How to Draw a Person Posted: 16 Mar 2019 01:00 AM PDT Drawing a person can be challenging, even for experienced artists. Getting the proportions of the human body right can be tricky, and sometimes it's just hard to know where to start. Fortunately, whether you want to draw a realistic person or a cartoon, there are some simple tricks you can use to sketch the basic outline of a person. Then, you can make minor adjustments depending on what kind of person you want to draw. EditDrawing a Realistic Person - Draw a vertical line and divide it into 8 equal sections. Each section will be equal to 1 head length, which is the length of your person's head from top to bottom. Generally, adult figures are 8 head lengths tall, so marking this on your paper at the beginning will help you keep the proportions of your drawing right.[1]
- Draw horizontal lines to divide up the vertical line, and keep in mind that the top horizontal line will be the top of your person's head and the bottom line will be the bottom of your person's feet.
- If you want to draw a child, divide the vertical line into fewer head lengths since children are generally shorter than adults. For example, use 3 head lengths for a toddler, or use 6 for a 10-year old.
- Sketch rough outlines of the different parts of the body. Use the head lengths you marked on the paper to help you with the proportions. Make sure you include rough outlines for the head, arms, body, and legs. Don't worry about making the shapes precise yet since this is just a rough sketch.[2]
- The outline of the head should fall within the top head length section.
- The outlines of the person's body and arms should start in the second head length section and extend down to the fourth section.
- The outlines of the legs should take up the lower 4 head length sections.
- Connect and refine the outlines of the different parts of the body. Trace around the outer edges of the body to connect the different outlines so they flow together seamlessly. At this point, you can start adjusting the proportions of the body to make it look more masculine or feminine, depending on what you're going for.[3]
- If you want to draw a person with masculine features, broaden the shoulders, chest, and waist, and also take in the hips so they're narrower. In general, use more angular lines as you define the outline of your drawing.
- To draw a person with feminine features, narrow the shoulders and chest area, and broaden the hips and thighs. Try to use rounder, softer lines to outline your figure.
- Add in smaller details, like the hands and facial features. You should also sketch the outlines of the feet, hair, and knees. If you're drawing a person with feminine features, add breasts and round out the hips and thighs. For a person with masculine features, define the muscles on the stomach, chest, and arms.[4]
- At this point, the person's body should be finished.
- Draw clothes over the person's body. You can get creative with this part. Try drawing different styles and cuts of shirts, pants, shoes, and accessories. For a more feminine look, you can draw a dress or a skirt over your figure. To draw clothes, simply sketch them where they would naturally fall on the person's body if they were wearing them. Then, erase any parts of the body inside the outlines of the clothes since those areas would be covered up.[5]
- Erase any unnecessary lines and shade in your drawing. Go in and erase the vertical and horizontal lines you drew at the beginning to mark the head length sections. You should also erase any outline sketches from earlier that don't belong in the final drawing. When you're finished, shade the clothes, skin, and hair to make the person look more realistic and three-dimensional.[6]
EditDrawing a Cartoon Person - Draw an oval and divide it into 4 equal sections. This will be the head of your cartoon person. Make the head bigger than you would for a realistic-looking person since cartoons usually have exaggerated proportions. Use a horizontal and vertical line to divide the oval into 4 equal parts.[7]
- The horizontal and vertical lines in the oval will help you draw the face on your cartoon person later on.
- Draw a cylinder for the neck and a rectangle for the torso. Draw the neck so it's coming out of the bottom center of the oval. Then, draw a rectangle coming off the bottom of the neck to make your cartoon person's torso.[8]
- If you want to draw a cartoon person with feminine features, make the top of the rectangle narrower and the bottom of the rectangle wider.
- To draw a cartoon person with masculine features, broaden the top of the rectangle and make the bottom narrower.
