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin, if desired. This will help act as a binder and thickener. It may also help make the scents last longer.[7] Glycerin also has some toning and moisturizing properties.[8]
Add 15 to 20 drops of essential oil. You can use all one scent, or a combination of scents, such as: grapefruit, lime, and lemon.[9]
If you used rose hydrosol instead of water, you do not need to add any essential oils.[10]
Close the bottle and shake it. At this point, your body spray is ready to use. Keep in mind that the ingredients may still separate. If that happens, simply shake your body spray before you use it.
Get a 5 to 6-ounce (150 to 180-milliliter spray bottle. It would be best to use a glass bottle because it won't degrade over time. If you can't find one, then a good quality plastic bottle will do.[11]
Place a funnel into the mouth of the bottle. This will make pouring in the ingredients easier and reduce spills.
Pour 3 teaspoons of argan oil into the bottle.[12] If you can't find any argan oil, or if you can't afford it, try jojoba oil instead. You can also use vegetable glycerin instead.
Add 2 teaspoons of loose eyeshadow or cosmetic pigment powder.[13] The powder likely will get caught in the funnel, which is fine. The next step will resolve this.
Popular colors are white or bronze, but you can use any color you want.
Avoid using glitter. Even the finest glitter may clog up your spray bottle.
Pour 2 ounces (60 milliliters) of distilled water down the funnel.[14] This will help knock loose any eyeshadow/pigment powder that got caught in the mouth of the funnel. Make sure that you use distilled water and not tap water. If you can't find any, then you can use filtered water instead.
Tap water contains too many minerals, which can affect your spray, as well as shorten its shelf life.
Consider adding some fragrance. If you still have room in your bottle, you can add fragrance with a few drops of essential oil. Essential oil is very strong, so you will only need about 20 to 25 drops.
Close the bottle and shake it. Your shimmering body spray is now ready to use. The ingredients will settle over time, so you have to shake it before each use.
If your body spray is too fragrant, pour some of it out, and add some more distilled or filtered water.
If your body spray is not fragrant enough, add a few more drops of essential oil. Do not go overboard, however. Essential oil can irritate your skin in too high concentrations.
Use distilled water if you can. If you can't find any, use filtered water instead. Do not use tap water. It contains minerals, which may affect the spray.[15]
You can find essential oils online or in health food stores. Do not use fragrance oils meant for soap making or candle making. Those are not the same thing.
Store your body spray in a glass bottle. If you can't find one, a high-quality plastic bottle will do. Look for something that says HDPE, #1, or #2 on the bottom. Stay away from thin, cheap plastic bottles; the essential oils will degrade the plastic.[16]
If you have sensitive skin, consider doing a patch test. Mix 3 of your desired essential oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil (or any other skin-safe oil), and put a dab of it on your inner elbow. Cover the patch with a band aid, and wait 48 hours. If no irritation occurs, then you can safely use the essential oil.
Do not use these body sprays on your face, as the ingredients may irritate your eyes.
If you experience burning, you might be allergic to the essential oil, and should wash the spray off immediately.
Avoid using citrus-based sprays if you plan on going outside. Citrus (including citrus essential oils) can make your skin extra sensitive to sunlight, and result in bad sunburns.
Have you ever started a crossword puzzle but struggled to finish some of the words? Crosswords are a challenging way to tickle your brain, and solving them is a skill you can easily improve so you keep getting better. Luckily, you can use the same tricks on any crossword puzzle that you're working on. Keep reading for all the best strategies to use when you're solving a crossword puzzle so you can fill in the entire grid!
These clues tend to be easier to fill in than others. Rather than starting with the first clue and going in order, scan through all of the clues and look for some easy "gimmes." Fill-in-the-blank clues are usually common knowledge, so you should have an idea of what the right answer is. After you get a few of the easy words in, you'll feel a big boost of confidence going forward. Some example clues could be:[1]
Short words are usually simpler to solve than the longer answers. While some short words might be more challenging, you still have a good chance of finding a few that you can answer. Look through the crossword puzzle for shorter words and check the clue to see if you know the answer. Filling in the shorter answers first can give you some extra letters to help you solve longer words. Some clues could be:[2]
The answers in the puzzle will match the tense and number in the clue. Even if you don't know the exact word for the clue, you can make assumptions based on how the clue is written. If a clue is in the past, present, or active tense, or if it's singular or plural, then you know what the last few letters of the answer might be.[3]
Past tense clues tend to end with -ED, like "Performed on stage" for ACTED.
