quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2019

How to Create a Butterfly Garden

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

A butterfly garden is a great way to attract a variety of different butterflies to your yard. Not only are butterflies are delicate and beautiful to look at, but since they pollinate plants, they're actually really important to our ecosystem, too. When you're planning your garden, research the plants that butterflies in your area prefer. Be sure to include nectar plants for their food, as well as host plants for caterpillars!


EditChoosing the Plants

  1. Research the species of butterflies that are native to your area. In order for the plants in your garden to attract butterflies, it's essential to understand which species might be living nearby. To determine this, you can research online, read a butterfly field guide, or talk to local horticulturists and butterfly gardeners. If there's a local butterfly garden in your area, you may want to plan a trip to see what's planted there, as well![1]
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    • For a map of butterflies found in each U.S. state, visit https://www.thebutterflysite.com/butterfly-gardening-by-area.shtml.
    • The butterflies in your area will typically feed on plants that are native to your region.
    • Once you know which butterflies can be found in your area, use that information to decide which plants to include in your garden.
  2. Plant a variety of nectar plants for your butterflies to feed on. Adult butterflies get most of their food and moisture from the nectar produced by certain flowers. While some species prefer some plants over others, butterflies will often feed on any nectar-producing plants, especially those with brightly-colored flowers.[2]
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    • Some popular nectar-producing plants that will attract butterflies include purple coneflowers, milkweed, butterfly weed, asters, marigold, zinnia, cosmos, and lantana.[3]
  3. Choose host plants where your butterflies can lay eggs. Once you identify the butterflies that are native to your area, research where they prefer to lay their eggs. Then, include those host plants when you're planning what you want in your garden. While adult butterflies aren't always picky about their sources of nectar, they are extremely particular about where they lay their eggs. That's because butterflies usually lay their eggs on the plants that their larvae feed on, and that usually consists of only 1 or a very few specific plants.[4]
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    • Adult butterflies typically lay their eggs on different plants than the ones they feed from themselves.
    • For example, a monarch butterfly will only lay her eggs on milkweed, since that is the only food a monarch caterpillar will eat.
    • Black swallowtails prefer to lay their eggs on dill, parsley, fennel, and carrot.[5]
    • A Gorgone Checkerspot lays its eggs on the sunflower plant.
  4. Opt for plants with wide, flat clusters of brightly-colored, fragrant flowers. Not all of the plants in your garden have to be specific to the local butterflies in your area. Butterflies are attracted to bright colors, so consider that when you're choosing plants, but you can include anything you wish in your garden. If you're adding in more flowers, keep in mind that butterflies prefer plants with large clusters of blooms, since this provides an easy base for them to land on, especially if the clusters grow flat, like goldenrods, zinnias, verbena, or Spirea.[6]
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    • Butterflies especially like purple, pink, orange, and yellow flowers. However, some butterflies can't see the color red, so be sure that's not the only color you plant![7]
    • The fragrance of the flowers will also help attract the butterflies to the garden.
  5. Include a variety of heights, colors, and shapes in your garden. Planting a diverse selection of plants will help attract more butterflies to your garden. If you plant a variety of colorful blooms, the butterflies will be more likely to see the garden from a distance. Also, you'll be more likely to see multiple species of butterflies if you have a more diverse selection of food and host plants for them to enjoy.[8]
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    • A variety of plant heights will help your butterflies feel more sheltered.
  6. Leave a nearby section of wild grass and wildflowers, if it's possible. If you have the space, consider leaving a patch of ground somewhere near your garden where you grow the natural grass, wildflowers, and undergrowth that would occur in the wild. During periods of wind and inclement weather, butterflies typically take shelter in tall grass and shrubs. This patch will provide a natural hiding spot to keep your butterflies safe.[9]
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    • They'll also hide here if any predators approach.
    • If this isn't possible, you may want to include a butterfly house in your garden instead.

