How to Be Motivated in the Morning Posted: 21 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST What you do in the morning sets the tone for the day. When your morning is chaotic and stressful, the rest of your day will probably be too. Being motivated in the morning takes planning. Few people are natural early birds. With some simple changes, you can create an organized and a calm morning routine. When you're motivated in the morning, you're more productive all day. [Edit]Developing Healthy Eating and Sleeping Habits the Night Before - Prepare your breakfast and lunch the night before. With getting yourself ready, caring for pets and kids or juggling before-work chores, you're packing in a lot of activities in the morning. Lighten the load by preparing breakfast and lunch the evening before. When all you have to do is grab your meal and go, you're less likely to skip breakfast because you're in a rush and you'll avoid grabbing unhealthy fast food for lunch.[1]
 - Keep your energy levels high. The energy you got from eating dinner the night before is depleted by morning. Eating a high-fiber breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar, which helps you feel energized and more focused. You need energy for maximum motivation in the morning and all day long. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as doughnuts because they create a blood sugar spike and then a crash.[2]
- Keep your breakfast simple and nutritious. Boil eggs and refrigerate so they're handy for busy mornings. Enjoy a hard-boiled egg with an English muffin and a banana for a balanced breakfast. Another option is to cook oatmeal overnight in a crockpot. Enjoy hot oatmeal and fruit in the morning and refrigerate leftovers for a quick breakfast the rest of the week.
- Pack a balanced lunch. Use a wide-mouthed mason jar to make a high-protein salad. Place salad dressing at the bottom of the jar. Next, layer veggies such as cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, carrots and chickpeas. Add lean protein such as grilled chicken. Finally add leafy greens on the top, close the lid and refrigerate. The salad will stay fresh overnight since the greens are separated from the dressing. When you're ready for lunch, simply shake the jar to spread the dressing and then pour into a bowl.
- Eat a healthy dinner. Your body uses food from dinner as fuel while you sleep. You'll wake up with more energy and motivation when you power your body with the right foods the night before. Eat lean protein such as grilled chicken, fish or beans. Add vegetables and complex carbohydrates such as brown rice or quinoa.
- Your body uses a lot of energy to digest food. Eating a heavy meal near bedtime makes it harder to fall asleep. Eat two or three hours before bedtime. This gives your body time to finish digestion before you hit the sack. Avoid sugary or greasy foods since they can lead to a blood sugar spike or heartburn. Both make it harder to fall asleep.[3]
- Shut off electronics before bedtime. Tablets, smartphones, computers and TVs all activate your brain. You're in thinking mode instead of relaxation mode. An activated brain makes it difficult to fall asleep. Once your sleep is disrupted, you'll have a hard time getting motivated in the morning. Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime.
- The artificial light from electronic devices disrupts your circadian rhythm. It suppresses the sleep-hormone melatonin, which causes you to stay awake longer. Disrupted sleep means you're sluggish and irritable in the morning.[4]
- Avoid caffeine before bedtime. Caffeine makes you feel alert for several hours. You'll take longer to fall asleep and have restless sleep when you consume caffeine at night. You'll wake up feeling groggy instead of energized. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or soda for at least four hours before bedtime.[5]
- Drink non-caffeinated beverages instead such as caffeine-free tea or warm milk. These have a soothing effect. You'll having an easier time falling and staying asleep.
- Skip alcohol near bedtime. Having a nightcap before bed isn't as relaxing as it seems. Alcohol is a depressant so it causes you to feel sleepy at first. As the alcohol wears off, it has a stimulating effect. You'll wake up and have a hard time going back to sleep. Alcohol also disrupts your sleep cycles, so you won't get the type of sleep that you need to feel rested.
- Limit alcohol to one or two drinks a day. Have your last drink at least two hours before bed.[6]
- Create a bedtime routine.[7] Bedtime routines are not just for children. Train your mind and body to fall asleep and stay asleep. A good night's rest is crucial to starting your morning feeling energized and focused.[8]
 - Read an old-fashioned book or magazine. You'll fatigue your brain and fall asleep more easily when you read. Avoid reading from an electronic device because the light from the device can keep you awake. Plus, you'll be tempted to check your messages or apps.
