quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2019

How to Tell if Your Rabbit Is Lonely

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Rabbits are very sociable animals who want constant companionship. They do their best when they have another rabbit to spend time with. A human can fill that void, however, it will require almost constant attention from you. Expect your rabbit to need more attention and do everything in your power to give it company.[1]


EditRecognizing a Lonely Bunny

  1. Expect your rabbit to be lonely. In the wild, it would be with other rabbits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you only have one rabbit, you can give it some companionship, but it will still be lonely at night or when you are away at work.[2]
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    • Sometimes a female rabbit will be fine on its own. If you do not notice hyperactivity or withdraw with a female rabbit, it is possible that she might be content by herself.[3]
    • On other occasions, a rabbit will be too territorial to get along with another rabbit. At that point, you should consider getting a different species of pet. These will provoke fewer territorial feelings, but can still be a source of company.
  2. Pay attention when it nudges, bites, or digs on you. When a bunny nudges you with its nose it is trying to tell you to do something. Often this means that it wants you to pet or play with it. It can escalate this behavior to even more direct and forceful modes of expression.
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    • This nudging might progress to soft biting. This is also a way to get your attention. If you pretend to be hurt, the bunny should respond by nipping more softly and less frequently.
    • Your bunny might even begin to dig with its front and or back legs directly on top of you, as if it were trying to dig you up. This is definitely a plea for attention. [4]
  3. Watch for destructive behavior. A lonely rabbit will sometimes become hyperactive and angry. Although it is not uncommon for rabbits to dig at things, this destructive behavior will accelerate rapidly. Watch for the rabbit gnawing at carpet and other furniture. Their behavior can even become self-destructive.
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    • A lonely rabbit can begin to pull at its fur and overeat. It might even damage its own teeth while pulling at the bars of its cage.[5]
  4. Watch for signs of withdraw. Alternatively, some rabbits will become depressed. They will withdraw from you and others, refusing to interact even when you reach out to them. It will take some more effort to get these rabbits back in a good mood.[6]
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    • A withdrawn rabbit might hide or stay in its cage. It might not respond when you try to pet or play with it.

EditGiving a Bunny a Furry Companion

  1. Get your rabbit a companion. The best companion for a rabbit is another rabbit of the opposite gender and approximately the same age. Two bonded rabbits should snuggle frequently and make quiet sounds of affection. Be careful though, when introducing a new rabbit to your household, some rabbits just can't get along with each other.
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    • Consider finding a group of rabbits that have experience together, because you know that they will get along. If you are introducing a new bunny into the household, try to get it from a shelter. That way, if they don't get along, you can exchange it for a new one at little to no additional expense.[7]
    • You can try keeping a single rabbit, but it will require a considerable time commitment on your part to keep it happy. Be prepared to spend time with it everyday.[8]
    • Don't forget to have your rabbits spayed and neutered. If you don't, you might very quickly be responsible for a litter of babies.[9]
  2. Prevent fighting. If your rabbits have a tough introduction, they might never get along well. Begin by leaving them in separate spaces and introducing them to each other about 20 minutes a day under close supervision. Introduce them to each other in a neutral space, that neither of them perceives to be their own territory. Once they show signs of bonding, like cuddling and rubbing their noses, they can share the same space.
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    • Keep a water bottle on hand to discipline the rabbits if they fight.
    • Ideally, you should bring both rabbits back home at the same time. That way, neither of them will perceive it as their territory and they will have no cause to fight over it. If you already have one of the rabbits, try to get them to socialize in a room that don't often spend time in.[10]
    • Males and females make the best pairings.[11]
  3. Find a friend from a different species. If you have introduced several new bunnies and found that yours is too territorial for friends, you should try to find a pet of a different species to act as a companion. Guinea pigs, birds, and cats are often easier for bunnies to get along with than other rabbits.
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    • Rabbits also shouldn't be allowed to live with other rabbits that aren't spayed or neutered. If your bunny has not been fixed and is too old to endure a procedure, you might also be better of finding a companion of a different species.[12]