- Draw cylinders for the arms and legs and circles for the knees and elbows. You should draw 2 cylinders for each arm and leg and have 1 circle in between each pair. The circles will be the outlines of the joints in your drawing. You can position the arms and legs depending on what your cartoon person is doing, but generally, the arms should extend out of upper corners of the torso and the legs should extend down off of the bottom.[9]
- Outline the hands and feet. Draw an outline of a hand at the end of each arm. Then, draw the outline of a foot at the end of each leg. Don't worry about making them precise. You can go back in later and fine-tune them.[10]
- Draw the face and hair. For the face, draw the eyes on the horizontal line and the mouth and nose on the vertical line. Since you're drawing a cartoon and not a realistic person, exaggerate the eyes by making them bigger than the rest of the facial features. When you draw the hair, have the hairline start slightly lower than the top of the head.[11]
- Get creative with the hairstyle you choose. You can give your person a simple short hair hairstyle, or you can try drawing long or curly hair.
- Draw clothes on the cartoon person's body. Just like with the hair, it's up to you what kind of clothes you want to draw. You can try drawing a short or long sleeve shirt, shorts or pants, a dress, a skirt, or any other outfit you'd like. Also, don't forget to draw shoes and include any accessories you want your cartoon person to be wearing.[12]
- After you draw the clothes, erase anything that's inside the outlines of the clothing pieces since those parts of your cartoon person's body would be covered up.
- Smooth out the lines in your drawing and erase any unnecessary lines. Trace around the outside of your drawing to connect all of the outlines you drew earlier. Then, go in and erase any lines that fall within that outline, including the horizontal and vertical lines on the face.[13]
- After you erase all of the background lines in your drawing, you're finished!
- Finished.
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How to Get over a Break Up Fast Posted: 15 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT Dealing with a breakup can be very difficult, whether you ended it or they did. Fortunately, things will get better! You can get over your breakup faster by boosting your mood with fun activities and small indulgences. Additionally, use healthy coping strategies to deal with your feelings. As soon as you can, start taking steps to move on with your life. EditBoosting Your Mood - Distract yourself with activities that make you feel good. Indulging in distractions is a quick and easy way to make yourself feel good after a breakup. Although it won't help you overcome your feelings in the long term, a distraction helps you temporarily escape your heartache and feel better while you cope with your feelings. Here are some ways you could temporarily distract yourself from the breakup:[1]
- Engage in your favorite hobby
- Draw or paint something
- Bake treats for your friends
- Join a few friends for a pick up game of baseball, basketball, or football
- Go for a hike
- Browse your favorite shops
- Host a game night with your friends
- See a funny movie
- Spend time with friends and family who make you feel good. Being around your biggest supporters can help improve your mood because it will remind you how much you're loved. Plus, you can enjoy fun times with people who aren't your ex, which helps you move past the breakup.[2]
- If you don't feel up to going out yet, invite friends or family members to enjoy a meal, movie, or game night at your home. You might watch your favorite comedies and order a pizza or play your favorite board games.
- If you feel like going out, ask a friend to meet you for coffee, plan a fun night out with your friends, or invite friends to go see a movie. As another option, choose an activity that gets you moving, like playing miniature golf, bowling, or walking in a local park.
- Fill your schedule so you have less time to dwell on the breakup. Keeping yourself busy gives you less time to think about the breakup. This lessens how much you experience your negative emotions. Go to school or work, volunteer, catch up on errands, help out your friends or relatives, or take up a new hobby. Not only will your mind be off your breakup, but you'll also be helping both yourself and others.[3]
- For example, you could fill up your free time by enrolling in an art class, volunteering to care for dogs at the local shelter, and helping your grandmother do her weekly grocery shopping. You'll get to meet new people, make a difference, and assist a loved one while also having a little fun.
- Date yourself by doing fun things your former partner never did with you. Make a list of things you've always wanted your partner to do with you, like dancing, going to an art opening, seeing your favorite sports team play a game, or trying a new restaurant. Now that you're single, take yourself on these "dates." Doing what you enjoy will help you feel better quickly, plus you'll see how much better your life can be now.[4]
- For example, you might see a movie your ex would never watch or go on an outdoor adventure your homebody ex thought would be boring.
