sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2019

How to Make Caramel Sauce

Posted: 05 Apr 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Have you ever gone for a tasty bowl of vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce, only to discover that your teenager ate the last of the caramel sauce...on a hamburger? Kids will eat anything, but take heart: making your own caramel sauce from scratch is a lot easier—and a lot tastier than you might think. Even better, it takes practically no time at all. All you need is some sugar, butter, and cream to make your own caramel sauce at home!


Wet method:

  • 1 1/4 cup (300 ml) sugar
  • 4 oz. (112 g) butter
  • 3/4 cup (175 ml) cream, room-temperature or warmed
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) water (wet method only)

Cream based caramel sauce:
Makes approximately 2.5 cups:

  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


EditDry Caramel Preparation

  1. Gather your ingredients. The cream and the butter should be measured out, sitting next to the pan and ready to be added. Making caramel sauce is a fast process; if you are wasting time looking for ingredients when your sugar is burning, you're not going to end up with caramel sauce you'll want to eat.
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  2. Combine the butter and sugar. On medium-low heat, add the butter and sugar to a heavy-bottomed, 2- or 3-quart saucepan..
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    • Do not stir the sugar and butter as it dissolves. If you need to, swirl the mixture gently to combine the ingredients, but not much. You want the caramelization to start from the bottom and let it work its way up.
  3. Heat the mixture. Leave the sugar and butter mixture on medium-low for 5 to 8 minutes. Keep an eye on the caramel sauce. Swirl the mixture if necessary to prevent burning, but do not stir.
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    • If you find that you end up burning some of the sugar before the rest of it is melted, the next time you attempt your caramel sauce, add a half cup of water to the sugar at the beginning of the process. This is called a "wet" caramel sauce. (See below.)
    • The wet caramel sauce recipe will help the sugar to cook more evenly, although it will take longer to cook—the water will need to evaporate before the sugar will begin to caramelize.
  4. Check the color. After 5 to 8 minutes, the mixture should turn a light brown. You should still see small bunches of sugar crystals which have not yet crystallized.
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    • If sugar crystals start forming on the sides of the pan, use a brush to wipe them back down into the mixture.
  5. Keep the sauce on medium-low. Continue cooking until the remaining crystals caramelize and bubbles start to form. The color should be deep auburn. This could take two minutes, or it could take another five.
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    • This is the time to really guard against burning. You don't want to leave the sauce unattended at this point.
    • If you're worried about the sauce burning, you can turn the heat down to low. It's better to take a little longer cooking, than to hurry the process and burn the caramel.
    • Keep resisting the urge to stir. Swirl if you need to, but don't stir yet!
  6. Remove the pan from the burner. After all the sugar crystals have caramelized, take the pot off the burner, and mix in the cream a little at a time. Now is the time when you can finally use a whisk to stir.
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    • Mix in the cream in small batches and stir vigorously. The mixture will foam up and grow in volume.
    • As you mix in the rest of the cream, the sauce will turn a darker color. The sauce will keep on bubbling as the cream gets incorporated into the sugar and butter.
  7. Strain the mixture. Pour the caramel into a heat-resistant bowl or jar, through a strainer. Any uncaramelized crystals left will not make it into the final mixture.
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  8. Let the sauce sit to cool to room temperature. Except, of course, the caramel that you put on your ice cream!
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    • Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Warm it up before serving.

EditWet Caramel Preparation

  1. Gather your ingredients. The cream and the butter should be measured out, sitting next to the pan and ready to be added. Making caramel sauce is a fast process; if you are wasting time looking for ingredients when your sugar is burning, you're not going to end up with caramel sauce you'll want to eat.
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  2. In a 2- to 3-quart saucepan, combine sugar and water. Turn heat on high and wait for mixture to start boiling, stirring constantly.[1]
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    • When the mixture comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium-low, and stop stirring completely.
    • Allow mixture to boil undisturbed until it turns a deep amber. It should look like the color of dark beer.
  3. Remove the sauce from the heat. Mix in the butter into the sauce, then slowly and carefully pour the cream into the caramel, stirring regularly. Careful: the sauce will bubble up furiously![2]
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    • Scrape the thick parts that settle on the bottom. If lumps develop, put the pan on the heat again, and stir until the lumps dissolve.
  4. Get it to a nice, viscous consistency. The mixture should be uniform after cooling slightly and stirring.
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    • Strain into a heat-resistant bowl or jar and wait until caramel sauce is cool enough to serve.

