How to Start an Afterschool Program Posted: 21 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT Afterschool programs can help meet your community's needs.[1] Some are academically-focused on building skills like reading, math, and language. Others may highlight outdoor play, art, sports, or music. To set up an afterschool program, consider where you will run it, what staff you'll need, and where you'll find funding for supplies and food. Any program that cares for young children may also have to comply with national and local government guidelines. [Edit]Researching and Planning - Define who your program will serve. Determine what age group you will work with and what kind of programming you want to offer. Will you serve K-5th graders that attend the same school? Or, will your program enroll 7-8th graders who all share a similar interest?[2]
- If you're a teacher, consider whether your students could benefit from an extended-day program.
- If you're a parent or community leader, think about a childcare solution close to home where the kids in your neighborhood can safely spend a few hours.
- If you're a student yourself, consider proposing a program that provides a unique opportunity for yourself and your peers.
- Ask parent, teachers, and kids what they want. Talk to the people in your community about what they are looking for in an afterschool program. Hold a community conversation at a school, church, or community center to discuss your ideas and to get feedback. Send out a request for input online using email, social media, or a free online survey platform.[3]
- Involve the people who will use the program from the beginning so you can build it to meet their needs.
- Set goals for your program. Determine what the ultimate purpose of your program will be. Are you mainly interested in providing a safe place for kids to hang out after school? Do you want to help kids do their homework? Are you interested in providing art or music enrichment? You can do a combination things, but it's important to make sure that you can state your goals clearly.
- For example, some afterschool programs simply provide an environment that is safe and comfortable, where kids can play and hang out with adult supervision while their parents work.
- Other programs set educational goals to improve reading skills or math scores for students who are struggling academically.
- Plan the organizational set-up and staff requirements. At minimum you'll need a director who will oversee the program as well as someone who will actually run the programming on a day to day basis. These roles could be filled by the same person for a small program.[4]
- If you're setting up a program at a school that already has other afterschool programs in place, model your organization around these.
- Ask for volunteers from the community to help you meet your staffing needs.
- Locate a designated space for your program. Check with local schools, churches, and community centers to see if there is space you can use that is free or low-cost. Make sure the space you choose includes access to necessities like bathrooms, food, and water.[5]
- It is possible to run a program outdoors, but you will also need to make sure students have access to restrooms, shade, and adequate protection from weather extremes (like heat, cold, rain, etc.)
- Try to choose a space that is accessible and inclusive for students regardless of their ability.
- Research and obtain proper licensing for your program. Depending on where you live, afterschool programs may be regulated by national, state, or local agencies. Learn more about the specific requirements for afterschool in your area by visiting the websites of a national group, like Afterschool Alliance in the U.S. (
- In other countries with more centralized educational programming, check your government's website for a section on childcare and education. For example, in the UK, visit
- Reach out to the contacts listed for your state or local agencies by email and phone to discuss the specific requirements for your program.
[Edit]Funding Your Program - Charge tuition fees to cover your expenses. The cost of a high-quality, out-of-school-time program can range from $1,500 per child to more than double that, depending on where it is and what it includes.[6] To cover costs, many afterschool programs charge fees for enrollment.[7]
- When setting your tuition cost, consider the needs of the community your program serves. If the fees are too high, you may not be able to reach to the population you want to help.[8]
- Apply for government funding to supplement your income. Seeking funding from government sources is a great way to subsidize your program's funding base. Check agency websites in your country, like: in the U.S. or, in Canada check out the page for the Ministry of Education in your province.[9] When searching for funding programs, look for those that are targeted to specific activities or subject areas.
- For example, if you need funds to purchase arts and crafts supplies, you can look into the Arts Learning Program of the National Endowment for the Arts ([10]
- There are also numerous Federal and state funding programs in the U.S. that specifically fund programming in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.[11]
- Ask local community foundations and businesses for help. If you need craft supplies, reach out to the local arts and craft supply store to see if they can make a donation of materials. If you need snacks, contact local grocery stores near you and ask for help. Local community funding agencies are also a great resource. Search for them online and contact their grant officers for more help.[12]
- Material donations like crafts and food from local businesses can help reduce your financial burden.
- Community funding agencies are often helpful in providing much-needed money for overhead costs like rent and maintenance.