- Relax your muscles. Taking a warm bath or doing gentle stretching are some ways you can release tension from your body. Your muscles are tight from your busy day. A bath or stretching helps you unwind and more easily fall asleep.
- Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This amount allows you to move through all the cycles of sleep. There are four phases of sleep that repeat approximately every 90 minutes. If you sleep for less than seven hours, you cannot cycle through all the phases.[9]
- Recognize that sleep is important to your overall health. Sleep deprivation leads to memory loss, lack of concentration and fatigue. Consistently sleeping well boosts your immune system and helps you control your weight. A good night's rest improves your energy, motivation and overall wellbeing.[10]
[Edit]Taking Charge of Your Morning - Avoid hitting snooze. When you're warm and cozy in bed and your alarm goes off, your first instinct is to hit snooze. When you snooze your alarm and drift back to sleep, you're resetting your sleep cycle. The next time your alarm sounds, you'll be groggier because you're interrupting a new sleep cycle. This is called "sleep inertia." Get into the habit of waking up the first time your alarm sounds. You'll be more alert and motivated to get going with your day.[11]
- Keep your curtains partially open. When light fills your bedroom in the morning, waking up is easier. Light in the morning tells your body to naturally awaken. It will help you get into a lighter stage of sleep, so when your alarm sounds, it's easier to get out of bed.
- Set your alarm for 10 or 15 minutes earlier. You can ease into your morning more calmly as opposed to rushing around. Sit up slowly in bed and do some stretches.
- Make an effort to go to bed around the same time each night, even on weekends or days off. Consistency is key to healthy sleep patterns. Your circadian rhythm stays in sync when you have the same bedtime routine each night.
- Simplify getting dressed. Have two or three ready-to-go outfits in your closet. For example, have your shirt, pants, and belt on one hanger, with matching shoes below. This takes the guesswork out of choosing an outfit for the morning.
- Sleep in your workout clothes. If you want to work out first thing in the morning, you'll have one less thing to do if you're already dressed to hit the gym.
- Rehydrate your body. You're dehydrated when you wake up since you've fasted all night during sleep. Drink a glass of water or a small cup of juice with your breakfast. This wakes up the cells in your brain. It's an instant way to feel more alert and motivated.[12]
- Drink caffeine moderately. A cup or two of coffee or tea helps you feel more alert. Avoid caffeine overload. Any more than three cups may make you feel jittery and distracted. It can actually decrease motivation because you're unable to focus.[13]
- Get physically active in the morning. Not everyone benefits from a full workout first thing in the morning. If fitting in a workout means you'll cut into your seven to nine hours of sleep, then working out later in the day may be better for you. However, doing brief amounts physical activity in the morning will help you feel more awake and energized.[14]
- Move around to music while you're getting ready for the day. Listen to music and dance while brushing your teeth or making your coffee. Even two or three minutes of movement goes a long way.
- Take a brisk walk outside for five minutes. A quick walk gets your blood pumping and activates your brain. You'll be more motivated to start your day.
- Place a white board and basket by your door. Keep things organized so you remember all your essentials such grabbing your keys and feeding your dog. List the things you need to do before you leave the house in the morning on a dry erase board. Also keep a basket by the door and place the things you'll need for your day.[15]
- Put your keys, transportation passes, wallet, handbag, sunglasses and backpack in the basket. In the morning, you'll know exactly where all of your essential items are so you can grab and go.
- Write a checklist of things you must do before you leave the house on the white board. Scan the board each morning so you can leave the house knowing you've remembered everything. For example, list "feed cat, grab lunch, take coffee."
