domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2019

How to Stop Your Cat from Begging

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

A cat can learn begging behavior through positive reinforcement: your cat nags you, you give it what it wants (food, cuddles, your warm and comfy seat), and your cat learns that begging is rewarded. To get your cat out of a begging habit, start by consulting your vet to ensure there aren't any medical or psychological issues involved. Then, work on creating consistent routines, rewarding good behavior and ignoring begging, and keeping your cat occupied when you're home and away.


EditRuling Out Medical or Psychological Issues

  1. Get a vet check for illnesses like parasites, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes. Make sure that your cat is healthy before trying to address the begging behavior. Sometimes begging and/or constant meowing can be an indication of illness or a disorder. Take your cat to the vet for a health checkup and mention the behavior.[1]
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    • If a cat is ravenously hungry all of the time, and is begging for more food, this may sometimes be due to feline diabetes or hypothyroidism. Or, it may have intestinal parasites that are "stealing" the nutrients it consumes.
    • If a cat is meowing a lot, it may be a sign that it has a disorder such as kidney disease or an overactive thyroid.[2]
  2. Consult the vet about your cat's nutritional requirements. It's possible that your cat begs for food because it's simply not being fed enough, or that the food you give it provides insufficient nutrition. Talk to your vet about the ideal food type and feeding routine for your cat, based on factors like age, breed, and overall health.[3]
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    • Give your cat a high-quality cat food that provides balanced nutrition.
    • Additionally, make sure it has access to fresh, clean water at all times.
  3. Do an evaluation for an eating disorder or other psychological issue. Cats can develop "psychogenic abnormal feeding behaviors" that lead to frequent begging and other problems surrounding eating. Describe your cat's eating routines and any triggers for begging or other problematic behaviors to your vet.[4]
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    • Such disorders can cause a cat to refuse to eat to the point of malnutrition, or to overeat (and yet beg for more) to the point of causing health problems.
    • Medical interventions may sometimes be necessary, but changing routines and behaviors at home may help overcome such disorders.
  4. Ask if your cat may have an attention-seeking behavior problem. This is a particular type of "psychogenic abnormal feeding behavior" in which your cat uses overeating (or not eating) and begging as a way to demand your attention. This can be a response to being excessively bored and/or ignored, or it may develop in cats that are given plenty of attention and simply crave even more.[5]
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    • Beyond making sure your cat receives adequate attention and mental stimulation, the best way to address this issue is typically to reward positive behaviors and redirect or ignore negative ones (like begging).

EditEstablishing Routines and Positive Rewards

  1. Build consistent routines around begging-related behaviors. If your cat always gets food when it demands it, stop providing the food in response to the begging behavior. Instead, set two consistent feeding times each day that are always met, and do not feed your cat outside those times.[6]
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    • Don't leave the food out all day, either. Give your cat a reasonable time to eat—like 30 minutes—each feeding time, then remove the food dish until the next feeding time.
    • Alternatively, if your cat begs to go outdoors, schedule regular sessions of supervised outdoor time each day, or you might even install a catflap to allow your cat to let itself out.
  2. Distract your cat when it begins to beg. When your cat starts begging, calmly and quietly pick it up, take it to another room, and try to distract it with a toy or game. As soon as your cat stops whining or meowing, praise it by petting it, saying "good kitty," and playing or cuddling with it for a few minutes.[7]
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    • The goal here is to redirect it away from begging and toward a positive behavior that you can reward.
  3. Ignore your cat if it continues begging. If your cat returns to begging after you've redirected it once, ignore it for as long as the begging continues. Don't give it negative attention, such as telling it "no" or wagging your finger at it. Instead, act as if the cat isn't there whenever it begs.[8]
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    • Your cat needs to learn that you are not going to respond to its begging behavior, teaching it that there is no reward.
  4. Reward good, non-begging behavior enthusiastically. As soon as your cat stops begging on its own, turn your full attention to it and praise it verbally and physically. This positive reinforcement must be immediate in order for your cat to properly associate it with the preceding behavior (e.g., not begging).[9]
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    • While you can occasionally use treats to reward calm, desirable behavior, don't fall into the trap of handing them out all the time. Rely instead on praise that's verbal and physical (such as petting). Otherwise, your cat may deduce that it can pester you for treats rather than earn them.

