sábado, 14 de agosto de 2021

How to Have Good Table Manners

Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Whether you've been invited to a dinner party or you're going out to eat, brushing up on your table manners is a good way to prepare. Having table manners can leave a great impression on your fellow guests, and it will help everyone feel happy and comfortable as they enjoy their meal. We've compiled a list of things to remember at the dinner table so you can enjoy delicious food and fun times with your friends and family members.


[Edit]Wash your hands before you sit down.

  1. Make sure your hands are clean before you dig in. Head to the restroom and give your hands a good scrubbing with soap and water before you sit down. If you're teaching table manners to a kid, this is a good time to tell them how long to wash their hands and how hard to scrub.[1]
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    • Some fancier restaurants will even bring you a dish of water to dip your hands in. However, this is usually reserved for fine dining.

[Edit]Put your phone on silent.

  1. No one wants to be interrupted by a ringing phone. Before you head to the table, put your phone on silent or vibrate and stash it away in a pocket or a purse. If you get an important phone call, excuse yourself from the table to take it so you don't disturb any other guests.[2]
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    • Try to keep your phone off the table while you eat. It can be a distraction to keep it so close to the food.

[Edit]Wait for everyone to be seated.

  1. This includes the host, too! If you're at a dinner party, let everyone get settled before you touch your place setting. The same goes for a restaurant—once your party is seated, you can start getting settled.[3]
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    • If there isn't assigned seating, give the guest of honor or the host the best seat at the table (usually the seat at the head of the table). Everyone else can sit wherever they'd like to.
    • Always enter and leave the dining chair from it's right in a restaurant and at a formal dinner. Before doing so help the lady on your right or left by pulling her chair back when she starts sitting and the pushing it in. Men in military enter the chair from left and leave from right as formal dinner is considered a parade.

[Edit]Place your napkin on your lap.

  1. It will catch any food that falls off your fork. Unfold your napkin and gently place it over your entire lap, smoothing it down so it lays flat. You can use your napkin throughout your meal to wipe your hands or your mouth as you need to.[4]
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    • The napkin is the very first thing you want to touch when sitting down.
    • If you need to leave the table, put your napkin on the chair, not on the table. It will signal that you're coming back and you aren't finished with your food.

[Edit]Pass all food dishes to the right.

  1. If you're serving your own food, keep passing dishes around. Once you've taken enough food, hand the dish off to the person on your right. Try not to reach over anyone to get more food, and politely ask them to pass you a dish if you'd like more.[5]
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    • If there's bread on the table, cut some off the loaf and offer the pieces to the person on your left before passing it on.

[Edit]Don't eat until the host eats.

  1. If there's no host, wait for the guest of honor to start eating. Once they take their first bite, you can go ahead and dig in! Some people also like to say grace or make a toast before a meal, so you may have to wait on that, too.[6]
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    • If you're having food with your family, wait until the person who made the food starts eating.

[Edit]Use the utensils from the outside in.

  1. Fine dining may have more than one set of utensils. If you aren't sure which one to use, a good rule of thumb is just to work from the outside in. As you eat through different courses, you'll use different spoons or forks.[7]
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    • If you're just at a dinner party with friends and family, you probably won't have to worry about multiple sets of utensils.
    • On your left, the utensils from the outside in are the salad fork, the dinner fork, and the dessert fork. On your right, you'll have a soup spoon, then a tea spoon, then a dinner knife.

[Edit]Keep your elbows off the table.

  1. Tuck them in by your sides while you eat. Putting your elbows on the table takes up a lot of space, and it's considered bad manners. If you have any older relatives at the table, they might even call you out on it![8]
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    • If you aren't eating or you're in between courses, it's okay to rest your elbows on the table. The no elbows rule only applies when utensils are in use.

[Edit]Eat slowly and with your mouth closed.

  1. Try not to show anyone your food as you chew. If you want to say something, finish what's in your mouth and swallow before speaking up. Eat your food slowly and one bite at a time to avoid wolfing anything down.[9]
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    • The same goes for drinking: try to take small sips and avoid slurping or splashing your drink.

[Edit]Say "please" and "thank you."

  1. This includes thanking the host at the end of the meal. Make sure you're polite and respectful to everyone around you when you ask them to pass you food or hand you more bread. If you're being served your food at a restaurant, say thank you to the servers as they bring you items.[10]
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[Edit]Take part in the conversation.

  1. A dinner party is about more than just food. As you eat, be sure to talk to the other guests around you and join in on the topic of conversation.[11] Be sure to chew and swallow your food thoroughly before you start talking, and listen attentively to those around you.[12]
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    • If you don't know the people sitting next to you, introduce yourself and ask them how they know the host. That should be enough to get a lively conversation going!

[Edit]Cover your mouth if you need to burp.

  1. Burping happens, and that's okay. If you feel a burp coming on, quickly cover your mouth with your napkin and keep your mouth closed so it isn't loud. When you're done, just say "excuse me" and keep eating.[13]
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    • If you get the hiccups and they won't go away, it's polite to leave the table until they stop.

