How to Treat the Flu Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:00 AM PST Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is a viral infection that mainly attacks the respiratory system (your nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs).[1] Although in most people the illness may last only a week or two,[2] the flu can be very dangerous, especially for children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems or chronic medical conditions.[3] Getting a flu vaccine every year is the best way to prevent getting the flu, but if you are sick, you will learn how to treat your symptoms.[4] EditIdentifying the Flu - Recognize flu symptoms. Before you can effectively treat the flu, make sure that's what you actually have. Flu symptoms are similar to everyday cold symptoms, but they are more severe and occur more rapidly. They may last two to three weeks.[5] The following are common symptoms of the flu:[6]
- Cough, often severe.
- Sore throat, and a lot of wheezing.
- Fever above 100°F (38°C).
- Headaches and/or body aches.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Chills and sweats.
- Fatigue or weakness.
- Shortness of breath.
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (more common in young children).
- Distinguish between the flu and a cold. While the flu shows some similar symptoms to the common cold, cold symptoms develop more slowly and follow a predictable pattern of escalation and retreat.[7] Symptoms of the common cold usually last less than a week or two and include:[8]
- Mild cough.
- Low-grade or no fever.
- Slight aches or a headache.
- Congestion.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Itchy or sore throat.
- Sneezing.
- Watery eyes.
- Mild or no fatigue.
- Distinguish between the flu and "stomach flu." What's commonly called "stomach flu" is actually not influenza at all, but a type of viral gastroenteritis. The flu affects your respiratory system, while "stomach flu" affects your intestines and is usually a less serious illness. Common symptoms of viral gastroenteritis include:[9]
- Watery diarrhea.
- Abdominal cramping and pain.
- Bloating.
- Nausea and/or vomiting.
- Mild or occasional headaches and/or body aches.
- Low-grade fever.
- Symptoms of viral gastroenteritis usually only last a day or two but can last as long as 10 days.
- Know when to seek emergency medical treatment. In extreme cases, the flu can cause severe dehydration or symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. Seek immediate medical treatment if you or your child is experiencing the following symptoms:[10]
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
- Chest pain or pressure.
- Severe, persistent vomiting.
- Dizziness or confusion.
- Blueish skin tone or purplish lips.
- Seizures.
- Signs of dehydration (e.g., dry mucous membranes, lethargy, sunken eyes, decreased urination or very dark urine).
- Severe headache or neck pain or stiffness.
- Flu-like symptoms that improve, then return with more severity.
EditTreating Flu Symptoms with Natural Remedies - Get some rest. Sometimes it's possible to keep working or going to school with a cold, but when you have the flu, it's important to rest. Take a few days off to give your body time to recover.[11]
- Since the flu is contagious, staying home is as considerate as it is necessary for your recovery.
- You may experience congestion with the flu. Elevating your head with an extra pillow or sleeping in a recliner can make it easier to breathe at night.
- Stay hydrated. Having a fever causes dehydration, so it's important to drink more fluids than you normally would, to combat the illness.[12]
- Drink hot fluids like tea or warm water with lemon. These soothe your throat and clear your sinuses while hydrating you.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and soda. Choose fluids that will restore your body's nutrients and minerals, not deplete them.
- Drink hot soup. You may experience nausea and a lack of appetite during the flu illness. Drinking hot soup or broth is a good way to get food into your system without upsetting your stomach.[13] Studies have shown that chicken soup can actually mitigate inflammation in your respiratory tract, so if you're feeling well enough, eating a bowl or two could really help.[14]
- If you have also been vomiting, you may have an electrolyte imbalance. Use an oral rehydration solution such as Ceralyte or a sports drink containing electrolytes to replenish your body.[15]
- Take a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is crucial for supporting your body's immune health. Studies suggest that a "megadose" of vitamin C can help relieve cold and flu symptoms.[16]
- Take 1000mg per hour for the first six hours as soon as symptoms appear. Then take 1000mg three times daily. Do not continue to take extremely high doses of vitamin C after you feel better, as vitamin C toxicity is rare but can happen.[17]
- Orange juice is a good source of natural vitamin C but cannot provide a megadose.[18]
- Talk to your child's doctor before giving high doses of vitamin C to your child.
- Clear mucus from your nose often. When you're congested, it's important to clear your breathing passage of mucus often, to prevent getting a sinus or ear infection. Clear mucus in the following ways:
- Blow your nose. It's simple, but effective: blow your nose as often as it clogs to keep your breathing passage free.
- Use a neti pot. Neti pots are a natural method for clearing your nasal passages.
- Take a hot bath. The steam from the water helps loosen the mucus.
- A humidifier or vaporizer in your room may make breathing easier.[19]
- Use nasal saline sprays. You can also make your own nasal saline sprays or drops.
