sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2021

How to Feel Better

Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:00 AM PDT

When you're feeling down, it can be really hard to feel like things are ever going to get better—but they will! Everybody gets the blues sometimes, so don't be too hard on yourself for feeling sad, angry, lonely, or depressed. Whether you're dealing with a momentary funk or your feelings are persisting long-term, we've gathered a list of a few time-tested tricks that can help you change the momentum and start feeling better. Taking control of your own state of mind can be tough, but you can do it!


[Edit]Do breathing exercises to steady yourself in the moment.

  1. Take several slow, deep breaths to calm your nervous system. When you're feeling anxious or upset, your body has a physical reaction to those emotions. When you notice yourself starting to feel tense, stop what you're doing and focus on taking a few long breaths. Once your body starts to relax, it will be easier to work through your thoughts.[1]
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    • As your breathing slows, it will stop the fight-flight-freeze reaction happening in your nervous system, so your body will slowly return to normal.
    • Sometimes it can be hard to inhale deeply, especially if you're experiencing anxiety. If that's the case, start by exhaling as slowly as you can.

[Edit]Figure out what's getting you down.

  1. Acknowledge what's really making you feel bad. If you notice you're in a bad mood, take a few moments to check in with yourself—did something happen to trigger those feelings? You might already know exactly what's bothering you—like a recent breakup, trouble at work, or a fight with someone you love. Sometimes, the issue is a little harder to pinpoint, like feeling inadequate or being overwhelmed by the state of the world. Either way, it can be surprisingly helpful to simply acknowledge what it is that's really bothering you.[2]
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    • If you can't seem to figure out the problem, try asking yourself the opposite: What would it take for you to feel happier?[3]
    • Once you figure out what's wrong, start thinking about whether there's anything you can do to make the problem better. If there is, brainstorm a few steps you might take to start changing that.
    • If you're feeling sad but there doesn't seem to be a certain reason why, you might be experiencing depression. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor if you think that might be the case.

[Edit]Be compassionate with yourself.

  1. Show yourself the same love you would give a friend. Practice paying close attention to the thoughts you have about yourself. When you notice that you're thinking negatively, ask yourself questions like, "Would I say that to my best friend?" or "What would I say if I heard my best friend say that about themselves?" Then, challenge yourself to speak to yourself kindly, the way you would talk to that friend.[4]
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    • For instance, instead of thinking, "I failed that test—I'm so worthless," you might think, "I'm going to make a plan to study better so this doesn't happen again. I know I can improve this grade."
    • This can be really hard at first, but it gets easier with practice. Start by just learning to notice your thoughts, then work up to replacing them with more hopeful, positive statements.[5]
    • Our thoughts have the power to transform the world around us for either the better or the worse. Happy people aren't necessarily the ones with the best circumstances; they are the ones with the best attitudes.[6]

[Edit]Open your windows or go outside.

  1. Get some sun for a quick pick-me-up. If you can, try to spend some time in a natural setting, like a park, the woods, or even your backyard. It's more than just a fun way to spend an afternoon—being in nature actually helps ease stress and anxiety![7] If you can't get outside, though, open your curtains or blinds to catch some of the sun's rays—you'll still get a boost.
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    • It's thought that sunlight affects your mood by boosting your levels of vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with depression—but even 10-20 minutes in the sun can help your body start making more of this important nutrient.[8]
    • Remember to wear sunscreen if you're going to be outdoors.

[Edit]Laugh your way to a better mood.

  1. Watch or read something that always makes you chuckle. It can seem like you need to already be in a good mood to laugh, but laughing can actually make your body and mind feel better. When you laugh, you take in more air and your brain releases endorphins, so you feel more physically relaxed and happy. Try watching a silly movie, standup video, or TV show for a quick mood boost.[9]
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    • You might also read a funny book, comic strip, or magazine.
    • For an in-person laugh, go to a comedy show or trade funny stories with a friend.
    • If nothing else works, force yourself to fake laugh. Try laughing in different silly voices, too. It usually won't take long before this turns into full-fledged giggles.

[Edit]Get creative in the kitchen.

  1. Cheer yourself up by cooking or baking a delicious treat. When you're feeling down, cooking and baking can be a great way to lift your spirits. Measuring ingredients and following a recipe can give you a sense of control over your environment. You also have to focus on what you're doing, which can help get your mind off of what's bothering you. And at the end, you'll have something really tasty to enjoy![10]
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    • Many recipes have some room for you to improvise, so you get a chance to express your creative side. For instance, you might experiment with how much rosemary or garlic to put in a pasta recipe, or you might get artistic when you're decorating a cake.