Present tense clues usually end in S, like "Goes for a walk in nature" for HIKES.
Clues with an -ING verb tend to end the same way, such as "Leaving" for GOING.
Many plural clues end in the letter S, like "Things Santa leaves" for GIFTS.
Punctuation and add-ons in the clues tell you how the answer is formatted. Since crossword constructors want to give you a challenge, they may try to play a few tricks on you that are easy to catch. Break down the clue and look for these parts to get an idea of how the answer might appear.[4]
Abbreviations in the clue or "abbr." mean the answer is abbreviated, like "Stat. for a pitcher" for ERA.
Question marks always mean the clue has wordplay or is trying to mislead you. "Flower?" could mean "something that flows" and be a clue for RIVER.
The term "in" followed by a city usually means a foreign word, like "Boy, in Barcelona" for NINO.
Words in brackets mean the answer is a sound, like "[Hey over here!]" for PSST.
[Edit]Familiarize yourself with common crossword answers.
Short words with lots of vowels tend to show up in multiple puzzles. Since the words on a crossword puzzle need to intersect, constructors rely on some less-common words that contain a lot of vowels. You might not know the definition from the clue, but you can usually work it out from the surrounding words and remember the definition for future puzzles. Common answers (and their possible clues) can be:[5]
EPEE ("Fencing sword")
AIOLI ("Garlic spread")
AGRA ("Taj Mahal location")
BEE, CEE, or DEE ("Common letter grade")
Puzzles may also use compass directions, like ESE, ENE, NNE, or SSE.
[Edit]Check intersecting words when you guess an answer.
Putting a guess in might help you figure out words that cross through it. If you're not positive about a word but have an idea for what an answer might be, write it in the grid lightly in pencil. Check the clues surrounding the word to see if there are any answers that fit with those letters. If you notice that your answer doesn't work with other answers nearby, you can just erase it and come back to it later.[6]
[Edit]Jump around to different parts of the puzzle.
You'll fill in more words if you look for sections that are easier to solve. If you're caught up in one section of the puzzle, don't feel like you have to keep working on that spot. Feel free to look through the clues again and find an area where you can start filling in more letters. You can always come back to the other spot later.[7]
You'll come back with fresh eyes and may catch words you missed. When you're tired or have been looking at the puzzle for a while, you may not think through the answers clearly. Rather than getting more frustrated staring at the grid, set it aside and do something else for a little while. Give your brain a chance to rest and pick up where you left off once you've cleared your head.[8]
[Edit]Look answers up if you can't solve them on your own.
Searching for an answer helps you learn the word for the future. Look at the answer key or look up the crossword clue online to find the answer you're missing. You shouldn't feel bad if you need to look up an answer even if it's something you think you should already know. Checking the answer actually makes it stick in your mind for longer, so you may be able to remember it for another puzzle.[9]
Work your way up so you don't struggle with difficult puzzles. If you start with the toughest puzzles you can find, it'll be more of a struggle if you don't already know some tricks for solving them. Instead, look for websites or crossword books that offer easy puzzles so you can get used to solving them. Themed puzzles are easier since some of the answers have something in common.[10]
Magazines like People have easy crosswords with more clues based on pop culture.
Most print publications, like The New York Times and The New Yorker, publish the easiest puzzles on Mondays and they get progressively harder throughout the week.
Practice daily so you can keep improving your solving skills. It takes a bit of time and practice to catch on to all the little quirks in crossword puzzles, so make puzzling a part of your routine. Take a few minutes in the morning or at night to sit down and work through a crossword puzzle. As you do more puzzles, the quicker you'll be able to finish them and recognize common patterns.[11]
Crosswords use a ton of general knowledge and pop culture references. Testing your knowledge with other games is a great way to remember common facts and trivia. Take time to watch Jeopardy!, play a game of Trivial Pursuit, or try to figure out the Wordle for the day. Even just reading more in your free time can help you recognize more vocabulary that a puzzle could use.[12]
[Edit]Work on crossword puzzles with your friends.
You can bounce ideas off of each other to help speed up your solving time. If you don't want to work on the puzzle alone, see if any of your other friends like to do crosswords. Sit together and ask questions about clues that you're not sure of. They may be able to help you work through tough spots and you can help with words they don't know too.[13]
If you just got a funny text, you might be cracking up, looking for a comeback, or simply a little confused about how to respond. There are so many different ways to reply to a funny text, and what you choose really depends on how you feel about the message. If you're trying to figure out a good reply, this article is here to help. Read on for a complete list of responses to all the different funny texts you might receive.