EditPicking the Location and Planting the Garden

  1. Choose a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. As you're planning your garden, spend a clear day watching the way the sun travels across your yard. Every hour or so, take note of which areas are in the sun, and which are shaded. Then, pick one of the sunniest spots as the location for your garden.[10]
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    • Butterflies are cold-blooded, so they require sunlight to warm them up throughout the day.
  2. Pick a location that's sheltered from strong wind. If the butterflies are exposed to high winds, they'll spend most of their energy just trying not to get blown around. Place your butterfly garden near a wall, a fence, or a wooded area to help them conserve energy so they can eat and lay their eggs.[11]
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    • For example, if you have a shed and your area is frequently subjected to cold north winds, you could place your garden on the south side of the shed.
  3. Place the shorter plants in front with taller varieties in back. The butterflies will have an easier time reaching their food if you arrange your plants from shortest to tallest, almost like stair steps. Place larger bushes and shrubs in the back, with shorter flowers in the very front.[12]
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    • If you don't have room to plant shrubs, try placing an arbor with vines near the back of your garden.
  4. Plant your flowers in large groups. Butterflies are pretty small, but they prefer big clumps of flowers. Try to group your flowers together in large masses. The butterflies will be able to see the garden from a distance, and you'll get more visitors to enjoy.[13]
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    • It's fine to include different, non-butterfly plants in your garden. However, try to keep the flowers close together, as this will make feeding easier for the butterflies.
  5. Group flowers that will bloom at the same time. To make the most of your butterfly display, research what time of year each plant will bloom. Then, create sections out of the plants with the same flowering window so you'll have bright groups of blooms opening at about the same time.[14]
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    • For instance, if some of your plants open in the late spring and others will bloom into the early fall, you could group your spring plants on one side of the garden, and your late-bloomers on the other side.
    • If you have a small garden, you might not need to section it off.

EditAdding Other Butterfly-Friendly Elements

  1. Include 1 or 2 large, flat rocks in your butterfly garden. Butterflies love to soak up the sun while resting on a nice, warm rock, especially early in the morning. By including these rocks in your garden, the butterflies will have a chance to get warmed up before they start feeding for the day.[15]
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    • Try to place the rocks so the sun hits them first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon. This is when butterflies need the most warmth.
  2. Provide a patch of wet sand where the butterflies can drink. Butterflies typically won't try to drink out of a deep water source like a pond or a birdbath. Instead, they prefer to get their moisture from damp earth. To help ensure your butterflies have plenty to drink, create a small area filled with sand, then pour water onto the sand whenever it seems dry.[16]
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    • If you don't have a lot of space, you can fill a shallow saucer with sand, then add a little water every day or so, or as needed.
  3. Set up a butterfly box if you want to give extra shelter. A butterfly box is similar to a bird house, but it has slatted openings. You can hang your butterfly box in a tree, on the side of a shed, or place it on a stake if you'd like to put one in your garden. It will provide shelter to your butterflies during rough weather or at night when they're sleeping.[17]
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    • The slatted openings should keep birds and bats from getting into the butterfly box.
    • If you have a large garden, you may want to include more than one box.
  4. Put out a tray of fruit scraps if you want to provide extra food. While your butterflies should get all of the nutrients they need from the nectar plants in your garden, they may enjoy an extra treat if you'd like to include one. Early in the morning, place out a small tray filled with cut-up pieces of fruit, including the flesh and the peels..[18]
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    • Butterflies like Admirals and Red-Spotted Purples especially love sliced oranges, pears, or melons.
  5. Hang a butterfly feeder in your garden for a steady source of nectar. If you want to ensure your butterflies always have something to eat, even when your garden isn't in bloom, you can hang a butterfly feeder in your garden. Fill the feeder with nectar, then place the feeder on a stake or hang it from a tree near your garden.[19]
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    • You can find butterfly feeders and nectar at most garden supply stores.
    • You can also make your own butterfly food by mixing 1 part sugar with 1 part water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then wait for it to cool before you add it to the feeder.
    • A hummingbird feeder won't work for butterflies, since those are designed for the birds' long, narrow beaks.


  • Unfortunately, many species of butterflies have suffered declining populations in recent years. By providing them with a safe place to eat and lay their eggs, your butterfly garden could help sustain your local butterfly numbers!


  • Butterflies are very delicate and are extremely susceptible to being harmed by pesticides. Whenever possible, use organic pest control solutions instead of harsh chemicals.

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EditQuick Summary

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How to Heal Tennis Elbow

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

Tennis elbow is a commonly-used term for pain in the tendons at the back of the elbow and is often caused by repetitive strain. Although the condition can be painful, it's usually not too serious. Fortunately, tennis elbow may get better on its own as long as you don't do anything to worsen the injury. Taking pain medication and massaging the elbow also helps. Always check with a doctor when you first feel pain to check if you have a sprain or have torn the tendon, which requires surgery to repair.


