quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2019

How to Resist Temptation

Posted: 21 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Temptation is when you have the desire to do something that is bad for you in some way. For example, you might feel tempted to do something you know is unhealthy for your body or that is against your personal values. When this happens, you can resist temptation by distracting yourself, thinking of the consequences, or using visualization. To avoid temptation in the long-term, strengthen your willpower and get rid of your temptations.


EditCoping with Temptation in the Moment

  1. Distract yourself with a healthier activity. Distraction is a great way to avoid temptation because it shifts your thoughts to something else. If you aren't thinking about your temptation, it's easier to say "no." Choose a distraction that you enjoy so the temptation will lose its appeal.[1]
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    • For example, let's say you're tempted to eat a second slice of dessert, even though you know it's unhealthy. You might distract yourself by engaging in your hobby or calling a friend.
    • Let's say you just broke up with your partner and are tempted to text them, even though you know it's a bad idea. You might instead start a conversation with a friend or distract your attention with your favorite hobby.
  2. Tell yourself you'll indulge your craving in 15 mins, then delay it longer. This helps you avoid giving into temptation until your craving passes. It's easier to wait 15 minutes than it is to think you can never have what you want, so you can use this technique to trick your brain. Eventually, your craving should fade away[2]
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    • For example, let's say you're trying to lose weight but you keep craving candy. Set a timer for 15 minutes, then start doing another task. Keep delaying the treat for 15 minutes until you aren't tempted anymore.
  3. List the consequences of giving into your temptation. Imagine what will happen if you give into temptation. What will your life look like in the long run? How will you feel tomorrow? Facing the consequences can help you resist whenever temptation arises.[3]
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    • Let's say you're tempted to cheat on your partner. You might imagine yourself telling your partner and losing your relationship. You could also list the other things you'd lose, like your good reputation, friendships, and time with your children, if you have them.
    • You might be at a party where you're tempted to use illegal drugs. Imagine getting caught by your parents or police. Consider what could happen if your school or job found out. You might get kicked out of your school activities and may have a harder time getting into the college you hope to attend.
  4. Visualize yourself resisting the temptation to increase your resolve. Picture yourself saying "no" to whatever is tempting you. Imagine that you're successful in resisting, and picture yourself reaching your goals. This helps you feel like resistance is possible.[4]
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    • For example, let's say you're trying to save money for a trip, but you feel tempted to buy an expensive new pair of shoes. You could visualize yourself walking out of the store without making a purchase. Then, imagine yourself reaching your savings goal and going on your trip.
    • Keep your visualizations positive. If a new obstacle arises in your mind, imagine yourself overcoming that, as well.
    • Using visualization takes practice, so it might not feel as helpful at first. Keep picturing yourself being successful, and you'll start to believe it.
  5. Label your temptation so you can confront it. Denying a craving will only make it worse because you won't be able to stop thinking about it. Instead, acknowledge how you feel. Think about why you might feel that way, and then list other, healthier ways you can satisfy your needs.[5]
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    • For instance, you might crave sugary snacks every afternoon when you feel an energy slump. Tell yourself, "I really want candy right now because I'm tired. I can get a similar boost by drinking green tea, instead."
    • As another example, let's say you're tempted to have a one night stand even though you're in a relationship. You might say to yourself, "This person is very attractive and I haven't been feeling satisfied lately, so I'm thinking about going home with them. Since I want to save my relationship, I'm going to think of a few ways I can feel closer to my partner."

