How to Calculate the Cost to Retire in Ecuador Posted: 20 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST If you're a foreigner looking to retire in Ecuador, you may be wondering how far your retirement income will take you. Ecuador is not only a country full of natural beauty, but also one with a low cost of living—perfect for retirees. Since Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar, you won't have to worry about complicated currency rates of exchange if you're already used to this system. We'll walk you through a sample monthly budget, so you can have a better idea of what it looks like to calculate the cost to retire in Ecuador. [Edit]Budget $1,250 for monthly expenses in Ecuador. - For $1,250, you can retire in Ecuador in both luxury and comfort. In the following list, we'll take you through all the items that would make up your monthly budget. Adding up the costs from our sample budget (and excluding the one-time visa fee), you can get a better idea of how much you'll need to retire.
- Since the average Social Security check is over $1,250, you can save your pension income for any other expenses as they come up.
[Edit]Rent a furnished apartment for around $450. - A 2-bedroom apartment in a city like Cuenca will cost you $400-$500. For that price, you'll be able to live in the center of the city and have a fully furnished apartment to enjoy. Opting for an unfurnished apartment will drop your monthly rent by another $100.[1] Popular cities for expats in Ecuador include:[2]
 - Quito: The capital of Ecuador, Quito has access to some of the best medical facilities in the country. Rent is slightly higher here than in other cities, but the city is picturesque and filled with beautiful architecture. For history lovers, Quito's city center was UNESCO's first-ever World Heritage Site.
- Cuenca: Safe and known for its clean mountain air, Cuenca is a top pick for expats. There are plenty of expat groups and clubs around the city if you're looking for company in your retirement. Cuenca has a wonderful selection of fresh produce and food, so if you're looking to eat well, consider this city.
- Manta: Popular among retirees for its beaches, Manta is another city that's somewhat more expensive than other cities in Ecuador. Manta is less international than Quito or Cuenca, so consider it if you're looking for a more authentic South American experience.
- Some retirees choose to live in other areas of the country, including rural regions outside of the cities. Be aware that medical care outside of cities may be of significantly worse quality, but if rural living is something you're interested in, it may be worth it.[3]
[Edit]Pay $100 for utilities. - Electricity will be your most expensive utility. For electricity, expect to pay around $30 a month. Water, trash removal, and phone costs will round out the rest of your utility budget. Each of these costs will vary depending on the city you live in, but your total utilities cost will likely come to under $100 a month.[4]
[Edit]Budget $300 for groceries. - Ecuador has plenty of fresh produce, especially in Cuenca. For items like eggs, meat, and cheese, you can expect to pay less than half of what you would pay in the United States. $300 a month will net you a generous amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, and other produce.[5]
- Restaurants in Ecuador are quite inexpensive. Many restaurants offer a lunch deal of $1-$3 for a whole meal, so feel free to eat out whenever you'd like.[6]
- Although some name-brand imports, such as cereals, may be more expensive in Ecuador, you can try out the local equivalents to save even more money.[7]
[Edit]Spend $200 on entertainment. - Retirement is a time to enjoy yourself, and there's no need to skimp on entertainment. In Ecuador, outings to the bar or golf course will cost you significantly less than in the United States. You can get two tickets to the movies for around $10, and you can have a nice, activity-filled weekend for around $50.[8] In a month, expect to spend around $200 for entertainment activities.
- Located on the equator, Ecuador has a climate that has been described as springlike all year round.[9] Take advantage of the mild temperatures by heading outdoors, whether to the coast, a short hike through the outskirts of the Andes, or just a picnic in one of the many local parks spread across Ecuador's major cities.
- If you want to get the most out of your excursions into Ecuadorian culture, it's worth picking up some Spanish as well. Although you can get by in major cities as an English-only speaker, speaking Spanish will help you connect with the local population far more easily.[10]
[Edit]Budget $100 for transportation if you're an explorer. - Buses and taxis are always an option, but rent a car to explore the country. Renting a car for a weekend will cost you anywhere from $15-$25 a day.[11] To get around the city, expect to pay around $0.25 for a bus ticket, and around $3.00 for a taxi ride. All in all, budget around $100 a month for transportation if you plan to travel a lot.
