quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2021

How to Prevent Land Pollution

Posted: 22 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT

If you're concerned about land pollution, there's a lot you can do in your home and community to slow this environmental problem. Using these suggestions from organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency, you'll be able to take steps to reduce your waste, reverse deforestation, limit your chemical usage, and conserve energy, which will help prevent land pollution and create a cleaner planet.


[Edit]Conserving Energy

  1. Reduce your electricity consumption. Burning fossil fuels to create electric power emits nitrogen into the air. This nitrogen is deposited back onto the land, leading to both soil and water pollution. To reduce your electricity consumption, turn off and unplug devices and equipment you aren't using, such as televisions, printers, tablets, and computers.[1]
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    • Turn off lights in rooms you're not in and use LED bulbs rather than fluorescent or incandescent bulbs.
    • Select energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, like washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioning units.
    • Use a programmable thermostat and keep the temperature between in the summer and in the winter.
  2. Use renewable energy sources. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are better for the environment than burning fossil fuels for energy.[2] Call up your power company and see if you can purchase your electricity from renewable sources. Or, install solar panels or a wind turbine to power your home and/or office![3]
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    • In many cases, you can receive a tax credit for using renewable energy sources.
  3. Limit your vehicle emissions.[4] Vehicle emissions contain a lot of nitrogen which pollutes the air, water, and land. Burning gasoline also contributes to land pollution since drilling for oil releases contaminants into the soil. Rather than driving everywhere you need to go, carpool or take public transportation. If your destination is close enough, ride your bike or walk.[5]
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    • Flying also contributes to pollution. Try to consolidate or limit your business trips and vacations so as to reduce the number of flights you take each year.

[Edit]Reducing Your Waste

  1. Limit your consumption of material goods. It takes a lot of energy and raw materials to manufacture everyday items. To reduce the amount of waste you produce, don't buy something unless you absolutely need it![6] When an item you do own breaks, see if it can be repaired rather than replacing it. Also, buy used items, including furniture, clothing, toys, books, electronics, and decorations for your home.[7]
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    • If you only need to use something a few times, ask a friend or neighbor if you can borrow that item instead of buying a new one.
    • Using biodegradable products also reduces the amount of waste you create.[8]
  2. Recycle as much you can. Landfills are a major contributor to land pollution. Instead of throwing away your waste, recycle as much of it as you can. Glass, plastic, paper and cardboard, and aluminum and other metals can all be recycled.[9]
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    • Sort your recyclables as per your recycling company or city municipality prefers.
    • If you don't have a recycling service, see if you can arrange for one to pick up recyclables from your home and office.[10]
  3. Use less plastic. Plastic waste is clogging up landfills and oceans around the world. Avoid buying and using plastic products, such as plastic bags, cutlery, cups, straws, and bottles.[11] Another great way to cut down on plastic use is to buy items in bulk packaged in boxes instead of plastic containers.[12]
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    • Use fabric bags to carry your groceries, pack your lunch in reusable containers, and invest in reusable bags to store food items like leftovers and snacks.

[Edit]Stopping Deforestation

  1. Reduce your paper consumption. The best way to do this is to avoid using disposable paper products. Paper towels, plates, cups, napkins, and other throwaway items are made from trees. Deforestation is a major cause of land pollution since it contributes to soil erosion and exposes the soil to contaminants. Instead of purchasing disposable paper products, opt for reusable plates and cloth towels and napkins.[13]
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    • Opt for paperless billing and cancel magazine and newspaper subscriptions.
    • You can also limit your paper consumption by sending emails instead of snail mail, avoiding printing things unless you truly need to, and using both sides of a sheet of paper.
    • When you do need to use paper, opt for recycled paper. And be sure to recycle any paper you do use!
  2. Encourage your government to preserve forested areas. All types of forests are critical to the health of the environment. Reforestation can dramatically reduce land pollution. Write to or call your elected officials and ask them to take steps to stop deforestation. Ask them to crack down on illegal logging and encourage sustainable land use.[14]
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    • Furthermore, encourage them to support worldwide reforestation efforts.
    • You can also donate time, money, or both to organizations dedicated to reforestation.
  3. Plant trees. Reforestation efforts can help reduce land and air pollution around the world. Planting trees increases biodiversity, stops soil erosion, reduces carbon monoxide buildup, and adds aesthetic value to the area. You can plant trees in your own community or work with worldwide organizations to plant trees in deforested areas.[15]
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    • If you plant trees in your own community, be sure to choose trees that are native to your region and will thrive in your specific climate.
    • Check the laws in your area before planting trees on land other than your own.