- Use a heating pad. The application of heat helps relieve the aches and pains that come with flu sickness. Use an electric heating pad or fill up a hot water bottle and lay it on your chest or back, wherever you feel pain. Just be sure not to have it too hot that it burns your skin or to leave it on too long. Never go to sleep with a heating pad or hot water bottle on your body.
- Relieve fever symptoms with a cool cloth. You can relieve the discomfort of fever symptoms by placing a cool, damp washcloth on your skin wherever you feel feverish.[20] It can also help soothe sinus congestion when applied to the forehead and around the eyes.
- A reusable gel pad can be found at most drug stores and can also help you feel cooler.
- To cool a child down with a fever over 102°F or a child that is very uncomfortable with a fever, apply cooled damp towels to the forehead to bring down the body temperature.
- Gargle with salt water. A simple salt water solution can relieve a sore throat, which is associated with the flu. Mix together one tsp of salt with one cup of warm water.
- Gargle for a minute or so. Then spit the water out. Do not swallow the saltwater gargle.
- Try a herbal remedy. There is only limited scientific evidence for most herbal treatments for the flu. However, you may find some relief from one of these remedies. You should consult with your doctor before taking any herbal remedies if you take any medications, have any chronic medical conditions, or are treating a child.[21]
- Take 300mg of Echinacea three times daily. Echinacea may help shorten the duration of your symptoms. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, people taking immunosuppressant drugs, and people who allergic to ragweed should not use echinacea.
- Take 200mg of American ginseng daily. American ginseng (which is not the same as Siberian or Asian ginseng) may help make flu symptoms milder.[22]
- Take 4 tablespoons per day of Sambucol, an elderberry extract. Sambucol has performed well in shortening the duration of the flu. You can also brew an elderberry tea by steeping 3-5g of dried elderflower in 8 ounces of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink three times daily.[23]
- Try a eucalyptus steam treatment. A eucalyptus steam treatment can help soothe a cough or congestion. Add 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to two cups of boiling water. Allow to boil for one minute, then remove from the heat.[24]
- Move the pot to a stable surface, such as a table or countertop.
- Cover your head with a clean towel and place your head over the pot. Keep your face at least 12 inches away from the water to avoid burns.
- Inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes.
- You can use peppermint or spearmint oil instead of the eucalyptus if you prefer. The active ingredient in mint, menthol, is an excellent decongestant.
- Do not consume any essential oil internally. Many are toxic when ingested.
EditTreating Flu Symptoms with Medicinal Remedies - Buy Over-The-Counter medicine to treat symptoms. The most common flu symptoms can be effectively treated with a medication you can pick up at your local drugstore. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend a medication that is right for you especially if you have medical issues such as high blood pressure, liver, or kidney problems, take other medications, or are pregnant. Keep in mind these will only treat symptoms and are not antiviral drugs.[25]
- Flu aches and pains can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin, or a fever and pain reducer like Tylenol (acetaminophen). Be sure to check the package for the recommended dosage. Aspirin should not be given to children under 18.
- Take antihistamines and decongestants to treat congestion.[26]
- Take expectorants and cough suppressants to treat a cough. If your cough is dry and hacking, a cough suppressant that contains dextromethorphan is the best choice. However, if your cough is bringing up mucus, an expectorant containing guaifenesin is a better option to make your cough more productive.[27]
- Be careful to avoid acetaminophen overdose. Many medications contain the same active ingredients, so read labels carefully.[28] Follow the dosing directions on the packaging and do not exceed the recommended dose.[29]
- Give children the correct dosage. Use children's acetaminophen or ibuprofen for children. Follow the directions on the packaging for the correct dose. You can alternate between acetaminophen and ibuprofen if your child's fever does not respond to only one, but make sure you keep track of when you give each medication.
- You can also consult the guidelines at MedlinePlus, which is run by the US National Library of Medicine. They have guidelines for ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
- Do not give ibuprofen to children who have been vomiting or are dehydrated.[30]
- Never give a child younger than 18 aspirin. It increases the risk of developing Reye syndrome.[31]
- Take prescription medication. If you decide to go to the doctor to get help treating your illness, you may be prescribed one of the following medications, depending on what strains of the flu are circulating. These medications can help reduce symptoms and shorten the illness if they're taken within 48 hours:[32][33]
- Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is taken orally. Tamiflu is the only flu medication approved by the FDA for use in children younger than 1.[34]
- Zanamivir (Relenza) is inhaled. It can be taken by people aged 7 years or older.[35] It should not be used in people who have asthma or certain other lung problems.
- Peramivir (Rapivab) is administered via IV. It can be used by people 18 or older.[36]
- Amantadine (Symmetrel) and rimantadine (Flumadine) were used to treat influenza A, but many strains of flu (including H1N1) are now resistant to them and these medications are not commonly prescribed.[37]
- Understand that antibiotics will not treat the flu. Influenza is a viral illness. If you need them, your doctor will prescribe antiviral medications such as Tamiflu. Do not take antibiotics for the flu.[38]
- Occasionally, you may have a bacterial infection alongside the flu, in which case your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. Take medicines as prescribed.