- You likely won't need your own car in Ecuador, unless you live in a rural region. In that case, consider obtaining an International Driving Licence, as well as a translation of your licence and registration into Spanish.[12]
- Since Ecuador is a mountainous country, roads can be steep and twisty. Drivers aren't always careful with following road regulations, so be cautious while driving.[13]
- Although Ecuador is quite safe, if you're intent on exploring the country, be careful around the northern regions. The Colombian border area has seen a lot of crime in past years, and it's worth steering clear of this part of the country.[14]
[Edit]Hire a maid service for $200. - Almost all middle-class families have some form of domestic help. In Ecuador, you can hire maids, as well as cooks or gardeners, at the fraction of the cost in the United States. You can hire a maid to work on a part-time basis (for 3-4 hours a day) for $200 a month.[15]
- It's best to hire a maid through a company which provides this service. In recent years, some expats have gotten in trouble with labor law regulations. By going through a company, rather than hiring a maid on a personal basis, you can make sure that your house-cleaner is compensated according to the law.[16]
[Edit]Spend $40 a month on an Internet connection. - Most internet plans in Ecuador have at least two options: basic and high-speed. A basic plan will cost you around $40 a month and includes a 20 Mbps connection, which is quite fast. You can also purchase a high-speed plan for $150 a month, which will take your speed up to 100 Mbps.[17]
- Ecuador has been making a push for more fiber-optic cable connections throughout its major cities, which ensure even faster and more reliable Internet service. When you arrive in Ecuador, check to see if your Internet service provider has this option.[18]
[Edit]Budget $64 a month for public healthcare access. - Medical care in Ecuador is high-quality in major cities. Many retirees choose to pay for membership in IESS, the national Ecuadoran health care system, which costs around $64 a month. Some retirees instead opt for private insurance, which may be more expensive, but allows access to a greater range of private hospitals.[19]
- With or without insurance, the cost of medical care in Ecuador is among the lowest in the world. Expect to pay 10-25% of what you'd pay in the U.S. for medical and dental procedures.[20]
- There are a range of private health insurance options available in Ecuador, each with different costs and deductibles. It may be worth shopping around a few different options before finding the plan that works best for you.[21]
[Edit]Pay a one-time $450 visa fee. - The most popular kind of visa for expats is the retirement visa. This visa will allow you to stay in the country for 2 years, and can then be exchanged for a permanent residency visa. The process can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months, so keep this timeline in mind when you apply at your nearest consulate. There is a one-time fee of $450 to receive the visa, but no additional costs afterward.[22]
- In order to apply for a retirement visa, make an appointment with the nearest Ecuador consulate office. Virtual meeting options may be available. You'll need to provide a visa application form, your passport and a copy of your passport, and any criminal records you may have. You can get a copy of the visa application on the consulate's website.[23]
- When applying for a retirement visa, you'll have to prove that you have guaranteed income for life. A letter detailing your Social Security or pension benefits will meet this requirement.[24]
[Edit]Receive around $1,450 from Social Security. - The average Social Security check will meet most of your needs in Ecuador. The size of your Social Security check will differ depending on your lifetime earnings, so your check may be larger or smaller than $1,450. If you aren't sure how large your check will be, you can get an estimate by creating a my Social Security account on the official Social Security website.[25]
[Edit]Add any other retirement income to your budget. - Pension or investment income can be saved for emergencies.[26] Although most retirees find Social Security to be more than enough to cover their costs of daily living, if you have a pension plan in place, you can live in even greater comfort. Pensions can also be used to meet the guaranteed income requirement for retirement in Ecuador, so include this income while you make your retirement calculations.[27]
- If possible, diversify your sources of income so you're not dependent on only one or two. This way, you'll have more financial security throughout your retirement.[28]
[Edit]References |
How to Determine Direction Using the Sun Posted: 19 Feb 2022 04:00 PM PST Knowing the direction you are traveling can be the difference between life and death when lost in the wilderness. Beyond survival situations, knowing the direction you are heading can help when lost on the road, or even when passing through an unfamiliar area. Since ancient times travelers have used the sun to determine direction, and with a little know-how, you can figure out direction with a glance at the sun, too.[1] [Edit]Using the Sun - Understand the motion of the sun in the sky. Due to the position of the earth and its motion through space, the sun generally moves through the sky from the east to the west. This is not a precise way of figuring out direction; depending on the time of year, the exact path of the sun changes between the northeast-northwest, east-west, and southeast-southwest horizons of the sky.[2]
- A significant exception to this general rule can be found at the north and south poles. The extreme position of each pole on planet earth creates long seasons of darkness and light, with the sun being absent in some places for up to six months![3]
- Know the season. Our planet not only travels through space, spinning on its axis from west to east, but it also tilts toward and away from the sun. This tilt creates a difference in temperature that results in seasonal changes. The tilt of the earth will also influence the general position of the sun, so by knowing the season, you'll have a more accurate idea of the direction indicated by the movement of the sun in the sky.
