segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2019

How to Pull Harmless Pranks

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 01:00 AM PDT

There is nothing more fun than pulling a harmless prank on a friend, sibling, or roommate. Prank your friends by covering their car in sticky notes or messing with their hand sanitizer. Alternatively, create a culinary nightmare with Oreo cookies and toothpaste and feed it to your victims. If you want to prank a sibling or roommate, tape a bug cutout to the inside of a lamp shade or salt their toothbrush.


EditInventing Your Own Prank

  1. Choose someone to prank. Choose someone that you're close to that has a similar sense of humor, such as a parent, a teacher, a sibling, or a close friend. Avoid pranking someone that you don't know very well. They may misunderstand your prank and think that you're picking on them. Other people to avoid include:
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    • A parent that's stressed out and distracted
    • The new kid at your school
    • Someone that you don't usually get along with
  2. Brainstorm ideas. Find a pen and a piece of paper. Choose a comfortable, distraction-free place to sit and think.[1] Next, write down any idea that comes into your head. Don't worry about whether the idea is good or bad. Instead, focus on writing down as many ideas as possible.
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  3. Discard any mean or dangerous ideas. Your prank shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings or put anyone in danger.[2] If so, it's no longer a "harmless" prank. Some examples of dangerous or hurtful situations include:
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    • Ruining a possession that matters a lot to someone
    • Involving sharp objects or fire in your prank
    • Making someone angry by scaring them
    • Putting them at risk for suffocation or hyperventilation by trapping them
  4. Choose your best idea. The best prank will be funny, harmless, and realistic to execute. Additionally, the joke should be big enough to be surprising, but not so big that they become suspicious.[3] Choose ideas that:
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    • Prank the person in their comfort zone, so that they're not suspecting anything
    • Don't require too much setup
    • Will be funny to you and to the person you prank
  5. Plan your execution. Now that you've invented the perfect prank, make a plan. Carefully outline the plan on a piece of paper. Reread your plan several times, visualizing it as you read. This will help you spot any fatal flaws in your plan. For example:
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    • If your plan involves a lot of balloons, make sure you have time to buy balloons.
    • If your friend isn't feeling well, they may call in sick to work or school and miss your prank.
    • If your prank involves water and it's cold outside, the water may freeze.

EditPlaying Tricks on Your Friends

  1. Place a "voice activation" sign on an appliance. This prank works especially well if you work with your friends. Bring a toaster or other popular appliance to work and place it in the break room. Next, make a small sign indicating that this state-of-the-art toaster is voice activated. Spend the rest of your day laughing as you hear people yelling at a toaster.
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    • If you want to encourage your friends to use the toaster, put a loaf of bread next to it and tell them to help themselves.
    • Other small appliances include drip coffee makers, hot plates, and Keurigs.
  2. Cover your friend's car in sticky notes. Visit an office supply depot and buy as many sticky notes as you can carry. Next, cover your friend's car in a layer of sticky notes, including the windows. Your friend will have to remove hundreds of sticky notes before they can use their car again.[4]
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    • Use colored sticky notes to create a variety of patterns and designs. For example, use green, white, and brown sticky notes to create a Shrek car.
    • Sticky notes stick best to freshly cleaned cars.
  3. Replace their hand sanitizer with lubricant. This prank is excellent on friends who always have a bottle of sanitizer in their purse or on their desk. First, purchase a bottle of clear personal lubricant from a pharmacy or grocery store. Next, empty your friend's bottle of hand sanitizer and fill it with the personal lubricant. When your friend tries to use their sanitizer, they will get greasy and slimy hands instead.
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    • Save the sanitizer in a cup or buy your friend a new bottle before doing this prank. They may become upset if they have to buy more sanitizer themselves.
  4. Mail something funny. There are many companies that provide prank mailing services. You can mail your friend a box of glitter, an eggplant, bugs, and more. Do an online search to find the service that best fits your purposes.[5]
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    • If possible, mail the package to your workplace or school so that you can see your friend open it.
  5. Advertise for a Chewbacca roar contest. Create flyers advertising a Chewbacca roar contest and place your friend's phone number at the bottom. Next, place the flyers all around your neighborhood. If you're lucky, your friend will receive dozens of Chewbacca impression voicemails.[6]
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    • Avoid pulling this prank using someone's work phone. Their voicemail may fill up and they'll miss important calls.