EditKeeping Your Cat Happy and Occupied

  1. Interact and play with your cat regularly. If your cat is begging for attention, try giving it more of what it craves! Get down on the floor and drag a string around for it to chase, or simply pet and talk to it while it nestles in your lap. Aim for, at minimum, 15-20 minutes of focused 1-on-1 time per day.[10]
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    • Cats may have a reputation for being aloof, but they like getting attention—at least when it's on their own terms!
  2. Provide supervised time outdoors. It's easier than you may think to leash train a cat, and using a leash will let you walk and explore the outdoors together safely. You'll both get some exercise and 1-on-1 time together![11]
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    • If you cat isn't on a leash outdoors, keep it in an enclosed yard and supervise its activity. Even better, play with your cat in the yard.
  3. Occupy your cat with toys and puzzles to limit boredom. True enough, a simple ball of yarn or toy mouse can make a great play item for your cat. Additionally, though, set up some cat-friendly toys, mazes, and puzzles to keep a feline friend mentally stimulated.[12]
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    • Simple food puzzles, which require your cat to work a little for their meal, can make feeding time more fun and interactive.
    • Don't use toys and puzzles as a substitute for 1-on-1 time with your cat, though. Instead, play together!
  4. Keep your cat's stress levels to a minimum. Take a moment to consider whether your cat has started begging in response to life upheavals. Changes in the household, such as the arrival of a new baby or an additional pet, can cause stress that results in begging behaviors. Likewise, home renovations, moving, or shifting attention from your cat to work or other projects can be feline stressors.[13]
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    • If you cannot remove or improve on what is creating the stress, at least spend more time with your cat and reassure it a lot.
    • When you know a big change is coming, try to slowly introduce your cat to the new reality instead of making it an all-at-once shock.


  • If your cat was adopted as a stray, it might have learned that food isn't easily available, and begging—especially if you give into it—may be a sign of its determination to avoid hunger. This may improve over time if you feed your cat a consistent, nutritious diet.

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

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How to Heel Flip

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

The heel flip (or heelflip) is a beautiful skateboard trick, and looks absolutely mint when you're able to execute it properly. To do a successful heel flip, use your back foot to pop the board, jump straight up, kick the board with your front heel to spin it, "catch" the board with your feet, and stick the landing. It takes a while to master this trick, so keep practicing!


EditPositioning Your Board, Feet, and Body

  1. Put on a helmet and other safety gear. You're almost certainly going to fall a few times while learning to heel flip, so it's important to protect yourself. Wear a skateboarding helmet that fits properly, as well as gloves, knee pads, and elbow pads.[1]
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  2. Place your skateboard level pavement where it can remain stationary. The heel flip isn't the easiest maneuver to master, and adding forward movement to the process makes it even more challenging. Learn to do heel flips when your skateboard isn't rolling forward before attempting them while in motion.[2]
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    • A level parking lot is a good spot for practice. A grassy area might provide a softer landing, but your board won't lift off the ground as easily.
  3. Position your feet over the tail and mid-front of the board. Put your back (right) foot right at—and parallel to—the tail (back edge) of the skateboard, with the back of your heel just slightly hanging over the side. Place your front (left) foot slightly forward of the middle of the board, angled so that your toes are pointing to the front right corner of the board. The big toe of your front foot should hang off the edge a bit.[3]
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    • If you're riding "goofy foot" (with your left foot back), your front (right) foot should be angled to point toward the front left corner of the board. Every subsequent maneuver will be the mirror image of what is described here.
  4. Center your weight and keep your shoulders and eyes faced forward. Bend your knees slightly and distribute your weight evenly over each leg. Rotate your upper body so that your shoulders are facing more to the front than the side of the board.[4]
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    • Keep your eyes focused forward and, when you do the actual flip, down toward the front of your skateboard.