- Maintain a diverse funding stream. Keep your afterschool program going by obtaining funds and supplies from several different sources. This way, if one source of funding dwindles or disappears, your program will remain afloat.[13]
[Edit]Implementing the Program - Provide structure but be flexible in your programming. Afterschool programs should supplement and enrich, not simply extend the school day. After attending school all day, students deserve a change of pace. You may require certain activities, like completing homework or rehearsing a piece of music, but students also need time to relax and have some fun.[14]
- Set-up stations for students like an arts and crafts station, a building station, a games station, and a reading station. This allows students to choose between a variety of different options within an organized structure.[15]
- Offer nutritious snacks. An aftercare program extends a student's day to as many as 10-12 hours, or more. It's important to provide healthy nourishment so that your students have the energy and focus they need to make the most of your programming.[16]
- Ask parents and students about any food allergies your students may have before offering snacks.
- Fruits, like apples, whole grains crackers, and protein, like cheese, nuts, or hummus, are great options.
- Avoid foods that are high in sugar as these cause an initial spike in energy levels, followed by a steep decline.
- Include students in decision-making. To help your students get the most out of their afterschool experience, allow them to have some control over the programming. This can be as simple as letting them vote on a theme to explore as a group or letting them participate in decisions about what snack to eat.[17]
- By allowing them to participate in this way, you'll help create a stronger sense of community and belonging in your students
- Use themes to connect different activities. Students are more likely to participate in activities if they understand why they are doing them. Moving through different not only keeps things interesting with variety, it also provides students with a sense of purpose for each individual activity.[18]
- For example, one theme you could explore might be "spring." Your arts and crafts activities could revolve around making flower and gardening-themed projects. You might offer building activities that include making birdhouses or terrariums. You can learn songs, games, and dances related to the seasonal change, as well.
[Edit]References |
How to Flip an Omelet Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:00 PM PDT Omelets are a classic breakfast choice, but they can be fragile and hard to flip correctly. By knowing the right way to use a spatula and pan and a few different flipping methods, you'll quickly master the omelet flip and make your omelet cook and look how it should. [Edit]Using a Spatula - Allow the eggs to turn white on the edges of the omelet. Timing is everything in omelet flipping, and a good rule of thumb is to look for solidified eggs on the edges. Once they have begun to turn white, you have a short amount of time before they become too hard. Use medium heat and allow the center to solidify slightly.[1]
- Flipping an omelet when the sides have started to turn brown will sometimes result in an omelet that is well-done on the outside, but runny inside.
- Insert the spatula underneath your omelet. Look for which side has the most cooked-through eggs, and insert the spatula about 1/3 of the way in. Don't insert it all the way to the center, or you may end up splitting the omelet in half.
- If you can't get the spatula underneath the eggs cleanly, you may not have used enough oil or butter, or you may need to let the omelet cook longer to solidify more.
- Lift the side of the omelet slightly, looking for breaks. Make sure the side that you plan to fold stays together before committing to the flip. You don't need to insert the spatula any further than 1/3 of the way.[2]
- If the eggs seem to start breaking apart, either try to flip it from another side or wait a few seconds longer to let the eggs cook through more.
- Flip and fold the omelet. If your eggs are white on the sides and have begun to solidify in the center, the omelet is ready to be flipped. Gently lift one side with the spatula to fold it in half, and press down on the top to allow the center to stick together.
- Allow the side still on the pan to cook to a golden brown, then flip it again, and allow the other side to cook to a golden brown too.
[Edit]Inverting Onto a Plate - Grab a plate that is about larger than your pan on each side. Don't use a plate the same size as your pan or smaller or your omelet will not fit and could spill over the side of the plate.
- Tip the pan to allow the omelet to fall halfway onto the plate. With the bottom of the omelet solidified, you will be able to slide it off without breaking it.[3] Make sure the pan and the plate are touching so the omelet does not fall from a height - you want to slide it out, not drop it out.
- Don't tip the whole omelet onto the plate, as you will need to use the pan's edge to flip it in half.
- Fold the other half with the edge of the pan. With half of the omelet in the pan and half on the plate, carefully move the pan forward over the plate to allow the other half to slide onto itself.
- Don't raise the pan high or you may accidentally drop the omelet by dragging it off the plate. Instead, use a slow forward motion to push the omelet onto itself.[4]
[Edit]Flipping With the Pan - Tilt the pan to a 30-degree angle with the far edge tilted down. This will allow you to snap your wrist and flip the omelet in one smooth motion.