[Edit]Plant a garden or houseplant.

  1. Play around in the dirt for a mood boost. Science shows that the smell of dirt can actually help cheer you up, so channel your inner child and get your hands dirty. If you have a yard where you live, consider planting a flowerbed, a fruit tree, or an herb garden—talk to someone at a nearby garden center about the best plants to grow where you live.[11]
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    • Even if you don't have much space, you can still repot a houseplant, start a windowsill garden, or put a pretty flower in a pot near your front door.

[Edit]Reach out to someone you can talk to.

  1. Fight the urge to isolate yourself when you're down. It can be hard to admit when you need someone to lean on, but it's a really brave thing to do. If there's someone in your life who makes you feel comforted, let them know you could use a shoulder. That can be anyone—like a family member, friend, teacher, or coworker. Ask them to meet you for coffee, go with you on a walk, or even video chat.[12]
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    • Talking to someone else can help give you perspective on what you're going through. It will also strengthen the connection you have with the people you're talking to.[13]
    • If you feel like you don't have anyone you can talk to, try taking a class or joining a club to meet new people. You can also talk to a therapist—hearing a professional opinion on your situation can be really refreshing.
    • If there's anyone in your life who makes you feel bad about yourself, limit your time around them, if you can.[14]

[Edit]Write about your feelings in a journal.

  1. Put your thoughts on paper to help you sort through them. Journaling can be a really powerful way to organize your thoughts and get some clarity. It's also really helpful if you're dealing with something that's too private to talk to other people about, or if you feel like there's no one you can talk to.[15]
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    • Your journal is just for you—you can keep it forever, or you can tear up the page as soon as you're finished writing.
    • Don't worry about being a perfect writer. Just sit down and start writing down your thoughts as they come to you—free writing is a great form of self-expression.

[Edit]Remember what's good in your life.

  1. List the things that you have to be grateful for. If you're feeling down, it's probably because you feel there's something missing in your life. However, everyone has at least a few things to be thankful for. Try writing these things down, and look over the list when you need a reminder of the good things in your life.[16]
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    • If it's hard to think of something you appreciate right now, start small, like that you had enough to eat today or that you're safe and warm. You can even be thankful for happy memories or certain people in your life.
    • If you acknowledge these on a regular basis, it can actually become even easier to notice other good things in your life.

[Edit]Do something you find really relaxing.

  1. Take some time to unwind. Sometimes, stress builds up to the point that it affects your whole mood, even if you don't realize it. Take a little time that's just for yourself—maybe you can only spare a few minutes, or maybe you can clear your schedule for a whole day. For instance, you might:[17]
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    • Take a long bath[18]
    • Listen to music (sing along if you want!)[19]
    • Play with a pet
    • Spend time in nature
    • Read a book
    • Knock a few (small) things off your to-do list
    • Put together a puzzle
    • Do yoga[20]

[Edit]Make time for a hobby you love.

  1. Spend more time doing things that you genuinely enjoy. If you never have time for the things you love, it's almost inevitable that you'll start to feel down! Find time on the weekend or after school or work to do things you're passionate about. It's best to do something that occupies 100% of your attention and forces you to be in the present moment—watching TV and surfing the web don't count.[21]
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    • It could be an outdoor activity like golf, tennis, swimming, or hiking, an artistic activity like music, painting, or photography, or a philanthropic activity like volunteering at an animal shelter. Take a day trip.[22]
    • You don't necessarily have to do the same thing every day. Write out a list of things you like to do or stuff you've always wanted to try. Then, choose something from that list to try each day.[23]

[Edit]Do something nice for someone else.

  1. Shift your perspective by showing kindness to others. Even a small gesture that helps someone else can help you feel better. Not only will you feel good for what you did, but it can also help you see what you're going through in a different light. For instance, you might:[24]
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    • Donate money or items to charity
    • Do volunteer work
    • Write a note to encourage someone who's struggling
    • Surprise a sick friend with lunch
    • Call to chat with a lonely relative

[Edit]Get your body moving.