EditCream Based Caramel Sauce

  1. Place the butter into a heavy-based saucepan. Heat gently (low heat).[3]
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  2. Add the sugar and cream. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves.[4]
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  3. Simmer for 8 to 10 minutes over a low heat. Stir constantly; this prevents the sugar from crystallizing.
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  4. Remove once the sauce has just thickened.
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  5. Add the vanilla extract. Stir through.
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  6. Serve. This sauce can be used warm or cold.
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    • If you need to store, this sauce will keep for up to 7 days if covered and refrigerated.



  • Caramel sauce also works great on fruits. Combine grilled peaches or pears with caramel sauce, or pack a little extra caramel into bananas foster.
  • If you have no cream, milk will work although the caramel sauce will be much more runny.
  • Add 1 tablespoon or so of cocoa powder if you like chocolate. This also decreases the taste of burn if you have slightly burnt it.
  • Although the caramel sauce will be more runny when warm, if you find that yours is too thick, add some more cream during the cooking process.
  • Caramel sauce, once cooled, makes a great addition to vanilla or chocolate ice cream.
  • Dip or spread the caramel sauce on apples. Decorate them, and let them cool in fridge for candied apples.
  • Whisk in a touch (about half a tablespoon) of vanilla after the cream for flavor. You could also add flavoring oils for variety. Raspberry, lemon and orange, for example, are tasty in the right recipe.
  • Occasionally, if your cream is very cold, it will cause the caramelized sugar to seize up. To prevent this, you may wish to heat the cream up beforehand.
  • Wait until all of the sugar is melted, then add the butter straight away.[5] Alternatively, let it brown just 10-15 seconds after all sugar has melted to intensify the flavor.


  • Be extra careful whilst you are cooking the sugar: once the sugar has melted, it has a much higher temperature than boiling water—and it's very sticky.
  • Be sure to pour the hot caramel sauce into a thick Pyrex glass or jar. Do not use a normal glass jar or one that has not been made for temperature changes, as the high temperature of the caramel sauce would likely crack it.
  • Use pot holders when handling the jar filled with hot caramel sauce, as it will burn you.

EditRelated wikiHows

EditQuick Summary


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How to Become a Motivational Speaker

Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:00 PM PDT

When you think of motivational speakers, you might think about self-help gurus telling you how to channel your inner child or visualize your path to success. However, motivational speakers can deliver presentations and speeches on any topic. What counts is your passion for the subject you are addressing. Become a motivational speaker by developing your message, brushing up on your public speaking skills, and promoting your speaking abilities.


EditDeveloping Your Message and Niche

  1. Read, watch, and listen to other motivational speakers. Familiarize yourself with the works of other motivational speakers and see if there are any that resonate more with you than others. Consider the content of their speeches and the way they deliver it as you expose yourself to different motivational speakers.[1]
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    • Try watching TED Talks or Youtube videos of motivational speeches.
    • Read books, articles, and blogs written by motivational speakers.
    • Check out motivational podcasts.
  2. Write down all of your ideas for material. Try to describe the message that you want to deliver through your speaking engagements. What topic do you want to focus on? Career? Relationships? Spirituality? What is your focus within this area? Entrepreneurism? Writing? Marriage? Parenting? Christianity? Buddhism?[2]
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    • Write down as many ideas as you can think of and keep adding to your notes over time.
  3. Select a niche in the topic you have chosen. This will depend largely on your own experiences and qualifications, so reflect on what you bring to the table on this topic. How is what you have to say different from what other people are saying? What experiences and knowledge do you bring to the conversation that is special?[3]
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    • For example, perhaps you started your own interior design business and you hope to inspire others to do the same.
    • Or, maybe you successfully published a book in a short amount of time and you want to pass on what you have learned to others.

