quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2019

How to Know When Your Dog is Sick

Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Just like their owners, dogs can become ill with anything from a minor virus to something more dangerous with serious complications. Since your pet cannot tell you what's wrong, you should keep an eye out for certain symptoms. Always consult with your veterinarian if you ever suspect your dog may be ill.


[Edit]Evaluating Your Dog's Appearance

  1. Watch for excessive drooling or bad breath[1]. Excessive drooling or bad breath can be signs that your dog might need some teeth extracted. In order to prevent many dental problems, try to train your dog so that he allows you to brush his teeth. Look for the following symptoms in your dog that might indicate a dental problem:
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    • Watch to see if your dog is eating less.
    • Notice if your dog is sensitive to you touching his muzzle.
    • You may also visibly notice your dog having trouble chewing.[2]
  2. Listen for excessive coughing or honking. If your dog is coughing, it might not be a reason to worry. However, coughing that lasts for any longer than a twenty-four hour period might be something more serious. Get any severe coughing in your dog checked out by your veterinarian.
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    • Coughing problems can disrupt your dog's sleep.[3]
    • Coughing in a dog can be a sign of anything from minor bronchitis to heart worms, have a professional examine your dog. [4]
  3. Pay attention to changes in your dog's behavior. Just as humans may act differently when they don't feel well, you may notice changes in your dog's behavior if it's not feeling well.[5]
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    • Changes may include, but are not limited to, increase or decrease in appetite or thirst, hyperactivity or noticeably lowered energy levels.
    • If you notice changes in your dog's behavior, visit your veterinarian.
    • If the irritation seems to relate to petting a specific spot, take note, it may be where your dog is injured or sick.[6]
  4. Keep a close eye on any sores or lumps. Dogs can develop ingrown hairs, cysts, and other skin blemishes, so not every small lump or bump is an immediate cause for concern. However, the following symptoms should be seen by a professional.[7]
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    • Lumps growing in size.[8]
    • Lumps becoming deeply attached to tissues.
    • Oozing or bleeding sores.
  5. Take your dog's temperature. Canine's can run fevers just like humans can. If your dog has a fever, especially in conjunction with other symptoms, visit your vet as soon as you are able.[9]
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    • A temperature of 103 is high. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.
    • A temperature of 104.5 requires immediate medical attention.[10]

[Edit]Evaluating Your Dog's Diet

  1. Watch for excessive drinking. Monitor the amount of water your dog drinks daily. If you notice any big changes in this amount, take note. Drinking too much or too little can indicate a problem that requires veterinary attention.[11]
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    • Rule out everyday reasons such as strenuous play or a hot day.
    • If you notice your dog drinking much more than normal for a consecutive week, see your vet.
  2. Track your dog's appetite. Changes in appetite, especially those that lead to weight loss or gain, can indicate illness.[12] [13]Unexpected weight loss or gain should always be met with a trip to the vet.
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    • In the short term, loss of appetite for your dog can be a sign of fever, pain, or stress, as well as many other possible reasons.
    • If the loss of appetite is combined with any other noticeable symptoms, you should see a vet immediately.[14]
  3. Pay special attention to digestive upsets. Vomiting or diarrhea is a reason for concern with your dog.[15] These symptoms can be a sign of anything from swallowing a sharp object to ulcers to parasites.[16]
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    • Single instances of vomiting or diarrhea are not necessarily a cause for concern.
    • Repeated instances,especially lasting more than twenty-four hours,require a vet.[17]
    • Blood, in either vomit or diarrhea, can be a serious symptom and needs treatment as soon as possible.[18]