EditStrengthening Your Willpower

  1. Remind yourself why avoiding temptation is important to you. Having a strong internal drive to avoid temptation leads to more willpower when you face temptation. On the other hand, resisting temptation because others expect you to makes it harder for you to say "no." Knowing why this is important to you and reminding yourself of those reasons often can help you build up your willpower to resist temptation when the time comes.[6]
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    • Reflect on your reasons, which might include things like improving your health, sticking to your morals, or achieving a goal you set for yourself.
    • Write down these reasons or save them in your phone. Look at your list whenever you feel tempted.
  2. Use mindfulness to improve your self control. Mindfulness means being in the present moment. When you're in the moment, you can observe your thoughts and feelings and just let them be. This allows you to be aware of your desires and then let them go. Here are some ways to increase your mindfulness:[7]
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    • Meditate for at least 10 minutes every day.
    • Go for a walk in nature.
    • Observe what's happening around you.
    • Name the emotions you're currently experiencing.
    • Engage your 5 senses by focusing on what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste.
  3. Keep yourself well-rested so you'll be strong against temptation. When your energy stores are depleted, it's hard to resist temptation. Getting proper sleep and taking time to relax is important for maintaining your willpower to make good choices. Use good sleep hygiene to help you get a good night's sleep, and take at least 15 minutes for yourself every day.[8]
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    • Good sleep hygiene means taking an hour or 2 to wind down before bed, turning off screens 1 hour before bed, cooling down your bedroom, choosing comfortable bedding, and going to bed at the same time every night.
    • Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night, while teens need 8-10 hours and children need 10-11 hours of sleep each night.[9]
  4. Manage your stress levels so you can stay strong. Stress can sap away all of your willpower, making it hard to say "no" to temptation. Unfortunately, stress is a normal part of life. Take time every day to relieve your stress so you don't get overwhelmed. Here's how to do it:[10]
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    • Spend time doing a hobby.
    • Create something, like a painting or necklace.
    • Play with your pet.
    • Take a walk.
    • Soak in a hot bath.
    • Talk to a friend.
    • Write in your journal.
  5. Get strength from your higher purpose if you have one. You might be trying to resist temptation to do something you think is morally wrong. This might be because of your religious faith or your closely held values. Boosting your dedication to your higher purpose by reflecting on your values or talking with others who share your ideals can help build your willpower. It's also a good idea to attend meetings or services lead by people who share your faith or purpose.[11]
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    • For instance, you might believe it's immoral to buy unethically-sourced products. When you feel tempted to indulge yourself, you might think about the reasons this is important to you or text a friend who believes the same way.
    • If you believe eating meat is wrong, you might think about your furry friends, volunteer to help animals, and talk to others who've stopped eating meat.
    • If you're trying to avoid temptation to sin, you might pray for help, read scripture about temptation, and attend religious services.
  6. Forgive yourself when you give into temptation, as it's only human nature. No one is perfect all of the time, so it's normal to indulge in your temptations. Don't let this set you back, however. Giving in from time to time doesn't mean you can't make healthy choices overall when it comes to temptation.[12]
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    • Tell yourself, "Everyone gives in sometimes. I'm going to learn from this experience and try to do better next time."
    • If you're feeling guilty, talk to someone you trust who can offer guidance. They may even tell you about times when they've given into temptation.

