segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2019

How to Cut Squash

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 01:00 AM PDT

There are many kinds of squash, such as butternut and acorn, that have tough, starchy interiors that are hard to cut. If you're making a recipe with squash, you'll have to cut it into strips or cubes so it can cook quickly and evenly. Although squashes might be differently shaped, they can all be cut the same way. Just make sure to practice safe knife skills while you're making your cuts!


[Edit]Peeling and Halving the Squash

  1. Cut off the top and bottom of the squash. Lay the squash on its side on top of a cutting board. Use a large chef's knife that's about long so it can cut through the squash completely. Hold the squash steady with your nondominant hand and use the knife to slice the top and bottom areas so they're flat.[1]

    • Make sure to remove the stem completely since you won't be able to cut through it.
  2. Peel the squash if you want to remove the skin. Keep the squash in place with your nondominant hand and hold a vegetable peeler in your dominant hand so it's at a 45-degree angle to the squash. Press the peeler into the squash, then pull it down along the length of the squash to remove the skin. Rotate the squash when you're finished peeling one side so you can peel the rest of the skin.[2]

    • You don't have to peel the squash if you don't want to.
    • Try microwaving the squash for 30 seconds to heat up the skin and make it easier to peel.
  3. Set the squash upright so the widest side is on the bottom. Put the squash on your cutting board so one of the flat edges you cut is on the bottom. Make sure the widest part of the squash is closer to the cutting board so it doesn't tip over or move as much while you're cutting it.[3]

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    • Put your cutting board on a level surface so it doesn't wobble while you're using it.
  4. Use a rocking motion to cut through the middle of the squash. Use the same chef's knife as before and set the blade in the middle of the top flat side. Press the blade into the squash and put your hand on top so the squash can't move around. Rock your knife up and down to work through the squash until you cut through the bottom.[4]

    • If you have trouble cutting through the squash right away, try putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute to make it easier. Be careful since the inside of the squash will be hot.
    • Don't keep your fingers below the knife blade since the blade could slip and you could cut yourself.
  5. Scoop out the seeds with a metal spoon. Look for the area inside your squash that contains the seeds and scrape them out. Use the edge of a metal spoon to remove all of the seeds so they don't get in the way while you're cutting the squash. Be sure to remove any of the stringy pieces of the squash that are hanging near the seeds as well.[5]

[Edit]Cutting the Squash into Strips or Cubes

  1. Cut the squash into strips that are thick. Turn the halves of squash over so the flat sides are against the cutting board and the longest side faces you. Start on one end of the squash and use your knife to cut strips. Start with the tip of your knife on the board and rock it forward to cut through the squash.[6]

    • Keep your fingers curled on your nondominant hand so you don't cut yourself.
    • The size of the strips depends on the recipe you're following. Check it before you start cutting your squash to make sure it's the right size.
  2. Stack the slices and cut them in half lengthwise. Take 3-4 strips you just cut and stack them on top of one another so they line up along an edge. Squeeze the long sides of your stack to hold them in place while you cut them in half lengthwise. When you're finished with your cut, you should have 6-8 pieces that are all uniform in size.[7]

    • You can cook the squash in strips if you want to.
  3. Rotate the strips and cut them into cubes if you want. Turn the strips 90-degrees so the longer edges are facing toward you. Use your knife to cut then strips into cubes so they are all the same size. Keep cutting your squash until it's all cubed.[8]

    • A squash that's will give you about 4 ½ cups (0.92 kg) of cubed squash
  4. Store squash in your fridge for up to 4 days. If you don't plan on cooking the squash right away, then put the cubes or strips into an airtight container or plastic bag. Press all the air out if you can and then put it in your fridge. You can use the squash for up to 4 days before it starts to go bad.[9]

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    • You can freeze squash as well, but it stays preserved better if you cook it first.