EditGiving Your Bunny Human Companionship

  1. Give your bunny several hours outside of its cage per day. Rabbits love to explore, move, and sniff around. You should let your rabbit out of its cage daily. However, you should also make sure that it doesn't tear up your house. Watch it closely or create a room specifically for your bunny, with fewer valuables and no carpet.[13]
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  2. Get down on the floor. Rabbits like to be close to the ground. While it might seem like picking it up would be a good way to bond, your bunny probably will not appreciate that. You should get down on its level and spend time near the ground with it. If it seems receptive, get closer and pet it.[14]
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    • If the rabbit is not comfortable with you being in its space, it will begin to growl. Take a step back and give it some time to approach you.[15]
    • It might take some time for your rabbit to warm up to you if it is shy. Take it slow.
  3. Pet your rabbit. Rabbits are most comfortable being pet when they are relaxing after a meal. Approach it slowly and pet it on its forehead, cheek, or back. They usually do not like to be pet on their ears, stomach, tails, or neck, or feet.[16]
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  4. Play with your rabbit. Bunnies love to get out and a play. They particularly like to knock things over, dig, and toss small toys. Give your rabbit something like bowling pins that it can run into and knock over. Buy some toys or even make homemade toys.
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    • For toys that your rabbit can toss around, consider hard plastic baby toys and plastic balls with bells inside. Often a simple piece of cardboard will do, like the inside of a roll of toilet paper.
    • If your rabbit loves to dig, consider making a pit for it to dig in. Consider a straw mat or boxes full of shredded paper[17]


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How to Write Goodbye Letters

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

Saying goodbye is rarely easy, no matter what the circumstances are. A letter or email can help ease the transition for you and the people you're parting with, and you can use one in a variety of situations. For instance, you may write a professional goodbye letter if you're leaving your current job, or you may write a letter to your friend or partner if you've decided you need to go separate ways. You can also use a letter to help yourself heal from a broken relationship, one you keep to yourself instead of sending. You can even write goodbye letters to your loved ones to keep with your will, so they always have a part of you even after you're gone.


EditSample Letters

EditComposing a Professional Goodbye Letter

  1. Be selective about who you send letters to. For the most part, you should only send out emails to people you know directly. Send emails to people you were friends with, co-workers you got along with but didn't know as well, people under you, and your manager.[1]
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    • The exception to this rule is if you've been at the head of the company for more than 3 years. In that case, it's fine to send out an email to everyone in the company.
  2. Begin with the date you're leaving and a short explanation. The opening paragraph should establish the purpose of the letter, the fact that you're leaving. Include the date of your last day and the reason you're leaving, if it's appropriate. For instance, saying you were fired is probably not the best thing to include; however, if you're taking a position at a new company, you can include that information in letters to your friends.[2]
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    • For example, you might write, "Just dropping a note to let you know that Friday, January 10 will be my last day at Rogers Incorporated. While I'm sad to be leaving, I know great opportunities are ahead."
  3. Use the second paragraph to establish what the person meant to you. While a form letter is appropriate sometimes, such as when you're writing to the whole company, in general, you should personalize each letter to the person. Tell them how much you enjoyed working with them and what you appreciate about your professional relationship with them.[3]
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    • For instance, you could say, "I've so enjoyed working together with you during my time here. You've got a great mind, and I love how you are always able to settle disputes. I hope we can stay in touch in the future."
    • For a more generic letter, you might write, "I'm so proud of the work we've done together at this company. You all are hard workers, as well as being creative and team-driven. Let's keep in touch going forward."
  4. Say what you enjoyed about working there. This option works especially well in a less personal letter. It's a positive way to connect with the people who are still there, and it helps you end on a good note.[4]
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    • For example, you could say, "I loved working at Rogers Incorporated. The relaxed atmosphere created the perfect environment for creativity to flourish. Everyone is so positive, and I'll miss that as I move on."
  5. Keep the letter positive. A goodbye letter isn't the place to complain or air grievances. You definitely don't want to burn bridges that you may need later! Instead, stay positive and keep it civil. That way, you can still network with the people you worked with later. You never know when you'll need that connection.[5]
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  6. End with your contact information and a positive closing. Your personal (professional) email is enough for most people. However, if you'd like to have the occasional lunch with someone, you might include your phone number or even home address.[6]
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    • For a closing, you might write, "I wish you the best of luck moving forward, and I hope to hear from you soon!"