- It's okay to also invite friends to go with you, but commit to going alone if no one is available to go with you.
- Indulge yourself with your favorite treat, a special gift, or a day of pampering. Doing something nice for yourself will help put you in a good mood. Choose something you really want or enjoy. Then, spend a few days indulging your desires.[5]
- If you can spare the money, make yourself a treat care package or buy yourself something nice.
- If you're short on money, try budget ways of pampering yourself, like making a homemade facial mask, taking a hot bath, making yourself a batch of cookies, going for a walk in the park, or borrowing a movie or game from a friend.
- Repeat a positive affirmation that makes you feel better. Affirmations can help you boost your mood if you believe them, so choose an affirmation that resonates with you. Focus on a positive statement that both feels accurate to you and lifts your spirit. Repeat your affirmation whenever you're feeling down. Here are some examples of positive affirmations:[6]
- "I am worthy of love."
- "I get validation from myself, not someone else."
- "I will live my best life."
- "I am the only one who can make me happy, so I will."
- "I am a strong, beautiful person."
EditCoping with Your Feelings - Acknowledge the emotions you're feeling without judging yourself. It's normal to feel a range of emotions after a breakup. You'll likely feel sad or angry, but it's also possible you'll feel love for your ex. Don't try to make yourself stop feeling these emotions. Instead, recognize what you're feeling, acknowledge it, then let it pass.[7]
- Accepting your emotions like this will help you get through them more quickly. You'll also experience less emotional pain.
- For example, you might say to yourself, "I still feel love for Alex. We dated for a year, so I know this is normal." Similarly, you might tell yourself, "I'm feeling really sad and betrayed right now. I have a right to feel this way."
- Share your feelings with someone you trust. Talk to a friend or relative who won't judge you. Tell them what you've been going through, and let their responses help you feel better about yourself. Rely on your closest relationships to help you get through the breakup.[8]
- Choose a few trusted individuals you can talk to so you'll have several options when you need to talk. That way, you'll still have someone to turn to if one friend is busy.
- If you don't feel like you have someone you can trust, try talking to a counselor or therapist. They can help you work through your feelings in a healthy way.
- Write a Journal Entry about the breakup and how it's made you feel. Writing about what happened and how you feel can help you get over the breakup faster. Additionally, writing about your goals for the future and how well you are doing can help you direct your attention forward rather than on the past.[9]
- This is a great way to deal with your feelings if you don't feel comfortable sharing with others.
- If your ex really hurt you, write a letter to them telling them how it made you feel. Then, burn or rip up the letter instead of sending it. This can help you release those feelings in a healthy way.[10]
- List your ex's negative traits to help you get over them quickly. Recognizing the flaws in your ex, especially when it came to your relationship, can help you love them less. It helps you let go of your image of them as your partner so you can accept the breakup. While noticing their unfavorable traits or habits will help you get over them fast, it might make you feel sad while you're doing it.[11]
- For instance, you might make a list like this one: "1) Doesn't text me back right away; 2) Talks badly about my sister; 3) Forgot my birthday last year; 4) Eats all of my snacks but never replaces them; 5) Hates cats."
- Allow yourself to cry if you feel like it. It's normal and healthy to cry after a breakup, especially in the first few days. Crying it out can even help you get over your breakup faster, so don't fight off those tears. Release them, and the urge to cry will eventually pass.[12]
- If crying in front of others bothers you, go to a place where you can be alone. This might be your bedroom, a bathroom, or a safe place outside. If you share a room, ask the other person if they will give you a few minutes alone.
EditMoving on with Your Life - Spend some time getting to know yourself before dating again. It's normal to lose yourself in a relationship, so give yourself time to remember who you are as an individual. Think about what you really want in life, as well as what you want in a partner. Additionally, try out different activities to figure out how you enjoy living your life.[13]
- Not only will this help you get over your breakup more quickly, it'll also help you form a healthier relationship with your next partner.