[Edit]Staying Safe While Cutting

  1. Sharpen your knives before you start cutting. Squash is tough when it's raw and can be difficult to cut through with a dull knife. Drag the blade of your knife at a 20-degree angle across a whetstone or a honing rod to keep the blade sharp. Make sure to sharpen each side of the knife so it cuts evenly.[10]

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    • Sharpen your knives every 2-4 times you use them to maintain their edge.
  2. Make sure your cutting surface is stable. Use a flat surface, like a counter or table top, when you cut your squash, or else it could fall. Set your cutting board down and press down on each side to make sure it doesn't wobble. If it does, find a new spot to cut the squash.[11]

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    • If a plastic cutting board wobbles, check the bottoms to see if any of the rubber grips have fallen off on the bottom. If they have, then set something underneath the cutting board to prevent it from moving.
  3. Hit the knife lightly with a rubber mallet if it gets stuck. Sometimes, your knife may get stuck while you're cutting a large squash. Hold the handle of the knife from the bottom and tap the top of the handle with a rubber mallet. Keep tapping the knife until it gets through the tough spot, and then cut the rest of the squash as usual.[12]

    • Don't hit the squash too hard or the knife may make a crooked cut.


  • Keep your fingers away from the knife blade so you don't accidentally cut yourself.
  • Make sure your work surface is sturdy so the squash doesn't slip while you try to cut it.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Cutting board
  • Chef's knife
  • Spoon


How to Get Over Your Ex

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Getting over someone you loved can feel like an impossible task, but there is hope! You feel a lot of pain right now because your relationship gave you a boost of dopamine, which is a chemical that makes you feel happy. Now that your ex is out of your life, you're no longer getting that happiness boost. Fortunately, you can work through your painful emotions and come out stronger than before!


[Edit]Coping After a Breakup

  1. Keep yourself busy for 2-3 weeks after a breakup. Going through a breakup is especially painful because the love and attention you got from your ex is gone. Now that your ex is out of your life, you're probably feeling painful withdrawals. To help yourself feel better, fill your day with self-care and fun activities with your friends and family. Here are some ways to take care of yourself:
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    • Spend 15-60 minutes in the morning focusing on your intentions.
    • Do a fun exercise like dancing or kickboxing.
    • Take care of your basic needs, like eating, bathing, and cleaning your space.
    • Do something nice for yourself, like getting a spa treatment or buying a special cup of coffee.
    • Go to work or school.
    • Spend time working on a personal goal or hobby.
  2. Create a routine to help you take care of your needs. When you were with your ex, you likely had a routine that involved talking to and seeing them. Switching up your routine may help you focus on the future. Develop a new schedule for yourself that focuses on the life you want. Be sure to include reminders to keep up with your responsibilities, like paying your bills, washing your clothes, and eating healthy meals.
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    • During a breakup, taking care of yourself can be really hard. Following a routine can help you keep up with your healthy habits!
  3. Use distraction to keep your mind off your ex in the first few days. Since your relationship made you happy, you're naturally going to be craving that feeling after you breakup. However, thinking about your ex and remembering your relationship will only make your pain last longer. Instead, do an activity that requires you to focus on the present to distract yourself from your pain. Pick something that makes you feel happy and helps you have fun without your ex!
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    • For instance, invite your friends over for a game night, go for a nature walk, do a scavenger hunt, take a painting class with your friends, read an exciting book, or go to a Meetup.
    • Don't use distraction to avoid your feelings altogether. Eventually, you'll need to deal with the painful emotions you're feeling.
  4. Engage in activities that make you feel good to get a dopamine boost. Replacing the dopamine boost you got from your relationship may help you feel better post-breakup. Do at least 1 activity every day that makes you feel great. Pick things that are healthy for you and support your lifestyle goals rather than using unhealthy coping strategies. Here are some ideas:
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    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Take an art or cooking class.
    • Join a recreational sports team.
    • Get a pet if you've been wanting one.
    • Join a club that's focused on your interests.
    • Volunteer for a cause you care about.
  5. Surround yourself with friends and family to create a support system. During a breakup, you need to be a part of a community. Reach out to your family and friends for help during this time. Invite them to spend time with you and talk or text with them daily. This can remind you that you're well-loved.[1]
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    • You might feel tempted to withdraw during a breakup, but you need to be with people you care about. If you don't feel like going out, ask a friend or relative to do something fun with you at home, like watching a movie or making a craft project.

