domingo, 10 de maio de 2020

How to Celebrate Mother's Day Without a Mom

Posted: 10 May 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Mother's Day can be a tough holiday for anyone who has a complicated relationship with their mom, or whose mom has passed away. If Mother's Day feels painful or triggers difficult memories, it's important to remember that it's OK to feel that way. By paying attention to your needs, whether that's celebrating your mom or distracting yourself from the day, you can make it through Mother's Day feeling strong.


[Edit]Accepting Your Feelings

  1. Allow yourself to feel without judgment. No matter what complicated emotions you might be feeling—sadness, anger, loneliness—do your best to open yourself to them, even when it feels hard. Notice each emotion as it comes, feeling it physically in your body and giving yourself the time and permission to experience it.[1]
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    • This is primarily a form of self-kindness. Your feelings are valid and deserve to be listened to; it's OK to experience everything you're going through today.
    • Numbing yourself to your emotions might feel like a way of protecting yourself, but it often leads to more hurt, frustration, and sadness in the long run.
  2. Vent your feelings in a healthy way. Don't be afraid to let yourself cry if you need to. Share your feelings with friends or family if you feel comfortable doing so, or try expressing your feelings in by writing or drawing.
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    • Letting your feelings out in whatever way feels right for you is often healthier than pretending you're fine. It's OK to feel the way you're feeling, and it's OK to express your complicated emotions.
  3. Talk with other people who can't or don't celebrate with their mothers. You might find solace in talking about your feelings with others who understand what they're going through. Seek out a friend or family member who's going through this day without their mom and ask if you can lean on them for support. You can even offer to do the same for them, if you feel comfortable.[2]
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    • You can also go online for a supportive community. Look for Facebook groups, forums, and websites made for people who don't have their mothers around and see what advice and comfort you can find.
    • It's OK if you don't feel comfortable talking with a friend about this tough situation, or if they aren't ready to talk with you about it. Look for comfort from another source and remind them that you'll be there for them when they're ready.

[Edit]Feeling Close to Your Mother

  1. Surround yourself with people you love, if it feels right. If you'd rather not pass the day alone, spend time with close friends or family members instead. Share favorite memories of your mom, or look through a photo album and tell the stories behind each picture.[3]
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    • Filling the room with memories of your mom can help you feel her love and spirit, even when she's not there.
    • If you don't or didn't have a good relationship with your mom, spend time with the people who nurtured you, whether that's another family member or a good friend.
  2. Bake one of her favorite recipes. If your mom loved to cook, pull out one of her old recipes and cook up a sweet treat or an old favorite entree. The familiar tastes will bring back great memories and remind you of great times shared around the table.[4]
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    • Sharing the dish with friends and family can also remind you that there are many more great memories yet to be made around a recipe that your mom has passed on to you.
  3. Spend time in one of her favorite places. If your mom loved a certain city, an old building, or even a park or hiking trail, make a trip there. Take the time to admire a view she loved, or sit on her favorite bench.[5]
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    • If your mom took pictures there, try to recreate them to help you connect with her.
  4. Write down her unique sayings or your favorite memories of her. Think back on her favorite expressions, from the pearls of wisdom to the funny exclamations, and jot them down in a journal. Remembering and reading over her words can help comfort you, remind you of her voice, and even offer advice when you need it.[6]
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    • You can also jot down favorite memories you have with her to remind you of your great times together.
  5. Look back through pictures you have through her. Go through old photo albums and flag your favorite pictures of your mom. Pull out a few to make copies of, or frame them on an open spot on your wall to ensure that your mom always has a presence in your home.[7]
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  6. Visit her grave site or mausoleum, if she has one. If it feels right, you could bring flowers or a wreath to her grave site or mausoleum. You may also want to talk to her during your visit. Do what feels right for you.
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    • Don't feel like you have to go to the cemetery, especially if you're feeling too sad about it.