- Taking antibiotics when you don't need them will cause the bacteria that are not killed to become resistant to drug treatment, which makes them much harder to kill with medication. Never take antibiotics unless you have been prescribed them, and ensure that you take the full course of antibiotics prescribed.[39]
EditPreventing the Flu - Get vaccinated before flu season. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitor global health trends and statistics to develop a vaccine for the strains of flu virus that seem most dangerous that year.[40] Flu vaccines are offered at doctor's offices, health clinics, and even drug stores. They don't guarantee a season free of flu sickness, but they protect against many different strains of the virus and reduce your chances of getting the flu by about 60%. If you need to you can get 2 or 3. It lowers your chance of getting the flu. But don't take a bunch of shots because that can make you sick or cause another medical problem or kill you from over-dose ([41] The flu vaccine is available via injection or nasal spray. Injection is more helpful and some doctors stopped using nasal spray but you can always ask![42]
- In the US, most cases of flu occur between October and May, peaking in January or February.[43]
- You may have mild symptoms, such as soreness, headache, or low-grade fever after getting the vaccine. This is your body's reaction to getting to know the viral strain, so it can recognize it and defend you if you come into contact with it during flu season. The vaccine does not cause the flu.[44]
- Talk to your doctor before getting the vaccine if you have certain conditions. In general, all people over the age of 6 months should get a flu vaccine unless they have contraindications.[45] If you have any of the following, you should talk with your doctor before getting vaccinated:[46][47]
- A severe allergy to chicken eggs or gelatin
- A history of severe reactions to a flu vaccination
- A moderate or severe illness with fever (you can get the vaccine once your fever has resolved)
- A history of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
- A chronic condition like lung disease, heart disease, kidney or liver disorders, etc (only for nasal spray vaccine)
- Asthma (only for nasal spray vaccine)
- Choose between the flu shot and the nasal spray vaccine. The flu vaccine is available as an injection and as a nasal spray. Most people can choose either, but you should take into account things such as your age and health conditions when deciding.[48]
 - Also, keep in mind that flu vaccines are made new each year, so their effectiveness will vary. The nasal vaccine may be especially susceptible to this. Talk to your doctor to find out which vaccine is best for you.
- The flu shot is approved for children 6 months and up, as well as pregnant women and people with most chronic medical conditions.
- People who are younger than 65 should not get a high-dose flu shot.[49] People younger than 18 or older than 64 should not get the intradermal flu shot, which is injected into the skin instead of into the muscle.[50] Children younger than 6 months cannot get a flu shot.
- The nasal spray vaccine is approved for people between the ages of 2 and 49.[51]
- Children younger than 2 and adults over age 50 cannot use the nasal spray vaccine. Children aged 2 to 17 on a long-term aspirin regimen cannot use the nasal spray vaccine. Children ages 2 to 4 with asthma should not use the nasal spray vaccine.
- Pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems should not get the nasal spray vaccine. Caretakers for people whose immune systems are extremely compromised should not get the nasal spray vaccine, or stay away from those persons for seven days after vaccination.
- You should not take the nasal spray vaccine if you have taken antiviral drugs for the flu within the past 48 hours.
- Take the flu seriously. The flu is highly contagious, and it can cause serious medical complications. Thanks to vaccination, death rates from flu have been falling steadily for decades, from 40 people per 100,000 in the 1940s to 0.56 per 100,000 in the 1990s. Still, it's important to seek medical treatment if you display the symptoms of flu, and do your best to avoid contagious situations.
- The 2009 H1N1 pandemic caused more than 2,000 deaths worldwide. The CDC believes that another such pandemic is possible, particularly if people do not get adequately vaccinated.[52][53]
- High fevers alone can be quite dangerous. Your body isn't built to handle temperatures of 106F or higher for longer periods of time, and as such, the proteins in your brain could break down, causing temporary or permanent brain damage.[54]
- Practice good hygiene. Washing your hands frequently, especially after returning from a public outing, is a good way to keep yourself from catching the flu. Carry antibacterial hand wipes to use when you find yourself in a place without a sink and soap.[55]
- Use an alcohol-based hand rub or soap.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, mouth, and eyes.
- Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough. Use a tissue if you have one. If you don't, sneeze or cough into your elbow, but not your hands -- you're less likely to spread germs this way.[56]
- Keep your body in good general health. Eating well, getting your body's daily recommended dose of vitamins and nutrients, and keeping in shape with exercise is a good defense against the flu. If it does strike, your body will be well-equipped to deal with the illness.