[Edit]Building Your Motivation in Your Life - Build optimism. Having a positive outlook helps your motivation.[16] You see desires and goals as attainable when you have an optimistic, can-do attitude. Lack of optimism may lead to procrastination, or putting off things you want to or need to do. You avoid doing something that is good for you because it seems too hard. Build your optimism by journaling. You can train yourself to take action in the morning and all day.[17]
 - Think about something you've been putting off doing, like going back to school.
- Make two columns in a journal. In the first column, write down the challenges you feel are keeping you from achieving your dream (in this case, going back to school). For example, "I don't have money to go back to school. I don't have the time."
- In the second column, write down how the goal benefits you. What would your life be like immediately after, a year after and five years after you achieve it? For example, "I have the qualifications for my dream job. I can earn more money. I can buy a house." Recognize the feelings of joy and pride that come with these accomplishments.
- Build on your feelings of joy and pride. Take one small step toward your goal. For example, you might research college programs, or contact schools to find out about financial aid.
- Write in your journal each week, noting your accomplishments as well as your challenges. Make notes on how you can overcome the difficulties you faced from the week before. You can keep your motivation high by acknowledging your progress and using problem-solving for the difficulties.
- Reward yourself for reaching your goals. Incentives help with motivation. Just like when you reward a pet with a treat for doing something good, you need to reward yourself. Set rewards for each small goal you reach. For example, play a 10-minute game on your tablet if you get your chores done.
- Monetary rewards are often the most motivating. For example, if your goal is to walk for 20 minutes each day with your friend, give your friend $20. When you show up and complete your walk, your friend gives you your money back. If you don't show up, they keep your money. You'll find that you're highly motivated to walk every day.[18]
- Create boundaries. When you're stretched in many directions, you'll have little time to reach your own goals. Having too many obligations saps your motivation. Say "no" to unnecessary commitments. If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will. Only take on obligations that are essential and say "no" to the rest.[19]
- Avoid agreeing to commitments because you feel guilty. If you agree to do something simply to spare another person's feelings, you'll end up feeling resentful and bitter.
- Make a list of your priorities. Focus on what's important to you and how you want to spend your time. If something falls outside of your priorities, politely decline.
- Be brief yet firm. You don't need to give someone a lengthy explanation. Be succinct, honest and polite. Simply say, "No, I can't organize the fundraiser this year. Thanks for thinking of me. Good luck with your event."
- Surround yourself with motivating people. When you surround yourself with positive and driven people, you're more likely to be motivated and stick to your goals.[20] You'll hold each other accountable. Positivity is infectious. When those around you are optimistic and motivated, your own positivity will grow.[21]
- Connect with a mentor. For example, maybe you want to go back to school, but no one around you seems to support you. Contact a school and ask to get connected with a student who successfully completed the program. Talk to them about their tips for success.
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References |
How to Make a Honey and Oatmeal Face Mask Posted: 21 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST Do you suffer from dry, sensitive skin? Do acne and blackheads plague you relentlessly? Or do you simply wish to pamper yourself? If you find yourself in any of these situations, you may consider a moisturizing, exfoliating face mask made from ingredients you may already have in your kitchen pantry: oatmeal and honey. This article will not only show you how to make a basic mask, but it will also show you how to make specific masks for combating acne and soothing dry, sensitive skin. [Edit]Ingredients [Edit]Basic Mask - 3 tablespoons ground oats
- 1 tablespoon hot water
- 1 tablespoon honey
[Edit]Acne Mask - 2 tablespoons ground oats
- 2 tablespoons honey
- ½ tablespoon lemon juice
- 4 drops tea tree essential oil
[Edit]Soothing Mask - 1 tablespoon ground oats
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 teaspoon yogurt
[Edit]Making a Basic Mask - Find a mixing bowl. You will need something to mix all of your ingredients in. Because you are working with such small amounts, you can use a small bowl or even a cup.
- Make sure your oats are finely-ground. You want a coarse, flour-like texture. If your oats are too grainy and chunky, then you will have to grind them using a blender, coffee grinder, or a food processor.
- Place the oats into the bowl. Measure out 3 tablespoons of oats and place them into the bowl.