- Tilting the pan more than 30 degrees could cause the omelet to slip out, and less will not give you good leverage for the flipping motion.[5]
- Shake the pan gently to ensure the bottom of the omelet is loose. Make sure the bottom is solidified and does not stick to the pan, which can be done by gently shaking the pan to allow the omelet to slide around.[6]
- Flipping an omelet that is stuck to the pan will make a mess, as some of it will stick in the pan and some of it will fly out.
- Throw the pan forward, upward, and back in a sharp motion. Thrust forward to about the halfway point in the omelet, then flick your wrist upward slightly to lift half the omelet up. Then, sharply draw the pan slightly back towards you, lifting the far edge to fold the omelet in half.[7]
- If you flick too hard you could end up flipping the entire thing over, but flick too soft and you won't get a proper fold.
- Chop fillings into smaller pieces, and use less than you think. Having too much filling in an omelet makes it much harder to flip, as does having chunky fillings.
- Opt for a non-stick pan. Any size pan will work for omelets, but small non-stick pans are your best bet for cooking the omelet through and maintaining its shape.[8]
- Add shredded cheese into the mix before you pour the egg into the pan. This acts as a binder and can help keep the omelet together when you flip it.[9]
[Edit]Warnings - Be careful of grease and oil when flipping. If there is too much oil in the pan when you go to flip, pour the excess out into a container to prevent burning yourself.
- Don't turn the heat up too high as you may cook the outside too quickly and leave the inside liquefied. Cooking at medium heat is best because it allows the omelet to cook fully through.[10]
[Edit]Things You'll Need - Spatula
- Non-stick pan
- Plate
- Omelette ingredients (eggs, cheese, fillings)
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Delete Your Name from Search Engines Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT If you've typed your name into a popular search engine, you may have been surprised to find more information than you expected—especially if your name is unique! Maybe you own a business and were disappointed to find negative reviews, or discovered that your full name and address are available for anyone to see. While it's almost impossible to immediately wipe your name from internet search results, there are a few things you can do to make it harder for people to find your information. [Edit]Securing Social Networks - Hide your Facebook profile from search engines. When someone searches for your name in Google or Bing, your Facebook profile is typically one of the first results. Fortunately, Facebook has a built-in feature that can hide your profile from search engines. It may take a few days for this change to take effect, but it's one way to better protect your privacy.
- On a computer:
- Log into Facebook and click the downward triangle ▼ at the upper-right corner of the page.
- Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy.
- Scroll down to the "Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?"
- Click Edit and select No.
- Phone or tablet:
- Open the Facebook app and tap the three-line menu ☰ at the top-right or bottom-right.
- Tap How People Find and Contact You.
- Tap Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile? and select No.
- This will only prevent your personal Facebook profile from appearing in Google, Bing, and other search engine results. If you've made posts or comments on public Facebook Pages or groups, they could still appear on Google. If this happens, follow the link and edit or delete your comment/post as needed.
- Make your tweets private. Does a search for your name bring up your tweets or Twitter profile? You can set your tweets to private so they stop appearing in search engine results. People who are already following you (and anyone new you approve) will still be able to read your tweets, but they'll no longer show up in search engines. It could become harder to gain new followers this way, but it'll keep your content private.
- Log into your Twitter account on your computer, phone, or tablet.
- If you're using a phone or tablet, tap the three-line menu at the top-left. On a computer, click More in the left column.
- Click or tap Settings and privacy.
- Click or tap Privacy and safety.
- On a phone or tablet, toggle "Protect your Tweets" to the On position. On a computer, click Audience and tagging and check the box next to "Protect your Tweets."
- Change your name on social networks. There's a good chance that the people you care about on your social networks know who you are, so changing your name will help hide your profiles from search engines. This is a bit harder on Facebook, as their real name policy requires you to use the name on your government ID. However, you can make your name anything you want on Twitter or Instagram.
- Twitter: Go to your profile, select Edit profile, and change what appears in the "Name" field.
- Facebook: Click the down-arrow at the top of the page (or tap the three-line menu on a phone or tablet), go to Settings & Privacy > Settings, tap Personal and Account Information (mobile only), and then change the "Name" field.
- Instagram: Go to your profile, tap Edit Profile, and adjust what appears next to "Name."