- Take good care of yourself by sleeping more, eating well, and exercising. This helps you feel better and reduces your stress. Additionally, you'll be able to keep your life moving forward instead of falling into bad habits. Here's how to keep your health on track:[14]
- Create a bedtime routine to help you go to sleep earlier. Turn down your thermostat, turn off your screens, and spend an hour relaxing before bed.
- Base your meals around lean proteins and vegetables, and snack on fruit, nuts or low-fat dairy. Additionally, drink plenty of water.
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Go for a walk, run, dance, do aerobics, or take a gym class.
- Block your ex on all of your social media accounts. Keeping up with what your ex is doing will keep you trapped in the past. Don't hold onto the relationship once it's over. Focus on living your own life without worrying about what they're doing.[15]
- You might feel tempted to leave them on your social media accounts so you can show them how well your life is going. Although that might seem satisfying, it's actually counterproductive because it keeps your thoughts on them. Just let them go.
- If you have mutual friends with your ex, consider temporarily unfollowing them if you know they'll be posting about your ex.
- Clear out all items that remind you of them. Return any items they left at your home, and donate any gifts you don't want anymore. Next, throw away or recycle any items that can't be donated, like cards or uneaten candy. Then, put away photos and momentos you might want later.[16]
- This will keep your mind off your ex so you can focus on the future.
- You don't have to get rid of everything they gave you or every memory you made together. Use your best judgement when deciding what to keep. If it doesn't remind you of them, you might choose to keep it. Similarly, you might put away photos of you with them until a later time when the breakup no longer bothers you.
- Focus on your personal goals to positively direct your attention. Choose a goal you hope to accomplish, like writing a book, getting picked for a sports team, or getting a promotion at work. Break up that goal into several small steps, then start working on them. This helps you focus on building a future you want instead of dwelling on the past.[17]
- For example, let's say your goal is to take a trip to Paris, France. Your to-do list might include "buy a Paris travel guide," "get a passport," "read about popular tourist sites in Paris," "research hotels," "price my trip," "choose a target date," "save money for my trip," "book my trip," and "go to Paris."
- Focus on your future, not the past. Imagine yourself living your best life after your breakup, and you'll be feeling better soon.
- Breakups are a normal part of relationships, and everyone goes through them. You will feel better!
- It's normal for it to take time to get over a breakup. You might not be able to do it quickly. Don't feel badly about yourself if you struggle to feel better post-breakup.[18]
- Burning items after a breakup can be dangerous. Instead of having a post-breakup bonfire, consider donating or discarding unwanted items that remind you of your ex.
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How to Train Cockatiels Posted: 15 Mar 2019 09:00 AM PDT Cockatiels are beautiful birds that respond well to training. To begin teaching your cockatiel any kind of trick, work on making the bird comfortable around you. Once your cockatiel trusts you, you can teach tricks, such as stepping up or flying to you, by repetition. Rewards are also an important way to encourage your bird to learn. If you're patient with your cockatiel and give it plenty of opportunities to practice, your bird will be following your simple directions in no time! EditLearning How to Effectively Train - Encourage the cockatiel to become comfortable with you. Since you won't be able to train the cockatiel unless it trusts you, work on building your relationship with the bird. Spend time around the cockatiel and talk to it so it becomes used to the sound of your voice.[1]
- This is especially important if you're training a cockatiel that you just got.
- Select a quiet place to train the bird. Your cockatiel will become distracted if you're training it in a room with loud noises, lots of movement, and too much stimulation. Find a quiet room and close all of the windows and doors. Keep the cage nearby so your cockatiel feels safe and secure.[2]
- If there are any fans in the room, turn them off so the bird isn't distracted or irritated.
- Limit the training sessions to 10 minutes at a time. Keeping the training sessions short will ensure that your bird stays interested and doesn't become tired with the lesson. Plan on holding 2 or 3 10-minute training sessions every day. When you end the session, give the bird lots of praise so it looks forward to the training sessions.[3]
- If the bird becomes aggressive, cut the session short. For example, if it flaps its wings or bites you, wrap up the lesson quickly.