EditGetting Rid of Temptations

  1. Recognize what tempts you and why you want to avoid temptation. Whenever you feel tempted, take note of what was happening and how you felt. Then, think of other situations where you might experience this temptation. Consider the reasons why you want to avoid this temptation, which can help you build the willpower to resist. It will be harder to resist your temptations if you don't have a strong internal desire to avoid them.[13]
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    • For example, let's say you want to eat less ice cream because you're cutting back on sweets. You might notice that you feel tempted to eat ice cream every night when you have a carton in your home. You could avoid buying a whole carton and instead treat yourself to small servings of ice cream on occasion.
    • As another example, you might feel tempted to drink alcohol when you're at parties, even though you're underage. If you know there's going to be drinking at a party you plan to attend, you might instead host a sober party at your home.
  2. Incorporate healthy alternatives into your day to minimize temptation. You won't have time to think about temptation if you're already doing something fun. Good options might include fun hobbies, yummy treats that are good for your body, and better ways to spend time with friends. These healthy activities will act as a daily distraction so you aren't tempted.[14]
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    • For example, you might avoid spending too much time on your phone by making plans with your friends for the weekend or signing up for a school activity.
    • If you're trying to form better eating habits, you might create a habit of eating a healthy snack at a designated time.
    • If you feel tempted to flirt with an attractive coworker, keep a few favorite photos of your partner at your desk and send them a flirty message a few times a day.
  3. Limit your access to the things that tempt you. Avoiding temptation is less about willpower and more about keeping yourself away from the things that tempt you. Don't allow your temptations into your home if you can keep them out. Additionally, avoid places where you'll be tempted. Here are some ways to keep your temptations out of reach:[15]
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    • Stay away from a person who tempts you to cheat on your partner.
    • Ask your teacher to switch seats if you're tempted to cheat on tests.
    • Don't buy unhealthy foods if you know you'll overeat them.
    • Install parental blockers on your computer and TV if you want to avoid adult themed entertainment.
    • Use apps like Freedom and In Moment to temporarily block your social media accounts if you spend too much time online.
    • Avoid being alone with someone if you're concerned about unwanted sexual temptation.
    • Don't go to bars or clubs if you're tempted to abuse substances.
    • Don't window shop if you know you might overspend.
  4. Choose friends who support your goal to avoid temptation. Friends who are constantly leading you into temptation are not respecting you. Minimize your time spent with people who undermine you. Instead, hang out with people who share or respect your goals.[16]
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    • It's good to have friends who are different from you. However, you should both respect each other's differences and not try to change each other. If a friend is constantly exposing you to temptation, they may not be right for you.
    • You can find new friends by joining clubs and organizations for people who share your goals. You might look for clubs at school, through your religious institution if you have one, or online through sites like Meetup.


  • Cravings are not who you are as a person. Your brain may tell you to do something, but you can still resist that urge.[17]
  • If you're a child, teen, or young adult, you're especially vulnerable to temptation because your brain is still developing. Being open and honest with adults you trust can help you better protect yourself from temptation. However, don't feel bad when you slip up, which is totally normal.[18]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Become a Dance Teacher

Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

With the proper credentials and training, "dancing through life" doesn't have to be a pipe dream. Many people make a living doing what they love, and if dance is your passion, you can make a great career out of dance instruction. Whether you want to teach in schools, at fitness centers, or in private studios, you can do so by becoming a trained dancer, pursuing teaching credentials, and applying for jobs.


EditBecoming a Trained Dancer

  1. Enroll in dance classes. Look up dance academies in your area and explore what kind of classes are available near you. If you are in high school or college, enroll in dance classes offered at your school. Working with an instructor will help you to improve your form and learn proper foundations in various dance forms.
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    • Depending on what kind of dance you are interested in, opportunities will vary. Many ballet dancers begin training very young, while starting later in other dance forms (ballroom, modern, salsa) is typical.
    • Some dance companies offer intense summer training programs. These are a good option to advance quickly in your training.[1]
  2. Make use of free and low-cost training opportunities. If you're in high school, classes offered at school are a great free option to get started with. Watching choreography videos online is totally free, and practicing these routines at home can improve your ability to remember choreography.
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    • Check out community centers, churches, and studios to see if they offer free classes.
  3. Join dance communities through your classes. Going to classes regularly at the same studio can help you to make friends who are also pursuing careers in dance or dance education. Follow the Instagram accounts of teachers and studios and try to talk to the people in your classes to stay inspired and build a support network.[2]
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    • To strike up a conversation with someone after class, try complimenting their performance in the class or asking how long they've been taking classes at the studio.
    • The instructors at your studio could make great mentors in your journey to become a dance teacher. Try inviting your instructor out to coffee, getting to know them better, and maybe asking if they will mentor you.
  4. Practice dance outside of your classes. To become a dance teacher, you're going to need to commit yourself to a lot of training, in and out of class. You can use your time wisely by rehearsing outside of classes as well as in them. Find space in studios or gyms to practice in front of mirrors, and try creating your own movements and choreographing pieces to advance your skills.
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EditPursuing Teaching Credentials