- Add some hot water and mix. You want your oats to be soft for this mask, so measure out of very hot water, and add it to the oats. Mix the two ingredients until they are combined.
- Let the mixture cool a little. Before moving onto the next steps, let the oats cool for a few moments.[1] This also gives the oats enough time to absorb the water, making them more supple.
- Add the honey and stir. You will need of honey. Be sure that it is the clear, runny type. Measure out the honey, add it to the bowl, and mix with a spoon until everything is combined.
- Consider adding or substituting other ingredients. You can use your facial mask as it is, or you can add other ingredients into it as well. You can also substitute certain ingredients for others. Her are some ideas:[2]
- Instead of using hot water, use of cold milk.
- You can also use of chamomile tea instead of water.
- Add a few mashed up banana slices to the oats.
- Consider adding a few drops of almond oil.
- Replace the water with of olive oil instead, for a more nourishing mask.
[Edit]Making an Acne Mask - Consider a honey-lemon-oatmeal mask. If you suffer from acne, then this mask may be just the thing for you. It contains ground oats, honey, lemon juice, and tea tree oil. Here are the benefits of each ingredient:
- Oats act as a natural cleanser and have both exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties.[3]
- Honey has both antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which make it great for managing acne and blackheads.[4]
- Lemons have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which makes them great for managing acne and blackheads. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic.[5]
- Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and toner.
- Make sure the oats are finely ground. If your oats are whole or too grainy, then you can grind them up in a blender, a coffee grinder, or a food processor.
- Obtain a mixing bowl. Because you are working in such small amounts, you can use anything as your mixing bowl, from a cup to a small bowl to even an old yogurt container.
- Add the ground oats in the mixing bowl. Measure out 2 tablespoons of ground oats and pour them into your bowl.
- Pour in some the honey. Measure out of honey and add it into the mixing bowl. You want the runny, translucent type of honey.
- Add fresh lemon juice to the bowl. You need ½ tablespoon of lemon juice. Using fresh lemon juice is recommended over concentrated lemon juice, which may be too harsh for your skin.
- If you don't have fresh lemon juice, simply cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice out from one of the halves until you have enough. Add the lemon juice into the mixture, wrap up the remaining lemon, and store it in the fridge for later use.
- Add the tea tree oil. You will need ½ tablespoon of the lemon juice and 4 drops of tea tree essential oil.
- Mix everything together. Using a spoon or fork, mix everything together until you get a thick, grainy paste. This will be enough for one or two facials.
[Edit]Making a Soothing Mask - Consider making a soothing mask. If you have dry or sensitive skin, the ingredients from the acne mask may be too drying for you. Instead, make a more soothing mask using oats, yogurt, and honey.[6] Here are the benefits of each ingredient:
- Oats make a great, natural cleanser. They also have both exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Yogurt is full of calcium, protein, and Vitamin D, all of which are important for your skin. It also helps moisturize your skin and even your skin tone.[7]
- Honey is a great for reintroducing moisture into dry skin.[8]
- Make sure the oats are finely ground. You want a coarse, flour-like texture. If your oats are too grainy, you will need to grind them up in a blender, a coffee grinder, or a food processor.
- Find a mixing bowl. You will need a small bowl or container to mix your ingredients in.
- Add the ground oats in the mixing bowl. Measure out 1 tablespoon of ground oats and pour them into your bowl.
- Pour in the honey. You will need 1 teaspoon of honey. Make sure that it is the clear, runny type.
- Add the yogurt. Measure out 1 teaspoon of yogurt and add it into the bowl. To reduce the risk of irritation, use a plain, unsweetened yogurt.[9]
- Mix everything together. Using a spoon or fork, mix all of the ingredients together until you have a thick paste. If the mixture is too thick and clumpy, then add a little more honey or yogurt.
[Edit]Using the Mask - Protect your clothes. The facemasks you have made will be very gloopy and messy. Consider draping a towel over the front of your chest and shoulders to protect your clothes. You can also wear something that you do not mind getting dirty.