[Edit]Processing Your Emotions

  1. Shake your body to burn off excess energy. When you feel strong emotions like sadness, anger, and anxiety, your body releases negative energy as part of your survival response. However, this negative energy can make you feel bad if you don't get it out. An easy way to release the energy is to shake your body. Start at your shoulders and slowly move down to your feet, shaking yourself as you go. As you do this, imagine that the negative energy is leaving your body.
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    • If you don't like shaking yourself, try releasing the energy through a vigorous workout.
  2. Vent your feelings to someone you trust. Talking about how you feel can help you feel better. Choose someone you can trust to share your feelings with. Then, tell them about what happened and how it's affecting you. Additionally, share any worries you have.
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    • Ask the person to listen to you without giving you advice. Say, "This breakup is really hard. Do you mind if I vent a little?"
  3. Examine the reasons why your ex isn't right for you. Don't idealize your ex after your breakup. Instead, focus on the qualities that make them a bad match for you. Think about the times they let you down or the qualities they don't have. Let this convince you that things weren't meant to work out between you.[2]
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    • Consider the things you want in a partner. Later, you can use this list to help you find a better partner for yourself.
  4. Confront beliefs that you won't find love again if you feel this way. Your breakup may be more painful if you thought your ex was "the one" for you. It might be hard to imagine yourself with someone else, but it will happen one day. Stop thinking that you have just one soulmate out there. Instead, remind yourself that you will find love again.
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    • You don't have just one match out there in the world. Everyone has several different potential love matches, so it's no big deal if one relationship ends.
  5. Use a gratitude journal to identify what's going well in your life. Focusing on the positives in your life can help you balance out your negative emotions, and expressing gratitude for the good things in your life is a great way to think positively! In your gratitude journal, write down 3-5 things every day that you're grateful for. These can be big or small things! When you feel down, re-read all of your lists to help you feel better.
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    • For instance, you might write, "my friends, my cat, and beautiful weather today."

[Edit]Removing Your Ex from Your Life

  1. Get rid of physical reminders of your ex. Seeing things that remind you of your ex will keep you locked in the cycle of craving their affection. Go through your living space and remove anything that makes you think of them. Take down photos, remove gifts, and collect mementos. Donate or throw away the items so they won't remind you of the past.[3]
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    • If you don't want to throw the stuff away, put the items in a box that you can give to a friend. When you're ready, your friend can either discard the box or return it to you.
  2. Do a digital detox to avoid reminders of your ex. Your digital world is likely full of reminders about your relationship, and seeing them will be painful. Don't scroll through photos of you and your ex during good times because it will make it take longer for you to get over them. Here's what you need to do to detox digitally:[4]
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    • Unfollow all of their social media pages.
    • Delete all of your ex's text or email messages.
    • Save your relationship photos to a folder you can access later, then delete them.
    • Block their phone number.
    • Stay off social media in the days after the breakup.
  3. Focus on yourself instead of worrying about what your ex is doing. You might be wondering about who your ex is seeing, what they're doing, or if they feel bad about what happened. Don't give them one more second of your time! Instead of worrying about them, keep your mind on your own needs and wants.
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    • When you catch yourself thinking about your ex, turn your attention to a hobby or interest.
  4. Say "no" to post-break up sex with your ex. It's normal to feel tempted to hook up with your ex, but doing so will only make the pain worse. Your brain is hardwired to form an emotional connection during sex, and it'll be an even stronger connection if you're doing it with someone you used to love. Don't be alone with your ex after the breakup so you won't be tempted.
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    • If you have to see them, ask someone to go with you so that you won't be alone with them.