  1. Get a dance teacher certification for instructing at private studios. Teacher certifications will help you understand important teaching techniques and methodologies for dance instruction.[3] Private studios will sometimes allow experienced dancers to teach without a certification, but a teaching certificate will most likely give you a leg up in the application process.[4]
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    • In the UK, you will most likely need a specialized qualification based on subject from the Council for Dance Education and Training.[5]
    • In the US, programs vary. Some popular dance teacher certification groups are the Royal Academy of Dance, the American Ballet Theatre, the National Dance Teachers Association of America, and the American Tap Dance Foundation.[6]
    • If you are unsure if a certain certification is credible, you can check with local studios to see if they accept this certification.
  2. Pursue a bachelor's degree to expand your job opportunities. While a college degree is not required for work in most private studios, public schools and universities will be looking for candidates with bachelor's degrees. If you are enrolled in college already, see what kinds of programs are offered at your college in education and dance.[7] If you are not, research dance education programs near you.
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    • Many schools offer specific dance education degrees: the University of Texas at Austin, Illinois State, and Radford, for example.[8]
    • Many colleges also offer state-approved dance certifications for teaching in public schools. The National College Dance Directory is a good place to search for options within your state.[9]
  3. Study for a fitness certification for gym positions. If you are serious about combining fitness training with dance, a certification can improve your craft and your chance of being hired to teach dance as fitness. There are a variety of certification programs, the American Council on Exercise being one of the most common in the US.[10]
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  4. Pursue a Master's degree or PhD to instruct higher level dancers. A Master's in Fine Arts (MFA) or a PhD in dance education can open up job opportunities at the university level or in professional studios and improve your salary. An MFA is the highest creative degree in dance, while a PhD will involve scholarly research and writing about dance education.[11]
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    • As you pursue a degree in higher education, it will be important to keep up with your dance training outside of scholarly work. This will help you stay in dancing shape, keep up on your form, and maintain your passion for dance instruction.
  5. Ask prospective employers about education requirements. If you're unsure exactly what education you're going to need for jobs you have your eye on, you can go online or call employers to learn what they are looking for in a candidate. This can help you decide if and what education programs you want to pursue.
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    • For instance, if the kind of job you want regularly requires bachelor's degrees, you will need to consider this path.

EditApplying for Dance Teacher Jobs

  1. Update (or create) your resume to include recent education and teaching experience. Your resume should be around one page and will begin with your name and contact info. In the body of the resume, include relevant dance training, teacher certifications, dance or education degrees, experience as an instructor, and any relevant special skills (acrobatic training or fitness certifications, for instance).
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  2. Search job forums and compare available dance teacher positions. Look on job sites like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter or Indeed for dance teacher jobs. Compare job benefits and consider your values. For example, private studios may pay more money than schools or community organizations, but community organizations will allow you to work with underserved populations.
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    • If you want flexible hours, you may consider working part-time at a studio.
    • If inspiring youth is a big reason you want to teach, you may value working with kids more than you value a higher salary.[12]
  3. Apply to multiple dance teacher jobs. Applying to a variety of jobs will increase your chances of finding work. Send the required materials to each job you are considering. If you intend to stay in the same place, apply to local schools or studios, but if you are willing to move, you can expand your search and application process nationally.
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  4. Continue your dance education formally or informally. As you search for jobs or even once you are hired, it is always a good idea to keep learning and growing as an instructor. Continue taking classes at studios to grow informally, and consider pursuing further formal education (like a bachelor's or master's degree) if you wish to teach at a higher level or increase your salary.
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    • Many dance studios will want to hire teachers who are versed in a variety of dance forms, so the bigger your repertoire, the more competitive you will be as an applicant.[13]

EditSources and Citations

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How to Crochet Scalloped Edges

Posted: 20 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

A scalloped border is a wavy edge that goes around the outside of an item. Scalloped borders add interest to crocheted and knit items, such as blankets, scarves, and hats. It is easy to add a scalloped border whether you are a beginner or expert knitter, so try adding one to a knit or crocheted item for a little extra flair!