EditWriting a Personal Goodbye Letter to a Friend or Partner

  1. Write a letter for yourself first if it's a bad goodbye. That is, if you're breaking up with a partner or letting go of a toxic friend, it's best to get your own feelings out of the way first. Take time to write a healing letter and list all your complaints and hurt feelings. Use this letter to vent everything, and then you can move on to writing a letter for your friend or partner.[7]
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    • The first letter tends to be emotionally charged. You may want to blame the other person for everything or hurl insults. But getting it out of the way is good because then you can move on to a calmer, more rational letter.
  2. Focus on the good times. Spend at least part of the letter talking about what you like about the person and your relationship together. In most relationships, there are good times as well as bad, and no matter why you're saying goodbye, you can still end on a good note by taking time to think about what was good.[8]
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    • You could write about good memories, like how you met or when you fell in love.
  3. Talk about what you like about the other person. Even though you're saying goodbye to the person, you can still note what you liked about the person in the past. You don't need to trash the person to move on, and if you really feel the need to, then maybe that's a letter you should keep to yourself instead.[9]
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    • For example, you could say, "I love your kind spirit, your willingness to go on adventures, and your compassion for everyone you met. You made me want to be a better person, and for that, I will always be grateful."
  4. Apologize and forgive the other person. If you're breaking up, you both likely played some part in how ended. Don't hold back. Apologize for any part you played in what happened, and if you can, offer forgiveness to the other person. That way, you don't part with bad blood between you.[10]
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    • For example, you might write, "I'm sorry for how things have ended between us, and I apologize for my part in that. I don't hold any grudges against you, and I hope you won't hold any against me."
  5. End with a kind sentiment if you can. If this person was special to you, you can make note of that at the end. Discuss how you'll still think about the person in the future, for instance, and how you'll remember the good times fondly, despite the fact that you need to go your separate ways.[11]
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    • For instance, you might say, "I'm sorry that we have to go our separate ways, but I think we just don't work together anymore. No matter what, you will always hold a special place in my heart."

EditLeaving Your Loved Ones a Letter with Your Will

  1. Write these letters now. You never know when today will be the last day. While that's a stark fact, it's also one we all must live with. Therefore, if you want to be sure your loved ones have something to hold on to when you're gone, you should write them and include them in your will now, not wait until you are too sick to do it.[12]
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    • This type of letter offers a way for you to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, offer memories, and even apologize for past mistakes.
    • If you want to, you can continue to update these letters or rewrite them over the years as you age.
  2. Use a template if you don't know where to begin. You can find these on the internet. Typically, they'll guide you through the process by offering questions you can answer. Writing this type of letter is much easier when you have prompts in front of you.[13]
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  3. Talk about your regrets. If you've never had a chance to talk about them in person, you can say it here. You may regret something you did to the person or not spending enough time with them. Let them know that you're sorry for your actions, and you wish you could've done better.[14]
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    • For instance, you might write, "I regret that I waited so long to apologize to you for my actions. We could have had so many more years together."
  4. Forgive those who've hurt you. Some people will have a hard time forgiving themselves for the things they've done to you, and they may feel even more guilty after you're gone since they can't rectify the situation. Offering your forgiveness in a letter may help them forgive themselves.[15]
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    • For example, you could say, "I know you feel guilty for the times you couldn't be there for me. Don't. You were the best child a person could ask for, and I know you did the best you could to be a part of my life. Please go easy on yourself."
  5. Express your love and thanks. Above all, this letter is a place to tell your loved ones what they mean to you. Don't hold back; they deserve to know what they really mean to you. It can help to bring up memories of things you've done together or talk about specific things you love about the person.[16]
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    • For example, if you're writing to your daughter, you might say, "Never underestimate how much I love you. You're the joy of my life, and I never for a moment regretted having you. You're such a special person; your heart, your wit, and your smarts will get you so smart. I admire all you've accomplished, and I know you will do great things in the future, my baby girl."
  6. End by saying goodbye. This is a goodbye letter, after all, and saying goodbye will provide a sense of closure for you and the person you're writing to. If you have spiritual beliefs about death, you can include those here.[17]
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    • For example, you might write, "Even though my body will be gone, my spirit will live on, and I will be with you forever."

