sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2021

How to Do a Spring Equinox Fast

Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:00 AM PDT

The spring equinox marks the turning of the seasons. It's a day when daylight and nighttime hours are just about equal, and it generally falls around March 20.[1] For some cultures and religions around the world, this is the time of year to celebrate renewal and rebirth by fasting.[2] Either observe traditional religious guidelines or design your own cleansing fast. Soon enough, a cleansed new you will be ready to greet the coming of spring!


[Edit]Deciding Which Fast is Right for You

  1. Consult with your doctor to find out if you can fast. It's a great idea to talk to your doctor about your fasting plans even if you're completely healthy. They can advise you how to safely fast, and they'll be able to tell you if there's a reason why you shouldn't. For example, if you have certain medical conditions, a fast is not right for you. These conditions include:[3]
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    • Pregnancy
    • Diabetes
    • Anemia
    • Bulimia
    • Anorexia
    • Malnutrition
    • Cardiac arrhythmia
    • Liver problems
  2. Plan a 24-hour fast if this is your first time. If you aren't fasting for religious reasons, you can design your own rules. To come up with these rules, consider your past experience. If you've never fasted before, it's important to start small. Going over 24 hours could cause unnecessary stomach pain.[4]
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    • This will allow your body to adjust slowly to the shock of fasting. Over the course of the year, you can fast a few more times for slightly longer periods. Next equinox, you'll be ready for a longer one.
  3. Choose a longer fast if you've fasted before. If you've done this before and you're setting your own fast limit, consider fasting for a few days. Don't fast for more than about a week without professional supervision.[5]
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    • While some detox or juice cleanse diets recommend fasting for several weeks, this can be dangerous. Don't attempt a fast of this length without being closely supervised by a doctor.
  4. Do a two-day semi-fast the week before for weight loss. If you're considering fasting to lose weight, plan to regulate how many calories you consume over the course of the week. Start one week before the equinox to finish up your fast just as the holiday arrives.[6]
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    • Since people usually do this as a long-term diet plan, you can use the spring equinox as your motivation for starting! Keep it going after the equinox is over.
  5. Celebrate the Baha'i fast for nineteen days before the equinox. First encouraged by the Baha'i faith's founder, the fast is used to encourage meditation and prayer for nineteen days before the equinox. Count out the days ahead of the equinox, and start so day nineteen falls on the day before the equinox.[7]
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    • Usually, you'll be starting up on one of the very first days in March, or the last day of February. Since the equinox doesn't fall on the same day each year, be sure to check a yearly calendar to make sure you've got the date right.
  6. Cleanse in preparation for Ostara on the equinox. Pagans or Wiccans celebrate Ostara on the spring equinox. This holiday is about celebrating the rebirth and growth that occurs in nature each spring. Fast for a few days before the celebration to purify yourself and renew your energy.[8]
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[Edit]Observing the Fast

  1. Consume mostly liquids for a detox fast. If you're fasting to detox, you'll set your own rules. If you don't want to do a complete fast, eat one or two small pieces of fruit (such as an apple) during the day. If you choose, you can also just stick to water and brewed tea while you fast.[9]
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    • You may also want to add a detoxifying soup or juice to this kind of fast.
    • Drink about (or eight 8-ounce glasses) of water per day while you fast. You can add lemon juice or orange slices to the water to flavor it.
    • Any tea will work! Add spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to help manage your hunger.
    • You can also have a bowl or two of bone or vegetable broth on your fast days. Pick up some organic broth from the grocery store or make your own!
  2. Limit your caloric intake for two days for weight loss. To follow the one-week fasting program for weight loss, you'll need to eat a lot less two days out of the week. Consume only 500 calories for two days at the end of the week. On the other five, you can have a standard intake of about 2,000 calories.[10]
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    • On your 500-calorie days, have a 100-calorie breakfast, a lunch under 200 calories, and a dinner of about 200 calories.[11]
    • A sample menu for a fast day could include 3 tbsp (about 40 g) of greek yogurt, 50 blueberries, and a kiwi for breakfast.[12] You could then have a cup (about 236 ml) of potato and leek soup for lunch.[13] Finally, whip up ratatouille for dinner![14]
  3. Do not eat or drink during the day for the Baha'i fast. During the nineteen days of the fast, you cannot eat or drink from the hours between sunup and sundown. This includes water. Observe these rules closely if you're doing the Baha'i fast.[15]
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    • Be sure to take time during your fasting hours to renew your spirituality and reflect on your inner life.
  4. Choose your own cleansing rules for Ostara. Since not all Pagans or Wiccans fast before Ostara, there are not set rules for fasting.[16] Consider eating lighter, more natural meals for several days before the equinox.[17] This will purge your system of heavier winter foods.
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    • Cut out any sugary or processed foods, along with fruits. Stick with whole-grain rice, plain oatmeal, and raw vegetables.[18]
    • This partial fast can also remind your family of the importance of the spring and summer harvest.[19]