- Getting enough vitamin D may play a role in preventing the flu. Studies suggest that a daily supplement of 1200 IUs per day can help prevent influenza A.[57] Good sources include sunshine, fatty fish such as salmon, and vitamin A and D enriched milk.[58]
- Studies also show that sleeping and eating at the same time everyday can help your body better defend itself.[59]
- Sleep with a pillow or two under your head to help relieve nasal congestion.
- A homeopathic method is to ingest one clove of garlic, finely chopped and mixed into approximately four tablespoons of yogurt, each morning and each evening, for three consecutive days. It quickly improves symptoms of nausea and loose stools.
- Make tea and add honey and/or lemon juice. While it's cooling down, inhale the steam. Doing this helps congestion and the tea, when you drink it, helps your throat get less sore, killing two birds with one stone!
- Call your doctor if your flu symptoms include a fever over for more than two days, chest pain, difficulty breathing or fainting. You should also call if your symptoms do not improve within 10 days or if they worsen significantly during that time.
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How to Organize a Kitchen Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:00 PM PST A disorganized kitchen can be a big headache! Being able to quickly and easily find the items you need can save you time and unnecessary stress. Before you start organizing your kitchen, sort your belongings according to use. Next, arrange your countertops and organize your cabinets and drawers. Finally, you can create extra storage space if you need it. EditSorting Your Belongings - Purge any items that you don't need. Cluttered cabinets make it hard to find what you need. Don't keep items that are only taking up space. When deciding if you need something, consider the last time you used it if it's in good repair, and how many of that item you own. If you don't know how to use the item, let it go.[1]
- Pass your unused items along to a friend or donate them to a local charity. If you have a lot of items you don't want or need, consider having a garage sale.
- You may have items like holiday dishes that you don't use often but still want to keep. If you don't have enough cabinet space to keep them in the kitchen, it's a good idea to store them elsewhere.[2]
- Clean your kitchen from top to bottom. Dust the outside of your cabinets, appliances, and any decorative items. Use a soapy rag and clean, dry cloth to wash and dry the insides and outsides of your cabinet, as well as your countertops. Sweep and mop your kitchen floor. Wash and dry any rugs or other cloth items that you keep in the kitchen.
- You want to start with a clean slate! Since you're removing everything from your kitchen cabinets and drawers, this is the best time to clean them. Additionally, you don't want to put your dishes and appliances on top of a layer of dust or grime!
- Create activity zones based on how you use your kitchen. Knowing how you'll use your kitchen makes it easier to decide where to keep your items. Here are some zones you might incorporate:[3]
- Coffee or Tea Spot: Place your coffee pot or tea pot in an easy-to-reach location. Store your mugs and coffee or tea nearby.
- Food Prep Station: Provide space to prepare your dishes. Place your cutting board, knives, measuring cups, and related items near this space.
- Cooking Station: You'll likely center this area around your stove. Keep your cooking utensils nearby, as well as your oven mitt.
- Serving Station: If you have space, you might include a spot for serving your food. Choose an empty countertop, and keep your serving spoons nearby.
- Choose easy-to-reach places for your most frequently used items. These items should be easy to take out, use, wash, and replace. Keep them at eye or waist-level near your dishwasher, sink, or stove. Don't stack items like pots and pans if that means you have to dig to find what you want.[4]
- For example, you might put the dishes you use daily in an eye-level cabinet close to the stove.
- Group similar items together. For instance, your categories might include mugs, pots, dinnerware, and storage containers. Storing these items in the same spot will make it easier for you to find and grab what you need.[5]
- After you have your items sorted into similar groups, check that you don't have too many of one item. If you have more than you need, it's a good idea to let some go.
EditArranging Your Countertops - Keep rarely used items off your countertops. Place items you don't use often inside your cabinets or store them outside your kitchen if you're short on space. Only store items you frequently use on the countertop. This makes it easier for you to work in your kitchen every day.[6]
- For example, you might keep your microwave on the counter if you use it daily, but put away your toaster if you only use it once a week.
- If you're short on cabinet space, place any decorative items you'd like to display in your kitchen in an out-of-the-way location, such as on top of your cabinets. Don't clutter your cabinets with decorations.
- Place commonly used appliances and kitchenware on the counter. Designate which areas need to remain empty, such as your food prep area. Then, find a spot for items you use daily, such as your microwave, coffee pot, dish rack, and cutting board.[7]
- Make sure you know where your power sockets are before you decide where to place your items. You'll need to put your appliances in a place where they can be plugged in.
- Keep your most used kitchen utensils in a jar near the stove. This includes items like your stirring spoon, spatula, spaghetti server, and slotted spoon. Only place items you use often in your utensil jar. Store items you rarely use but want to keep in a utensil drawer.[8]
- A large jar or canister works great for storing your utensils. As another option, you can use a clean vase.