EditWriting a Healing Goodbye Letter for Yourself

  1. Use openings and closings. You may not feel like you need to use these because the letter is just for you, right? However, when you use these conventions of a letter, it makes you think about the other person and the relationship, which is a good way to get started.[18]
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    • You can also write goodbye letters to things like addiction. For instance, you could write a goodbye letter to your cigarette addiction. Just treat the addiction like a person in the letter.
    • Another option is to write a letter to your future or past self to try to heal some of your hurt and anger.
  2. Air all your grievances and complaints. This letter isn't meant to be sent, so you can say whatever you want! Discuss what made you mad, what hurt you, what you're still holding on to, and what you need to let go of.[19]
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    • For instance, if you're mad that your ex never listened, write that out in your letter!
  3. Write down your feelings. This isn't just about detailing the things you suffered through the other person. It's also about getting out the emotions you're feeling. Try to be honest with yourself and really get down to the nitty-gritty of the emotions you're still going through from that relationship.[20]
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    • Maybe you feel hurt or betrayed. Maybe you still love the person, but you can't be with them. Get it all down on paper.
  4. Use the phrase "I forgive you" if you can. When you're feeling hurt and upset by a relationship, it can be hard to forgive the other person. However, when you haven't forgiven them, it's only hurting you, as you're the one living with the grudge. The first steps to forgiveness lie in laying out your pain and actually writing the words "I forgive you."[21]
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    • While this won't magically change the way you feel about the person, it can be a first step to letting go of your hurt and anger. Try to mean the words as you write them.
  5. Destroy the letter or save it for later. It can be cathartic to destroy the letter. You can rip it to shreds or even burn it if you want. However, it's also fine if you want to hold on to it. When you come across it later, it can serve as a reminder of how far you've come.[22]
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    • It's not a good idea to send it to the person. You can use it as a first draft for another letter, but this letter is really about getting your emotions out.


  • If you're planning on sending a letter through the mail, consider writing it by hand. The effect will be more personal.

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How to Make Rainbow Jello

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

The next time you're looking for a unique dessert idea, try making your own edible Jello rainbow. While the process is a little time-consuming, it couldn't be simpler, and the finished product makes a fun, vibrant treat for kids and adults alike. All you have to do is layer different colors of Jello in a baking dish, wait for it all to set, then cut it into squares and watch your guests' faces light up!


  • 1 box each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple Jello, 3 oz (85 g)
  • whipped topping (optional)
  • 1 canister plain unflavored gelatin, 16 oz (450 g) (optional)
  • 1-2 cans sweetened condensed milk, (optional)

Makes one x dish of Jello


EditPreparing the Jello

  1. Pick up several boxes of Jello in multiple colors. To make a true rainbow, you'll need one 3 oz (85 g) box each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple Jello. However, you're free to use any colors in whatever order you want.[1]
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    • You may need to double or triple the amount of Jello you buy and use a larger serving dish if you plan on preparing the dessert for a large crowd. Alternatively, you could scale down the recipe by using only a portion of each box of Jello.
    • Rainbow Jello isn't just a dazzling, delicious dessert—it's cheap, too. All in all, this recipes shouldn't cost you more than a few dollars!
  2. Bring a kettle of water to a low boil. Fill your kettle with water and set it on the stove over medium-high heat. While it's warming up, you can begin unboxing your Jello and gathering the other tools and utensils you'll be using.[2]

    • Jello dissolves and sets best when you use boiling water. However, you can also simply run some hot water from your tap if you don't feel like waiting for it to boil.
  3. Pour your first color of Jello into a medium-sized mixing bowl. Tear open the packet and shake the powder out into the bottom of the bowl. For a realistic-looking rainbow, you'll want to start with either red or purple Jello and work your way through the color spectrum from there.[3]

    • Make sure the bowl you're using is roomy enough to hold of water along with the Jello powder. This will allow you to mix your ingredients more easily.
  4. Add of boiling water and stir. Use a spoon or whisk to thoroughly mix the Jello powder into the hot water. As you stir, the powder will dissolve and form a thin, colorful liquid. Check to confirm that there are no bubbles, lumps, or dry pockets in your liquid Jello mix.[4]

    • Pour your hot water into a liquid measuring cup before adding it your mixing bowl to make sure you're using just the right amount.
    • Let the hot Jello mixture sit for 3-5 minutes to cool slightly before you continue.[5]
  5. Stir in an additional of cold water. As you add the cold water, the liquid jello mix will begin to thicken somewhat. Keep stirring the mixture until the second cup of water has been completely incorporated.[6]

    • Adding a few ice cubes to your cold water can help the Jello begin setting faster. If you decide to do this, make sure you only use of water to account for the extra volume.[7]
    • Be careful not to incorporate too much water, as this could affect both the flavor and texture of your finished Jello.