- Protect your hair. While the ingredients you have used are not bad for your hair, you will probably have to wash your hair completely if you get any of the oatmeal mask on it. To prevent this, tie your hair into a pony tail to keep it away from your face. If you have short hair, then consider wearing a shower cap.
- Start with a fresh, clean face. If you have not already, wash your face with your usual facial cleanser and water. Lightly pat your face dry with a clean towel.
- Apply the mask to your face. Using your fingers, start gently massaging the mask into your face, using circular motions. Apply the mask into your forehead, nose, cheekbones, and jaw. Do not apply it on your mouth or eyes.
- Leave the mask on your face. Let the mask sit on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. If you are using the soothing, yogurt-based mask, consider leaving the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes instead. The mask may harden or start to flake off as it dries; this is normal and to be expected.
- Rinse the mask off. Using cool water, gently wash the face mask off. Be sure to use the same circular, massaging motions that you used to put the mask on.
- Consider applying toner and moisturizer. Once your face is clean, follow up with your usual skincare regime. If you don't have a skincare regime, them you can consider applying some toner and moisturizer.
- To apply the toner, simply soak a cotton ball with some toner, and sweep it over your face, focusing on the forehead, nose, and cheekbones. The toner will help tighten your pores.
- To apply some moisturizer, simply squeeze some of your favorite facial moisturizer onto your palm, and apply it to your face using your fingers. Avoid the sensitive areas around your nose and mouth.
- Try to use all of the facial mask, as it is made from perishable ingredients and will expire. If you have any facial mask left over, then store it in the fridge and use it the next day.
- You can use this facial once or twice a week.
- Do not eat the mask, no matter how tasty it looks.
- Oatmeal and honey masks can be messy, so be sure to protect your clothing and keep your hair out of the way.
[Edit]Warnings - Avoid using sweetened yogurt or flavored oatmeal, both of which may contain skin irritants.
- Avoid using the mask too close to your eyes, ears, and nose.
- Do not make or use this mask if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
[Edit]Things You'll Need - Blender, coffee grinder, or food processor.
- Bowl
- Spoon
- Towel
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary - ↑ Homemade Masks, Homemade Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne
- ↑ Home Remedy Shop, 15 Best DIY Face Masks for Flawless Skin
- ↑ [v161712_b01]. 19 February 2021
- ↑ Live Simply, Homemade Honey Oatmeal Acne Mask
- ↑ Live Simply, Homemade Honey Oatmeal Acne Mask
- ↑ WebMD, Soothing Oatmeal Face Mask
- ↑ Organic Authority, 5 Skin Rejuvenating Treatments Using Yogurt
- ↑ Women's Health Mag, 11 Ways to Use Honey to Get More Gorgeous Skin, Hair, and Nails
- ↑ Enki Village, Oatmeal Face Mask
How to Choose Skin Care Products Posted: 20 Feb 2022 04:00 PM PST It's true: good skin care products and a healthy skincare routine are essential to having happy, healthy skin. But with all the products on the shelves, how are you supposed to know which ones are best for you and your skin care needs? No worries—you're not in this alone. We're here to help you find the best skin care ingredients and products for your skin type and complexion. [Edit]Getting to Know Your Skin's Needs - What is your skin type? Your skin type is the default condition of your skin on any given day.[1] Many skin care products cater to specific skin types, so it helps to know which one you have before you start shopping around.[2] Here are the different categories:
- Normal: Skin that's not especially dry, oily, or sensitive
- Oily: Skin with a shiny, greasy sheen
- Dry: Skin that itches, flakes, or feels rough to the touch
- Combination: A mixture of dry and oily skin
- Sensitive: Skin that tends to react to skincare products[3]
- Do you want to target any skin concerns or issues in your skincare routine? Maybe you're battling a pesky round of acne, dealing with wrinkles, or coping with a rosacea flare-up. Whatever the case, look for skincare products that address these specific issues and concerns.[4] You might:
- Get a product with salicylic acid to deal with acne
- Invest in retinol products to minimize wrinkles[5]
- Skip toner if you have rosacea[6]