EditWorking on Your Stage Presence and Content

  1. Take a public speaking course to develop your skills. Check with your local community college or see if there are any public speaking groups in your area that you can join. This will give you a chance to develop and practice your public speaking skills. You may even be able to test out some of your speeches on these audiences and ask for feedback.[4]
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    • You can also look for other opportunities to speak in front of an audience, such as offering to give a speech at a friend or family member's wedding, attending open mic nights at a local comedy club or bar, or hosting your own weekly live stream or podcast.
  2. Ensure that your speech has an engaging beginning, middle, and end. A well-organized speech will be easier for your audience to follow. Think about your speech as a story and decide what should come first, second, third, etc. Aim to open with something attention-grabbing, such as a shocking fact or an interesting anecdote.[5]
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    • For example, if you plan to give a speech on how you overcame an obstacle in your life, then start by sharing about what the obstacle was and perhaps providing a bit of context about the situation.
    • Then, talk about how the obstacle affected you, what changed in your life, etc.
    • Conclude by explaining in detail how you overcame the obstacle.
  3. Read and revise your speech multiple times before giving it. Once you have a well-developed speech, take some time to read through it carefully and revise what you have written. Expand on any details that seem unclear, rewrite any confusing sections, and don't be afraid to cut out material that doesn't work.[6]
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    • Plan ahead so you have lots of time to revise your speech before you give it for the first time. Aim to revise at least 3 times before your first speaking engagement.

EditMarketing Yourself

  1. Create a website with information about yourself and your message. Having a website that includes information about your message, who you are, and how you can be reached is essential to getting work and promoting yourself. Take some time to set up a professional quality website or hire someone to create one for you. Then, share the web address with everyone you know to start promoting yourself.[7]
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  2. Write a blog, make videos, or publish a book. Getting your ideas out into the world will help you to build a reputation and market yourself as a public speaker. Try writing a book or making a video about your experiences or around the problem that you hope to solve with 1 of your speeches. Start a personal blog for your public speaking career and post on it a few times per week.[8]
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    • For example, if you want to give motivational speeches on starting a business, then you could write a how-to book or a series of blog posts on the subject.
    • If you want to motivate people to improve their relationships, you could create a video series with relationship tips or answer common questions about relationships in your videos.
  3. Tell people that you are looking for public speaking engagements. Word-of-mouth is an excellent way to promote yourself as a public speaker. Tell your friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances that you are embarking on this career. Hand out your card or contact information to everyone you meet.[9]
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    • Networking events are a great way to gain contacts and start getting work via word-of-mouth. Check to see if there are any upcoming events in your area that you could attend and meet people.
  4. Reach out to local organizations and offer to speak for them. If there are relevant organizations in your area that hire public speakers, then contact them and offer your services. Consider what organizations might sync up with the type of public speaking you offer and focus on those organizations.[10]
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    • For example, if you overcame drug addiction and want to inspire others to do the same, you might contact local rehabilitation centers or hospitals.
    • If you struggled in school due to a learning disability, but then found a way to overcome it and become successful, then you might contact local high schools to offer your services.
  5. Apply to speak at conferences, conventions, and other events. There are many events that actively seek people to speak. Look into any relevant conferences, conventions, or other events in your region and apply to be a speaker.[11]
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    • These can be competitive, and you might not get paid in the beginning, but doing these types of events can help to spread your name by word-of-mouth and get you more work as a public speaker.