[Edit]Making the Day Your Own

  1. Stay in and relax. If you're not up to thinking about your mom or Mother's Day, make it into a day for yourself. Stay home and do whatever makes you feel relaxed and calm, whether that's watching movies, reading, or pampering yourself with an at-home spa day.
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    • If this is a hard day for you, make sure to show yourself a lot of love and care.
  2. Exercise to distract yourself and get out of the house. Try going for a long walk, a hike, or a run to take your mind off of the day. Getting outside can refresh you, and the endorphins can ease your pain and stress as well.
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  3. Get away for the weekend if you have time to plan. If you have the funds to travel, book a flight or take a road trip out of town. Exploring a new area, even if it's not too far from your own town, is a way to get your mind off of the holiday and spend the time doing something you enjoy
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    • Mother's Day is celebrated on different days in other countries, so if you can afford it, spending the weekend abroad will ensure that you don't see Mother's Day advertisements or events.
  4. Avoid things that could remind you of your mom or the holiday. Some people who go through Mother's Day without a mom find it best to avoid typical Mother's Day activities, like brunch, or certain locations or activities that could trigger painful memories. You may be able to confront these things in time, but if it feels like too much for today, it's OK to work your day around them.
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    • Try to avoid social media for the day and for a few days afterwards if you don't want to see Mother's Day posts.


  • There's no wrong or right way to feel about Mother's Day, no matter how much pressure you might feel to put on a happy, smiling face. Do whatever you have to do to get through the day.
  • Be kind and compassionate to yourself, no matter what you're going through. Be patient with yourself and remember that that it takes time to heal from pain and sadness.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Use a Wide Angle Lens

Posted: 09 May 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Wide angle lenses are camera lenses that capture a wide field of view in a single photograph. While they can be a bit tricky to use, wide angle lenses enable you to capture large, sweeping scenes even wider than the human eye can see. If you have a wide angle lens, you can use various techniques to capture a variety of unique and creative expansive images. If you're looking to purchase a wide angle lens, you'll need to decide what type of wide angle lens you should get. You can then determine when you should use your wide angle lens to capture the images you want.


[Edit]Taking Photos with a Wide Angle Lens

  1. Keep your camera level to avoid distorting lines and angles. Keystone distortion, an image distortion that alters the appearance of a scene or object's dimensions and shapes, is particularly prevalent when using a wide angle lens. Unless you plan to change the image like this (i.e. make a square object look like a trapezoid), make sure that your camera lens is level before capturing your image.[1]
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    • Tilting the wide angle camera lens even slightly can completely alter the dimensions and shapes in your image, so it's worth it to take a bit of extra time to level the lens.[2]
    • Many cameras nowadays come with built-in level indicator. This makes it very easy to double check if your lens is level before taking the photo.[3]
  2. Move closer to the object you want to focus on. Because wide angle lenses make the objects closer to you appear larger, try to move closer to the objects that you want to focus on in the photograph.[4] Make sure that you're aware of your positioning, however, so that you can ensure that the objects in the image appear to be the size you want them to be.
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    • For example, if you're photographing a bedroom and want to focus on the bed, move closer to the bed so it will appear larger and more prominently than the other items in the room.[5]
    • If you move closer to the foot of a bed on the left side, however, objects on the bottom left side of the bed, such as the bedpost, will appear disproportionately larger than the rest of the bed. Therefore, be aware of where you position yourself so your image will have the portions you're aiming for.[6]
  3. Stand farther away if you want to capture a wide city or landscape. If you're trying to capture a wide view of a city or landscape, try to position yourself so that you are farther away from all the elements you want to capture. This will make your city or landscape appear more realistically, and help you avoid ending up with an image where some elements are disproportionately larger or smaller than you wanted them to appear.[7]
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    • By standing farther away from all buildings, trees, or other city or landscape elements, they will appear more proportionate to their actual size in real life.
  4. Check the edges of your frame before capturing your image. To ensure that you get the image that you want, check the edges of the frame for distortion or movement. While you'll likely want to do this with any type of camera lens, it's particularly important with a wide angle lens because the lens can capture elements of the scene that you can't see or don't notice yourself.[8]
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    • This is particularly important when you're taking a photo and there are people on either side of the frame, as this will likely distort their body shapes and make them appear shorter and wider than they actually are.[9]
  5. Make sure that you like the foreground in your photo. With a wide angle lens, the objects and scene closest to you will appear larger than anything farther away. Therefore, when using a wide angle lens, make sure that the scene in the foreground of your image is interesting and visually appealing. While it may not be the reason you're taking the image, it will be quite obvious in the final image.[10]
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    • This is particularly important to keep in mind when taking landscape photographs. If you're taking a picture of a mountain in the distance, for example, keep in mind that everything between you and the mountain will be disproportionately large in the foreground of the image.[11]
  6. Try different positions to distort your images for artistic effects. While it's best to avoid tilting the camera if you're trying to capture a clean, realistic image, doing so can create some interesting distortions and alterations. Therefore, if you want to get creative with your wide angle lens and capture some artistically unique images, try experimenting with different positions, distances, and camera tilts.[12]
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    • For example, if you want to capture more of the sky than the ground, tilt your camera lens up a bit. While it may distort some of the elements of the photo, you'll be able to manipulate the image to make the sky appear much larger.
    • If you find that you like some elements of the distorted image but not all of them, keep in mind that you can edit the photo afterward to achieve the creative elements you're looking for.
  7. Point the lens through an opening to create a frame. Using a wide angle lens is a great way to capture an image that incorporates a frame already existing in the environment you're photographing. Window frames, door frames, or any type of opening can be used to frame your image and make the viewer feel as though they are looking through the frame onto the scene in your photo.[13]
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    • For example, try positioning yourself inside looking out through a window onto the scene you want to photograph. Then, move yourself far enough away so that the window opening frames the edges of your field of vision.