- Do you have any habits that directly affect your skin? Many different factors affect the way your skin looks and feels. This, in turn, affects the skincare products you'll need to use. For instance, smoking or spending a lot of time in the sun means you'll want products that target collagen production and sun damage.[7]
[Edit]Building a Healthy Skin Care Routine - Wash your face with a gentle cleanser twice per day. Cleansers help clear away any oil, grime, and anything else that's collected on your face.[8] Dermatologists suggest squeezing a tiny bit of cleanser onto your fingertips and lightly massaging it into your skin. Then, rinse off any leftover suds with slightly warm water, and blot your skin with a gentle cloth until it's completely dry.[9] Here are some skin-specific suggestions:
- Oily Skin: Gel cleanser with glycolic and salicylic acid
- Dry Skin: Cream cleanser with glycerin and petrolatum, lanolin, or ceramides
- Combination Skin: Gentle, balanced cleanser
- Sensitive Skin: Mild cleanser without dye, soap, or fragrance[10]
- Nourish your freshly-cleaned skin with toner up to twice a day. Toner helps nourish, lower redness, and eliminate dry sections on your skin.[11] All you have to do is squeeze a few drops of product onto a cotton ball and dab all over your damp skin after you've cleansed. Here are some skin type-specific suggestions:[12]
- Dry and Normal Skin: Toner with hyaluronic acid
- Oily Skin: Toner with alpha and beta hydroxy acids
- Sensitive Skin: Toner with hyaluronic acid that's fragrance-free
- All Skin Types: Any toner that's alcohol-free with antioxidants
- Target specific skin issues with serums. Are you noticing some fine lines starting to form, or does your skin just always seem to be inflamed? Whatever the case, serums are a great way to tackle specific issues.[13]
- Vitamin C serums are a really popular option that can help your skin look brighter and less red. They can even help boost collagen production, which helps your skin look a bit more youthful.[14] This could be helpful if you just quit smoking, since cigarettes hurt your skin's collagen.[15]
- Although serums are an optional part of most skincare routines, some people find them helpful.[16]
- Exfoliate your face up to 2 times each week.[17] Exfoliating products help clear away dead skin cells, but they shouldn't be used every day.[18] Instead, experts advise using an exfoliator up to twice a week, between your cleanser and moisturizer.[19] Here are some skin type-specific suggestions:
- Oily Skin: Use a mechanical exfoliator or strong chemical exfoliator
- Dry Skin: Use a gentle chemical exfoliator
- Sensitive Skin: Use a gentle chemical exfoliator
- Mechanical exfoliators require physical motion to exfoliate your skin, like using a bristled brush or exfoliating scrub. Chemical exfoliators are products made with exfoliating ingredients and aren't as rough on your skin.[20]
- Hydrate your skin every day with lotion or moisturizer while it's damp. Moisturizers help lock moisture into your face, creating a vibrant glow.[21] Dermatologists suggest applying this product throughout the year, so your skin can always stay hydrated.[22] Here are some specific product suggestions, depending on your skin type:
- Oily Skin: Water-based, oil-free moisturizer
- Dry Skin: Oil-based moisturizer
- Combination Skin: Medium-weight lotion
- Sensitive Skin: Hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturizer[23]
- Apply 30 SPF sunscreen every day to protect your skin. Daily sun exposure can damage your skin over time, so it's important to stay protected.[24] Rub sunscreen on any exposed parts of your skin about 15 minutes before you plan on heading out the door—this way, the product has enough time to soak into your skin.[25]
- A cherry tomato-sized squirt of sunscreen should be enough to protect your face.[26]
- Try to apply a new layer of sunscreen every 2 hours if you spend a lot of time out in the sun.[27]
- Remember: you should always wear sunscreen when you head outside, even if you have a tan complexion or darker skin tone.[28]
[Edit]Choosing the Right Ingredients for Your Skin - Treat wrinkles and blemishes with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). Also known as tartaric, glycolic, lactic, and citric acids, AHAs help reduce age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation issues. You can find them in a variety of over-the-counter creams and lotions.[29]
- Skincare experts suggest picking out products with a low AHA concentration so you don't bother your skin. Anywhere between 10 and 15% should be good!