- Reward your bird with treats and verbal praise. When the cockatiel responds to training and follows your directions, immediately say something like, "Good bird," and give it a small food treat. You can feed it spray millet, strawberries, mango pieces, or chopped peppers.
- To ensure that the cockatiel really looks forward to the treats and the training sessions, reserve the treats just for training.
- Clicker training is a great way to train with treats effectively. When your bird performs a correct behavior, click the clicker and then give it a treat. Over time, the bird will learn that the clicker means a treat is coming, so you can use the clicker to mark good behavior.[4] You can find a clicker online or at a local pet store.
- Be consistent and patient with the cockatiel. Birds learn through repetition, so you need to give the same command every time you're working on a new trick. Keep in mind that you'll need to practice a lot. It can take cockatiels months to master a new trick. If the bird seems like it's getting frustrated, take a break or work on a different trick.[5]
- Never punish the cocktail or yell at it when it doesn't follow your directions. This will only make your bird dislike training sessions.
EditTraining the Cockatiel to Step up onto Your Finger - Place your hand close to the cage. Your cockatiel should be comfortable with you putting your hand near the cage or you shouldn't begin training. You should also feel safe in putting your hand near the cage without drawing it away suddenly.[6]
- If you pull your hand away from the cage, the cockatiel might think that you're an unstable perch and won't feel safe stepping onto it.
- Hold a treat in your other hand. If your bird isn't interested in leaving its cage, hold a piece of its favorite food in the palm of your other hand. Position this hand behind the hand you want the cockatiel to step on to. Ensure that the treat is in the bird's line of sight, so it wants to get it.[7]
- Use your cockatiel's favorite treat, such as a bit of kale, millet spray, or strawberries.
- Open the cage door and press your hand against the bird's chest. Press your forefinger firmly against the cockatiel's lower chest so your finger is like a perch above the bird's legs. You should press firmly enough that the bird is a little off balance and will have to move to correct its balance.[8]
- The cockatiel will probably lift its leg when it feels off balance, which is a great opportunity to train it to step up.
- Give the verbal command to step up. As soon as you press the finger against the cockatiel, say, "Up, up!" or "Step up!" Your bird should associate this phrase with stepping up. Look your bird in the eyes while you give the command.[9]
- Move your finger under the cockatiel's foot and lift gently. When your bird starts to correct its balance, lower your forefinger to the bird's feet and keep your hand steady. Your cockatiel should step up onto your finger. Let the bird eat the treat in your other hand and give it verbal praise. Remember to keep practicing so your bird learns the trick.[10]
- For example, say, "Good bird!" when it successfully steps onto your finger.
EditTeaching a Cockatiel to Fly to You - Master the step up trick. Your cockatiel should already be comfortable with following the step up command before you begin working on flying tricks. This is because the bird will need to fly to you and land on your finger.[11]
- Tell the bird to step up onto your finger and reward it with a treat. Hold a treat, such as a spray of millet, in the hand you want your bird to land on. Bring the hand close to your bird and command it to step up onto your finger. Once the bird steps up, let it eat some of the treat.[12]
- Move your hand away and command it to step up again. Return your cockatiel to its cage or perch and hold the hand with the treat farther away from the bird. Then direct the bird to step up. In order to do this, your bird will have to fly over a little bit to get to you and the treat. When it does, let it eat some of the treat in your hand.[13]
- Remember to give your cockatiel lots of verbal praise as it flies over to you.
- Extend the distance and tell your bird to step up again. Encourage your bird to fly a greater distance towards you by moving your hand even farther away when you begin. Try holding your hand about away from the bird in its cage or on its perch. Then tell it to step up so it flies over to you.[14]
- If your bird has trouble flying this far, move your hand a few inches closer to the bird and try again.
- Practice a lot to help your cockatiel become comfortable with flying to you.
- Have fun with the training session, so your cockatiel will look forward to them. If you're enthusiastic, the bird is more likely to follow your lead and learn.
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