EditUsing Effective Techniques During Your Speeches

  1. Wear a nice suit or dress when you speak. Looking professional is a great way to make a good first impression on your audience and improve your credibility before you even open your mouth! Put on a nice suit or dress to give your speech, style your hair, do your makeup (if you wear it), groom your facial hair (if you have any), and choose a nice pair of shoes that match your outfit.[12]
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  2. Stay in 1 place while you are speaking and avoid pacing or fidgeting. It is okay to move once in a while during your speech, but make sure that you move with purpose and stop speaking whenever you change locations. When you get to the new location, plant your feet firmly beneath your shoulders and stand tall while you are speaking.[13]
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    • Avoid swaying back and forth while you are speaking. This gives the impression of uncertainty and can be distracting to your audience.
  3. Engage with your audience to keep them interested. Think about how you might tell your story to a friend and talk to the audience in a similar way. If there is anything in your speech that might be unfamiliar or confusing, take a moment to put it into terms your audience can understand.[14]
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    • Make sure to compliment the audience on their competence, accomplishments, or anything else you know about them.
  4. Make eye contact with 1 person at a time during your speech. Look for a friendly face in the audience and lock eyes with them for a few seconds. Then, scan the audience again and lock eyes with someone else. Continue to do this throughout your speech to connect with your audience.[15]
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    • Avoid looking up, down, or off in the distance. This will give the impression that you are nervous and detract from your credibility.
  5. Gesture with your hands for emphasis occasionally. While waving your hands constantly while you are speaking can be distracting, the occasional hand gesture can add emphasis to your speech. Try raising 1 or both hands to emphasize a point once every few minutes. Keep your hands relaxed and at your sides the rest of the time.[16]
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    • Don't put your hands in your pockets, clasp them together, or cross your arms. These are defensive postures that will make you seem nervous.
    • Avoid fidgeting with objects, such as a microphone, water bottle, or your cell phone during the speech. This will be distracting for your audience.
    • If you need to hold a microphone, hold it in 1 hand. Don't pass it back and forth.
  6. Project your voice to the last row if you don't have a microphone. If you end up giving a speech to a group of people without the benefit of a microphone, you will need to speak up to compensate. It might seem like you are yelling at first, but this is better than speaking so quietly that some audience members won't be able to hear you.[17]
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    • Take deep breaths and use your diaphragm to help you project your voice from your belly, rather than from your chest or throat.
  7. Watch videos of your speeches to improve your performance. Have a friend or family member record you while you are giving your speech. Then, watch it later and look for areas that you might improve. Ask for feedback from friends, family, or a public speaking coach as well.[18]
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    • For example, if you notice that you tend to say "um" or clear your throat a lot during a speech, then you could work on correcting this behavior.


EditQuick Summary

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How to Raft the Grand Canyon

Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

A rafting trip can offer you the rare opportunity to explore the heart of the Grand Canyon, whether you're a whitewater veteran or a first-time adventurer. Before you book a guided trip with an area rafting company or apply for a solo permit, it's important to consider a few factors, such as the length of your outing and time of year you'll be setting out. You'll also need to pack appropriately to prepare yourself for the unpredictable conditions of the Colorado River and surrounding desert and ensure that your experience is a safe and comfortable one.