[Edit]Breaking the Fast

  1. Eat small, light meals if you've been on a total fast. Start slow. You don't want to upset your stomach. Have a handful of nuts or a few spoonfuls of whole-grain rice. Wait about 15 minutes and eat a bit more.[20]
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    • You can also eat a bit of fruit or a small salad.
    • It shouldn't take you more than 24 hours to readjust.
  2. Go for healthy, light meals after detox or weight loss fasts. To get the full health benefits of these types of fasts, you need to continue to eat healthy after they're over. Stick with lean meats, healthy fats like avocado, and fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods and sugars.
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    • Cut out sodas and artificial sweeteners. Consider replacing sugar with a natural sweetener like honey.
  3. Drink water and eat moderate meals at night for the Baha'i fast. During the nineteen days of the Baha'i fast, you can eat and drink whatever you'd like when the sun's down![21] To avoid giving yourself a stomachache, however, you may want to stick with smaller meals during the evening. Start the day with high-fiber breakfasts that'll take you a long time to digest.[22]
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  4. Make a celebratory feast to break the pre-Ostara fast. Once the equinox arrives, it's time to celebrate! Break your fast and ring in the spring with some homemade bread, cookies, and a meal filled with grains, fruits, and vegetables. Be thankful for the earth's bounty.[23]
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    • You can also have dandelion wine, honey cakes, and nuts, which are a few other staples of the Ostara celebration.[24]


  • You can continue exercising during your fast. If you find yourself feeling light headed, take a break and reduce the intensity of the workout.

[Edit]Related wikiHows



How to Dog Sit

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:00 PM PDT

If you have a friend or a family member with a dog, you may have been asked to pet sit for them. While it can sound a little intimidating, watching someone's dog while they're away can be fun for both you and the animal! Make sure you get all the information you need before their owner leaves to make dog sitting a positive experience for you and the pup.


[Edit]Basic Information

  1. Decide whether to dog sit at your house or the owner's. If you're going to bring the dog to your house, make sure you have a pet-friendly home where the dog can run around and play. If you have any pets of your own, consider whether or not they'll be okay with a new dog in their environment.[1]
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    • If you're going to dog sit at the owner's house, talk to them about whether you'll be spending the night or just stopping by once or twice throughout the day.
    • Make sure you get a key to the owner's home if you plan on going over there.
    • Dog sitting is usually easiest if you keep the dog in their own home. They'll be more comfortable in their own environment and you won't have to worry about transporting them anywhere.
    • You can also talk about how much you'd like to be paid. Most dog sitters make around $35 per night, but that can change based on how often you're going over and how many pets are in the home.[2]
  2. Write down the owner's contact info and emergency information. Get the name and number of the dog's vet and any emergency vet services in the area. Make sure the owner has your contact info, too, just in case they need to get ahold of you.[3]
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    • In the US, the number for animal poison control is (888) 426-4435. You can call this number if the dog eats something that they shouldn't have.
  3. Ask about the dog's dietary needs. Talk about portions, where the food is kept, and how much the dog can eat every day. You can also ask about their treats and any allergies the dog has.[4]
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    • Never feed a dog chocolate, grapes, milk, cheese, onions, nuts, garlic, yeasted bread, avocados, or anything with caffeine. If the owners haven't given their okay, don't feed the dog anything other than their own food.[5]
  4. Talk about the dog's exercise routine. Younger dogs and puppies might need multiple walks and playtime every day, while older dogs may need a little less attention. Talk to the owner about their dog's schedule to see what you need to do for them every day.[6]
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    • The dog might have toys and games that they like to play, too.
    • If you're going to walk the dog, make sure you know where their leash and harness are. That way, you can walk them safely without a chance of them getting loose.
    • If you plan on taking the dog out in public, ask the owner about how they are around other animals and kids. If the dog is aggressive or nervous around other people, you may want to stick to less populated areas.
  5. Meet the dog before you start dog sitting. Some dogs are aggressive, don't like strangers, or have a lot of medical needs. If you can, try to go over to the house at least once to meet the dog and learn more about them. If you don't think you can handle the dog, it's okay to say no.[7]
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    • Most dogs will be shy or nervous when meeting a new person, so don't take it personally!
    • Start out slow when you first meet the dog by offering them your hand to sniff. After they've checked you out a little bit, go in for a pat on the head.