- In summer the sun rises over the northeast horizon. As the day passes, the sun will move through the northeastern sky into the northwestern half, finally setting behind the northwestern horizon.
- In spring and fall the sun will travel a more direct route through the sky. This means that it will rise in the east and pass through the sky to set in the west.
- In winter the sun will rise in the southeast part of the sky. Throughout the day, it will travel through the southeastern sky until it sets behind the southwestern horizon.[4]
- NOTE: In the southern hemisphere (the southern parts of Africa, much of South America, Australia), the motion of shadows is reversed. This means that in summer the sun will rise in the southeast and in winter in the northeast, while spring and fall will be the same as the northern hemisphere with the sun rising in the east.[5]
- Find east using the sun. Now that you're equipped with knowledge about the sun's path through the sky, you should be able to determine the approximate direction of east. For example, in spring east will be roughly where the sun has risen. Face this direction.
- To find true-east more accurately in summer and winter, you'll have to adjust your direction slightly. In the summer you should adjust a little to the right, and in winter a little to the left.
- The closer you are to the middle of the season, the more the sun will be oriented to the north in the summer or south in the winter. This means in the middle of summer and winter you'll have to adjust more to the right and left, respectively.
- Find west. The cardinal directions, north, south, east, and west, are equally distributed into quadrants on a compass. This means that east and west are directly opposite of each other, as are north and south. Since you're facing east, you now know the direction straight behind you is west.[6][7]
- You may find it easy to hold these direction in your mind using landmarks or a mental picture. However, if you struggle visualizing these directions, you may want to draw a line on the ground straight in front of you. The far end will point east and the near end will point west.
- Locate north and south. You should still be facing east at this time. When facing east, north will be 90 degrees to your left. Turn 90 degrees left to reorient yourself to face north. To do this, you should form a perfect L-shape with the direction of east. In your new position: east should be to your right; west to your left; north straight ahead; south directly behind.[8]
- Again, you may find it easy to keep track of these directions using landmarks or a mental picture, but if you have difficulty visualizing these directions, draw a line on the ground straight in front of you. The far end will point north, the near end south.
- If you have drawn lines to represent the directions of east-west and north-south, these should have created a plus sign (+). Each of the four points of the plus sign represent one of the cardinal directions - north, south, east, and west.[9]
- Navigate to your destination. Now that you know the approximate directions around you, you should be able to use major landmarks in the distance to get where you're going. Some major landmarks you might use include skyscrapers, mountains, rivers, large bodies of water, and so on.
[Edit]Using Shadows Cast by the Sun - Make a sun rod. A stick, pole, or branch can be used as your sun rod. Find one that is as straight as possible and 1 meter (3¼ feet) long. Then take it to a level place that receives good sunlight. Drive your rod into the earth so that it forms a 90 degree angle (L-shape) with the ground.[10]
- If you lack measuring tools, you may have difficulty getting your rod the right length. Generally you can assume that, if you are an adult of normal height, the distance between your fingertips when your arms are outstretched is about 1.5 meters (5 feet).[11] Use this approximation to trim your sun rod as close to 1 meter (3¼ feet) as you can.
- Mark the shadow cast at first light. To get an accurate read on your direction using shadows, you'll need to first wait for sun to set. When the sun rises in the morning, mark the spot your sun rod casts its first shadow. This shadow will point directly west, no matter where you are on earth.[12]
- Draw your east-west line. Wait 15 minutes and mark the new position of the shadow of your sun rod. It should have moved a few centimeters at this point. Mark this new shadow on the ground and then draw a straight line between your two marks.