EditPlanning a Rafting Trip

  1. Decide on a time of year to go. The Grand Canyon sees most of its tourism in the summer between May and September. This is when the chilly water of the Colorado River will be most hospitable. However, you might also consider planning your trip for one of the bookend months of April or October, when the river and other nearby natural areas tend to be less crowded.[1]
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    • One neat thing about the water in the Grand Canyon is that it originates from a man-made reservoir, so it never gets much colder than about . This means that water temperature won't be as much of a concern if you schedule your trip later in the year.[2]
  2. Consider how long you have to spend on your adventure. The majority of guided trips led by commercial rafting companies can be completed in a single afternoon. Self-guided outings, however, can take quite a bit longer, as they tend to be less tightly regimented. Don't forget to factor in travel time to and from your launch site when determining a time frame that works for you.[3]
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    • Most rafting companies organize outings by length. For example, you might sign up for a half-day, 2-day, 5-day, 7-day, 10-day, or 15-day trip, depending on who you book with.
    • All-in-all, it takes an average of about 15 days to raft the entire length of the Grand Canyon's waterways. The various sections of the river can be traversed in hours or days.
  3. Select the type of raft you want to take. Unlike some other notable whitewater destinations, you have a few different means of conveyance to choose from when rafting the Grand Canyon. Many shorter trips take place in motorized rafts, which offer a more leisurely sightseeing experience. You also have the option of paddling an oar-powered raft or old-fashioned wooden dory if you want to test your skills and get a little exercise.[4]
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    • Be sure to specify the type of raft you want to reserve when you book your trip. Your choice of vessel may determine the specific route you end up taking.
    • You can even kayak sections of the Colorado River with a special permit. Kayaking can be an exciting alternative to group rafting for advanced solo paddlers craving a challenge.[5]
  4. Schedule a guided trip with an area rafting company. Get in touch with one of the many commercial outfitters operating in the Grand Canyon to set up a reservation. Guided trips won't typically need to be booked more than about a day ahead of time. They can fill up quickly, though, so the earlier you reserve your slot, the better.[6]
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    • One of the biggest perks of going through a rafting company is that they'll take care of all the important planning, including travel routes, departure times, and meal breaks.[7]
    • Commercial outfitters provide rafts, oars, life vests, helmets, and all other necessary equipment to their guests. If you plan on making a self-guided trip, you'll need to bring these things yourself.
  5. Apply for a permit for self-guided trips at least one year in advance. If you're a veteran rafter determined to brave the river on your own, your first step will be to fill out a Diamond Creek to Lake Mead Permit Application. You must submit your completed application to the United States National Park Service no earlier than one year prior to your intended launch date. Be aware that permits are granted on a first-come, first-served basis, so there's no guarantee that you'll receive one.[8]
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    • It doesn't cost anything to submit an application. However, the Hualapai tribe who owns the surrounding land does charge a small access fee to adventurers crossing through their territory. You'll need to make arrangements with the tribe on your own by calling 928-769-2210.[9]
    • The National Park Service only authorizes two non-commercial trips to set out from the Diamond Creek launch site per day. Each outing is restricted to a total of 16 participants.
  6. Be prepared to hike the Bright Angel Trail to reach your launch site. Both Upper and Lower Canyon routes start with a long foot trek through Bright Angel Trail. The trail, which spans and climbs around in elevation, as been rated "strenuous" by the National Park Service. Due to its difficulty, the hike is only recommended to adventurers who are in good physical condition.[10]
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    • If you don't think you're up to the challenge, you also have the option of scheduling a 3-5-day Western Canyon trip or 6-18-day Full Canyon trip, both of which end with a helicopter or car ride out of the Canyon.
    • The craggy, sun-baked trail is well-maintained, but offers little shade, so make sure you bring plenty of water.[11]
  7. Watch the weather closely in the days leading up to your trip. A sudden change in the weather has the potential to severely complicate a routine pleasure trip. Guided outings may even be cancelled if river conditions become too tumultuous. If the forecast doesn't look promising, it may be safest to put your trip on hold until you see clearer skies.[12]
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    • Monitoring the weather will also give you a better idea of what types of items you'll need to bring with you.[13]
    • If you obtained a permit for a solo venture, it can't be cancelled due to dangerous weather. Keep in mind that if you decide to go ahead with your trip, you'll be doing so at your own risk.