- Clear away dead skin with beta-hydroxy acids. Also known as salicylic acid, this ingredient helps boost the tone and texture of skin damaged by the sun. It's also a common ingredient in acne treatments. You can find it in plenty of over-the-counter skincare productions, as well as in prescription treatments.[30]
- Products with beta-hydroxy acids may be a little easier on your skin than products with AHAs.
- Hydrate and firm your skin with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in your joints and skin, but your body's levels of it decrease when you get older. Thankfully, there's plenty of hyaluronic acid in topical, over-the-counter products, which hydrate your skin and tackle your wrinkles head-on.[31]
- Improve your skin's appearance with retinol. This ingredient reduces fine lines, decreases wrinkles, and gives your skin texture a boost. You can find it in a variety of creams and serums at your local drugstore.[32]
- Get younger-looking skin with L-ascorbic acid. Also known as vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid helps boost your skin's collagen production, which helps reduce wrinkles, lines, and other blemishes. Skincare products with L-ascorbic acid may irritate your skin at first, but your skin should adjust over time.[33]
- You can find L-ascorbic acid in plenty of over-the-counter skincare products.
- Lighten your skin with hydroquinone. This ingredient directly impacts your melanin production and can treat different types of hyperpigmentation, like freckles, acne scars, and age spots. [34] You can easily find hydroquinone creams at your local pharmacy, but you'll need a prescription to get a more potent formula.[35]
- Keep in mind that the medical community has a divided opinion about hydroquinone, and some health professionals link it with serious health issues.[36]
- Blacklist products that are made with potentially dangerous ingredients. Unfortunately, not all skincare products and ingredients are created equally. Some skincare ingredients are actually harmful to your body, and can potentially lead to serious side effects. Here are a few ingredients to watch out for:[37]
- Stock up on skincare products labeled as "non-comedogenic" if you tend to get acne breakouts. These types of products won't get your pores clogged.[38]
- Shop for skincare products that serve more than one purpose, like a moisturizing cream that has sunscreen mixed in.[39] This way, you don't have to apply as many products.
[Edit]References |
How to Cancel Plans over Text Posted: 20 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST We all know the feeling: you made plans with a friend, but now that it's almost time to leave the house, you just don't have the energy. Or, maybe something else came up, and you actually can't make it. Whatever the case is, cancelling plans, even over text, can be a little nerve wracking—but with a few well-placed compliments and a little honesty, you can gracefully bow out without feeling guilty. [Edit]Text them as soon as possible. - That way, your friend can rearrange their schedule without too much fuss. If you know you're not going to be able to make it or you're just not feeling it, try to text at least a day ahead of time.[1] Otherwise, your friend might be bummed about the inconvenience, especially if they set aside time specifically to see you.[2]
- If there's an emergency and you have to cancel plans at the last minute, that's totally fine. Otherwise, you should try to cancel well ahead of time.
[Edit]Start with a positive. - Tell your friend how much you're looking forward to seeing them. When you start with something nice, it lets your friend know that you really do love and appreciate them, and that cancelling your plans together isn't a personal attack. And, if you're cancelling a date with someone, it lets them know that you still want to see them in a romantic way. You might write something like:[3]
- "Hey Amber! I was really looking forward to seeing you and catching up."
- "Hi Fred! Super excited to hear about what you've been up to."
- "Hey Alison! Really pumped to meet up and get to know you more."
[Edit]Be honest about your situation. - There's no need to lie to a friend about what's going on. If you've encountered a snag in your schedule, you just need to tell them what it is and why you can't make it. Your friend will be much more understanding if they can tell you're telling the truth. Say something like:[4]
- "I ran into an issue at work, and it looks like I'm going to be here a while."