[Edit]Pick up your utensils if you drop them.

  1. Then, ask for a new one. If you can't reach the utensils you dropped, let the waiter or the host know as you request a new one. The same thing goes for your napkin: if it touches the floor, just ask for a replacement.[14]
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    • If you drop any food, discreetly pick it up with your napkin. Then, ask your waiter for a new napkin.

[Edit]Put your utensils on your plate when you're done.

  1. It will make cleanup a lot easier. Try to place them both in the center of your plate so they don't fall off. If you're at a restaurant, it will signal to the waiter that you're ready for your plate to be taken away.[15]
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    • You can cross your utensils or just place them side by side.

[Edit]Help clear the table at the end of the meal.

  1. If you're at a family dinner, pitch in for the cleanup. Help gather plates, napkins, and cups to bring to the kitchen. If you're really feeling polite, you could even offer to wash the dishes! The host will really appreciate it, and you might just land an invite to the next dinner party.[16]
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  • When in doubt, copy what the host does.
  • If you need to excuse yourself to the restroom, just say, "excuse me, I'll be right back." No need to elaborate on where you're going.

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How to Let Someone Down Easy After a Few Dates

Posted: 13 Aug 2021 05:00 PM PDT

We've all been there—you go on a few dates hoping to connect with someone, only to realize that it's not going to work out. Instead of wasting your time and theirs, it's best to end things when you realize this. Fortunately, since you've only been out with them a few times, you can let them down without really hurting their feelings. Check out our suggestions for kindly ending a short relationship.


[Edit]Act on your feelings as soon as possible.

  1. Don't wait or keep going on dates if you know it's not working out. The longer you wait to talk with the person, the harder it will be to break things off. You never know—the other person might feel the same way too! Sure, it can be awkward to have the break up conversation after only a few dates, but you'll be less emotionally invested.
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    • You might know after just 1 or 2 dates that the relationship isn't going to work out. For others, it might take 3 or 4 dates to decide. Either way, talk with the other person as soon as you realize you don't want to date them.

[Edit]Tell them that you want to end the relationship.

  1. Meet in person or call them on the phone to break the news. There's no need to make small talk or drag out the conversation. Just let them know that you're not interested in going on more dates. You don't need to go deep into how you feel or apologize—after all, you only went on a few dates.[1][2]
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    • For example, call them and say, "Hi, so this is awkward for me, but I don't think I want to go out with you anymore. I just wanted to be honest with you and not lead you on."
    • You could say, "I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed getting to know you a little, but I'm just not feeling a spark. I hope you find someone great to spend time with!"[3]
    • Don't feel like you have to break up in person. It's one thing to end a long-term relationship on the phone, but you're probably not emotionally invested in each other after just a few dates, so a phone call is totally fine.

[Edit]Break up by text if you don't want to call.

  1. Clearly tell them that you don't want to date again. Be honest and just let them know that it's not going to work out. Here are a few great ways to get your point across:[4]
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    • Tbh it's been fun hanging out but I don't think we're meant to be a couple.
    • Hi! I really liked getting to know you, but I'm not feeling a connection. It was great to meet you though.
    • Hey, thanks for meeting me yesterday. I'm pretty sure you feel the same, but I didn't feel a romantic connection.

[Edit]Be honest with them.

  1. You might feel bad so you start giving excuses, but don't! There's no need to apologize or tell them that you're not ready for a relationship. In fact, if you give vague reassurances, the person might think they have a chance for a relationship with you later on. It's better to be completely honest if you don't think there's a connection.[5]
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    • For example, instead of saying, "I'm so sorry this isn't working out right now. I just came out of a serious relationship and I'm not ready for dating," say, "Thanks for meeting up with me the last few days, but this relationship doesn't feel like a good fit. I just wanted to be honest with you."

[Edit]Avoid apologizing.

  1. You haven't done anything wrong, so you don't need to say sorry. Some people might even misinterpret an apology—they may think that you still care for them. Remind yourself that you're being honest with yourself and them so there's no need to apologize.[6]
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    • Instead of saying, "I'm so sorry, but this isn't working out," say, "I don't feel like this is working out. I wish you the best of luck in your next relationship."

[Edit]Listen if they have something to say.

  1. Give them a chance to respond so they feel respected. They may tell you they're surprised or they're disappointed, but don't feel like you have to defend yourself or your decision. Just let them respond to your decision.[7]
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    • You might be surprised—maybe they'll say they were feeling the same way about the relationship.

[Edit]Be clear about future interactions.

  1. Tell them if you want to be friends or if you're totally moving on. Once you say the relationship is over, give them an idea of your feelings. You might say that you'd like to be friends, especially if you have friends in common who you can hang out with, or you might say that you don't want to date or meet up with them again.[8]
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    • To completely end things, you might say, "It doesn't feel like we're compatible and I don't think this relationship will work out. I'd like to end things, but I wish you all the best in the future."