[Edit]Limiting Chemical Usage

  1. Avoid using fertilizers and pesticides. Both fertilizers and pesticides leach into the soil and contaminate it. This contaminated soil is often no longer able to support the growth of crops, leading to less land available for food production. If you have a farm, yard, or garden, avoid applying pesticides or fertilizers to your soil.[16]
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    • Use natural or organic fertilizers instead of chemical ones.
  2. Dispose of toxic chemicals properly. Household cleaning products, solvents, paints, automotive fluids, and aerosol containers all contain toxic materials. Rather than tossing these items in the trash, where they will leach into the soil in a landfill, take the time to figure out how to dispose of them properly. Read the label on each container as well as the material data safety sheet to figure out the best way to get rid of each type of chemical.[17]
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    • Be sure to store these kinds of chemicals in spill-proof containers as well.
  3. Buy organic foods. Organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides. Select fruits and veggies that are certified organic to reduce chemical pesticide usage in the agriculture industry. Though you may spend a little more money, organic foods are better for both your health and the planet![18]
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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Show Affection over the Phone

Posted: 21 Sep 2021 05:00 PM PDT

Most of us don't think of our phone as a tool to strengthen relationships, but we should. With thought and intention, you can connect with a person anywhere in the world, especially someone you care a lot about. Phones also make it easier to express love. You can send texts, emojis, and pictures or have a romantic conversation. If you need some creative suggestions for showing that you care, check out our tips below.


[Edit]Stay connected with regular communication.

  1. Texting is important but make time for real chats, too. We all get that people are busy—sometimes even just picking a time to talk can be a challenge. Plan a time to talk on the phone and stick to the schedule. Try to avoid canceling at the last minute unless you absolutely have no other choice.[1]
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    • Regular phone chats are important if you're in a long-distance relationship. Hearing each other's voices can help you feel a lot closer.

[Edit]Call or text them when they wake up or before bed.

  1. Being their first or last message of the day shows you're thinking of them. If you know the person's going to have a challenging day ahead, texting or leaving them a voicemail first thing can make them feel supported. On the flip side, if they had a long or exciting day, call them in the evening so they know you're eager to hear about it.[2]
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    • For instance, you could say, "Good morning! How are you feeling about your big day? It's got to be nerve-wracking but I know you'll do great."

[Edit]Give them plenty of sincere compliments.

  1. Describe what you like about their personality so they feel valued. Don't just save your compliments for when you're together in person. Make it a point to regularly note specific things that you love about them. For instance, you might say, "That was really thoughtful of you to help your sister prep for her exam. You're a really caring person."[3]
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    • Notice the quirky stuff, too! For example, maybe they have a totally unique fashion sense that you admire or a love of terrible jokes that you find adorable.

[Edit]Show interest in their daily activities.

  1. Inquire about their day, listen thoughtfully, and ask followup questions. Ever noticed that when someone likes you, they pay attention to what you're saying? Give this person the same treatment. Ask them about the little things like their workday, errands, or upcoming plans.[4]
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    • To show you're listening, ask followup questions like, "Since you're finished with that, what do you think you'll do tomorrow?" or, "It sounds like you have some decisions to make. What do you think you'll do?"

[Edit]Send a text when you're thinking about them.

  1. You don't have to make it long or dramatic. A simple, "Just thinking about you," lets them know that they're on your mind. Feeling more creative? Text them about things that remind you of them. For example, "I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning and it made me think of you." Here are a few more thoughtful ideas to text:[5]
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    • How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?
    • I was just thinking about you. It made me smile.
    • Stop making me think about you! I'm busy.
    • Why does it hurt so much when I miss you?