EditChoosing Yarn and Beginning the Border

  1. Choose a matching or contrasting color yarn to use for a border. You can add a border onto a knit or crocheted item that is the same color as the item or that is a different color. Consider how much you want the border to stand out and what color would work best with the item.[1]
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    • For example, if you will be adding a border onto a baby blue blanket, then you may choose a baby blue yarn in the same shade, or opt for something that will contrast with the blanket, such as pale yellow, mint green, or white.
  2. Pick yarn that is the same weight as the item. For best results, make sure that the yarn is the same weight as the yarn that was used to knit or crochet the item. You can find the yarn weight listed on the package of the yarn, or just compare a strand of the yarn in your item with a strand in the yarn you'd like to use and see if they are roughly the same diameter.[2]
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    • For example, if the item is made from medium-weight yarn, then use a medium-weight yarn for the border.
  3. Select a crochet hook that will work with the type of yarn you are using. Check your yarn's label for a crochet hook size recommendation, or look it up online if you are unsure. Using the correct size hook for the yarn you have selected will help to ensure that you get the best results.[3]
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    • For example, if you are using a medium-weight yarn to create a scalloped border, then the recommended size may be a US size I-9 (5.5 mm).
  4. Slipstitch into the edge of the item. Identify where you want to work the first stitch on the border of your item. Then, make a slipknot and slide it onto your hook. Insert the end of the hook into the stitch where you want the border to begin. Then, loop the yarn over the end of the hook and pull it through both loops to anchor the yarn to your item.[4]
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    • If you plan to go all the way around the item, then you can start anywhere along the border.
    • If you only plan to add a border to part of the item, decide where you want the border to begin and end.

EditWorking a Basic Scallop Stitch

  1. Chain 1 to provide slack for the first stitch. Loop the yarn over the hook and pull this yarn through the loop to create 1 chain.[5] This will make it easier to work a scallop without making the item look puckered.[6]
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    • Repeat this before each new scallop.
  2. Skip 2 stitches and double crochet 5 times into the same stitch. Do not work stitches into the first 2 stitches next to where you anchored the yarn. Go to the third stitch and then loop the yarn over the end of the hook 1 time. Insert the hook into the stitch, and yarn over again. Pull through 1, and then yarn over the hook again. Pull through 2, then yarn over again and pull through the last 2.[7]
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    • Repeat the double crochet stitch 4 more times into the same space.[8]
  3. Skip 2 stitches and slipstitch into the third stitch. After you complete the fifth double crochet stitch, skip the next 2 stitches. Then, work a slipstitch into the third stitch from where you worked the 5 double crochet stitches.[9]
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  4. Repeat the sequence to continue adding scallops. Chain 1, skip 2 stitches, and then double crochet 5 times into the third stitch. Then, skip 2 stitches and slipstitch into the third stitch. Repeat this sequence to keep adding scallops onto the edges of your project.[10]
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    • You can create as many scallops as you like using this sequence.

EditFinishing the Border

  1. Finish the border with a slipstitch. Keep working until you have covered the desired section of your item. Then, work a slipstitch into the space between your first and last stitches if you are doing a full border, or after the last stitch if you are doing a partial border.[11]
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    • If you are doing a full border, do your best to position the last scallop and slipstitch so that the ends will be as evenly spaced as the rest of the item. However, don't worry if you are 1 or 2 stitches off. It will not be noticeable.
  2. Cut the yarn from the last stitch. Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the end of the yarn at this distance. It's okay to estimate this length. It does not need to be exact. You just need enough yarn to easily pull the end through your last stitch.[12]
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  3. Pull the end of the yarn through the loop on your crochet hook. Wrap the strand around the hook 1 time and then pull the end of the strand through the loop that is on the crochet hook. Bring the end of the strand all the way through the loop and tug the end until it is a tight knot.[13]
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    • This will secure the end of your border.
  4. Cut the loose ends from the border. You will have a tail at the beginning of your border and at the end of it. Cut each of these strands of yarn about from the last stitch. Do not cut the ends of your yarn any shorter than this or they may unravel.[14]
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    • Your border is complete after you cut the ends!

EditThings You'll Need

  • Yarn
  • Crochet hook
  • Scissors

EditSources and Citations

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