- Install a magnetic strip to hang your knives. Keep only the knives you actually use, such as your chopping and paring knives. Let go of your extra knives and knife block, which can take up too much space on your countertop.[9]
- If you have knives you use occasionally, store them in a drawer.
- Donate your unused knives and knife block.
- Put a small shelf by your sink for your hand soap and sponges. A tray gives you more space around your sink. Place your soap, dish sponge, and towel on the tray. Then, place your sink stopper and bottle scrubber below the shelf.[10]
- You can find an over the sink shelf for your kitchen. Alternatively, get creative and use a cake stand as a shelf!
- Keep items like cooking oil and honey on a dish or tray. It's normal for your oil or honey to drip, making your bottle sticky. This can gum up your cabinet or countertop and make your other items sticky! Place your oil on a small dish or tray that you can wash often.[11]
- Place fruit and vegetables in a basket or bowl on the counter. It's common to store un-refrigerated produce on your countertop. Keep your produce together by placing it in a stylish bowl or basket. Then, set it on the counter where you can easily access it.[12]
- Put your fruit where you can easily grab them for a snack. If space is an issue, you might place your vegetables farther back on the counter until you need them to prepare your meals.
EditOrganizing Cabinets and Drawers - Designate each cabinet and drawer for a specific item or items. Then, arrange your items in the cabinets and drawers. Place the items you use often near the front of your cabinets to make them easy to reach. This makes it easier to store similar items together so you can quickly find what you want.[13]
- For example, you might designate a large cabinet for your dishware, a small cabinet for mugs, a bottom cabinet for pots and pans, etc.
- You might have one drawer for towels and pot holders, one drawer for utensils, and one drawer for extra cooking tools.
- Keep your cleaning supplies under your sink. It's easy to forget about the cabinet under your sink, but it's the perfect place to store your kitchen cleaners. Keep your cleaning wipes, sprays, soaps, and sponges under the sink.[14]
- If you need more storage space, install a shelf or decorative baskets under your sink.
- Use trays with compartments to organize the contents of your drawers. Choose a tray that is the same size of your drawer or smaller. You can place your items in the tray and in the space around it, depending on what you're keeping in the drawer. This lets you organize your utensils, measuring cups, chip clips, and other items.[15]
- You can use a tray with multiple compartments or several small trays with just one compartment. Choose the solution that works best for you.
- Arrange items on small, easy to remove trays to keep cabinets straight. Trays are a great solution to easily access the back of your cabinets without digging. Choose smaller trays so they are easy to remove and replace as you need items.[16]
- For instance, you might use trays in your top cabinets so that the items you've stored in the back of your cabinets are still accessible.
- Put pantry items in clear bins to make them easy to find. Empty your foods into food storage containers to cut down on clutter and keep the pantry organized. Pour foods like cereals, grains, and baking supplies into stackable containers. Then, arrange them neatly in your pantry.[17]
- Group your foods into categories. For example, stack your cereals together, your pasta noodles together, and your baking supplies together.
- Use a file sorter or magazine holder for items like lids or baking sheets. Put the file sorter or magazine holder inside your cabinet, then put your lids or baking sheets into it. This allows you to store the items upright, keeping your cabinets uncluttered and your items within easy reach.[18]
- Choose a sturdy metal file sorter so it'll stay upright.
- Both plastic and metal magazine holders will work well for your kitchen storage.
- Place items on a lazy susan to avoid digging for the thing you need. A lazy susan spins, allowing you to have easy access to all of the items it contains. They come in several different sizes. You can put a lazy susan in your cabinet or pantry to store spices, canned goods, or other items.[19]
- A small lazy susan works great for spices, while a larger lazy susan might be a great option for canned goods.
- Keep your junk drawer clean with small, lidded containers. If you have a junk drawer, maximize its use by keeping your items sorted into smaller containers. Label the containers so you know what's inside them.[20]
- Go through your drawer regularly and get rid of the items you aren't using.
EditFilling Your Refrigerator - Place ready to eat foods and drinks on your top shelf. This includes pre-packaged foods, eggs, and leftovers. The top shelf is easiest to access. Plus, storing these items at the top of the refrigerator helps prevent contamination because no foods are placed above them.[21]
- Store drinks that are too tall for the top shelf on the middle shelf of your refrigerator. Avoid storing them on the door, where it's warmer.
- Keep your raw meats on the lower shelf of your refrigerator. This prevents them from leaking onto your other ingredients and contaminating them. However, check over your meats to make sure they aren't leaking before you store them, as they can spread bacteria. If you find a leak, repackage your meat and clean up the spill using an antibacterial cleaner.[22]
- Protect your crisper by placing your meats in a plastic container that fits on your lower shelf. If the meat leaks, it'll leak into the container, not onto your produce.
- Put raw produce on the middle shelf or in the crisper. Keeping your produce on the middle shelf makes it easier to pull it out when you're ready to cook. Plus, this keeps it above the meat in your refrigerator. However, your crisper can control humidity and provide the best environment for your fruits and vegetables, so you might prefer to keep them there.