[Edit]Evaluating Your Dog's Activity Level

  1. Examine your pet's energy levels.[19] Prolonged lethargy is a strong sign that your pooch isn't feeling well.[20] While you don't need to worry about a tired dog after active play, keep an eye out for other signs such as decreased exercise tolerance or general weakness combined with the lethargy.[21]
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    • Unusually low energy levels, over two or three days should be checked with a vet.
    • Lethargy, in combination with other symptoms, also requires the attention of your vet.[22]
    • Extremely high levels of energy can also be a problem that needs medical attention.
  2. Pay attention to scratching. All dogs scratch fairly regularly. However, excessive scratching can be a sign of a health problem. If the scratching is excessive, don't ignore it. Look for these possible causes or ask your veterinarian more about them:
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    • Scratching is a typical sign of fleas, ticks, or mange mites.[23]
    • Scratching can also mean endocrine or hormonal problems in your dog.[24]
    • Dogs can also suffer from allergies just like humans, which can lead to itching.[25]
    • Take your dog to the vet.
      • Most vets will examine the animal, try to reach a diagnosis or suggest tests to reach a diagnosis.
      • After testing, your vet can prescribe a course of treatment to correct the underlying problem or at least make the dog more comfortable.
  3. Look for difficulty rising or mobility issues. If your dog starts showing signs of stiffness, manifested through difficulty getting up or climbing stairs, then you should have your pet examined. [26]
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    • This symptom can be a result of anything from hip dysplasia to arthritis to Lyme disease from tick-borne bacteria.
    • The earlier Lyme disease is treated, the better the prognosis, so see a vet quickly if you notice this symptom, especially in younger dogs.
  4. Watch for labored breathing. Labored breathing can indicate a problem with your dog's respiratory system. Identifying the cause can be difficult by yourself. Bring your dog to a vet to accurately diagnose any problems with your dog's breathing.[27]
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    • Labored breathing requires urgent attention.
    • If your dog's gums have a bluish tint, seek immediate care.
  5. Keep track of accidents. House-trained pets rarely start having accidents unless there is a problem. If your dog inexplicably begins having indoor accidents, then your vet will likely want to schedule some tests to find out the problem.[28]
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    • Having accidents for a few days in a row is a good indication of a problem.
  6. Watch for major changes in urination. Changes in the frequency of your dog's urination can be an indication of a problem. Check also for any blood or strange discolorations in your dog's urine.[29] If you find anything unusual about your dog's urine or urination habits, contact your veterinarian.[30]
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    • Either an increase or decrease in urination can be an indication of an illness.
    • Problems with urination will may involve the kidneys or bladder stones.

[Edit]Knowing When to Seek Emergency Care

  1. Watch for non-productive retching. If your dog is trying to vomit, and cannot, this can be associated with the life-threatening condition, bloat. Get your dog to the vet immediately in order to ensure the best outcome.[31]
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  2. Monitor for non-productive urination. If your dog is trying to urinate, but is unable to do so, take it to the veterinarian quickly. Inability to urinate indicates some form of blockage and can be quite serious.[32]
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  3. Look for any weakness. If your dog is having trouble standing, is swaying, or has collapsed then you must seek care quickly. Even if your dog is tired, it will be able to stand and move. Collapsing is a definite sign that your dog needs medical attention. [33]
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  • Always monitor your dog's food and drink intake for changes in appetite or signs of dehydration.
  • If you're not sure whether your dog is sick or not, call your local veterinary clinic.
  • Above all, know your dog so you can be attentive to any changes in your pet's typical appearance, behavior, and demeanor.
  • Keep vet numbers handy so they will be easy to find when you have an emergency. Have an alternative vet listed that is available nights and weekends.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


  1. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  2. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  3. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  4. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=4
  5. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  6. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  7. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  8. Small animal internal medicine. Nelson and Couto. Publishers: Mosby
  9. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  10. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  11. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  12. http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-checkups-preventive-care/top-10-signs-your-dog-may-be-sick-and-what-you-can-do-about
  13. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  14. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=2
  15. http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-checkups-preventive-care/top-10-signs-your-dog-may-be-sick-and-what-you-can-do-about
  16. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=2
  17. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  18. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=2
  19. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  20. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  21. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=3
  22. http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/my-dog-weak-lethargic
  23. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=4
  24. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=4
  25. http://www.denherdervet.com/dog-scratching/
  26. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=4
  27. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  28. http://www.doghealth.com/how-to/how-to-tell-if-your-dog-is-sick
  29. Small animal internal medicine. Nelson and Couto. Publishers: Mosby
  30. http://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-symptoms-6-signs-illness-dog-cat?page=3
  31. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  32. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell
  33. The Five minute Veterinary Consult. Smith and Tilley. Publishers: Wiley-Blackwell

How to Pass a Math Test

Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Math tests can be daunting, especially if you don't consider math your best subject. But you can be successful on a math test with the right strategies and preparation. Studying for a test over a period of days or weeks is the best way to pass a math test, but there are also some things you can do if you only have one day to prepare. If your test is even sooner, then focus on what you already know and use test-taking strategies to maximize your score.


