sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2019

How to Relax Before an Interview

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:00 PM PST

Let's face it, interviews are inherently stressful. When you feel anxious, your body releases stress hormones like epinephrine and cortisol, which can make it more difficult for you to think clearly and perform well in your interview.[1] There are a variety of things you can do to help yourself relax leading up to an interview, which will not only help you stay calm, cool, and collected, but will also help you think more clearly, feel more confident, and give you a better chance of acing your interview questions!


EditCalming Yourself Down

  1. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind. Don't think about your interview or the stress you're under. Focus instead on how you're feeling physically, and let your mind go as blank as possible for a few moments.[2]
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    • It's best to do this in a quiet place, although you can practice focusing on your breathing just about anywhere.
    • You can even do this exercise in the waiting room just before your interview, although you may not want to close your eyes.
  2. Breathe slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Avoid shallow breathing as much as you can, keeping your eyes closed. You don't want to just fill your chest with air, but feel the air going in through your nose and all the way down into your belly.[3]
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    • It may take several minutes for your breathing to slow down and become steady.
    • If you're having trouble breathing deeply, it can be helpful to mentally count to 5 with each inhale (making sure you're intake of air lasts the full 5 seconds), and count another 5 with each exhale.
  3. Listen to your favorite music to help you calm down. Go for something soothing or uplifting to ensure you're in a good headspace right before the interview. Avoid anything melancholy and opt for inspiring tunes that fill your head with positive energy and excitement.[4]
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    • You can also listen to podcasts or speeches that inspire you.
  4. Stand up straight for a confidence boost. Staying aware of your posture will immediately help you appear more confident and relaxed, even if you aren't feeling that way inside. Stand or sit up straight, lift your chin, and keep your head level to achieve a power pose. Remember to keep your arms loose and at your sides.[5]
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    • Try to avoid crossing your arms, which can create a negative vibe.
  5. Arrive to the interview early. Being in a rush will only make you feel more frazzled, so plan to arrive early. You don't necessarily even have to go into the building early, but it helps to already be there. Try to avoid showing up to the interview itself more than 10 minutes early, since this may cause your interviewer to feel pressured.[6]
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EditGiving Yourself a Pep Talk

  1. Find a quiet place where you can speak to yourself out loud. Make sure you feel confident that no one can hear you. You want to be able to speak in a confident and full voice, if possible.
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    • Stand in front of a mirror, if you can find one in a place where you can be alone. Looking into a mirror will allow you to speak directly to yourself.[7]
  2. Address yourself by name, as if you were talking to someone else. Distance yourself from the stress and self-doubt you're feeling about your interview by talking to yourself as you would a friend or family member.[8]
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    • If you don't feel comfortable addressing yourself by name, try to use the word "you" as opposed to "I" and "me."
  3. Explain to yourself that you are prepared and qualified for the position. Remind yourself that you are capable and well-prepared. Saying this aloud to yourself will help make it real in your mind. Whether you're interviewing for a job or other position, remind yourself why you are a good candidate, and why choosing you would be a good decision for your interviewer and their organization.[9]
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    • Remember to speak aloud, in as confident and strong a voice as you can conjure.
  4. Remind yourself of past successes. List the things you're proud of that you've done in the past, out loud. If there are any specific accomplishments that you are especially proud of, focus on those, telling yourself how well you did. Remind yourself that you are the same person who accomplished those things, and you're just as capable now as you were during those times.[10]
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  5. Tell yourself that it is only an interview. Remind yourself that there will be other opportunities if you don't get this one. Saying it out loud will help reaffirm this in your mind and give you a sense of perspective, as if someone else were saying it to you.[11]
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    • It can also help to remind yourself that it's okay to be nervous, and that most people experience stress before a job interview. Try saying "It's only an interview, and it's only nerves."
  6. Say "I will do well" and "I can do this" to yourself. Repeat these phrases as many times as you need to in order to believe them.[12] Remember to breathe deeply as you speak, and try to put as much strength and confidence behind your words as you can.
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EditVisualizing a Successful Interview