- If you use the crisper, make sure you don't overfill the drawers, which makes it harder to find what you need.
- Keep your condiments on the door of your refrigerator. The door is the warmest part of your refrigerator, so the only safe thing to store there is your condiments. Group them according to type so it's easy to find what you need.[23]
- For example, put jams and jellies together, group marinades together, and put all of your sandwich dressings in one spot.
- Put your cheese and lunch meats in the cheese drawer. Most refrigerators have a small drawer below the top shelf where you traditionally store cheese. If you buy sandwich meats, you can also place those in the cheese drawer. This keeps your cheeses safe and easy to find.[24]
- Use the space on top of your cabinets or refrigerator. Don't let your vertical space go unused. Store or display items you don't use often. Here are some ways to maximize the space you have available:[25]
- Store your rarely used items, such as holiday dishes, in decorative baskets.
- Arrange your favorite cookbooks for a stylish storage solution.
- Keep your wine rack on top of your cabinets.
- Put your decorative items in out of the reach locations.
- If you have a lot of space above your cabinets, install a shelf to allow for extra storage.
- Store items on a rolling cart if you're short on cabinet space. Opt for a stylish cart that fits your kitchen decor. Rolling carts give you more space for pantry items, cookbooks, and cooking supplies. You can also use a cart to conveniently store your coffee and tea supplies, if you're a daily drinker.[26]
- You can find a cart at your local department store, home goods store, or online.
- Use an open bookshelf for easy access. A bookshelf can hold extra dishes, extra appliances, pantry items, cookbooks, and decorative items. Place your bookshelf against a wall in your kitchen or along the side of your refrigerator if space is limited. Arrange your items so that they're visually appealing.[27]
- A bookshelf is a great way to create functional decor!
- Install shelves in your cabinets. Shelves are a great way to add more useable space to your cabinets. Stacking items can make it hard to get to what you need, but adding an extra shelf lets you create small stacks that are easy to access.[28]
- For an inexpensive option, use collapsible plastic shelves. You can find these at a department store, home store, or online.
- Put hanging hooks on walls or inside of cabinet doors. Place your wall hooks on the wall behind your stove or above your sink. Install hooks on the insides of cabinets to hold small items or items you use often. Hooks can hold pots and pans, decorations, measuring cups, towels, etc.[29]
- You can use Command hooks for an easy option that won't damage your wall or cabinet doors.
- If you're going to be hanging a heavy item, like a pot, you might install a sturdier hook.
- Hang an over-the-door shoe organizer on your pantry door. Use a shoe organizer on the inside of your pantry door to organize food or other kitchen supplies. The small pockets on the organizer are great for keeping track of a lot of small items. You can also add labels to the pouches if you like.[30]
- This can be a great solution for people who have kids. You might place your child-friendly snacks in the shoe organizer so your child can easily grab them.
- Get a mobile kitchen island for storage and counter space. A mobile kitchen island has wheels so it can be easily moved around the kitchen to suit your needs. Not only will it give you extra counter space on top, but you'll also have space to store the items in drawers, cabinets, or open space on the lower portion of the island.[31]
- Mobile kitchen islands come in different sizes and can range in price from affordable to expensive. They're available at many department stores, as well as home improvement stores. You can also find them online.
- Install drawers in your bottom cabinets to maximize the space. You can find drawers designed for installation inside cabinets. Drawers will allow you to access the back of your cabinets with ease. Instead of digging in your cabinets, you can pull out the drawer and grab what you need.[32]
- If you aren't handy around the house, you might hire a contractor or handyman to install your drawers.
- It's a good idea to experiment with different arrangements until you find one you like. Notice what works and what doesn't for your life.
- If you keep a "junk drawer," clean it out frequently to make sure you aren't holding onto clutter you don't need.
- If you choose to put spices near the stove, choose a spot where they will stay cool and dry. Heat and moisture will spoil the flavor, and you will have to replace them much more often.
- When you buy items to create a specific recipe, it's best to group them together to make it easier to cook.
- Organize your items according to how you actually live, not how you think you "should" live.
- If you have children, don't forget to install or adjust child-proofing, especially on lower cabinets. Be especially sure that knives, liquor, and cleaning fluids are stored safely.
- Before you buy organizational shelves and containers, go through your items to make sure you really want to keep all of them. Purchasing items you don't really need will only add to the clutter.