EditResting Your Injured Elbow

  1. Stop doing the activity that caused your tennis elbow. Although tennis elbow can be caused by playing tennis, the full range of potential causes is far larger. Any physical activity you perform that involves repetitive motions with your elbow can cause tennis elbow. It's important that you stop doing this activity so your elbow heals. Non-tennis-related activities that can cause tennis elbow include:[1]
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    • Lifting or carrying heavy loads
    • Daily computer and keyboard usage
    • Sports like basketball or hockey
    • Plumbing, gardening, or painting[2]
  2. Modify repetitive actions if you cannot stop performing them. In some instances, your tennis elbow may have been caused by an action that's part of your job or your daily life. If that's the case, look for ways to modify the activity and cut down on the amount of strain you put on your elbow.[3]
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    • For example, if you work in construction, your job may depend on you being able to carry heavy bags of cement. Try to modify the activity by having someone else help you carry bags or using a wheelbarrow to lug them around.
  3. Rest your elbow for at least 1 week. It's crucial that you give the damaged tendons time to recover and heal themselves. Do this by avoiding any activities that strain your elbow. Try not to lift anything heavy with your injured arm. If you can, minimize your computer and keyboard usage. Also try to find ways to physically rest your arm as you go about your day, so you don't put unnecessary strain on the tendons in your elbow.[4]
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    • For example, if you're sitting on a sofa or in an armchair, keep the elbow elevated on the arm of the chair. Or, if that's not comfortable, try propping up the elbow with 2-3 pillows when sitting in an armchair.

EditReducing Pain from Tennis Elbow

  1. Wear a forearm brace to cut back on elbow pain. Putting a tight brace around the center of your forearm can take pressure off of the tendons in the sore elbow and the muscles that move your arm. This, in turn, will decrease the amount of pain you feel from the damaged tendons. When you put the brace on your arm, cinch it tight about below your elbow.[5]
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    • Purchase a forearm or elbow brace at any large pharmacy or drug store. They're usually inexpensive and should cost less than $10USD.
    • Ask a physiotherapist or partner to help you put on your brace to make sure it's the right size.
  2. Massage the painful points on your elbow with your other hand. Pinpoint the most tender or painful spot on your elbow. Use 3-4 fingers on your other hand to massage the tender spot with long, firm strokes. Exert moderate pressure, but not enough to worsen the pain. Massage from well below to well above that spot. Do this 1-2 times a day.[6]
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    • You will find that the pain extends to the areas surrounding the elbow, so massage any areas that feel pain.
    • Use a small amount of natural massage oil to help ease the pain.
  3. Ice your elbow for 15 minutes at a time. Hold a frozen gal pack or any other kind of ice pack directly against your painful elbow for 15 minutes. Do this 3–4 times per day, and space the ice applications out by at least 4–5 hours. Ice will help to reduce the tendon (and muscle) inflammation and will also cut back on the amount of pain you're feeling. The cold temperatures may also reduce inflammation in the damaged tissue.[7]
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    • You can purchase a gel-filled ice pack at any pharmacy or supermarket.
    • If you don't have an ice pack handy, try holding a bag of frozen peas or frozen corn against the elbow.
  4. Take NSAIDs to stop the pain and reduce elbow swelling. NSAIDs—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications—include ibuprofen, naproxen (found in drugs like Aleve), and diclofenac (found in Cambia and Cataflam). These medications will have 2 effects: they'll stop (or reduce) your elbow pain and decrease the swelling in your damaged tendons.[8]
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    • Always follow the directions printed on the side of the NSAID packaging. Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage.
  5. Apply a topical NSAID cream to the elbow for a more specific treatment. Not all NSAIDs are taken orally. Drug companies also make topical creams that can be purchased over the counter at your local drugstore or pharmacy. Rub a topical cream directly onto the elbow that has tennis elbow. The cream will decrease pain and swelling, just like the oral NSAIDs.[9]
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    • Follow the directions on the tube of NSAID cream closely. Do not use more cream than directed and apply the cream only as often as the packaging suggests.

EditPromoting Healing with Therapy and Stretches

  1. Practice physical therapy to strengthen and heal your damaged elbow. Physical therapy geared towards strengthening the muscles in your afflicted elbow can help in reducing the symptoms associated with tennis elbow. So, ask your general practitioner if they can refer you to a therapist for help with your tennis elbow. The physical therapist will ask you to perform various exercises that involve eccentric contractions with your damaged elbow.[10]
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    • Eccentric contractions occur when you tense an elbow by lengthening it (e.g., when you straighten your arm).
  2. Stretch your wrist to maintain its flexibility. Gently rotate your hand that's on the arm with a painful elbow. Pull the hand backward and forwards to stretch out the tendons connecting to the elbow. Also try rotating your wrist in a circular motion 5–6 times.[11] Stretching your wrist will also increase blood flow to the area, which should encourage the painful tendons to heal themselves.
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    • If you feel an increased amount of pain at any time while you're stretching, stop immediately.
  3. Use a rowing machine after you've healed to stretch and strengthen your elbow. Rowing machines allow you to pull your body weight back and forth with both arms. This stretched and strengthens the muscles attached to your elbows. Stimulating these muscles can help prevent further damage to your tendons and help build strength.[12] Rowing machines are available at most gyms.
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    • Talk with your doctor or physical therapist before using a rowing machine. Ask them to show you how to use proper form when you row. If you use improper form, you may damage your elbow further.