[Edit]Returning to Yourself

  1. Focus on your existing relationships and on making new friends. Healthy relationships with your friends and family can help you be a stronger, more independent person. Plus, they will help you realize that you don't need your ex! Spend time with the people who are important to you so you can grow closer to them. Additionally, go to local events, clubs, Meetups, or classes to meet new people.[5]
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    • Keep in touch with your friends by talking or texting daily.
    • Join your friends for coffee dates, dinner, and games.
  2. Pursue the interests you set aside during your relationship. While you were with your ex, it's likely that you gave up part of yourself to become a partner to them. Now that you're apart, regaining what you lost can help you enjoy being single! Think about the things you enjoyed before you got with your ex. Then, start including those things in you routine.
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    • For instance, you might have given up your gym membership because you never had time to go. Now is the time to renew it!
    • As another example, you might have stopped painting or doing photography because you were spending more time with your ex. Break out your equipment and dive back into that hobby!
  3. Start a new passion project to help you feel fulfilled. Pick a goal you've always wanted to accomplish or something that's always interested you. Then, make a list of steps you can take to start working on it. Dedicate a block of time each day to work on your goal, and try to check off the steps on your list. This can help you stop thinking about your ex and build your independence.
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    • For example, you might decide to pursue a degree or to start a photography business.
    • As you work on your passion project, remind yourself that you're building a future for yourself that isn't dependent on a relationship.
  4. Try new things that your ex refused to do with you. Think about the times your ex said "no" to something you wanted to do, like trying a new restaurant or visiting a local museum. Then, create a breakup bucket list of these items. Ask a friend to join you or go alone as you check off each item on the list. Each time you do something, remind yourself that your ex was holding you back from it.
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    • For instance, join a friend for Indian food at the restaurant your ex wouldn't try, paint pottery with a group of friends, play beach volleyball, go on a picnic in the park, visit the planetarium, and go to a slam poetry reading.
  5. Identify the future you want for yourself. Picture yourself in a year, 5 years, and 10 years. Think about how you want to live and what type of things you want to do. Then, write down what you hope to accomplish in the coming years so you can start working toward those goals. This can help you create a life you love as you move on from your ex.
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    • For instance, you might want to buy a home, build your career, and take your dream vacation.
    • Similarly, you might realize that you want to add more creativity to your life or that you want to move to a different area.



  • Do not rush into a new relationship. You don't want to drag a bunch of emotional baggage into someone else's life. You may end up realizing that your new partner is someone you barely know or do not have any real interest in. Focus on feeling better about yourself.
  • Focus on building new memories with your friends to replace bad feelings about your ex.


  • Ignore all the rumors and things that might be going around about you and your ex. They are not worth your time.
  • Make sure you do not use another person to make your ex jealous. It won't work, and you may end up hurting both yourself and the other person.
  • Don't waste your energy trying to get back at your ex. The best revenge is creating a life you love and pursuing your own happiness!

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Get Coffee Stains Out of a White Shirt

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Coffee may benefit your health, but it does not benefit your clothes. While a coffee stain can seem especially hopeless on a white shirt, you can easily treat and clean it at home. If you've recently spilled coffee on a white shirt, laundry detergent is a great method to try. For stains that have dried, try soaking the shirt in a vinegar solution, applying a stain stick, or washing it with bleach.


[Edit]Removing Fresh Coffee Stains

  1. Check the label to see what your shirt is made out of. Take off the white shirt place it on a flat area, like a table or ironing board. Depending on the fabric, the coffee might not have fully absorbed into the shirt. [1] Materials like cotton and linen absorb more water than fabrics like polyester and acrylic. A stained cotton shirt might require more blotting than a polyester one.[2]
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    • Take your shirt to a dry cleaner if you'd prefer to have it cleaned professionally.
    • If you can't find a good surface to lay your shirt on, consider placing an old towel on a section of floor or carpet. This will secure the shirt without staining the floor below.
  2. Soak up the excess coffee with a paper towel. Apply pressure to the stained area with a folded paper towel. Use quick motions to blot up any extra coffee. Place your other hand on the side of the shirt to keep it secure while you blot.[3]

    • If one portion of the towel absorbs too much coffee, rotate the paper towel so that a clean section blots up the coffee. Use a new paper towel as needed.
  3. Soak the shirt in cold water and wring it out. Hold the blotted shirt under cold, running water for several minutes before twisting out any excess. Hold the shirt under the running water until the stained area is completely soaked. Keep the stain submerged for at least 3 minutes, and rub the stain with your fingers to coax it away with water.[4]

    • Repeat this process as needed until the coffee stain has diminished.
  4. Add a coin-sized amount of detergent to the spot. Take your usual laundry detergent and pour a small, coin-sized amount on top of the stain. You don't need to get a special detergent for this—any kind will do, as long as it's in liquid form. [5]
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    • If you don't want to pour out too much detergent at once, use the cap to pour a smaller amount.
  5. Rub the detergent in with your fingers and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Put on rubber gloves and rub the cleaning product into the coffee stain before leaving the shirt alone for at least 3 minutes. Use short, gentle movements, so you don't disturb the fabric of the shirt. While the fabric is damp, rub in the detergent.[6]