- This line will point approximately west in the direction of your first mark, and approximately east in the direction of your second mark.[13]
- Orient yourself to the north. Stand on the line you have drawn, with your first mark on your left and the second mark on your right. You should form a 90 degree angle (an L-shape) with the line connecting these two points. In this position, you will be facing approximately north.
- Following the line you have drawn to your left will be west. Following the line you have drawn to the right is the east. Directly behind you, opposite north, will be the south.[14]
[Edit]Warnings - The techniques for judging direction by sun and shadow only give you approximate directions. Finding east or west with the sun and shadows can, if inexpertly executed, result in as much as a thirty degree error in your course.
- Cloudy days could make it difficult or impossible to utilize these direction finding techniques.
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Make Vanilla Cinnamon Room Scent Posted: 19 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST Vanilla and cinnamon are a classic combination. The resulting fragrance is warm, welcoming, and reminiscent of freshly-based cookies. In fact, many real estate agents will recommend that homeowners put a pot of vanilla and cinnamon on the stove before inviting prospective buyers into their houses. Unfortunately, they do not always say how to create a vanilla cinnamon room scent. Luckily, there are lots of simple and easy ways to create one. [Edit]Ingredients [Edit]Stovetop Room Scent[1] - 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 6 whole cloves (optional)
- Water
[Edit]Sprayable Room Scent[2] - Distilled water
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 6 drops vanilla essential oil
- 6 drops cinnamon essential oil
[Edit]Diffuser Room Scent[3] - ¼ cup (60 milliliters) water
- 3 tablespoons vodka
- 6 drops vanilla essential oil
- 6 drops cinnamon essential oil
[Edit]Making a Stovetop Room Scent - Fill a small saucepan three-fourths of the way with water and bring it to a boil.[4] This room scent only works as long as the stove is on. It's a great option if you'd like to freshen up your house before guests come.
- The smaller the saucepan, the better. Your fragrance will be more concentrated this way.
- Add the cinnamon and vanilla extract. If you are using a larger saucepan, you may want to double or even triple the amount of vanilla and cinnamon. For another layer of fragrance, add 6 whole cloves.[5]
- Allow to boil for one minute, turn down the heat to low and let it simmer. The boiling allows the spices to release their fragrance, while the simmering will keep the mixture hot and fragrant. The mixture will lose its fragrance if it gets cold.
- Top off the saucepan with more water every 30 minutes.[6] Remember to keep an eye out on the pot. If the water evaporates, your pot will scorch! You do not need to add any additional herbs to the saucepan.
- Consider putting the fragrance on display. This fragrance is only temporary, but you can still make it look prettier by putting it into another (heated) container. Boil the mixture first, then try one of the following:[7]
- Pour the mixture into a 2 cup (475 milliliter) mason jar, and keep it (uncovered) on top of a candle warmer.
- Pour the mixture into the bowl of a fondue pot or a tea pot warmer. Light the candle beneath the bowl, and enjoy the fragrance.
- Keep the mixture heated in a slow-cooker if you don't wish to use your stove. Keep the lid off and the heat set to low.
- Use the room scent for as long as you want, then store it in a jar. You can reuse it 2 to 3 more times. After that, the scent will be too weak, and you will have to make a new one.[8]
[Edit]Making a Sprayable Room Scent - Use a funnel to pour the baking soda into a small spray bottle. If you don't have a funnel, you can make a simple one by rolling up a sheet of paper into a cone. Baking soda has some wonderful deodorizing properties.
- Use a glass bottle if you can. Essential oils may degrade certain types of plastic.
- Add the essential oils. You can use equal parts of both vanilla and cinnamon essential oil, or you can use a little bit more/less of one of them. For example, if you really like the scent of vanilla, you could do 7 drops of vanilla essential oil and 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. You will need 12 drops of oil total.[9]
- Close the bottle and shake it to mix. This will help distribute the essential oils throughout the baking soda. Keep shaking until you don't see any clumps in the baking soda.
- Open the bottle and fill it the rest of the way with water. Try to use distilled water or filtered water if you can. Tap water has too many mineral and chemicals, which can affect the spray.