  1. Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying still. Get situated in a quiet place where you're not likely to be disturbed for 5-10 minutes, or even longer if possible. Allow the muscles in your body to relax.[13]
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    • If time and convenience allow, it's best to do this in comfortable clothes that are not restrictive.
  2. Take 5 deep breaths and close your eyes, letting your mind relax. Don't think about the interview for a few moments, if you can. Clear your mind of all the details you're worried about, and focus on breathing as deeply as possible.
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    • If it takes more than 5 deep breaths to get comfortable, take the extra time you need and focus only on your breathing for longer.[14]
  3. Imagine being in the waiting room, experiencing the sights and sounds. Focus your mind on your interview once you're comfortable and you've tried to empty your mind of anxiety. Keep your eyes closed, and try to experience the environment of the waiting room.
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    • The image of yourself in the waiting room should be as sensory as possible. Rather than thinking about your nerves and/or going over the questions you may be asked, picture the clothes you're wearing, how you're sitting, and the room around you. Are there other people in the room? What do they look like? Is the chair you're sitting on comfortable?[15]
  4. Picture the interviewer coming out to greet you and shaking their hand. Imagine them warmly smiling at you as you shake their hand with confidence and introduce yourself. If you know who your interviewer will be, picture their face and clothes, and the tone in their voice as they welcome you to the interview. [16]
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  5. Visualize yourself walking into the room and sitting down confidently. Once again, picture the sensory details of the room. Imagine the color of the walls, the interviewer's desk, and what position you're sitting in.
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    • Try not to think of yourself as a passive observer. Don't just picture what the interviewer will say to you as you sit down, but how you will respond, confident that you're a good candidate and well-prepared.[17]
  6. Think of the questions you'll be asked and answer them in your mind. Visualize success. Imagine yourself confidently answering each question with a smile, as the conversation flows naturally. You feel strong, proud of your accomplishments, and prepared for each question you're asked. [18]
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    • As you visualize your interview, think of the interviewer as an ally, rather than a foe. They're not trying catch you with a question you're not prepared for, and they're engaged and interested in your answers.
  7. Envision yourself leaving the interview, telling yourself that it went well. Picture yourself thanking the interviewer for their time as you stand up, shake their hand, and exit the room as confidently as you walked in. You've done what you set out to do. The interview went well and the interviewer's decision is out of your hands. [19]
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    • If you're alone, saying "That went well" or "I did a good job" out loud can help your mind and body process the exercise and experience the feeling of contentment and success.

EditPreparing Yourself before the Interview

  1. Research the company ahead of time. You probably aren't going to be able to relax properly before the interview until you feel prepared for it! Run a quick search online and familiarize yourself with the company. Check out their website, learn about their services and products, find out their mission statement, and read any recent press releases.[20]
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    • Try to incorporate this knowledge into your answers during the interview. For example, you can talk about how you're impressed by a certain product or the company's overall culture.
    • It can also help to reread the job listing so that you have a full understanding of what the position entails.
  2. Stage a practice interview and rehearse some of your answers. You can't know for sure what you'll be asked during the interview, but it's safe to assume that you'll be asked about your previous experience and why you think you're a good fit for the position. Ask a friend or family member to help you stage a mock interview so that you can practice what you want to say and how you want to say it.[21]
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    • Come up with a list of possible questions so that you can prepare for them. You can also go over your resume and try to anticipate what your potential employer will ask you about.[22]
  3. Aim for a natural, conversational tone while you practice. Be sure to work on answers that feel conversational and natural. You definitely don't want to give the impression that you're reciting something that you've memorized. Try to remember that at the end of the day, you're having a conversation with someone about your career. Look them in the eye, speak confidently, and smile.[23]
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    • Remember that an interview isn't one-sided--you should prepare some friendly questions, as well.
  4. Get plenty of rest the night before the interview. You don't want to look or seem tired during a job interview, so it definitely helps to be well-rested. At the very least, get a full night's sleep the evening before the interview. If possible, get extra rest for several days before the interview. Being well-rested ensures that you'll be able to think clearly and be at the top of your game.[24]
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EditSources and Citations

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How to Get Free Makeup Samples

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

If you're someone who loves makeup, you know that the cost of cosmetics can add up fast. Fortunately, there are ways to get free makeup samples, whether you want to test out a new product or just want to save money. You can get samples online by joining a rewards program or becoming a product tester, for example, or find freebies in person at a store or beauty convention. Go get your goodies!