EditManeuvering Your Feet on the Board Simultaneously

  1. Push down the board's tail with your back foot. Give the board a firm downward push with your back foot to tip the tail toward the ground. As you push, start to bend your knees more deeply as you get ready to jump.[5]
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    • You want to crouch so low that your fingers can touch the ground. Otherwise, you won't be able to generate enough power to flip the board.
    • Each movement in this section—dropping the board's tail, crouching your body, and tilting and sliding your front foot—should occur simultaneously. Practice doing them all at the same time.
  2. Tilt your front foot slightly forward at the same time. Roll the ankle of your front leg forward a little so that the inside of your front foot lifts off the board. Don't tilt so far that you lose your balance, however.[6]
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    • The outer edge of the bottom of your shoe should still be in complete contact with the board.
  3. Slide your tilting front foot diagonally on the board. As you tilt your front foot forward, also start sliding it in the direction your toes are pointed. In doing so, the front of your foot will begin to slide off of the front right corner of the skateboard.[7]
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    • If you're riding "goofy foot," keep in mind that your front foot will move toward the front left corner of the board instead.

EditKicking the Board as You Jump Upward

  1. Jump up when the tail hits the ground and your heel's on the edge. Time your downward crouch so that you're able to spring upward at the moment you feel and hear the tail of your board hit the ground. At this same instant, your front foot should be tilted forward and sliding just off the edge of the board.[8]
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    • When it comes to a good heel flip, timing is everything. Practice doing everything up to this point many times without actually continuing into the jump itself. Start jumping upward only when you have the timing down pat.
  2. Kick out with your front foot as you jump upward. As you begin your liftoff from the board, kick your front foot forward in the direction that you're already sliding it. As part of the kick, rotate your ankle so that the toes of your front foot begin to angle upward.[9]
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    • Make sure the motion is a forward and upward kick, not a forward and downward stomp.
    • Your feet should still be in contact with the board at this point. The board will lift off the ground with you for the first instant of your jump.
  3. Clip the edge of the board with your heel to rotate it. This is the most critical, and most challenging, part of a heel flip. As you kick out your front foot and rotate your toes slightly skyward, the heel of that foot will naturally flick downward. You need this "heel flick" to strike the inside-front edge of the board with enough power to begin a full rotation.[10]
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    • Give the board a good hard shove with your front heel. Otherwise, it won't flip all the way around.
    • The only way to master this element of the heel flip is practice, practice, and more practice. Work on a solid, level surface and plan to "bail out" on the move many times until you get it right.

EditSticking the Landing

  1. Watch the board rotate while you hover above it. As you continue upward to the high point of your jump, keep your eyes focused on the front of the board below you. Watch as it rotates in a clockwise direction, propelled by the kick you just gave it with your front heel.[11]
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    • Make sure your jump has enough height. You don't want the board to get caught under your feet. Raise your knees up as you hit the apex of the jump if you need extra clearance from the board.
  2. "Catch" the board in the air with your feet as it completes a rotation. If everything is going according to plan, you will begin your descent from your jump just as the top of your board is reappearing into your view. When the board is about to complete a full rotation, extend your feet straight downward to make contact with the top of the board.[12]
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    • You'll have re-established contact with the board at this point, but both you and the board will still be airborne.
    • Try to make contact with the board so that your feet are over the 2 sets of bolts that are visible on the board's top. These 2 pairs of bolts are directly above the front and back wheels, respectively.
  3. Keep your knees bent and weight centered as you land the board. Maintain secure contact between both feet and the board as the wheels hit the ground. Flex your knees a bit more to absorb the landing. Do your best to keep your body weight centered over your feet equally, instead of leaning forward, backward, or to the side.[13]
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    • As mentioned, try to land with your feet over the bolts. Doing so will provide a safer, smoother landing, and prevent your board from snapping.
  4. Move on to heel flipping while your board is in motion. Once you can consistently land a heel flip on a stationary skateboard, try it while in motion. Propel yourself forward on the board and follow the process as before.[14]
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    • Landing squarely becomes more difficult when you do the trick while in motion, so be prepared to fall a few times. Work on keeping your center of gravity over the board, and focus your eyes on the board while you're in the air above it.
    • When you can land it consistently with the board in motion, consider yourself a successful heel-flipper.