- Delete unused accounts. Sometimes signing up for a website will create an online profile that can turn up in search engines. For example, if you have an account, people may be able to search for your name and find your wish list, reviews, and other details. The best way to tackle this issue is to delete any online accounts you no longer use, and lock down the ones you do use.
- Try to remember the places you've shopped online (or search your email for receipts). Log in to any site you don't plan to use again and either change your name or delete your profile.
- If you've signed up for online forums, such as help forums for services or discussion boards, your posts and profiles could appear in searches for your name. If you can't remember which forums or groups you've signed up for, try searching your email for "Welcome to" or similar.
[Edit]Removing Personal Identity Information - Know what you can remove from Google. Google doesn't remove much from their search results, but you can file for removing special case information. This includes social security numbers, bank account or credit card numbers, an image of your signature, personal pictures uploaded without your consent, or the name of your business if it was associated with adult spam.
- Remember, this will not remove the content from the web, and it can still be easily accessed by visiting the site. If you want this content removed, you'll need to contact the site owners.
- Visit Google's information removal tool. If you feel that you fall into one of the above categories, you can fill out a form to request that the offending URL be removed from Google's search results. Go to this Google support page to get started.
- Select "Remove information you see in Google Search". You'll be prompted to select whether the page containing the content is still online or not.
- Select the type of content you want removed. You'll be shown a list of all of the types of content that Google will remove from the search results. Once you select the type of information, a detailed form will appear.
- Fill out the form. You'll be asked to provide the site URL, as well as your contact information. You'll also need the URL of the search results page that it appears on. Once you have filled out the form, it will be submitted for review.
- If Google verifies that the site is displaying your personal information without your consent, it will remove that URL from its search results. Note that this will not remove the content from the internet, and it can be easily linked and shared through social networks. If you want the content off the internet, you'll need to go through the site owner, the host, or the legal system.
[Edit]Contacting Site Owners - Perform searches on yourself. Another thing to check is whether your name appears on various websites. Perform web searches on your name using a variety of different search engines. Add search modifiers like your location to help narrow down the results. Note the top results for each one.
- Instead of just using Google, make sure to search for yourself on other search engines, such as Bing and DuckDuckGo.
- Remember, it's not the search engine that is causing your name to appear, it is content on the web.
- Find the site's contact information. Many websites will have contact information in the "Contact" section, or in the footer of the page. Use this contact information to send a request to the site owner to remove the content with your information.
- If the site your name appears on is run by some sort of name indexing company, you may also find a form you can fill out which will request your removal from the site.
- You can use WHOIS, a domain registry database, to attempt to find contact information if none is listed. If the domain was privately registered, your request will be sent to a proxy company, and may or may not be forwarded to the actual owner.
- Send a polite message. If something attached to your name is posted on a domain you can't control - for example, a blog post on someone else's blog - a polite, concise email can go a long way. Simply ask them nicely to remove your name from their site. Keep in mind that they are under no obligation to do as you ask; this is why politeness is absolutely crucial to getting them to fulfill your request.
- You may have heard that it is illegal to publish information about someone that is defamatory or slanderous. In truth, determining whether content is defamatory or slanderous is an extremely nuanced legal matter. Additionally, in the United States, there is a loophole regarding slanderous content online in which website owners are not responsible for user-submitted content.[1] For you, this means that again, they are not under any legal obligation to remove said content. Depending on the website, though, sending a polite email request just might get the job done.
- Use the Google site removal tool after the content has been taken down. If the site owner cooperates and removes the content, it may still appear in Google's search results. While this will eventually go away, you can speed up the removal process by filing to have that URL removed from the search results. Fill out the form here to have the URL processed for removal.
- Contact "people finder" and "411" websites. There are a variety of online directories that may have information about you, including your name, phone number, and address. You'll need to send information removal requests to each of these directory sites. Some of the most popular directory sites include Intelius and Spokeo.[2]
- You can use services such as DeleteMe to automatically contact all of these directory sites with removal requests. This will cost you money, but can be much more time-effective if you want to be thorough.
[Edit]Contacting Hosting Companies - Determine the host. You can use the WHOIS search to find the host of the website. The host has the power to remove pages, especially if they violate the host's terms and policies. Chances are that most hosts don't allow slanderous or defamatory content, and you can use this to remove your information. Contact the host when the site owner isn't responding or is refusing to remove content.