EditGetting Free Samples Online

  1. Sign up to be a product tester if you don't mind trying new items. Find companies that offer cosmetic product testing or review programs. Register to receive samples in exchange for writing positive reviews, sharing the product on your social media pages, or completing a survey.[1]
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    • Know what the expectations are when you sign up. For example, if you agree to share the product on your Facebook page, ask the company if there's there a specific photo you need to post, key talking points, or a certain time they want the post to go up.
    • Some popular companies for makeup testing include Influenster, PINCHMe, and Vogue Insiders.
  2. Join rewards programs if you have favorite stores where you always shop. Sign up to be a member of a retailer's rewards program or subscribe to their email newsletter for the opportunity to receive free samples when you join or on your birthday. Check to make sure that the program is free to join before registering.[2]
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    • To become a member at most stores, you only need a valid email address.
    • You can join as many different retailers' programs as you'd like to reap all the rewards.
  3. Buy products that come with free samples if they're available. Look at a retailer's website to find any current deals or promotions that give you samples for free with the purchase of other items. If you need to buy a hairbrush, for example, buy it from the site that offers 3 free samples of other cosmetics with any purchase instead of the site without any perks.[3]
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    • For instance, if you order a makeup item online from Sephora, you'll receive 2 free beauty samples.[4]
    • Some companies may have a minimum purchase to receive samples, like $25 or $50.
    • Keep an eye out for these types of deals around the holidays, like Christmas or New Year's, when they're more popular.
  4. Enter a giveaway on social media if you want to win samples. Follow your favorite beauty brands on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for the chance to win free samples through giveaways. Keep an eye out for contests that require you to like, share, or comment on a post to be entered to win.[5]
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    • Make sure your notifications from the brand's page are turned on in your settings if you're using Instagram.
  5. Request samples by writing an email if you want a specific product. Make a list of brands or companies where you'd like to get free samples from. Then, find an email address for the company's media relations or customer service department on the company's "About Us" or "Contact Us" page. To write the email, start by complimenting the company's cosmetics and then work your way to requesting samples. When you're finished, hit the send button.[6]
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    • If you're a blogger or social media influencer, include that you can provide free publicity to your followers for the brand.

EditScoring Free Samples in Person

  1. Get a free makeover at a beauty store to take home samples. Find out if the store offers complimentary services like makeup tutorials or demonstrations. If they do, sit for your makeover and then ask if you can take any leftover samples that the makeup artist uses home with you.
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    • Pick a service related to the type of samples you want. For example, if you'd like free foundation samples, choose a skincare, foundation, or concealing makeup lesson rather than one on lips.
    • Popular stores that do free makeovers include Sephora, MAC, and Nordstrom.
  2. Ask for samples at a beauty counter or store. Tell the salesperson you want to try a new product or that you're a new customer, which makes them more likely to give you free samples to encourage you to come back. Know what specific brands or items you want samples of ahead of time and be confident and polite when talking to the salesperson.[7]
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  3. Attend beauty conventions if you don't mind paying the registration fee. While you'll have to pay for admission to these events, you'll also have the opportunity to collect tons of free samples once you're inside. Take a tote bag and browse the different vendors, who will often have baskets of cosmetic samples sitting out for you to snag.
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    • Conferences can range from $50 to $100, depending on the size.
    • Search for conventions and conferences in your area or follow popular beauty bloggers to find which events they attend or like.
  4. Shop on Black Friday if you want free samples in November. Go to stores on Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. when retailers offer some of the best deals of the year. Visit the shop of your choice on that Friday, where a lot of places put out free samples or offer freebies with purchases to entice customers.
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    • Go as early in the day as possible, preferably in the morning, because products, especially free ones, will run out quickly.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Make Sugar Maple Candy

Posted: 08 Feb 2019 12:00 AM PST

Sugar maple candy is a melt-in-your-mouth treat! This popular recipe is nice and easy and only requires only a few ingredients. Enjoy these delicious treats yourself or gift them to your friends and family in the holiday season. Pick out some good quality maple syrup, grab your candy thermometer, and get boiling!