  • If you can't land it at first, don't give up hope—just keep trying!
  • If the board ends up behind you when you try to land, focus on jumping straight upward, keeping your body straight, and keeping your eyes on the board.
  • Check out some other great skateboard tricks, like the kick flip, pop shove it, and pressure flip.


  • Be careful, because you can easily land in a credit card position (that is, with the board vertically between your legs).
  • Skate within your abilities, and master the move on flat ground with a stationary board first.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations

EditQuick Summary

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How to Wear a Wig

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

Wearing a wig can easily change or enhance your look. You may want to wear a wig if you are going to a costume party, but it can also be an everyday essential when you want a different color or style. Wearing a wig can be a far cheaper and less intrusive way to deal with hair loss, too. No matter the reason for your wig, you can wear it successfully if you know the right type for you and how to put it on properly.


EditChoosing the Right Wig

  1. Choose a wig close to your natural hair for a subtle transition. If this is your first time wearing a wig, and you want it to look natural, be sure to find a wig that resembles your natural hair in color, texture, and style.[1]
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    • Once you get comfortable wearing the wig, you will feel more confident and may want to experiment with new and different styles.
    • Your hairstylist is a great resource for helping you choose a wig. You can ask them for anything from recommendations of wig specialists in the area to what style and color would look good on you.
  2. Measure your head to get the right fit. Use a soft tape measure to find out the circumference of your head. To do this, measure from the front hairline to just behind your ear, along the back of your neck, around to the other ear, and then back again to the front hairline. Record this measurement and use it when you shop online or in a store for your wig.[2]
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  3. Invest in a human hair wig for the most natural look and feel. Human hair wigs can easily be styled, cut, and dyed. They also have the most natural movement and shine. They are more expensive, but they are also more durable.[3]
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    • To find a human hair wig, start by going to your local wig specialist. If you don't find what you need there, or you don't have one nearby, try searching for online wig retailers.
    • Depending on your preferences, human hair wigs can cost between $800-$3000.[4]
    • A human hair wig also needs to be washed regularly.
  4. Try a synthetic hair wig for a minimal styling option. The advantage of synthetic hair wigs is that they don't require much styling to wear. They also retain curls, waves and volume. You can usually wear synthetic wigs in rain or snow without messing up your hairstyle. Although many synthetic wigs will not look as natural as human hair wigs, you can find high-quality synthetic hair wigs that look almost exactly like real human hair.[5]
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    • Synthetic hair wigs cost between $30-$500.[6]
    • You will have limited options for changing the style of a synthetic wig because the strands are sensitive to heat styling tools. You can buy a heat-resistant synthetic wig or use more gentle straightening or curling methods.
  5. Choose a lace front wig if you like to wear your hair away from your face. A lace front wig creates an undetectable hairline in the front of the wig so you won't have to worry about sweeping your hair up and away from your face. It also allows you to part your hair wherever you would like.[7]
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    • For an even more natural look, get a wig that is hand-tied instead of machine-made. Each individual hair is hand-tied to the wig cap, so you won't be able to see any machine stitching at all.
  6. Ask your stylist to cut the wig in a style that complements your face. Once you have your wig, don't be afraid to change up the style. Consult with your stylist about what would look best on you. A flattering cut will help you feel more like yourself in the wig.[8]
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    • Remember to tell your stylist what type of wig you have, since human hair and synthetic wigs have to be treated differently.