[Edit]Check in with them throughout the day.

  1. Send them thoughtful reminders and helpful hints to show you're connected. This shows that you're thinking of them throughout the day and that you care. Are they notoriously bad at remembering to eat lunch, for instance? Text them, "Hey, time to eat!" If you know they've got a doctor's appointment, you might call and ask them how the exam went. You get the idea—be there for the person even when you can't physically be together.[6]
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    • Celebrate them throughout the day, too! Did they pass a tricky exam or get a new job? Call to congratulate them or send them a fun celebratory GIF.

[Edit]Call or text them to say thanks.

  1. Remember to express gratitude to show your appreciation. Everyone likes feeling valued so drop them a text to say that you're grateful for them. If you've got more time, give them a call or leave them a voicemail. Sometimes, a simple message like, "Thank you for being you," is all it takes to show your affection.[7]
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    • You could also text something like, "Thanks for working so hard to take care of me," or, "Thank you for making me feel so special when I'm with you."

[Edit]Use a video chat app to visually connect.

  1. Seeing each other's faces can help you feel closer. Although it's no substitute for physically getting together, being able to express yourself on a video screen help you keep your connection strong. You don't have to save video chats for important stuff—talk about your day, how much you miss the person, or go on a virtual date.[8]
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    • For example, if you're in a long-distance relationship, make plans to video chat while you watch a movie together or set your camera in the kitchen so you can prepare dinner together.
    • FaceTime, WhatsApp, Google Duo, and Facebook Messenger are popular options.

[Edit]Send a virtual hug.

  1. A random hug emoji can make them feel special. Sure, a virtual hug isn't quite the same as wrapping your arms around someone, but it's the next best thing. You can choose either the happy emoji face with two hands open in a hug or an emoji of two people hugging. Either way, this simple image can brighten someone's day.[9]
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    • On Twitter or Facebook? You can easily message them a hug emoji or GIF using those apps.

[Edit]Share fun, sweet, or memorable photos and videos.

  1. Send them photos or short videos that you think they'd like. A picture's worth a thousand words, right? Snap a shot of something they'd love and send it to them. This shows that they're on you're mind and you care about them even when you're not together. You might send them a short video of the two of you if you're missing the person and want to remind them of how much you care.[10]
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    • For instance, do a throwback photo of when you first started dating, send them a pic from somewhere you went on your anniversary, or share a sweet video you took of them. You could also film a short video of yourself doing something silly or romantic to share with them.

[Edit]Send flirty texts to have fun with them.

  1. Show your playful side and build anticipation for when you see each other. If you're direct, you might send something like, "You. Me. Takeout. Tonight," or "What would you say if I asked you to come over right now?" Don't be afraid to be bold! You'll get them excited to see you again.[11]
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    • Feeling stuck with what to text? Try sending a few lines of their favorite poem or some lyrics from a song that means something special to you both.


How to Play Four Square

Posted: 21 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Four Square is a fun playground game that almost anyone can play. All you need is chalk or tape to make the squares, a ball that will bounce, and at least 4 players. Try playing with the standard rules, or mix it up for some fun!