  1. Boost your mood with exercise. When you're feeling down, it can be really hard to motivate yourself to get up and going. However, being active for even just 10-20 minutes can actually help release chemicals in your brain that will make you feel happier and more energetic.[25] You don't have to hit the gym—if you find something you really enjoy doing, you'll be more likely to stick to it. Try something like:[26]
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    • Walking outside
    • Dancing to upbeat music
    • Following along with a fun workout video
    • Swimming
    • Doing martial arts

[Edit]Eat a balanced diet to improve your physical and mental health.

  1. Make healthy choices and eat meals at regular times. When you follow a healthy diet, your brain and body will both feel better. In addition, feeling good about the choices you're making can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel more in control of your life. Eat a meal every 3-4 hours, sticking mainly to healthy choices like lean proteins, plenty of fruits and veggies, and whole grains.[27]
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    • Avoid eating foods that are high in sugar or refined carbs. These can cause your energy to crash after a few hours, which can affect your mood.
    • A deficiency in certain B vitamins can actually lead to depression. Be sure to include plenty of leafy greens, chicken, eggs, beans, and citrus fruits, which are all high in these nutrients.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids can also help stabilize your mood, so eat fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel.[28]
    • Craving a sweet treat? Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate, which might help improve your mood while lowering your stress levels.[29]

[Edit]Get plenty of sleep every night.

  1. Aim for 7-8 hours a night so you'll be well-rested. Being sleep-deprived can have a huge impact on your overall mood. If you're finding it hard to sleep at night, give yourself about an hour of device-free time every night before bed, and do something relaxing to wind down. Also, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day—your brain will find it easier to shut down if you're keeping a regular routine.[30]
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    • It will also help if your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. If you need to, invest in things like a sleep machine, fan, and room-darkening curtains to create a calming environment for yourself.

[Edit]Talk to a therapist if you need more help.

  1. Get help if you feel like you're just getting worse. If you're struggling with feeling down more often than not, you might be depressed, or you might have unresolved issues in your life that you're not coping well with. It can help a lot just to have someone to talk to, and a therapist can help you learn strategies to manage your stress, balance negative thoughts, and deal with tough personal relationships.[31]
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    • There's nothing wrong with getting help for your mental health. In fact, it takes a lot of strength to admit when you could use an outside perspective to help you feel better!



  • If you're experiencing persistent feelings of hopelessness, anger, or emptiness, among other symptoms, you could have depression.[32] Depression is a legitimate health concern and may require treatment beyond the advice provided in this article.
  • Avoid self-medicating with alcohol or drugs—these will just make it harder to cope with your feelings in the long run.[33]

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

  3. [v161183_b01]. 23 January 2020.
  6. [v161183_b01]. 23 January 2020.
  15. [v161183_b01]. 23 January 2020.
  16. [v161183_b01]. 23 January 2020.
  21. [v161183_b01]. 23 January 2020.
  23. /healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/self-esteem/art-20045374

How to Do a Releve

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

To do a relevé, you must rise up on the pointe or demi-pointe from flat feet often using a little spring from a demi-plié, during which both feet are swiftly drawn up. Relevés are a part of basic ballet and are very important while doing many dancing tricks and turns. They are pretty simple if done in the right way. Read on to learn how to do one!


[Edit]Getting Ready Before Practicing

  1. Stay physically fit. Before doing any tricks, even if it is a small relevé, you must be fit and healthy. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, and work hard towards keeping yourself in good health.[1]
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    • You must be able to lift your weight with your legs while doing a relevé. Try standing on your toes and walking around for a while until you get comfortable with it.
  2. Warm-up before dancing. To prevent yourself from getting hurt or making your muscles tire out, warm up. Since relevés base on your ankles and feet, you must make sure they are strong, and wouldn't damage if you do relevés.[2]
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    • If your ankle has been damaged before, be more careful as you wouldn't like to injure yourself again.
    • Keep pointing and flexing your feet as an exercise. Every chance you get, sit down, stretch your legs and point them for a few seconds, and bring them further back. Keep doing this to strengthen your feet.
  3. Learn the different ballet positions. There are five different foot positions in ballet, and it's best if you know the basic positions before moving ahead with the rest.[3]
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    • To become better at dancing, it is suggested that you learn the five different foot positions in ballet as a start. This will help you grow into a better dancer, and will make you further familiar with dancing.
  4. Find the perfect shoes. If you are a beginner, it's best if you use canvas or leather shoes while dancing. While learning how to do a relevé, wear socks, or practice barefoot.[4]
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    • Do not start with pointes as they can heavily damage your ankles without the right training.