- "I'm dealing with some family problems, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to meet up tomorrow."
[Edit]Let them know if you're just in a bad mood. - Sometimes you want to cancel plans because you just aren't feeling it, and that's okay. If you get out of bed in the morning and realize that all you want to do is sit on the couch and eat ice cream, let your friend know. Everyone has those days, and true friends will definitely understand where you're coming from. You could say something like:[5]
- "To be honest, I'm not feeling my best today, and I don't think I'd be much fun to hang out with."
- "I've had a super long week at work, and I'm just feeling really tired today."
[Edit]Offer up an alternative plan if you're just feeling tired. - Maybe you can do something a little more low-key instead. If your friend wanted to go out clubbing but you're feeling more of a chill vibe, invite them over to watch a movie at home instead. Or, if you're really not feeling up to seeing people, ask them if they'd like to chat via phone call or video call. There are still ways you can catch up with a friend, even if you don't feel like leaving the house![6]
- Giving an alternative shows that you still want to hang with your friend, but you just aren't up for the original idea right now.
[Edit]Ask if you can reschedule if you can't make it. - Be specific about a new day and time, too. Instead of just saying, "Let's hang out soon!" pick a new date, time, and place so your friend knows that you're serious. Rescheduling can take some of the sting out of a cancelled plan, and it shows that you aren't just blowing your friend off. Try to include this in your original message so they know what you're doing right away, and make sure it's a plan you can stick to so you don't have to cancel again. For instance, you could say something like:[7]
- "Hey Jessica! Thanks for inviting me out to lunch. Unfortunately, something came up and I can't make it today, but I'd still love to see you. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"
- "Hey Jason! I really appreciate the invite to your party. I'm not feeling my best, but if you're available next week, I'd love to catch up over coffee. How does Tuesday after work sound?"
- "Hi Maria! I'm really sorry to reschedule our date, but I'm dealing with an issue at work. Can we move it to tomorrow night instead? Drinks are on me!"
[Edit]Thank them for inviting you out. - Add in one more nice thing to make a compliment sandwich. After you tell your friend that you have to cancel or reschedule, let them know how much you appreciate them making plans with you. This will reassure your friend that you love spending time with them, and it can even help you feel less guilty, too. Try something like:[8]
- "Thanks again for inviting me out. I always love to hear from you."
- "It's always a treat to see you! I love spending time with you."
[Edit]Apologize, but not too much. - Say that you're sorry so your friend knows you feel bad. However, you don't need to go overboard—things like, "I'm the worst!" or, "You probably hate me," will only make your friend feel bad. Instead, offer up a sincere apology, like:[9]
- "Really sorry to have to cancel on you! It won't happen again."
- "I'm sorry, I didn't realize how busy I would be!"
[Edit]Express your disappointment. - Let your friend know that you really wanted to hang with them. By telling them how bummed you are, you're letting them know that they're important to you, and that you aren't just brushing them off. They're also probably feeling a little bit disappointed, so you two can relate with each other. Say something like:[10]
- "I'm super bummed, I was really looking forward to seeing you."
- "I'm so annoyed that I can't see you later!"
[Edit]Be sincere, and try not to joke around. - You might think it will help lighten the mood, but it can sound a little flippant. Saying things like, "You know me! Always canceling plans!" might make your friend feel worse, and it doesn't sound like you feel very bad about it, either. Stick to sincerity and honesty, and try to remember that canceling on someone is an inconvenience for them.[11]
[Edit]Thank them for being flexible. - If your friend lets you reschedule, tell them you appreciate it. We're all busy, and moving your plans around isn't always super easy. Let your friend know that you're grateful they could change up their plans for you, and that you understand it might be inconvenient. Say something like:[12]
- "I know this isn't ideal. Thanks so much for working around my schedule!"
- "Thank you for changing things up! You're a lifesaver, seriously."
- Try your best not to duck out of plans just because something better came up. It can make your friend feel pretty crummy if they find out.[13]
[Edit]References |
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