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How to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Using Medication Posted: 19 Dec 2018 08:00 AM PST High blood pressure is a common medical condition. Depending on the level of your blood pressure, you may need to take medication to get it under control. Once high blood pressure (HBP) is under control with medication, you can try using lifestyle techniques to lower your blood pressure and reduce your need for the medication. Using techniques like changes to your diet and lifestyle in combination with medication will help you manage your condition and stay healthy. EditReducing Your Salt Intake - Don't add excess salt to your foods. Avoid adding more than a pinch of salt to your food when you cook it and don't add salt once you are getting ready to eat. You need a small amount of salt in your diet, but you will get more than enough through the prepared foods that you eat and the small amounts you add to your food.[1]
- Adding excess salt will only cause you to retain excess fluids, which causes high blood pressure.
- Keep in mind that seas salt and kosher salt have the same amount of sodium as regular table salt.[2]
- Salt makes your body retain fluid, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.
- Avoid eating processed foods. Processed foods are typically loaded with salt and other additives, such as the preservative sodium benzoate. Remember, it's not just the salt that you put on your food while cooking or at the table, it's also the amount of sodium that's in the prepared foods that you buy.[3]
- Sodium causes your body to retain water, which can increase your blood pressure. It is usually listed on the nutritional breakdown on the label of prepared foods.[4]
- Read labels and buy low-salt, low-sodium, or unsalted foods.
- Foods that commonly have a ton of salt in them are prepared, canned, and bottled foods. These include meats, pickles, olives, soups, chili, bacon, ham, sausage, bakery products, and meats with added water, which will have a higher sodium content. Also, avoid prepared condiments, such as prepared mustard, salsa, chile sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, barbecue sauce and other sauces.
- Track your sodium levels. Many American diets include up to 5000 milligrams (5g) of sodium daily, which nearly all medical professionals consider extremely unhealthy. While you usually can't, and don't want to, cut out all sodium, it's important to try to get to below 2 g (2000 mg) per day. To do this, track your total daily intake of salt/sodium, and make sure you are avoiding as much sodium as you can.[5]
- To track how much sodium you have eaten it's a good idea to keep a food journal or use a tracking app. There are a variety of fitness and health apps that will allow you to track your sodium intake throughout the day.
- A low-sodium diet usually consists of eating between 0 mg and 1400 mg of salt a day. A moderate sodium diet will have between 1400 mg and 4000 mg a day. A high-sodium diet is anything over 4000 mg per day.
- Keep in mind that sea salt and kosher salt contain the same amount of sodium as table salt.[6] Salt substitutes contain potassium chloride, which is not safe for some people, so you may want to avoid it. Instead, look into sodium-free alternatives to replace salt in your diet, such as lemon juice, flavored vinegar, fresh herbs, and salt-free herb and spice blends.[7]
- Note that the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of sodium is about 2500 mg.
EditChanging Your Diet - Eat a moderate, lean diet. When trying to lower your blood pressure, it's important to focus on moderation and eating a balanced diet. Try eating a plant-based diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and few meats, milk products, and eggs.[8]
- Try to have at least 1 meal each day that doesn't include meat and mainly consists of fruits and vegetables. For example, you could have a salad for lunch that consists of several cups of leafy greens and is covered in a variety raw vegetables and seeds, such as carrots, cucumbers, celery, and sunflower seeds.[9]
- When you do eat meat and fish, make sure it is a lean type, such as chicken or salmon without the skin. When you eat or drink dairy products, make sure you are picking low-fat options.
- Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat. This means you should avoid candy bars, processed carbs, and red meats. These foods may be delicious but they provide little nutritional value, and you can get what value they have from healthier choices.[10]
- Instead of eating red meat, eat healthier meats like chicken or fish.
- If you have a craving for sugar, eat a piece of fruit instead of a piece of candy.
- Increase your fiber intake. Fiber won't lower your blood pressure on its own, but it helps to regulate your digestion and keep you healthy in general. Most vegetables are high in fiber, especially those with leafy greens. Many fruits, nuts, and legumes (beans and peas) are also rich in fiber, as are whole-grain products.
- Some of the best foods you can eat to increase your fiber include pears, strawberries, avocados, apples, carrots, beets, broccoli, lentils, and kidney beans.[11]
- It is recommended that you eat 8 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruits each day, so vary the foods you eat when adding fiber to your diet.[12]
- Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The typical American diet is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), and restoring some balance here may naturally reduce your blood pressure. Consume fish twice a week or more, as they will provide you with omega-3 fatty acids, lower fats called triglycerides, and promote overall heart health.[13]
- Fish is high in protein, and many types of fish, including salmon, mackerel, and herring, also have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids are highest in the oils of the fish, so if you eat canned fish, don't discard the oil. Eat it along with the fish!
- It is recommended that you eat only one or two servings of lean meat, including fish, each day.[14]
- You can also take fish oil tablets regularly to get more omega-3 fatty acids. However, do research on the fish oil tablet product you take. There are some concerns about raised levels of mercury from certain processed fish products.