EditPutting on the Wig

  1. Pull your hair away from your face. If you are covering your natural hair with a wig, you will need to get it out of the way before you put the wig on. Brush your hair back away from your face with your hands or a hair brush. Pin it back using 3-4 bobby pins towards the back of your head.[9]
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    • After you've pinned the hair back, you can spray it with hairspray to keep it securely in place.
  2. Pin up long hair to help hide it under the wig. Split your hair into two sections. Bring the right section up along the left side of your head and pin it in place using a row of bobby pins. Space the bobby pins about apart.[10]
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    • Try to get your hair to lie as flat as possible. Don't twist it as you pin it up or it will be more bulky.
    • For very long, unruly hair, braid your hair into two French braids that sit tight against the scalp. Cross them at the nape of your neck and secure them at the top and bottom with hair clips.
  3. Put a wig cap on your head before the wig. To keep your hair covered and help secure the wig, place the wig cap against your natural hairline in the front. Stretch it over to fit onto your head from the front to the back. Tuck away any stray hairs into the cap.[11]
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    • If you have a lot of long hair clipped up or braided, it may be easier to put the cap on from the back to the front to help keep your hair in place.
    • You can also make your own wig cap if you want the perfect custom fit.
  4. Secure the cap in place with snap clips. Use 6 clips spaced evenly across the front of your head and 4 at the back of your head. Make sure the bottom of the clip is under the wig cap to secure it in place.
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  5. Put on the wig. Hold the wig with both hands inside the wig, with the back of the wig facing you. Tilt your head forward and put the front of the wig against your front hairline. Slide the wig on your head and slip your hands out from under it. Adjust the edge of the wig so it lines up with your hairline.[12]
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  6. Secure the wig with glue or tape. Once you've put the wig on, lift up the edge of the wig on one side. Apply glue or tape along your hairline. Release the edge of the wig and press it gently into the adhesive. Repeat along the top of your hairline and on the other side.
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    • Find wig glue and tape at your local wig shop, costume shop, or online.
    • If you are using glue, keep the edge of the wig lifted for about 30 seconds to allow the glue to dry before you place the wig back down for an extra secure hold.
    • If you wig fits very well and has clips attached to it, you may be able to skip the glueing or taping. Simply tuck the wig clips in underneath your wig cap and press the center of the clip to snap it shut.

EditTroubleshooting Common Problems

  1. Gain more confidence in your wig by wearing it around family and friends. If you are nervous about wearing your wig in public, try wearing it just around select friends or family members. This will allow you to test out whether the wig will stay in place and feel comfortable. It will also help you feel more confident.[13]
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  2. Wear a hat or scarf over your wig when it's windy. If you are worried your wig might come off or get blown out of place on a windy day, try accessorizing your wig to make it more secure. Be sure to use wig glue or clips for extra stability.[14]
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    • Try a straw hat with a cotton liner for warm, windy days.
    • Drape a colorful scarf over your head and tie the ends under your chin for an easy way to protect your wig against the wind.
    • Be careful when you are taking off your hat so you don't inadvertently take your wig off at the same time. Fasten the wig down especially well with glue and/or clips and take your hat off very carefully to avoid this. If you are concerned your wig will come off, take your hat off in the bathroom or other private place.
    • Avoid extremely tight-fitting hats like beanies. Although it may seem like it will secure your wig better, it is difficult to take a tight hat off without taking the wig off with it.
    • You can also fasten your hat to your wig using bobby pins.
  3. Use a cotton wig liner for hot days. If you find you are sweating a lot under your wig on especially hot days, try wearing a thin cotton wig liner. The material will soak up extra sweat to help you stay cool.[15]
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    • You can find wig liners at your local wig supplier or online.
    • For extra sweat-fighting protection, sprinkle baby powder on your scalp before you put your wig on.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Bobby pins
  • Snap clips
  • Wig glue or tape
  • Wig cap
  • Cotton wig liner (optional)


  • Shampoo and condition your hair and scalp regularly to remove dirt and sebum and keep it healthy.[16]
  • Take off your wig and take out any braids or clips at night.[17]


  • Don't wear a wig on top of wet hair. This can cause bacteria to grow.[18]
  • Wearing a wig for extended periods of time can cause damage to your hair and even contribute to hair loss. Be sure to take your wig off regularly to let your scalp breathe, and don't neglect caring for your natural hair by keeping it clean and well-moisturized.[19]

EditSources and Citations

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