  1. Feed the dog using their own food and dish. Make sure you know where their food is and how much to give them. Try not to feed the dog using anything other than their own dog food, or it could upset their stomach.[8]
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    • The dog might eat dry food, wet food, or a mixture of both.
  2. Bring along toys and treats to play with the dog. If the dog is allowed to have treats, you can pick some up at your local pet store along with a few toys. If you show up with fun things, there's a higher chance the dog will like you![9]
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    • Tennis balls, frisbees, and tug-o-war toys are all great ones for dogs of any size.
    • Check in with the owner before giving the dog any treats. Some dogs have allergies or sensitive stomachs, which won't be any fun to deal with while you're pet sitting.
  3. Use a leash and harness for walks. If you plan on taking the dog out for a walk, make sure you know where their leash and harness are. Always use their own harness in the dog's size so they can't slip out and escape while you're out with them.[10]
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    • Some dogs may go on walks using a leash and a collar, which is fine too.
    • Don't forget to bring poop bags!


  1. Let the dog get comfortable with you on their own terms. When you first meet the dog, just act natural and let them come to you. Don't try to immediately handle the dog, and don't stare at them. If you're relaxed, the dog will be more likely to relax around you.[11]
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    • Try tossing treats onto the ground. That will make the dog more comfortable than if you try to feed them by hand.[12]
  2. Stick to the dog's normal feeding schedule. Dogs are very routine-based, and they'll be confused if they get fed early or late. Try to feed them based on the schedule they're used to so they don't get too hungry.[13]
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    • Most dogs get fed a morning meal and an evening meal, but this can change based on the dog and the owner.
  3. Walk the dog and play with them to get their energy out. Dogs get bored if they're sitting at home for too long. Make sure you walk them, play with them, and give them lots of treats (if they can have any).[14]
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    • Younger dogs and puppies need a lot of attention throughout the day. Older dogs may be content with sleeping or resting on their own for a while.
  4. Secure the dog when you leave the house. If the dog owner has left you instructions on where to put the dog when you leave, make sure you do it! Dogs have a tendency to get anxious when they're alone, so they may need to be put in a crate or a separate area of the house when you're gone.[15]
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    • This could be a crate, an exercise pen, a separate room, or behind a baby gate.
    • Not every dog needs to be secured, especially older dogs. If the owner didn't mention anything about putting them away, don't worry about it.
  5. Call the owner if anything goes wrong. If you have questions about the dog, if they get lost, or if they run away, call their owner right away. They may be able to help you find a solution to your problem.[16]
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    • It's not likely that a problem will happen when you're dog sitting, so you don't have to worry about it the whole time! It's important to be prepared just in case, though.
  6. Take the dog to an emergency vet if they get sick or in an accident. It's always good to be prepared for the worst. If the dog you're watching loses consciousness, has a seizure, or gets into an accident, take them to a 24-hour emergency vet right away.[17]
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    • If you end up taking the dog to a vet, contact the owners, too. They'll probably want to know that something is wrong.