[Edit]Purchasing and Attaching a Wide Angle Lens

  1. Research which wide angle lenses are compatible with your camera. If your camera has an interchangeable lens capability, it's likely that you'll be able to find a wide angle lens that will work. If you're searching online, most retailers have the option to first narrow down your search by brand, then by camera type. You'll then be able to see what wide angle lens options are available.[14]
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    • Many brands make 35 mm, DSLR, mirrorless, and compact cameras that are all compatible with some wide angle lenses.[15]
    • While finding a wide angle lens that's made by the same brand as your camera is generally your best bet, there are some lenses that are compatible with a number of different cameras.
  2. Purchase a standard wide angle lens if you want a larger field of view. Standard wide angle lenses include any wide angle lenses that have a focal length of less than 35 mm. While there can be some distortion, in general, standard wide angle lenses aren't used for this effect intentionally. Therefore, if you're looking to take images with a more realistic wider view, a standard wide angle lens is your best bet.[16]
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  3. Buy a fisheye wide angle lens if you want more abstract, warped images. If a wide angle lens has a focal length of less than 24 mm, it's considered a fisheye wide angle lens. Unlike standard wide angle lenses, fisheye wide angle lenses purposefully focus only the subject of your photo while distorting the surrounding scene. Therefore, if you want to get a wide angle lens that allows you to distort images in interesting and unique ways, a fisheye lens will be a good option for you.[17]
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    • Due to the more extreme distortion, fisheye lenses are highly specialized. Therefore, while they are a great choice if you want to produce this particular type of effect, they aren't the kind of wide angle lens you'd want to use in most cases.
  4. Get a wide angle lens for your smartphone. If you primarily use your smartphone to take photos, you may want to consider getting a wide angle lens attachment. There are several wide angle lens attachments available for a variety of different smartphones, including the iPhone, Android, and Google smartphone devices. In most cases, these lenses clip onto your phone so that the wide angle lens rests on top of the built-in lens.[18]
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    • Smartphone wide angle lens attachments generally cost around $100 USD.
    • You can also invest in a smartphone with a built-in wide angle lens, such as the Google Pixel 3 or the Samsung Galaxy s10e. Instead of using an attachment as you would with other smartphones, these smartphones had a wide angle lens setting in the camera that you simply select to take wider images.[19]
  5. Follow the instructions to attach your wide angle lens to your camera. How you'll attach your wide angle lens to your camera depends of the specific brand and type of camera you have, as well as the exact lens that you purchase. Therefore, it's important that you follow the instructions provided with your camera or the lens to attach it properly to your camera.
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[Edit]Determining When to Use a Wide Angle Lens