[Edit]Studying for a Math Exam

  1. Do the assigned homework for your class. Your math teacher will likely assign homework on a regular basis that is meant to help prepare you for tests. Make sure that you always do the homework, even if it is optional or not worth many points. Doing this extra work will help to prepare you for the tests, which will help you pass the class.[1]
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    • Complete extra problems if you are having trouble with a concept. For example, if your teacher assigns all of the even problems at the end of the chapter, do the evens and the odds.
    • Your textbook may have a section in the back where you can check your answers. If it does, use it to see how you are doing.
    • Write out the required formula for each problem as you do the homework. This will make it easier for you to remember it when you take a test.[2]
  2. Review your notes and focus on what will be covered on the test. If you take good notes, this will be a valuable resource for helping you pass your exams. Try to read your notes on the same day you took them to reinforce the information that you learned in class that day.[3]
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    • For example, you could read through your notes after your class, before you do your homework, or when you study.
  3. Read the assigned chapters to understand concepts. Although you may not enjoy reading your math textbook, it is a great way to ensure that you understand the concepts and terms your teacher covers in class. Take time to carefully read the chapters your teacher assigns and ask questions if something is unclear.[4]
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    • Highlight or underline important passages while you read so that it will be easy for you to come back to them later on.
    • Mark important pages with sticky notes so you can quickly refer to them.[5]
  4. Create flashcards to remember important terms and formulas. Flashcards are index cards with information on both sides. You can use flashcards to help you memorize math formulas, key terms, and concepts. Write the formula, term, or concept on 1 side of the card, and then write an explanation and an example on the other side.[6]
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    • For example, if you want to memorize the math formula for a quadratic equation, then you could write the formula on 1 side of the card, and then write an explanation of how to use the formula along with an example on the opposite side.
  5. Ask your teacher or math tutor if you don't understand something. There will be concepts that give you trouble, and when this happens, it's best to ask for help as soon as possible. Talk with your math teacher or a math tutor about any concepts that you don't understand. They can provide more information to help you grasp the concept.[7]
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[Edit]Preparing for a Math Exam in One Day

  1. Review your notes for the most important formulas and information. If you have been taking notes in class, you can use them to target what you study over the next 24 hours. Identify any important formulas or other information that your teacher stressed in class. This will likely show up on the test, so read through your notes on it carefully.[8]
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    • If you don't have good notes, ask a classmate if they would mind sharing their notes with you. They may be willing to let you read their notes or even make a copy of them to help you study.
  2. Take a practice test if your teacher provides one. Some math teachers will give their students a practice test that they can use to study. If your teacher provides a practice test, take it and read through it several times and make sure you understand everything on it. Some of the same problems may show up on the actual math test, so making sure you fully understand the test will increase your chances of passing.
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    • You can also make your own practice test using problems from class and your book.[9]
    • Another option is to look up relevant practice tests online.
  3. Create a study sheet with the most important information. Identify all of the most important formulas, concepts, terms, and other information that you think you will need to know to pass your test. Then, write this information down on a note card or sheet of paper. Keep it on you and take it out to read through it whenever you get a chance.[10]
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    • For example, you could read over your study sheet while riding the bus, waiting in line, or even right before class. sheet of paper depending on your teacher's guidelines. Write any information on this sheet you think you will need to know to pass the test.[11]}}
  4. Watch YouTube videos for quick explanations of difficult concepts. If you are still struggling to understand a concept, check to see if there are any YouTube video explanations of them. These may be easier to follow than material in a textbook or your notes.[12]
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    • For example, if you are struggling to understand how to add and subtract fractions, find a video that explains it in an engaging, clear way.

[Edit]Improving Your Performance on Test Day

  1. Skip problems that you are unsure about and come back to them. It's best to complete the easiest problems on a test first since these will take you less time. If you encounter a problem that has you stumped, skip it and come back to it after you have tackled all of the easiest problems.[13]
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  2. Read through word problems and extrapolate the numbers. Word problems can be very confusing, especially when they contain lots of extra information that does not contribute to the math of the problem. Take a minute to read through each of the word problems on a test first, and identify the relevant numbers to solving the equation. Then, plug the numbers into a formula that will help you to find a solution.[14]
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    • For example, if the problem reads: "Albert has 27 cars that he wants to park on his lawn, and each car requires a space. Albert's lawn is . How many of the cars can he park on his lawn?"
    • The relevant numbers for this problem are the number of cars, the amount of space per car: , and the total size of Albert's lawn: .
  3. Show all of your work and include any additional information you can. Even if you get an answer wrong, some teachers will award extra points if you show your work and include extra information that demonstrates your knowledge. Make sure to write out as much detail as you can for each problem, especially if you are unsure about the answer.[15]
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    • For example, if you need to complete an equation using a specific formula, write the formula out first. Then, complete the equation using the formula and show any additional calculations you need to do to complete the problem.
  4. Eliminate any options that you think are wrong. As you go through the test, you may encounter some problems that you are not sure about. To increase your chances of getting points for a question you are unsure about, you can eliminate any responses that you think are wrong. Try to solve the problem, and then eliminate any answers that are clearly wrong.[16]
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    • For example,say you complete the problem and get 72 as your answer, but the options available are a) 56, b) 71, c) 77, and d) 112. You could eliminate a and d since they are far off from your answer. Your best option would likely be b since it is the closest to the answer you got.
  5. Guess the answer if all else fails. If the problems are multiple choice and you are not sure what the right answer is, then you can try to guess the answer. Go with the option that seems like the right response if you have an idea of what that might be. Some additional ways of guessing the answer include:[17]
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    • Avoiding choices that are very different from the other responses.
    • Opting for an "all" or "none" answer if these are options.
    • Going with the longest answer option for a word problem.