EditPacking for Your Adventure

  1. Provide your own equipment for non-commercial trips. As a solo adventurer, you'll be expected to show up with all your own gear. This means a raft, main and spare oars, life vest, helmet, and cargo net or platform at the bare minimum. It's also a good idea to keep a life preserver or rope bag onboard your raft, plus a first aid kit containing pain relievers and supplies for treating minor wounds.[14]
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    • It may be possible to rent some or all of your rafting equipment on-site once you arrive at the Grand Canyon.
    • Self-guided rafters are advised to pack a signal mirror and 2 international orange-colored panels to flag down help in the event of an emergency.[15]
  2. Bring along enough clothing to dress in layers. The weather in the Grand Canyon can fluctuate between hot and cold in the course of a single day. Wearing multiple layers will allow you to shed or pull on additional items as needed as the temperature changes. Ideally, most of your clothing should be made from quick-drying materials like nylon, neoprene, polyester, or wool.[16]
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    • Items like a waterproof jacket, insulated paddling gloves, and a hat with a bill or visor and strap are a must.[17]
    • Don't forget to pack a few spare dry garments for the journey back. Kicking around in soggy clothes isn't very comfortable.
  3. Select appropriate footwear for both wet and dry activities. Plan on wearing either sandals or amphibious water shoes while you're on the river. If you'll be hiking the Bright Angel Trail on your way in or out, be sure to pack a pair of hiking boots or sneakers sturdy enough to hold up to miles of rocky terrain. All of the footwear you bring should lace on or strap-on securely.[18]
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    • Consider picking up a pair of neoprene socks if you're prone to cold feet or pruney toes.
  4. Stock up on food and water to last you the duration of your trip. When heading down the river on your own, you'll be left to your own devices as far as sustenance goes. Your best bet is to prioritize nutritious, calorie-rich offerings that take up as little space as possible. Protein bars, nuts, and MREs are all easy, cost-effective choices that will help keep your belly full for a few days.
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    • If you prefer a hot meal, throw a small pan or skillet in with your gear. You may have the opportunity to cook over an open fire at one of the many campsites along the way.
    • Meals are often included in the cost of booking a multi-day outing with a commercial rafting company.[19]
  5. Bring a camera to capture the beauty of your surroundings. You'll be treated to some truly sublime sights during your time in the Grand Canyon. Along with the rushing whitewater and towering desert cliffs, the National Park grounds are home to a diversity of wildlife, included hundreds of species of birds, reptiles, and large mammals like bighorn sheep, elk, and mountain lion. You'll no doubt want to record these moments to commemorate your adventure.[20]
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    • A waterproof case for your phone or digital camera can make a wise investment.

EditEnjoying Other Activities During Your Trip

  1. Set up camp along the river if you're embarking on a multi-day trip. Unless you're only completing a short route, it will be necessary for you to stop and camp overnight. You're in for a treat, as the atmosphere of the Grand Canyon National Park makes for some of the best camping in the U.S. You'll fall asleep beneath the open sky with rushing waters at your side and wake up to the spectacular sight of the sunrise glowing on the red rocks of the looming canyon walls.[21]
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    • There's only one established campsite at the bottom of the Grand Canyon: Bright Angel Campground. Fire pits, clean drinking water, and maintained bathroom facilities are among the amenities that you'll find there.
    • Backcountry camping is also allowed anywhere within the canyon itself, as long as you've obtained a backcountry permit ahead of time. Contact the National Park Service for more information on how to apply for a permit.[22]
  2. Pause periodically for a relaxing swim. Chances are, you'll be pretty worn out after a few hours of intense paddling. When you feel like you need a break, find a safe place to ground your raft and take a dip. The cool, calm waters will soothe your tired muscles and leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the next leg of your journey.[23]
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    • Stick close to your raft and the rest of your group, and avoid entering any part of the river where the current picks up.
    • Watch your step in shallow areas. The banks of the Colorado River are populated by numerous animals, including a few dangerous ones like rattlesnakes, massasaugas, and scorpions.[24]
  3. Go cliff jumping at one of the nearby falls. On your way down the Colorado, you'll pass several waterfalls marking the river's descent. Satisfy the thrillseeker in you by hiking up one of the adjacent outcroppings and showing off your best cannonball. Just make sure you pick out a spot that's deep and free of obstructions before you take the plunge. In some stretches, the depth of the river can vary widely in just a few feet.[25]
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    • Havasupai, Mooney, and Beaver Falls are all popular cliff jumping spots within the Grand Canyon. But be warned—some of these cliffs are as high as , so they're definitely not for the faint of heart![26]
    • Don't take off from anywhere you see a "No Jumping" sign posted, no matter how tempted you might be. These areas have been deemed unsafe by park authorities.


  • Your local outdoor center or sporting goods store can be a good place to find high-quality waterproof clothing and accessories.
  • For more information on the Grand Canyon or Colorado River area, pick up some travel literature or read through the website of the Grand Canyon National Park.[27]


  • Rafting can be a dangerous form of recreation, even for experienced outdoor enthusiasts. Always take the proper safety precautions and keep your wits about you while you're on the water.
  • Removing, vandalizing, or causing damage to any natural features inside a national park is a federal crime.

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