  1. Use a wide angle lens when you want to capture a large scene. When it comes to capturing a sweeping view, a wide angle lens is generally your best option. By definition, wide angle lenses are lenses that cover a focal length of 4.5mm to 35mm. This range effectively allows you to capture a wider field of view than you'd even be able to see with your eyes in real time.[20]
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    • This capability makes wide angle lenses a great option for landscape, cityscape, and architecture images, as you'll be able to capture everything in sight.
    • Wide angle lenses are also commonly used by designers, real estate agents, and decorators who want to capture an entire interior room.[21]
  2. Go for a wide angle lens if you're capturing a large group. Large groups, such as wedding parties and family reunions, can be difficult to fit into a single frame. With a wide angle lens, however, you'll easily be able to fit everyone into the image without having to stack and rearrange everyone into a small area.[22]
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    • While a wide angle lens is a great option for large group shots, be aware that it can distort the appearance of anyone along the edges. Therefore, make sure that you stand far enough away so that the entire group fits within the center focus of the shot.
  3. Try a wide angle lens when you want to exaggerate the perspective. When using a wide angle lens, the objects that are closest to the lens will appear disproportionately larger, while objects that are far away look disproportionately smaller.[23] Therefore, if you want to exaggerate the size of a particular element of the scene, such as a building, sand dune, or architectural detail, move within a few yards of the object to make it appear larger than the rest of the scene.
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  4. Choose a wide angle lens for images with a lot of negative space. If you want a particular object to stand out in your image, using a wide angle lens to capture your subject against a lot of negative space is a great option.[24] While capturing a lot of negative space could risk making your image seem a bit empty, it can also give you the artistic control to hone in on a particular subject and give your image a creative, unique perspective.
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    • Negative space refers to the empty or nearly empty space that surrounds the object or subject of your photograph.[25]
    • For example, use a wide angle lens to photograph a single black bird against a grey sky. By capturing only the bird (your subject) and the sky (the negative space), you'll be able to emphasize the enormity of the sky compared to the small, single bird.



How to Make a Creamy Coffee

Posted: 09 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Sipping on a delicious coffee drink is a great way to start your day or to treat yourself. Creamy, whipped coffee (also known as Dalgona coffee) is the perfect way to get your coffee buzz! You may have seen whipped coffee trending on TikTok, as it's all the rage. Since it's easy-to-make and super delicious, why not try making it yourself?


[Edit]Creating Whipped Coffee

  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Hot water
  • Milk (or plant-based milk alternative)

[Edit]Using Cream and Milk

  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Cream
  • Hot milk


[Edit]Creating Whipped Coffee

  1. Add instant coffee, sugar, and hot water to a bowl. As you've probably seen on TikTok, whipped coffee has a simple recipe. Choose a bowl that's just large enough to stir your ingredients, which will make it easier to create a foam. Use measuring spoons to add 2 tbsp (12 g) of granulated instant coffee, .5 tbsp (6 g) of sugar, and of hot water to the bowl.[1]
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    • If you want a sweeter coffee, use up to 2 tbsp (24 g) of sugar.
    • Make sure your water is hot, not warm. Hot water will create a smoother cream, which will combine well with your milk.[2]
  2. Use a whisk to whip the coffee until it turns creamy. Your coffee mix should turn foamy within the first minute of mixing. Continue to whip the mixture until it turns frothy and then creamy. It should look like mousse when it's ready to be mixed into the milk.[3]

    • If you don't want to whip the coffee by hand, you can use a hand mixer to do it faster.
  3. Add ice to a glass and fill half the glass with milk. Place a few ice cubes in the bottom of your glass. Then, pour your milk over the ice. Use about of milk, depending on the size of your glass and your preferences.[4]

    • If you want a warm drink, use hot milk instead of cold.[5]
    • If you prefer, it's okay to use your favorite plant-based milk in your whipped coffee. For instance, almond and oat milk both work well.
    • You may want to use extra coffee cream if you're using a lot of milk. Adjust the recipe to your preferences.
  4. Spoon the coffee cream over your glass of milk. Scoop out a dollop of whipped coffee and place it into your glass. Add as much coffee as you like to the milk.[6]

    • For an easy option, fill half your glass with milk and half with coffee cream.
    • If you prefer stronger coffee, add more coffee cream than milk.
    • If you want weaker coffee, add more milk than coffee cream.
  5. Stir the coffee into your milk to combine them. Use your spoon to gently stir the coffee cream into the milk to blend them together. Taste your whipped coffee to see if you like it. Adjust your coffee-to-milk ratio if you like.[7]

    • Don't forget to share your whipped coffee on TikTok!

[Edit]Using Cream and Milk

  1. Take a spoon of instant coffee and add it in a mug.

  2. Add sugar to taste.

  3. Add a little cream.

  4. Mix it for 2 to 3 minutes.

  5. Add less than 1 teaspoon of more cream.

  6. Mix it for 3 minutes.[8]

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  7. Add hot milk.[9]

  8. Drink your creamy coffee.[10]
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  • Share your results on TikTok!


  • Be careful when handling hot water, as it's easy to burn yourself.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


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