EditLayering and Refrigerating the Jello

  1. Transfer the liquid Jello to a casserole dish or walled baking pan. Pour the mixture into the dish slowly to avoid making a mess. This will be the first layer of Jello in your rainbow. For best results, choose a dish that's around x , which will allow each layer to come out about thick.[8]

    • You could also pour your Jello into drinking glasses, parfait cups, or other small containers to make single-serving treats that don't require cutting. For this recipe, you'd most likely need 12-15 individual containers.[9]
    • Be sure to grab a clean mixing bowl or rinse out the one you used before starting your next flavor to prevent your colors from bleeding into one another.
  2. Chill the first layer of Jello in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes. Slide your casserole dish or baking pan onto one of the upper shelves in your refrigerator where you'll be able to keep an eye on it. Make sure the shelf you pick out is perfectly flat so the Jello sets in an even layer.[10]
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    • There's no need to wait for your Jello to set completely—you just want to leave it in long enough to let it solidify to the point where you can add another layer without the colors mingling.
    • If the shelf you use is crooked, your Jello layers may come out thicker on one end than the other, which could throw off the look of your rainbow.
  3. Spread whipped topping between the layers if you want to add contrast. If you like, you can spoon of whipped cream onto each layer of Jello after it sets. This will make the colors in your Jello rainbow pop even more and give it an extra sweet, creamy finish.[11]

    • For the sake of efficiency, use a tub of whipped topping rather than a spray can, which will take longer to apply evenly.
    • Another option is to use plain, unflavored gelatin to make thin white layers that blend better with the Jello. Mix 2 oz (56 g) of gelatin with of sweetened condensed milk, of hot water, and of cold water to make a single layer. Allow each layer to set for 20-30 minutes before adding your next color.[12]
  4. Repeat the process with your other Jello colors. Once your first layer has had time to firm up, mix up your next color and pour it into your dish directly on top of your first color or layer of whipped topping. You'll do this for each color you want to include.[13]

    • Don't forget to alternate with your whipped topping or plain white gelatin if you've decided to separate your layers.[14]
    • To save time, start mixing your next color of Jello while the previous layer is chilling in the refrigerator.
    • You can make as few or as many layers as you like. A full rainbow will have 6 uniform layers, but you could stack up as many as a dozen, as long as you have a big enough dish, or stick to the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) to keep things simple.[15]
  5. Place your rainbow Jello in the refrigerator 2-3 hours to finish setting. After you've assembled all of your layers, cover the dish with a piece of plastic wrap and stick it back in the refrigerator one last time. This time, let your Jello sit for the full amount of time specified in the directions.[16]

    • You also have the option of simply leaving your finished Jello rainbow in the refrigerator until you're ready to serve it, since you'll need to keep it cool anyway.
  6. Cut your rainbow Jello into squares before serving it. Use a table knife to carefully slice the single sheet of Jello into precise squares. Aim to make each square the same size so you won't be left with any thin slivers or oddly-shaped pieces. Enjoy![17]
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    • If you're serving bigger kids and adults, measure your squares to be about apiece. For smaller children, servings should be plenty.
    • Cover your leftover Jello and store it in the refrigerator. It should stay good for a week or longer.[18]


  • Add small pieces of real fruit to your Jello to make it more nutritious.
  • If you're a vegan, substitute a plant-based flavored gelatin made from agar, carrageenan, or vegetable gum for ordinary Jello.[19]
  • Rainbow Jello can make an attention-grabbing dessert for birthdays, baby showers, summer pool parties, and other colorful occasions.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Casserole dish or walled baking pan
  • Medium-sized mixing bowl
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Spoon or whisk
  • Knife
  • Tea kettle
  • Plastic cling wrap
  • Drinking glasses or similar small containers (optional)
  • Cookie cutters (optional)

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