[Edit]Playing Basic Four Square

  1. Mark 4 squares on the ground. You can make the squares any size you want, but make sure you have enough room to play. Make the squares about per side for most players, although adults might enjoy the challenge from squares.[1]
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  2. Number the squares from 1 to 4. The squares should be numbered clockwise starting with 1. This means the 1 and 3 squares will be diagonal from each other, as will the 2 and 4 squares.[2]
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    • Some people use the letters A, B, C, and D instead of numbers, while others use titles of royalty, such as Jack, Queen, King, and Ace.[3]
  3. Use a standard rubber playground ball if you have one. This is often called a kickball and is a rubber ball about in diameter. If you don't have a playground ball, use any ball that's and bounces at least 50% of the height from which it was thrown.[4]
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    • Australian players use felted tennis balls to play Four Square.
  4. Make sure everyone agrees on the rules before you start playing. As a "playground game" this game has spawned an incredible amount of local variations over the decades.
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    • If you're playing by the standard rules, make sure everyone knows what exactly they are before starting. While often one school might have "standard rules" the new kid might think the "standard rules" are something else entirely.
    • If you're playing by variations, or if the server is allowed to make up rules during the game, make sure everyone is aware of this and agrees to it.
    • Having everyone on the same page before the game starts will help prevent disputes during the game that could ruin the fun.
  5. Have a player stand in each square. The players don't have to stay in their square the entire time, but they should stay close in order to defend their area.[5]
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  6. Serve the ball from the highest-ranked square to the lowest. The server should bounce the ball once in their own square, then hit the ball so that it goes diagonally to the lowest-ranked square. The receiver can then hit the ball in any direction they choose.[6]
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    • Many people play Four Square so that the 4 square is the highest-ranked square, and therefore the server's square. If this is the case, the server should stand in the 4 square and hit the ball towards the 1 square.
    • Some people play the game so 1 is the highest-ranked square and 4 is the lowest. In this case, the serve would go from the 1 square towards the 4 square.
    • The serve always goes in the same direction.
  7. Allow one fault for the receiver per round. After the serve, the receiver should allow the ball to bounce one time in their square, then should hit it in whatever direction they choose. If they don't hit the ball correctly or it goes out of bounds, that is a "fault," and one fault is allowed per round. If the receiver misses the serve twice in a round, they are eliminated.[7]
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    • The round lasts until a player is eliminated.
  8. Take turns hitting the ball after it bounces in your square. Once the ball is in play, whoever's square the ball lands in should be the next to hit it. The ball is considered "in play" after someone touches it but before it lands in another square, meaning players can hit the ball in the air. You must hit the ball before it bounces a second time.[8]
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    • If a player hits the line with the ball or hits the ball so it does not land in another player's square, that player is out.[9]
    • If a player hits a ball after it has landed in another player's square, the person who hit the ball is out. This is called "poaching."[10]
  9. Hit the ball with any part of your hand but do not catch it. Players are not allowed to carry, catch, or hold the ball during play. However, they may repeatedly bounce the ball off of their hands in order to avoid breaking this rule.[11]
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  10. Advance to a higher numbered square when a player is out. The goal of the game is to move up to the servers' square. If you have more than 4 players, a new player will move into the lowest-numbered square when a player is eliminated.[12]
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    • If you only have 4 players, the person who is out moves to the lowest-numbered square and the other players move up, if applicable.

[Edit]Playing Variations on the Game

  1. Allow young players to catch the ball for an easier version of Four Square. Younger or less-skilled players might have more fun if they can catch the ball before throwing it again.[13]
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  2. Assign 2 players per square if you have 8 or more players. Play a relay-style variation of Four Square by having 2 players for each square. Whenever one player hits the ball to another square, they'll jump out of their court and their partner will jump in.[14]
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    • When playing with 2 players per square, if one player is out then the team is out. If everyone agrees, however, you can adjust the rules to allow the other team member to continue playing until they are out.
  3. Hit the ball into your own square first for an Australian variation. Australian players must bounce the ball in their own square, regardless of whether the ball has already bounced in their own square. Also, in Australian Four Square the ball is allowed to touch the line.[15]
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  4. Play Black Jack to get players out faster. In Black Jack, if a player can catch the ball before it lands in their square, then the person who hit the ball is out. This usually makes the game move faster.[16]
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  5. Allow the server to make up special rules to keep the game changing. The server can call a rule that all of the players must follow, but it only lasts for that round. When the round is over, the server must call the rules again or else it's assumed there are no special rules.[17]
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    • A special rule might be something like 7-Up, in which each player who hits the ball has to call out a number one higher than the previous player. The player who hits on the number 7, or any number that ends in 7, must skip that number or they'll be out.[18]
    • Another rule the server might call could be Underhand, in which all of the hits must be made with the back of the hand. Players should keep their hands open and their palms facing up.[19]


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