  6. Massage the coffee stain after 5 minutes. Use the tips of your fingers to rub any lingering detergent into the fabric. This final effort helps to remove any visible portions of the stain before you put it in the washing machine. Don't be discouraged if you don't see any visible changes after rubbing in the detergent.[7]

    • Wash your hands thoroughly after making direct contact with any cleaning agents.
  7. Rinse out any remaining detergent. Hold the shirt over a sink and turn on the faucet. Use cold, running water to rinse the detergent out of the stained area. Take both hands and wring the water out until there are no more suds rinsing out of the shirt.[8]

  8. Clean your shirt using the washing machine. Take the damp shirt and place it into your washing machine. Pour a small amount of regular detergent into the machine before beginning the cycle. Ideally, the water should be somewhere between and so the stain doesn't set. You can wash this shirt in a separate load or with other whites.[9]

    • Switch to a stain removal detergent if you want to use a stronger cleaning formula.
  9. Make sure that the stain is gone before drying. Remove the shirt from the washing machine and check to see if the stain is gone. Do not dry or iron the shirt until you're positive that you've removed the stain. Heat makes stains permanent in clothing.[10]
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    • If there's still a coffee stain visible after you've treated and washed the shirt, consider using some other home remedies, like bleach, vinegar, or stain remover.

[Edit]Getting Rid of Dried Coffee Stains

  1. Remove your shirt and check to see what it's made out of. Take off your shirt and lay it on a flat surface so that you can examine it more carefully. Coffee tends to completely soak through natural fibers like linen and cotton, but it may have only stained the surface of less absorbent materials like polyester. More absorbent clothing fibers like cotton and linen may have to soak in a cleaning solution longer than polyester or acrylic materials.[11]
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    • Acrylic fibers are also more water-resistant.
  2. Pour warm water into a large container. Use a faucet to pour of warm water into a bucket or other large container. The water should be lukewarm, and not hot to the touch. Make sure that the shirt can fit in the bucket or container without any water overflowing.[12]

    • Water is considered lukewarm between and .
  3. Mix white vinegar and dish soap into the water. Measure out of white vinegar and of dish detergent and stir them into the warm water. Mix the solution for 1-2 minutes until you are sure that the detergent has dissolved completely. Use a ruler or a long, wooden spoon to stir the mixture together.[13]

    • You can use distilled white vinegar instead of the regular kind. Distilled vinegar is purified and a little less acidic than regular white vinegar, so it won't be as potent in the mixture.[14]
  4. Soak the shirt in the mixture for 15 minutes. Use both hands to delicately place the stained shirt into the vinegar and dish soap solution. Let the shirt soak for at least 15 minutes, so the mixture can set into the stain. Don't worry if it doesn't soak for that exact amount of time.[15]

  5. Rinse out the shirt to check the stain. Remove the shirt from the bucket and wring it out over the sink. Turn on the faucet so that cold water runs over the shirt. Take a close look at the fabric to see if the stain has washed out completely.[16]

  6. Apply a stain removal agent if vinegar doesn't work. Check the instructions on your stain removal agent and apply the designated amount of product to the stain. Let the product sit for several minutes, depending on what the instructions say.[17]
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    • Purchase stain removal agents at any store that sells laundry detergent.
  7. Wash with bleach if the stain persists. Add your shirt to a larger load of wash that you plan to bleach. Double check all clothing labels to make sure that each item can be washed with bleach. Pour in the specified amount into your load of wash and run a hot water cycle.[18]
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    • Don't use bleach if your shirt is made of silk, leather, wool, or Lycra. Instead, try using a stain removal agent again.
    • Clean your washing machine after running a cycle with bleach.
  8. Air-dry the shirt in an open area. Take the rinsed shirt and hang it in an open area. Hang your shirt outside or indoors.[19] Make sure that the shirt gets plenty of open air so it can dry completely.[20]
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    • Buy an indoor drying rack at a home supply store to make sure that your shirt gets an even amount of air while drying.[21]
    • Don't put the stained shirt in the dryer until the stain is removed. Large amounts of heat will permanently set the stain.[22]

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Removing Fresh Coffee Stains

  • Paper towel
  • Laundry detergent
  • Rubber gloves

[Edit]Getting Rid of Dried Coffee Stains

  • Vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Bleach
  • Stain remover



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