- Close the bottle, shake it to mix, and spray your room or upholstery with it. The baking soda and oils may separate over time, so you will need to shake the bottle each time before you use it.
[Edit]Making a Diffuser Room Scent - Pour the water into a diffuser bottle. Try to use distilled water if you can, as tap water has too many chemicals and mineral in it, which can affect the outcome of your diffuser. If you need to, use a funnel to help guide the water into the bottle.
- If you can't fin a diffuser bottle, any small bottle with a short, narrow neck (such as a perfume bottle) will do. Make sure that the bottle is glass, as essential oils tend to degrade certain types of plastic.
- Add about 3 tablespoons of vodka. If you can't find any vodka, you can also try witch hazel or rubbing alcohol instead.
- Add the essential oils. You can use equal parts vanilla and cinnamon essential oil, or you can play around with different proportions. For example, you could do 7 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 5 drops of vanilla essential oil. You need 12 drops of oil total.
- Close the bottle and shake it to mix. Plug the bottle up with a cork or your finger. If the bottle came with a screw-on cap, use that instead. Shake it briskly to combine the ingredients, then open it back up again.
- Place some reeds or bamboo skewers into the bottle and let them soak. You may not notice any fragrance right away. There is still one more step you have to do. Right now, you are just soaking the reeds.
- Reverse the reeds so that the soaked ends are now sticking out of the bottle. Take the reeds out of the bottle, and turn them around. Stick the dry ends back into the bottle, and place the bottle down on a table. Your room will eventually get a soft, vanilla-cinnamon fragrance.
- Reverse the reeds once a week.[10]
- The larger the room is, the harder it will be to scent it.
- The more cinnamon and vanilla and the less water you use in the stovetop method, the more fragrant your room scent will be.
- Try this with other herbs and essential oils!
- You can get essential oils in health food shops, some arts and crafts stores, and online.
- Consider adding some other herbs and spices to your pot in the stovetop method. Dried orange peel, allspice, cloves, and star anise make all great additions!
[Edit]Warnings - The stovetop brew may smell delicious, but do not drink it.
[Edit]Things You'll Need [Edit]Stovetop Room Scent - Small saucepan
- Mason jar and candle warmer (optional)
- Fondue pot or tea pot warmer (optional)
- Slow cooker (optional)
[Edit]Making a Sprayable Room Scent - Small spray bottle (glass recommended)
- Funnel or sheet of paper
[Edit]Diffuser Room Scent - Diffuser bottle
- Reeds or bamboo skewers
- Funnel (optional)
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Use Baking Soda for Stubborn Oven Stains Posted: 19 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST Oven stains are notoriously very difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that they are hardened and set onto the surface from the high heat of the oven, and only become more stubborn the longer they remain. Many people use specialized cleaning products for the purpose of removing these stains, but you can also use a common kitchen product: baking soda. Learn how to remove oven stains effectively in this way. [Edit]Applying Baking Soda to Oven Surfaces - Sprinkle baking soda on a cool oven. Remove any oven racks, thermometers, or other removable elements from your cooled oven. Then apply baking soda to all stained surfaces of your oven's interior, paying particular attention to thick or greasy stain areas.
- Make sure that if you have used your oven recently, it is turned off and completely cooled before cleaning it with baking soda.
- Apply the baking soda liberally, up to ¼ inch thick in areas that are stained.[1]
- For the sides and top surfaces of the oven where you can't easily sprinkle on baking soda, add enough water to the baking soda to make a paste that can be spread on to the oven surface.[2]
- You can mix baking soda and warm water to make the paste.[3]
- Apply water to the baking soda. Lightly pour or spray water from a spray bottle onto the baking soda-covered surfaces of your oven. Use enough water to fully saturate the baking soda.[4]
- A spray of water should be enough for a light layer of baking soda, while pouring on water may be needed for a thicker coating. The goal is for a paste-like consistency, with no dry powder but no pooled water either.
- You may also spritz plain white vinegar over the baking soda with a spray bottle. Take care if using this method, as the combination of vinegar and baking soda creates a chemical reaction that can be explosive in large quantities. Use only a spray bottle for vinegar in this case.[5]
- Leave the damp baking soda overnight. Allow the dampened baking soda coating to sit undisturbed in your oven. Wait for at least 12 hours or overnight before removing it.