- Send the request to the host. Send a polite but strong message to the host's contact address. If you can, describe the specific policies that the content you want removed is violating. If the host is trustworthy and your claim is legitimate, this will usually be enough to cause action.
- Send a DMCA takedown request. If someone is illegally posting your copyrighted content, you can submit a DMCA takedown request to the host.[3] While this won't work for your name or information, since that isn't copyrightable, it can be effective at keeping your work from being spread illegally. Some hosting companies have contact links dedicated to copyright violations, while others will need to have messages sent to the standard contact addresses.
[Edit]Improving Your Search Results - Know when to take this approach. If you just can't get someone to take down negative information about you, the best course of action is to try to bury it in good content. This means you may be actively taking the opposite approach of removing your name, since you'll want lots of results for your name that are positive.
- Sign up for every major social network. Since the goal of this is to bury a negative piece of content, you'll want to create as much neutral and positive content as possible. This includes social networks, as these are often ranked highly in search results. Sign up for every major social network and make sure your accounts are set to be publicly-viewable.
- Sign up for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and any other popular networks.
- Create profiles and post on public forums. Create accounts on sites like Quora, GitHub, Stack Exchange, and other public sites. All of these will contribute to your search results. Once you've created a profile, make some helpful posts on popular threads to increase the chance that your name will be linked to it in a search result.
- Register your real name as a domain name. This URL will shoot to the top of any search for your name because it is an exact match.
- It also helps to include a link to this domain on your public social media profiles. The more a URL is linked to from an outside source, the higher up it will appear in search results.
- Use this opportunity to market yourself or your business. Include some positive information, especially if you are trying to bury content that doesn't put you in a very good light.
- Start a blog. If you really want to make a dent on your search result, a popular blog will go a long way. This will take a lot of time, but is probably the most effective way to bury a bad article or page. You can start a blog for free using WordPress, Squarespace, or a variety of other services. Try to post at least once a week to start building up content.
- Ask happy customers for positive reviews. If you run a business and are trying to bury a bad review, ask your satisfied customers to consider leaving a review on Yelp or Google+. Enough good reviews could quickly drown out a negative one.
- Be patient. It may take weeks or months for your content to overtake the negative piece, especially if it is popular. Even if you go with a paid service, it will likely take a significant amount of time for the search result rankings to change.
 [Edit]Using the "Right to be Forgotten" (EU) - Visit the search removal page for Europe. If you reside in the European Union, you may have Google review your data and decide if it is eligible to be removed from the search results.[4] To do this, you'll need to fill out a form indicating what results you want removed. Not all requests will be granted, and public information such as criminal convictions, malpractice, and financial scams will likely not be removed.
- Go to the form page to begin submitting the request.
- Fill out the form. You'll need to include your name as well as the name that retrieves the results you want to remove. You'll also need to include specific URLs for search results that you want to get rid of. Each URL you add will need an explanation as to why you think it should be removed (outdated, irrelevant, objectionable, etc.).
- Wait for your request to be approved or denied. If the information is deemed not of public interest, then the results will be removed from Google search results. It may take a while for your request to be reviewed, and even longer for it to be processed.
[Edit]Taking Legal Action - Know when this is necessary. If the site owner and the host are refusing the remove your content, you may have to resort to legal measures. This will be most effective if either the site owner or the hosting company are in the same country as you.
- Remember, this method will only be useful if the content that is posted is actually illegal (slanderous, defamatory, copyright). It is not illegal for someone to just post your name on a website.
- Contact a lawyer to draft an "intent to sue" notice. This is the cheapest option, and is often good enough to scare the recipient into taking down the content. You only need a few hours of the lawyer's time to perform this, so it shouldn't cost too much. Send the notice to both the site owner and the hosting company.
- Get a court order. This is the most expensive solution, and should only be attempted if you are absolutely sure the content is illegal. You'll have to pay legal fees, unless you are able to win your case and have the site owner or host pay them. Consult with a lawyer to determine if this is the correct course of action for you. You'll have a very hard time even getting a court date if the host is from a different country.
[Edit]Warnings - It is almost impossible to get content immediately and permanently removed from the Internet. If you manage your expectations of what can realistically be removed from search results, you will save yourself a lot of frustration and worry.
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
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