I can't stop laughing! Everyone loves to hear that they're funny. If you're dying laughing because of a text, go ahead and let that person know. Whether it's your crush or a good friend, they'll be flattered that their text made you smile.
"OMG stop. You're hilarious."
"I'm speechless. You are so funny!"
LOL. You might have laughed out loud at someone's text, but not have much to say in response. In that case, any variation of "LOL" will do the trick. If the text was super hilarious, try using all caps or adding extra "hahas."
😂, 🤣, or 😹. Emojis are excellent for making a conversation a little more playful. To show this person that their text made you smile, respond with a few emojis. They'll be happy to see that their funny text did the trick.[1]
"LMAO! 😂"
"Omg so funny. 🤣"
Cute AND funny! Flirty banter and funny texts are a great way to build chemistry. If you'd like to show this person that you're interested, send them a flirty complement or playfully tease them.[2]
"You're killing me! Have you considered a career in standup? 🤣"
"You're like the funniest person I've ever met. Got any other secret talents?"
Send a meme. Memes are a way to appeal to this person's specific sense of humor. If a friend or someone you're crushing on is making you laugh, you probably want to return the favor. To send a funny response of your own, try a meme. It'll save you from having to think of your own witty response, and it'll likely make them smile.[3]
Find hilarious memes on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and other sites online. Look for memes that relate to your friend's unique interests and sense of humor. You might even try something that relates to the joke your friend told.
Let's say your friend is joking about your sign in astrology. Send over a funny astrology meme about their sign in return.
Send a GIF. A GIF can convey how you're feeling visually. If a text was truly funny, you might feel like words don't fully express your reaction. Try sending over a funny reaction GIF. It'll likely make your friend crack up in response.
Look for GIFS on or other sites online.
Find GIFS that express your reaction to their joke. If you're cracking up at what your friend said, try a reaction GIF of a TV character laughing hysterically.
Change the subject. If you want to keep talking but don't know what to say, steer the conversation in a new direction. Fill them in on something interesting going on in your life or ask them a question.
"How was your weekend?"
"I just watched a movie that I think you would really like!"
"What've you been up this week?"
Wait to respond and start a new conversation later on. If someone texted you "haha," you don't have to reply. If you've just had a funny text exchange, someone might respond with "Lol" or "Haha" to show that they're cracking up. It's okay to let this be the end of the conversation.
Texting when you don't have anything to say might make your conversation fizzle out. It's best to hold off on replying until you've got something you want to share with them.
I think you may have the wrong number. A simple text informing them of the mistake is fine. Everyone gets texts from the wrong number sometimes (and they can sometimes be unintentionally hilarious). To clear up any misunderstanding, tell the person that they texted you by mistake.
"Woops, I think you meant to send this to someone else."
"Wrong number."
Prank the person. It might be an opportunity to make this person's day. Keep your prank light and humorous. You don't know this person, so a more serious or involved prank might upset them.[4]
Text them a picture of your cat (or a cat picture you found on the internet). If they respond, keep sending cat pictures. Then, let them know they've got the wrong number.
Tell them that they've got the wrong number, but respond to their message anyway. Try, "I agree, macaroni and cheese sounds great for dinner. BTW, I think you have the wrong number."
Respond with song lyrics. For this prank to work best, pick a super popular song, like "Umbrella" by Rihanna or "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. If they don't get it after a few texts, inform them that they texted you by mistake.
[Edit]Responding to a Text that Made You Uncomfortable
I don't like that kind of humor. If this "funny" text offended you, you're welcome to let them know. Perhaps your friend texted you something inappropriate or someone on a dating app made a joke that really didn't land. You're welcome to let them know that you didn't appreciate the message.[5]
"I'm not a fan of that joke. Please don't text me offensive messages like this."
"I don't appreciate disrespectful jokes. Please unmatch me."
Refrain from replying if the text made you uncomfortable. If you got a weird text, you don't have to respond. Perhaps you got a text from the wrong number that makes you uneasy or someone on a dating app sent you a strange message. If the text makes you feel unsafe, you don't owe them a response. Simply let the text go unanswered.
If the person who sent you a text from the wrong number keeps texting you, consider blocking the number.
When someone sends you inappropriate messages on a dating app, you can unmatch them. If they're harassing you or sending you threatening messages, you can also report them.[6]