- You can spritz the baking soda with water again if you find it has become dry, but otherwise you can leave the mixture alone until the next day.
- You'll find that the damp baking soda turns black or brown as it picks up the grease and stains from your oven. If you used a vinegar spray, the mixture will bubble. These signs are normal and show the effect of the baking soda in picking up food stains.
[Edit]Cleaning Out Baking Soda and Grime - Wipe residue away with a damp cloth. After at least 12 hours, wipe away the baking soda paste and grime from your oven surfaces. Use a damp dish cloth to remove this solid residue as best as possible.
- You can use a plastic or silicone spatula to gently remove paste that may have become hardened or stuck in a hard-to-reach place.[6]
- Don't worry about getting oven surfaces completely clean and dry in this step. Focus on removing the built-up food and residue and most of the baking soda paste.
- Spray and wipe surfaces again. Spray down the oven surfaces with water and wipe away any remaining residue of food stains or baking soda with a damp or dry cloth. You can also spray white vinegar for this step before wiping down.
- If using vinegar, spray it lightly onto any areas that have some remaining baking soda. The mixture will foam slightly from the resulting chemical reaction.
- Make sure to remove all signs of baking soda as best as possible before using your oven again. Baking soda left in contact with a heating element tends to smoke badly when the oven is turned on.[7]
- Repeat the process if necessary. Apply more baking soda and water/vinegar to let sit if stubborn stains still persist after the first application. You can apply baking soda to just the location of the stain if necessary.
- You can try applying baking soda directly to a wet sponge, a soft-bristled brush, or other scrubbing material to rub right on the stain for removal.[8] If scrubbing is unsuccessful, re-treat with the baking soda paste overnight.
- Use another oven cleaning product if you wish, but the combination of baking soda, water, and 12+ hours to sit is typically effective for nearly all stubborn oven stains.
- Baking soda is great because it is abrasive enough to remove tough marks. It does not damage the material.[9]
[Edit]Cleaning Other Oven Elements - Use baking soda on the oven door. Remove stains on the inner glass of your oven door by applying baking soda and water/vinegar in the same way as you would with the other surfaces. Remember to leave the mixture on overnight or for 12 hours.
- Keep the oven door open and horizontal to best allow the damp baking soda to sit on stains.
- You may want to spot-treat stains to use less water, or apply a premixed baking soda and water paste, to avoid the possibility of the mixture getting in between oven doors that have double panes of glass.
- Clean oven racks with baking soda. Remove oven racks from the oven and lay them on a surface that is okay to get dirty. Sprinkle baking soda over the rack, spray on white vinegar, then let soak in hot water overnight.[10]
- You can also scrub at the racks using baking soda and a wet sponge or toothbrush for smaller grates. It typically works best to soak before scrubbing.
- You can try soaking oven racks in a bathtub protected by old towels. Allow them to sit submerged in hot water with ½ cup of dishwasher detergent for 4 hours or overnight. This will loosen grime and make scrubbing easier, or in some cases not even necessary.[11]
- Make sure to wipe down the racks with a clean damp cloth once treated with baking soda, soaked, or scrubbed, to ensure they are free from any residue before placing them back in the oven.
- Treat a stovetop in the same way. If you have a stove-top oven, you can clean the stove surface with baking soda in the same way you would the oven. Simply let baking soda and water/vinegar sit overnight and wipe down in the morning.
- Remove grates if possible on a gas stove. Also note that you want to avoid allowing baking soda and water to drip down into the ignition area, so keep baking soda to a paste and apply carefully on gas stoves.
- Remember to wipe down the cooking surface thoroughly with a clean damp cloth once the baking soda and grime is removed, then let dry. A glass-top electric stove will smoke easily from any baking soda residue or other moisture when it is turned on.
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |
How to Reduce Acid in Tomato Dishes Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:00 PM PST Tomatoes can add wonderful flavor and nutrition to your favorite recipes. Tomatoes are very acidic, so they can cause serious problems for those with ulcers or other acid related digestive issues. You can reduce the acidity of tomatoes by adding some baking soda after you cook them. You can also remove the seeds, reduce the time you cook tomatoes, or add them to a dish raw. [Edit]Using Baking Soda - Cut the tomatoes into pieces. Most dishes will require you to cut up the tomatoes anyway. You can choose how large or small you want the chunks to be depending on what you are making.