  • 2 cups (644 grams) real maple syrup
  • ½ cup (62.5 grams) of chopped walnuts (optional)

Makes 18 candies


EditMaking the Mixture

  1. Boil 2 cups (644 grams) of maple syrup until it reaches . Measure and pour the maple syrup into a large saucepan. Pure maple syrup works best as it has the strongest and most genuine flavour. Avoid using maple-flavoured syrup as this won't thicken correctly and has a weaker flavour. Heat the maple syrup over medium heat until it reaches . Stir the syrup with a wooden spoon as it heats to avoid it sticking to the pan.[1]

    • Use a candy thermometer to measure the temperature of the maple syrup. Submerge the tip of the thermometer in the mixture to get a correct temperature reading. Avoid the thermometer touching the pan as this can give a false temperature reading.
    • Run hot water over the inside of the measuring cup before you measure the maple syrup. This will cause less maple syrup to stick to the measuring cup.
    • Purchase maple syrup from a supermarket or natural health food store.
  2. Take the pot off the heat and wait for the syrup to cool to . Place the pot of maple syrup onto a cold element or a wooden board to cool. Leave the candy thermometer in the syrup so that you can monitor the temperature. Most candy thermometers can be clipped to the side of the pot.[2]

    • It will likely take about 10 minutes for the temperature of the syrup to drop.
    • Don't stir the syrup as it cools.
  3. Mix the syrup vigorously for 4 minutes. Remove the candy thermometer from the pot and then use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture briskly. Continue to stir the syrup until it begins to thicken and gets creamier. This should take about 4 minutes.[3]

    • Keep the pot off the heat while you stir it.
    • Stop stirring the mixture once it starts thickening so that the candy doesn't set in the pot.
    • Take care not to splash yourself with the mixture because it will be incredibly hot.
  4. Stir in ½ cup (62.5 g) of chopped walnuts if you want a nutty flavour. Walnuts help to add texture and extra flavour to the candy. Measure the nuts into the pot and then slowly stir the mixture to evenly distribute them. As soon as the nuts are distributed, stop stirring the mixture.[4]

    • If you don't like nuts or want a smooth candy, skip this step.

EditSetting the Candy

  1. Pour the candy into rubber moulds. Rubber moulds are a great choice for maple syrup candy as they are easy to pop the candies out of. Carefully and slowly pour the syrup from the pot into the moulds and fill them right to the top.[5]

    • If you don't have rubber moulds, use lightly greased wooden or metal moulds instead. Avoid using plastic moulds as the heat of the candy will melt the plastic.
    • Purchase candy moulds from a craft store, speciality kitchen shop, or online. Popular moulds include: ones shaped like maple leaves, standard round candy moulds, and heart-shaped moulds.
  2. Smooth the candies with a knife and then allow them to cool. Use the face of a butter knife to help flatten the mixture in the moulds. This will help the base of your candies look smooth and professional. Leave the candies in the moulds at room temperature until they are cold.[6]

    • The cooling process takes about 1 hour.
  3. Remove the candies from the moulds. If you have used a rubber mould, turn the mould upside down and push the candies out. If you have used a wooden or metal mould, turn the mould over and lightly tap it to help agitate the candies away from the mould.[7]

    • If the candies are stuck in the mould, use a knife to help pry them out.
  4. Place the candies on a cooling rack for 2 hours. This helps the candies to dry and gives them a nice, soft but firm texture. If you don't have a cooling rack, place the candies on a plate instead.[8]

  5. Store the candy in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 month. Transfer the candy into a container and make sure the lid is on tightly. If you don't eat them first, the candies can last up to 1 month.[9]
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    • If you are gifting the candies, put them into small decorative bags and let the recipient know that the candy keeps best in an airtight container.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Saucepan
  • Candy thermometer
  • Wooden spoon
  • Measuring cup
  • Candy moulds
  • Butterknife
  • Baking tray
  • Cooling rack

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