- Increase your intake of dietary potassium. Too much potassium can be harmful, but some is necessary. Aim for 3500 and 4700 mg of potassium a day. You may need more potassium if you are active, and less if you are elderly or sick. Some foods that are naturally high in potassium include:[15]
- Bananas
- Tomatoes/tomato juice
- Potatoes
- Beans
- Onions
- Oranges
- Fresh and dried fruits
- Talk to your doctor about adding supplements to your diet. Check with your doctor to see whether a natural remedy may help lower your blood pressure. Many natural remedies have scientific evidence to show that they can lower high blood pressure, but you should never attempt to replace your blood pressure medication without talking with your doctor.[16]
- The top supplements may assist in lowering blood pressure are coenzyme Q10, omega-3, fish oil, garlic, curcumin (from turmeric), ginger, cayenne, olive oil, nuts, black cohosh, hawthorn, magnesium and chromium. Ask your doctor if these are safe for you to take.
- Vitamins like B12, B6 and B9 can help lower homocysteine levels in the blood. High homocysteine levels can lead to heart problems.[17]
EditMinimizing Stimulation - Stop smoking. Stimulants in cigarette smoke, like nicotine, can increase blood pressure. If you stop smoking, you may be able to lower your blood pressure, help your heart to become healthier, and reduce your chances of getting other diseases, including lung cancer.[18]
- If you are having a hard time quitting smoking, talk to your doctor about how they can help you. They may be able to prescribe you medication that will help you quit and steer you towards programs that will help as well.
- Use less caffeine. Stopping drinking coffee, soda pop, and other caffeinated beverages will lower your blood pressure. Even 1 or 2 cups of coffee can raise blood pressure to an unhealthy level, so it's best to cut it out completely.[19]
- If a person already has hypertension, caffeine complicates the problem further because it is a nervous system stimulant. Thus, agitated nerves cause the heart to beat faster, which raises the blood pressure.
- If you are a person who drinks a lot of caffeine (more than 4 caffeinated drinks a day), you may need to taper yourself off caffeine to prevent withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches.
- Lose weight. Carrying around extra weight causes your heart to work harder all the time and this increases your blood pressure. By losing this extra weight, through changes to your diet and exercising more often, your heart won't have to beat as hard and you'll lower your blood pressure.[20]
- Avoid recreational use of drugs and alcohol. Excessive use of drugs and alcohol can damage many organs in the body, including the liver and the kidneys. This may contribute to high blood pressure.[21]
- Many drugs are stimulants. These cause the heart to beat faster and the blood pressure to go up. By cutting out drugs and alcohol, you'll succeed in reducing your blood pressure.
- Monitor your blood pressure and talk with your doctor. A medical professional can check your blood pressure by using a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope, or you can check it yourself using an automatic blood pressure monitoring device. If you have concerns about your blood pressure, talk to your doctor to determine what treatment options may work best for you. Blood pressure is usually divided into categories, which include:[22]
- Normal blood pressure: below 120/80
- Pre-hypertension blood pressure: 120-139/80-89
- First stage hypertension: 140-159/90-99
- Second stage hypertension: 160/100 and above
EditFocusing on Relaxation - Reduce chronic stress. Minimize daily stressors, if possible, such as being involved with high stakes business dealings. If you are under chronic stress where you produce that stress hormone every day, then your cardiovascular system will naturally go into a state where it is overworking.[23]
- This overworking happens because the stress hormone increases your pulse, respiration, and heart rate. Your body thinks you need to either fight or run and is naturally getting your body ready do one of those things.
- Many people have a temporary rise in blood pressure when under stress. If you have high blood pressure because you are overweight or have a family history of hypertension, then stress raises it that much more. This is because your adrenal gland releases stress hormones which tend to cause your cardiovascular system to overwork.
- Take a relaxing bath or shower to reduce your blood pressure. Taking a soaking hot bath or hot shower for 15 minutes can actually suppress your blood pressure for several hours. Taking a hot bath just prior to bedtime can help the body retain lower blood pressure for hours or even the entire night.
- Meditate to calm yourself and reduce your blood pressure. Take time every day to calm yourself, as this can reduce your overall stress. Simply observing and slowing the respiration rate produces a significant reduction in blood pressure.
- Take a walk or do some other type of exercise every day. Walk every day for at least 20 to 30 minutes at a moderate speed of about . Study after study has demonstrated that the mere act of walking has a suppression effect on hypertension.[25]
- Can't walk outside? Use a treadmill inside. The advantage is that you can walk even as it rains or snows outside. You can even walk in your pajamas without the neighbors seeing you!
- Taking a long walk will take the edge off a stressful day long before bedtime. Make time for decompressing each and every day.
- If your blood pressure stays at or above 140 mmHg over 90 mmHg (140/90) while watching your pressure and using these tips, you should see your doctor.[26]
- The consequences of untreated or unchecked hypertension include increased risks of heart muscle thickening and hardening, diabetes, nerve damage, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke.
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