[Edit]Don't ghost the person.

  1. Ignoring them can actually hurt them more than ending it. You might think that if you just ignore their calls or texts, they'll get the idea that you're not interested and they'll move on. Unfortunately, they may genuinely be hurt or confused by your lack of a response. They might even try harder to reach you, so it's best to be direct with them.[9]
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    • Ending the relationship is the best way to show the person that you respect them and their feelings. It also gives the other person some closure.[10]

[Edit]Relax and realize this is part of dating.

  1. Not every relationship will be a long-term one and that's expected. Although breaking up with someone, even if it was just after a few dates, isn't fun, it's part of dating. Remind yourself this if you're feeling bad or guilty. Then, give yourself permission to move on.[11]
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How to Convert Word to PowerPoint

Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:00 AM PDT

If you plan to present a text-heavy PowerPoint presentation, it may be easier to type your content in Microsoft Word first. But how can you convert your Word document into PowerPoint slides without copying and pasting? With a few formatting changes, you can actually save yourself the hassle of retyping everything and convert your Word documents right to PowerPoint.


[Edit]Formatting the Word Document

  1. Open your document using Microsoft Word. Double-click your Word document to open it for editing. Before you try to convert a Word document to a PowerPoint presentation, you'll have to adjust the formatting so it can translate PowerPoint slides.
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  2. Separate the Word document into sections with titles. For PowerPoint to properly import the Word document, you'll need to break the document into separate sections that will become individual slides. Each section needs a title at the top, and the title should be on its own line. The title will then become the title of that section's PowerPoint slide.
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    • For example, let's say the first page of your Word document contains sales information that you'd like to appear on a PowerPoint slide called "Works Cited." At the top of that section, you'd type "Words Cited" as the title, since you want that to be the name of your slide. Below that would be the content of the slide.
    • Press Enter or Return after each section so there's at least one empty line between the end of a section and the title of the next slide.
  3. Navigate to the "Styles" menu. Click the Home tab if you're not already there—you will then see a "Styles" panel in the toolbar at the top of Word. In it are several formatting examples labeled "Normal," "No Spacing," "Heading 1," etc.
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  4. Highlight the title of your first slide/section. Just click and drag your mouse across the entire title to select it.
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  5. Click the style. The text will become large, bolded, and colored blue. PowerPoint will know to use everything with the "Header 1" style as a new slide.
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    • You will need to do this for all slides in your document.
  6. Highlight the remaining content of your first slide. Now you'll need to select the rest of the text you want to add to the first slide—don't include the title in the highlighted area—just the content of the slide.
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    • Make sure you have at least one blank line between the title and the rest of the slide's content.
  7. Click on the Styles panel. Everything in the Heading 2 format will appear on the same slide as the title.
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    • In the content area, press the Enter or Return key to add space between every block of text you want separated on the slide. Every individual line or paragraph will be a different bullet on your final slide.
  8. Add sub-bullets using (optional). If you assign something to "Heading 3," it will appear indented to the right and on a separate line. The PowerPoint slide would appear like the following:
    Convert Word to PowerPoint Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    • Text formatted with "Heading 2"
      • Text formatted with "Heading 3"
  9. Separate each slide with a space. Press Enter or Return before each new title. This creates the outline for PowerPoint. Each large, bolded line indicates a title and the smaller text underneath is the content of that slide. If there is a space, then another title, PowerPoint will separate this into a new slide.
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  10. Customize your text if you'd like. Once you've set up the outline you can change the size, color, and font of your text, which will convert to PowerPoint. The text no longer needs to be blue or bolded -- it has already been coded for conversion to PowerPoint
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    • If you delete the spaces between lines or try to add new text, it may not be formatted correctly, so always do this step last.
  11. Save the document. Once you're finished formatting your entire document, click the File menu, select Save as, click Browse, and choose a folder to save the file to. Give the file a name like "Outline" or something similar, and then click Save.
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    • Close Word when you're finished so there are no conflicts with PowerPoint in the remaining steps.

[Edit]Converting to PowerPoint

  1. Open PowerPoint. It'll be in your Windows Start menu on Windows, or in the Applications folder on macOS.
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  2. Click the option. If you don't see it, click the File menu and then select Open.
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  3. Click . This opens your file browser.
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  4. Navigate to the folder in which you saved your Word document outline. Don't panic if you don't see the outline!
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  5. Select from the drop-down menu. This is the menu that says "All PowerPoint Presentations" by default. You should now see the Word document you saved earlier.
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  6. Select your Word document and click . PowerPoint will now create a presentation consisting of the slides you created in your Word document. Every title you set to "Header 1" appears on its own slide, along with its corresponding content, which you set to "Header 2." You can now design the slides however you'd like using all of your favorite PowerPoint tools.
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    • Word will not automatically convert images for you—you will have to manually add the images into your presentation.
  7. Save the file as a PowerPoint presentation. To save your presentation, click File, select Save as, choose a saving location, and then save the file with the .PPTX extension.
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