[Edit]Doing the Relevé

  1. Begin in the first position. While doing the first position, your feet must be in a "V" shape. Try to keep your legs turned out as close to 180 degrees as you can manage.
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    • Keep your back straight, as it's important to maintain your posture while dancing.
    • Try to keep your legs straight as well, without bending your knees.
    • Since a wider turn comes only with practice, it's best if you do not strain yourself to make it 180 degrees.
  2. Fix your posture a bit more. Make sure your legs are externally rotated and your weight is even. Hold your spine long and tall, and keep your arms slightly rounded, relaxed, and low in front of your body.[5]
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    • Position your chin a bit upwards, and push your shoulders back, too.
  3. Stand on your toes. Press through the heels of your feet, and pull them up to stand on your toes. Try to stay there for a few seconds, and place your heels gently back down again. Focus on keeping your legs strong, straight, and externally rotated. Engage your core and keep your shoulders lifted and back.
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    • Make sure that you're leveling your weight balance and that you're not on your big toe or your little-toe too much.
    • Make sure that your heels are turned in, and they are in level.
  4. Rise slowly with grace. As your rise, try to keep your back straight, and keep your arms relaxed, but in the correct position.
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    • To maintain balance, try holding something to give you support such as a chair or a barre. As you practice further, release your grip from the chair and try again.
    • Continue to keep your head up and bottom tucked while rising.
  5. Return to the first position. To finish your relevé, come back to the first position, which is the same position you were in before doing the relevé.
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    • You can also move into other positions after doing the releve, but it's best to come back to the first position if you're just practicing.

[Edit]Doing the Relevé on Pointes

  1. Follow precautions. Using pointes is dangerous, and shouldn't be used without intense training or instructions from your trainer. They can injure your muscles and tissues, and can cause serious damage to your ankles. Unless you are instructed, it's best if you refrain from using pointes.[6]
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  2. Begin in the first position. You can do relevés from different ballet positions, but it is easiest to start in the first position. Your feet must be turned out with your heels touching, and your legs straight.
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    • Make sure that your knees aren't touching each other.
  3. Descend into a demi-plié. You must bend your knees halfway, with the legs turned out from the hips and the knees open.
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    • Make sure your back is straight, and hold on to something for support, especially since you're on your pointes.
    • Do not stand on your toes while doing the plie.
  4. Rise gracefully. Make sure that you keep the weight on balls of your feet as you lift up your heels. Your feet should still be turned out. Slowly rise to the tips of your pointes after doing your demi-pliés. Maintain strength in your quadriceps and calves.
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    • Immediately get back to your heels if you sense any pain in your toes, feet, or ankles.
  5. Return to the position that you started in. If you're just practicing basic relevés on pointe, you must return to the same position that you started in. If you get further comfortable with relevés, you can start doing other tricks and turns right after doing your relevé on pointe.
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  6. Practice relevés from other positions. Once you feel comfortable with the relevé in first position, try to do it from the other four positions as well.
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    • It gets harder as you try in different positions, especially from the fifth position in pointe. Keep practicing with patience until you are comfortable with doing a relevé starting with every different position.

[Edit]Doing a Relevé with a Spring

  1. Understand the difference between a usual relevé and a spring relevé. Both the relevés refer to lifting yourself up high on your toes, and both can be done in all five ballet positions. The major difference between the two is that you don't have to bend your knees in a usual relevé but you must when you do a spring one, as it gives more momentum.
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  2. Start with the first position. Start again with the first position as it's the most common training position for beginners.
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    • As you get comfortable with starting from the first position, you can proceed to try it from other positions as well.
  3. Do a pile. After starting in first position, bend your knees into a pile. Bending your knees makes it a spring point which helps you get further on your toes, and pushes you higher up.
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    • When you bend, make sure that you're not lifting your heels up. Keep your feet in the position that you started in, glued to the ground.
  4. Rise with your feet a bit further from each other. When you stand on your toes, move your heels in a bit, almost facing each other.
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    • Remember to balance the weight equally. Make sure you don't put way too much weight on your first or last toe.
  5. Come back to the first position. As always, you must finish where you started when you're practicing dancing.
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    • If you want to go one step further, you can do a split jump or a few tricks as well.
  6. Practice rising gracefully. While dancing, you must make sure that you're stable and your movements aren't jerky. This can take a lot of practice, but it's worth it in the end.
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  7. Practice spring releves from other positions. Once you feel comfortable performing spring releves from the first position, you should begin practicing them from the other starting positions as well.
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  • Warm-up and stretch every day.
  • Consume a lot of protein as dancing needs a lot of strength.
  • Stretch your foot with a foot stretcher. This will help you stretch well and gain strength.
  • Buy high-quality shoes while dancing. This will help you dance better.