EditReceiving Medical Treatments

  1. Visit your doctor if your elbow still hurts after trying other methods. In cases of severe tennis elbow, simply resting the elbow and treating pain with OTC medications may not be enough to encourage the damaged tendons to heal themselves. If your tennis elbow persists for more than 1–2 days, schedule an appointment with your doctor.
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    • Also see your doctor if the pain in your elbow becomes extreme or no longer responds to ice and NSAIDs.
  2. Receive steroid injections around your damaged tendons, if recommended. If you have tried a few methods of decreasing elbow pain and they haven't been effective ask your doctor about steroid injections. Doctors commonly inject corticosteroids into painful tendons or muscles that need to regenerate tissue. If the initial treatment works, your doctor may recommend follow-up injections for a few weeks.[13]
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    • The doctor administering the steroid injection will first inject a local anesthetic so you don't feel the multiple injections in your painful tendon.
  3. Ask your doctor about PRP injections to your damaged tendon. Treating tennis elbow with PRP—platelet rich plasma—is a relatively new method but it's largely effective. You'll need to visit your doctor or a surgeon and give a blood sample to begin the procedure. The surgeon will use a machine to remove the platelets from your blood sample and then re-inject those platelets back into your damaged elbow tendon.[14]
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    • Platelets can heal damaged tissue and should greatly speed up the healing process in your damaged tendons.
    • The whole procedure should take only about 15 minutes. You may feel mild discomfort during the injection.
    • Check with your insurance provider to see if this type of procedure is covered for you.
  4. Try shockwave therapy for a noninvasive option. If you—or your doctor—would rather not use injections to treat your tennis elbow, ask them about shockwave therapy. When you receive shockwave therapy, the doctor will use an electrical device to pass high-energy shockwaves into your damaged elbow. This will stop the pain that you're feeling and will also encourage the damaged tendons to heal.[15]
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    • Since shockwave therapy can be a little uncomfortable, the doctor may give you a local anesthetic first.
    • If you have severe pain or serious tendon damage, you may need to return for multiple sessions of shockwave therapy.
  5. Consider surgery if other treatments don't improve your tennis elbow. Surgery is regarded as the last option for tennis elbow, but may be appropriate if the condition has gone on for months without improving. To decrease the pain you feel from the damaged or torn tendons, a doctor will shorten or repair the tendons. This will take several months to heal.[16]
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    • Your general practitioner will most likely refer you to a surgeon for this procedure.


  • Don't sleep on the arm in which you're experiencing tennis elbow. Try to sleep on your back or your side (e.g., sleep on your left side if your right arm has tennis elbow).


  • If you have any allergies to medications, check the ingredients in any medicated creams to make sure you won't have an allergic reaction.
  • Some people have different levels of pain tolerance. Even if you're feeling a minor pain in your elbow, get it checked to make sure it's not torn.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Lift a Heavy Object Safely

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

Lifting heavy objects on your own may look impressive, but it can cause serious injury and strain unless it's done safely. Before you lift an object, always test its weight before lifting it. Depending on the object's weight, you may lift it by hand or need equipment to transport the object over longer distances. If you have a job that requires constant heavy lifting or you're just moving furniture around, practicing safe techniques can help lighten the load.