- Note that smaller pieces will heat through more quickly.
- Simmer the tomato chunks at medium heat for about 10 minutes. If you are going to add the tomatoes into another hot dish, you may not need to cook them for as long. If you cut bigger chunks, you may need to cook them a little longer.[1]
- Be sure to watch the tomatoes carefully so that you can remove them from heat if they start to burn or become too crispy.
- Remove the pan from the burner and stir in 1/4 tsp of baking soda. This amount works well for six medium tomatoes, so for more or less tomatoes you can adjust the amount of baking soda.[2] Stir the baking soda so that all the pieces of tomato get a slight coating.[3]
- The baking soda will fizz as it reacts with the acid of the tomatoes.
- Add the rest of your ingredients and finish cooking the dish. Once the fizzing has stopped, which may take a minute or so, finish cooking the dish. The baking soda will reduce the overall acid content of the dish and does not usually alter the taste of the dish.[4]
[Edit]Deseeding and Shortening Cook Times - Remove the seeds from the tomato. Carefully slice the tomato in half around what would be the equator line so that one half has the stem and one half has the bottom. Then use a ¼ teaspoon, or another small spoon, and scoop the tomato seeds out and discard them. Don't scrape too deeply into the flesh of the tomato.[5]
- The seeds carry much of the acid content of the tomato plant, so removing them altogether is a great way to reduce the acidity.
- Some dishes are enhanced by cooking the seeds along with the flesh of the tomato, so take this into account before you remove the seeds.
- Reduce the cooking time of tomatoes. Tomatoes become more acidic as they cook longer, so reducing the cook time to the least amount possible can help keep the acid level lower. Sauces and other dishes that require long simmering may make this difficult, but it is recommended that you don't cook tomatoes for longer than 1 ½ hours.
- You may have to get used to using tomatoes that are less cooked, but if you deal with problems stemming from acidic foods it may be worth the effort.
- Add tomatoes last. If you dish includes tomatoes, but tomatoes are not the main ingredient, add them after everything else has cooked for the majority of the necessary time. Doing this is another way of reducing the cook time, while still cooking them briefly.
- If a dish calls for you to simmer the ingredients for one hour, put the tomatoes in for the last 10 minutes. They'll have time to warm up and soak into the dish a little bit, but not become overly acidic.
- Use raw tomatoes in the dish. In the same way that reducing the cooking time can reduce the acid content, foregoing cooking the tomatoes altogether will reduce the acidity. Raw tomatoes are far less acidic than cooked tomatoes. If you can include the tomatoes in the dish raw without significantly affecting the dish, this will make them less acidic.[6]
- If you are putting the tomatoes into a hot dish, the other ingredients will most likely heat the tomatoes up enough to even out the temperature of the dish.
[Edit]Choosing Tomatoes to Use - Look for the ripest tomatoes. Tomatoes lose some of their acidity as they ripen, so avoid tomatoes that appear to be less that fully ripe. Two good ways to check the ripeness of a tomato is to feel the weight and gently squeeze the tomato. Choose heavier tomatoes and softer tomatoes.[7][8]
- Heavier means more juice, which means more ripe. Tomatoes that are soft but not mushy are more ripe than hard tomatoes.
- You can also learn the smell of a ripe tomato versus the smell of an unripe tomato.
- Cook with fresh tomatoes. The process of canning tomatoes ends up increasing the acidity, so you can reduce acid in your dishes by only cooking with fresh tomatoes. You'll have to buy fresh tomatoes more frequently than canned ones as they will not last as long.[9]
- Choose non-red tomatoes. Tomatoes come in red, green, yellow, orange, and combinations of these, and in most cases non-red varieties of tomatoes are said to be lower in acidity. The next time you make your favorite tomato dish, try out some non-red tomatoes and see if you notice a difference in the acidity.[10]
- This is not a hard and fast rule as there are red varieties that are low-acid and non-red varieties that are high-acid.
- Some varieties to keep an eye out for are Yellow pear, a tomato similar to cherry varieties, Georgia Streak, a yellow heirloom variety, and Big Rainbow, a golden-red tomato.
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