How to Pull a Loose Tooth at Home

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Losing baby teeth is a rite of passage for children. If your child's tooth is loose and ready to fall out, you might have questions about how you can help them. Luckily, most of the time it's just a matter of waiting until the tooth is ready to come out. However, there are a few cases when you might need to take your child to the dentist, like if the tooth is loose because of an injury or their gums bleed for longer than 15 minutes after the tooth falls out.


[Edit]How do I know if my child's tooth is loose enough to pull?

  1. Wiggle the tooth to make sure it moves easily. When you're trying to decide whether the tooth is ready to come out, ask your child to try to wiggle it around. Have them push it back, forward, and side-to-side as far as they can. If the tooth is loose enough to pull, it should move easily, and you shouldn't see any blood. Also, double-check with your child to make sure they don't feel any pain when they wiggle the tooth—if they do, it isn't ready.[1]
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    • Your child can use their tongue or their fingers to wiggle the tooth, or you can wiggle it yourself. Just make sure you or your child wash your hands thoroughly if you use your fingers.
    • Pulling out a tooth before it's ready can be painful for your child and it can damage their gums.[2] It might also cause your child's permanent teeth to be crooked when they grow in.[3]

[Edit]How do you loosen a tooth?

  1. Encourage your child to wiggle the tooth every day if it isn't ready. The easiest way to help a loose tooth along is to have your child wiggle it frequently. At least once a day, remind your child to use their tongue or fingers to wiggle the tooth back and forth and side-to-side.[4]
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    • Brushing and flossing can also help the tooth loosen more. Just be gentle, because the gum might be tender in that area.
    • You can also give your child foods that are hard to chew, like apples and cucumbers, to help naturally loosen the tooth.

[Edit]How do you pull out a loose tooth yourself?

  1. Grip the tooth with a tissue or a piece of gauze. Teeth can be slippery, making them hard to grip—especially super-small baby teeth. To help you hold the tooth firmly, put a folded piece of tissue or gauze over the tooth before you try to grab it.[5]
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    • Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you put your fingers in your child's mouth.
    • You can also wear a pair of rubber gloves to help you get a better grip on the tooth.
  2. Squeeze the tooth firmly and tug. Using the gauze pad, grasp the tooth and pull up firmly but gently.[6] You can also add a slight twisting motion as you pull. If it's ready, the tooth should come right out.[7]
    • If the tooth doesn't come out easily, it isn't ready yet. Try again in a few days.
    • Work quickly—the faster you pull the tooth, the less it will hurt.

[Edit]How do you get your child to let you pull their teeth?

  1. Talk to them about the tooth fairy. If your child needs a little encouragement, try talking to them about what the tooth fairy will bring them in exchange for their tooth. This might help them be excited enough to let you pull their tooth.[8]
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  2. Wait until they're ready. Don't force your child to pull their tooth or let you pull it—the tooth will likely fall out on its own without any help at all. However, if you want to help it along with a little pull, talk to your child first. If they want your help, then you can go ahead.[9]
    • In most cases, your child will be able to remove the tooth on their own just by playing with it.[10]

[Edit]How do I numb a loose tooth?

  1. Use a numbing cream on the gums. If your child's tooth is loose enough, pulling it shouldn't be painful at all. However, if your child is nervous that it will hurt, you can ease their mind by asking their doctor or dentist to recommend a safe over-the-counter anesthetic.[11]
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    • Simply rub a dab of the ointment onto your child's gums and wait a few minutes for it to take effect, then pull the tooth.
  2. Give your child a cold treat to help numb their mouth. For a quick at-home option, have your child suck on some ice before you pull their tooth. You could also give them a cold treat like a popsicle or a snow cone—this might be just the trick to help put a nervous child at ease.[12]
    • If you use ice cubes, remind your child not to chew on them, as that could damage their teeth.

[Edit]Can you pull a tooth out with string?