EditLifting Objects with Proper Form

  1. Determine if the load is solid or contains liquid. While solids won't move around when you transport them, weight can shift around if you're carrying a container with liquid. If you can't see into the container you're transporting, jostle it slightly and listen for any liquid inside. If it is a liquid container, be sure not to tip or lean the object while you're carrying it.[1]
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    • Check solid objects for loose or moving parts before you lift them. These may fall off or change how the weight is distributed.
  2. Try picking up 1 corner of the object to get an idea of its weight. Kneel on the ground next to your object and grab the corner with both hands. Try lifting up the object so 1 corner is completely off the ground. By lifting a corner, you can assume what the object's total weight is and determine if you can lift it on your own.[2]
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    • If you can't lift the corner on your own, don't attempt to lift the entire object.
    • If you're trying to lift a tall object, such as a bookshelf, tip it onto its longest side first so the weight is easier to carry.
  3. Stand in front of the object with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stand about from the object. Keep your feet at or slightly wider than shoulder-width. Position one foot slightly in front of the other so it's along the side of the object you're lifting.[3]
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    • If you're lifting an oblong object such as a table, stand on one of the long sides so the weight is easily distributed.
    • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes while trying to lift something off of the ground.
  4. Bend your knees and keep your back straight as you lower yourself. Keep your knees bent as you slowly lower your body to the ground. Tighten your abs as you squat down to help keep your body straight and support your lower back.[4]
    • Always keep your knees bent throughout the lift to help maintain your center of balance.
    • If the object isn't on the ground, bend down as far as you need in order to grab the best handhold.
  5. Grab the load so the weight is evenly distributed between your hands. Find sturdy handholds that you can easily hold onto. Aim to hold the object near the bottom or by its heaviest point so you can easily control the weight. Make sure you have a firm grip so the object doesn't slip out of your hands.[5]
    • For example, grab a table from the longest side and hold onto the tabletop or box apron underneath. Keep your arms shoulder-width apart to support the weight.
    • If the object has handles, use them if possible.
    • Wear work gloves if you want to get a better grip on your object.
    • Do not attempt to carry the object with only one hand.
  6. Keep your back straight as you lift the load with your legs. Hug the object tightly against your chest as you straighten your legs. Support as much of the weight as you can just using your legs. Don't arch or bend your back as you lift the object since it may cause pain. Keep lifting the object until you're in a standing position.[6]
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    • If you start lifting the object but can't get back into standing position, set it down and ask for help. Don't carry the object if you're straining to lift it.
  7. Walk slowly to transport the object. Keep your legs slightly bent to keep your balance. Take small steps so you don't lose control of the object. Keep your eyes in front of you rather than looking down at the object. When you need to make a turn, shuffle your feet until you're facing the right way.[7]
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    • Avoid twisting your body while you lift the object.
    • If you need to carry the object a long distance, take a short break at the halfway point so you can rest and readjust your grip. Set the object down at waist-level if you can so you can easily pick it up again.
  8. Bend your knees to set the object down. When you reach the area where you need to put the object, keep your back straight and bend your knees into a squat position. Make sure the bottom of the object has full contact with the ground before letting go.[8]
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    • If you're lifting and carrying boxes, set them at waist-level so you don't have to bend down when you open them.
  9. Ask others to help carry the object if you don't feel comfortable with the weight. If you're unsure whether you can carry the object after you test the weight, don't try to lift it on your own. Instead, ask for a few helpers to carry the object with you to evenly distribute the weight between you.[9]
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    • If there isn't anyone to help you, search for a hand dolly or other mechanical assistance.

EditUsing Lifting Equipment at Work

  1. Follow any heavy lifting policies your job has put in place. Check with your supervisor to see what the policies are for transporting heavy objects while you're at the job. Go over the rules and policies so you don't hurt you or anyone else while you're working.
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    • For example, if you need to move something on a factory floor and don't know how, ask somebody else what should be done instead of lifting it on your own.
    • Don't attempt to lift something if you're not properly trained with the equipment.
  2. Use a moving dolly if you need to move large appliances. Moving dollies allow you to move large appliances on your own across a flat surface. Put the lip of your moving dolly underneath the object. Strap the object into place on the dolly so it doesn't fall off. Tip the dolly backward toward you to lift the object. Roll the object to the area you want to set it down and pull the bottom out.[10]
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    • Ask for help if you can't tip the object back on your own.
    • Moving dollies can be rented from most hardware stores.
  3. Lift heavy objects with a shoulder dolly if you're with a partner. Shoulder dollies are harnesses worn by 2 people so they can carry a heavy object between them. Slip the harness on over your head so it makes an X in the middle of your back and so the metal buckle is at waist level. Have a person stand on each side of the object put the lifting strap underneath. Hold onto each side of the object and lift with your legs at the same time.[11]
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    • Shoulder dollies can be purchased online.
    • Shoulder dollies work well for large and bulky furniture, such as bookcases or desks.
  4. Use a forklift or hand jack if you're lifting pallets. Many warehouses or businesses that require heavy lifting have forklifts or pallet jacks to transport heavier loads. Line the tines of your forklift or pallet jack with the openings on the sides of the pallet. Either pull the lever on the forklift that raises the load, or crank down on the handle of a manual pallet jack to lift the load.[12]
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    • Check if your company or area requires a permit for driving a forklift.
    • Make sure the weight is evenly distributed on the pallet so nothing falls off or tips over.


  • Wear shoes that have a firm grip on the ground, such as boots or tennis shoes.[13]


  • Never attempt to lift more than you're comfortable carrying. If you doubt that you can carry the object safely, ask for help.[14]
  • Don't try to lift heavy objects that are above your head since they may fall on top of you.

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