  • If you're watching a younger dog, ask the owner if you can help work on their training with them.


  • Take the dog to a vet if you notice anything wrong with them.
  • Call animal poison control at (888) 426-4435 if the dog eats anything they aren't supposed to.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Make Dippy Eggs

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Dippy eggs with toast soldiers are a classic British breakfast. To make this nursery favorite, soft boil a few eggs so the yolks are still runny. Set the eggs into egg cups and toast a few slices of bread. Then, cut the toast into strips and have fun dunking them into the dippy eggs. Playing with your food has never tasted so good!


  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 slices of bread
  • Butter, to serve

Makes 2 servings


[Edit]Making the Soft-Boiled Eggs

  1. Bring 2 eggs to room temperature. Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and set them on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes before you cook them. Bringing the eggs to room temperature may prevent them from cracking when you cook them.[1]
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    • If you don't have time to set the eggs out until they're at room temperature, hold the eggs under warm running water for about 30 seconds.
  2. Pour of water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Set a pot on the stove and pour in enough water to come up the side of the pot. Then, turn the burner to high so the water begins to boil vigorously.[2] and crack 1 egg into an oven-safe ramekin. Bake the egg for 15 to 18 minutes or until the egg has just set.}}

    • Avoid adding salt to the water because it can make the texture of your eggs become rubbery.
  3. Turn the burner to medium and lower the eggs into the water. It's important to reduce the heat to a rapid simmer or the eggs will crack when you put them in the pot. Set the room temperature eggs on a slotted spoon and carefully lower them into the simmering water.[3]

  4. Simmer the eggs for 4 to 5 minutes. Set a timer for 4 minutes if you like your dippy eggs to be very runny. For eggs that are slightly more set, set the timer for a total of 5 minutes. Leave the eggs to simmer with the lid off of the pot.[4]

    • If you cook the eggs for more than 5 minutes, the yolks will be too hard to dip the toast into.
  5. Transfer the eggs to egg cups. Turn off the burner and use the slotted spoon to lift the soft-boiled eggs out of the water. Set them on a towel to air dry for a minute and then place each egg into an egg cup. Position the egg so the narrow end is at the top.[5]

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    • If you don't have egg cups, put the eggs in shot glasses or a small dish filled with uncooked rice.
  6. Slice off the top quarter of the egg to access the yolk. Although there are a lot of kitchen gadgets designed to neatly slice the cap off of a soft-boiled egg, you can use a knife. Carefully run the edge of the knife around the top quarter of the egg so you can slice through it. Discard the cap.[6]
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    • Use a sharp knife so the egg doesn't tear as much when you cut it.

[Edit]Toasting the Bread

  1. Put 2 slices of bread into the toaster. Use your favorite type of bread, such as white bread, sourdough, whole grain, or rye. Keep in mind that thicker slices of bread will hold up better when you dunk them into the dippy egg.[7]

    • If you're making the dippy eggs and toast for kids, they might want you to cut the crusts off of the bread.
  2. Toast the bread slices until they're golden brown. Adjust the setting on your toaster and push down on the lever. Heat the bread until each slice is golden brown on each side.[8]

  3. Spread butter over the slices and cut them into strips. Remove the toast and spread as much butter on them as you like. Then, take a sharp knife and carefully cut each slice into long strips that are wide.[9]

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  4. Dip the toast strips into the dippy egg. Poke a strip of the toast into the egg yolk and eat it. Keep dipping strips into the egg until you've finished the dippy egg. If you'd like, you can use a spoon to scoop out the rest of the egg once you've finished the toast strips.[10]

    • Enjoy the dippy eggs with toast right away since the toast will become soft as it sits.


  • If you use larger eggs, add an extra minute to the cooking time. For smaller eggs, reduce the cooking time by 30 seconds to 1 minute.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Slotted spoon
  • Pot
  • Toaster
  • Knife
  • Egg cup
  • Timer


[Edit]Quick Summary

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