  1. Yes, you can use floss, but only if the tooth is ready to fall out. If the tooth is ready to fall out and you're having trouble getting a grip on it, slide a piece of floss around the tooth right at the gumline. Then, have your child pull forward on the floss with a quick yank. This could help the tooth pop right out.[13]
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    • Do not tie the floss to a doorknob. If the tooth isn't ready, this approach can cause your child a lot of pain and bleeding.[14]

[Edit]What do I do after the tooth falls out?

  1. Stop the bleeding with a sterile piece of gauze. Even if the tooth was very loose, there will likely still be some bleeding. Take a fresh, sterile piece of gauze and press down on the tooth socket. Have the child bite on the gauze piece for 15 minutes or so. This will help to control the bleeding and help the wound heal faster.[15]
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    • If the bleeding doesn't stop after 15 minutes, call your child's dentist.
  2. Remind your child this is a big milestone. Whether this is your child's first lost tooth or they've been through this a few times already, take a minute to congratulate them! If they're feeling a little overwhelmed by losing their tooth, they'll appreciate the positive attention.
  3. Keep brushing and flossing as normal. Your child's gum might be a little tender where they lost their tooth. However, they'll still need to brush and floss the rest of their teeth the way they usually would. Just remind them to be gentle when they brush in the area where their tooth fell out.[16]

[Edit]What if the bleeding doesn't stop after the tooth comes out?

  1. Get emergency treatment if the socket bleeds longer than 15 minutes. It's totally normal for the socket to bleed a little after you pull the tooth, so try not to worry. However, the bleeding should stop after about 15 minutes, especially if you're pressing gauze into the socket. If the socket is still bleeding after 15 minutes or so, go to the doctor, an urgent care center, or the emergency room so a doctor can stop the bleeding.[17]
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    • This likely means that there is a slight tear in the gum—the dentist will likely treat it much the same way they would treat a patient after a tooth extraction. However, they may also check to make sure there isn't something else going on, like a bit of tooth fragment left behind in the socket.

[Edit]What do I do if the tooth breaks when it comes out?

  1. Go to the dentist immediately if there are any tooth fragments. You likely won't need to worry about this, but if you think your child's tooth broke off when it fell out, you should see a dentist right away. The fragments could cause pain or lead to an infection, the dentist will need to remove them.[18]
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    • Fragments usually occur if a tooth falls out after an injury, rather than when you pull a loose tooth. However, if you pull the tooth before it's ready, sometimes the roots can remain.[19]
    • If your child has pain or swelling in the days after the tooth was removed, a piece of the root may have broken off.[20]

[Edit]What do I do if my child has shark teeth?

  1. Don't do anything until the permanent tooth grows in fully. If your child's permanent teeth start coming in but the baby teeth haven't fallen out yet, you might notice that the double row of teeth looks like a shark's teeth. However, there's nothing to worry about. In most cases, the baby tooth is going to fall out on its own before the permanent tooth comes in all the way.[21]
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    • If the permanent tooth is completely out and the baby tooth isn't loose yet, you'll probably need to take your child to the dentist for an extraction.

[Edit]When should I go to the dentist for a loose tooth?

  1. See your doctor if the tooth isn't loosening on its own. If you notice that your child's tooth is a little wiggly, but months pass and it hasn't really changed much, it's a good idea to set up an appointment. The dentist will be able to check whether their permanent teeth are developing properly and whether any extra help might be needed.[22]
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    • You'll also need to see the dentist if the permanent teeth have completely erupted but the baby teeth haven't started to loosen yet.
  2. Visit the dentist if the tooth is loose because of an injury. If your child got hit or fell and hurt their mouth and now they have a loose tooth, make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will examine your child's mouth to figure out if the tooth is loose because of the injury or because it's time for the tooth to fall out. Then, they'll help you decide how to treat the loose tooth.[23]

[Edit]What do I do if my permanent tooth is loose?

  1. See your dentist but try not to worry. If you have an injury that causes your tooth to become loose, make a dental appointment. However, these types of injuries usually heal up on their own, so it's probably nothing to panic about.[24]
    Pull a Loose Tooth at Home Step 18 Version 2.jpg


  • If your child has not lost any teeth by the age of seven, then just do a check up with your dentist to make sure that there is no problem or to know if all the permanent teeth are under the gums with the help of x-rays.[25]


  • If you pull the tooth and there is severe bleeding for more than 15 minutes, then go to your dentist immediately.
  • If you try to pull the tooth and it's not ready to come out, then don't force it. Wait for few days or a week and give it a try again.


[Edit]Quick Summary


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