  • Practicing is important to improve your performance on math tests. If something doesn't click right away, just keep trying and you will get it eventually.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Do a French Knot

Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:00 AM PDT

French knots can look like a complicated way to add texture to embroidery, but they're really simple. Bring your needle up through the fabric and wrap the embroidery floss around the needle a few times. When you push it down into your fabric and bring the needle through, you'll see a delicate dot. French knots are great for filling in embroidered images or creating patterns so it's a useful stitch to know.


[Edit]Stitching a French Knot

  1. Thread a needle and place your fabric or hoop in your lap. For a small French knot, thread a single strand of embroidery floss through the eye of a needle. If you'd like a larger knot, use 2 to 4 strands of floss. Then, place the fabric you're embellishing or the hoop you're embroidering on in your lap since you'll need both hands to make the French knot.[1]
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    • If you're making a French knot on thick fabric, use a large needle with several strands of floss or yarn.
  2. Bring the needle up through the fabric. Hold the needle under your fabric and push the tip of it through where you want to make the knot. Pull the needle to extend the floss so only about is left underneath the fabric.[2]

    • If you're worried that you'll accidentally pull the floss completely through the fabric, hold the underside in place until you make the knot.
  3. Hold the needle horizontally so it points away from your work. Lower the needle towards the surface of your fabric and hold it horizontally behind the floss so the floss forms a loop. Point the tip of the needle away from the center of your hoop or fabric.[3]
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    • Use the hand that's not holding the needle to pinch the floss that's coming away from the fabric so it's taut. This will prevent the floss from getting tangled.
  4. Wrap the floss around the needle 2 to 3 times. Keep holding the needle horizontally and use your other hand to wind the floss 2 or 3 times around the needle. Go slowly so the floss doesn't slide off of it.[4]

    • If you'd like a smaller knot, try wrapping the floss around the needle only 1 time. The more you wind the floss, the bigger the knot will be.
    • To prevent the wrapped floss from sliding off, you can use your non-dominant hand to hold the working floss taut.
  5. Push the wrapped needle down through the fabric. Point the tip of the needle right next to where you began the stitch. Then, insert it and bring the needle down through the fabric. To prevent tangling, hold the floss with your other hand until you've completely pulled the needle through the fabric.[5]

    • The floss will form a loop until you pull the needle completely through. Use your fingers to prevent the loop from tangling as you make the stitch.
  6. Pull the floss until a knot forms and anchor the back to secure the stitch. If you're going to make more French knots that aren't more than apart, just start stitching the next knot. If you do want to tie off the knot, slide the needle under a stitch to make a loop under your fabric. Bring the needle through the loop and pull tightly before you cut the floss.[6]

[Edit]Adding French Knots to Your Projects

  1. Use French knots to create punctuation for embroidered words. If you're embroidering a word or phrase, you may need to dot an "i" or make a period. French knots can make these really stand out so your word or phrase is visible.[7]
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    • For a fun way to embroider a word, trace the outline of the word on your fabric. Then, make lots of French knots around the border for each letter. Leave the actual word empty so the space is visible because it's surrounded by French knots.
  2. Fill embroidered flower petals or centers with French knots. Make a simple flower by placing a cluster of French knots at the top of an embroidered stem. You could also sew the outline of a large flower and fill in the petals with French knots so your flower is full of rich color and texture. To make the center of the flower stand out, make the French knots in the middle a different color.[8]
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    • For example, to make a daisy, create white French knots that radiate out from a center point. Then, make a few yellow French knots in the center.
  3. Sew delicate stars or snowflakes using French knots. Stitch rows of French knots to make star or snowflake patterns that are as simple or detailed as you like. Although there's no need to connect the knots, you could use a straight stitch to join them and make the stars or snowflakes clearer.[9]
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    • Try sewing constellations using French knots. To make brighter stars in the constellation, use 2 or 3 strands of thread instead of 1.
  4. Sew textured patterns on your projects. You can still use French knots even if you're not sewing text or images. Create a simple design of French knots to fill your fabric or create edging. For example, alternate French knots in different colors or sizes to add interest to the edge of your project.[10]
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    • Consider switching the thread color to make your pattern stand out even more.
  5. Work with yarn to make a French knot on your knitted or crocheted pieces. French knots aren't only for sewing or embroidery. You can embellish finished knitted or crocheted pieces with French knots in matching or contrasting yarn. For example, if you want to add texture to a knitted scarf, make French knots along the ends of the scarf.[11]
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    • French knots are a great way to add interest to a crocheted baby blanket. You can make a pattern with the knots or use them to make a flower design.


  • If you're struggling to make a French knot, try wrapping the yarn around the needle in a figure-8 motion before inserting it through the fabric. This will create a colonial knot, but it looks just like a French knot.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Embroidery floss or yarn
  • Needle
  • Fabric or embroidery hoop
  • Scissors

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

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