EditUsing Food to Prank Someone

  1. Make "candy apples." First, create a batch of classic candy-apple coating. Next, remove the papery layers from a few medium-sized onions. Push a wooden skewer into each onion to create a handle. Dip each onion in the candy coating and set it on a sheet of wax paper to dry. The onion will perfectly resemble a delicious red candy apple.
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    • Once they cool, casually offer your friends a "candy apple" and watch their reactions as they bite into the onion.
    • Make sure you don't serve this prank food to someone with an onion allergy.
  2. Make disgustingly cheesy "orange juice." Purchase a box of dried macaroni and cheese and a small bottle of orange juice. Drink or pour out the orange juice. Next, pour the cheesy powder insert from the box of macaroni and cheese into your empty bottle. Add water and screw the lid back on. Shake the bottle until there are no cheese lumps in the liquid.[7]
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    • Once the bottle is ready, offer it to a friend and watch them gag as they drink it.
    • Chill the bottle until you're ready to use it. A warm bottle of orange juice might make your friends suspicious.
  3. Create toothpaste Oreos. Purchase a package of Oreo cookies and a tube of toothpaste. Next, carefully pull each cookie sandwich apart and scrape out the icing. Squeeze a dollop of toothpaste on one of the cookies and press them back together. When your friend eats a cookie, they will get a disgustingly minty surprise.[8]
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    • Place the minty cookies on a plate. Next, offer your friends a cookie and watch them gag as they eat it.
    • If you have suspicious friends, leave a plate of minty Oreos lying around to tempt them. You may not get to watch them eat it, but you'll hear about it later.

EditPranking Around the House

  1. Add salt to their toothbrush. Sprinkle salt over the bristles of your roommate or sibling's toothbrush. The next time they brush their teeth, their toothpaste will taste salty and disgusting.
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    • Use a small grain sea salt or table salt. Otherwise, they may see the salt grains on their toothbrush and become suspicious.
  2. Place a "bug" on the lampshade. This prank is fun to play on people who are afraid of large bugs. First, print a picture of a large cockroach or other gross insect. Next, cut it out and tape it onto the inside of a lamp shade. When your roommate or sibling turns on the lamp, they will see the terrifying silhouette of the large insect and believe that a real bug is inside the lamp shade.
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    • Look for images of gross insects to print out on the internet.
    • Use clear tape to attach the insect cut-out onto the lamp shade.
  3. Create useless soap. Find a bottle of clear nail polish and a dry bar of soap. Paint several layers of clear nail polish on the soap, allowing it to dry between layers. Next, place the soap in the shower or next to the sink. When your sibling or roommate tries to use it, the soap won't create any suds at all.
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    • Apply at least four layers of clear nail polish. The more layers you apply, the better this prank will work.
  4. Wrap their bed in plastic wrap. Purchase several boxes of clear plastic wrap from your local grocery store. Next, wrap your sibling or roommate's bed in tight layers of plastic wrap by running the roll around the entire bed frame. When they go to bed, they'll have to spend several minutes struggling to remove the plastic wrap first.[9]
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    • Try to use a few long pieces instead of many smaller pieces. This will make the wrapping harder to remove.
    • You can either wrap each pillow and blanket separately or wrap everything together in a tightly sealed package.



  • Keep an eye out for revenge from your friends.
  • Make sure someone else doesn't fall into your pranks or your victim will know that you were trying to prank him.
  • Choose your victims carefully. If your friend doesn't have a good sense of humor, it may be better to prank someone else.
  • You can stick a coin under the tap(not all sides!) and water will spray everywhere when your victim turns it on.
  • Remember a good prank is one you can BOTH laugh about. Mean pranks may be taken seriously by others and may hurt people's feelings.


  • Choose appropriate times to prank your friend. If they're stressed out or sad, they may not receive the prank well.


EditQuick Summary

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How to Pick Peaches

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT

There are few things as delicious as a perfectly ripe peach that you've picked yourself. Go to the orchard and look for fruit that smells sweet and looks ripe. Once you've found juicy peaches, gently pick them. To pick peaches from a grocery store or farm stand, ask to sample the fruit before choosing. If you accidentally bring home peaches that aren't soft enough, place them in a paper bag at home until they're ripe. Then use the peaches in your favorite recipes or enjoy eating them out of hand!


EditPicking Peaches at the Orchard

  1. Choose shallow containers to hold the fruit. If you use a deep bucket to hold the peaches, the weight of the fruit will bruise or crush the fruit at the bottom. Instead of a bucket, take a shallow container with sides that are about high.[1]
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    • Some orchards will provide their own containers. If they only have deep buckets, take several into the orchard, but only fill them halfway to prevent bruising the fruit.
  2. Look for peaches on the edges of the branches. These peaches are exposed to more sunlight, so they're usually riper than peaches that grow near the center of the tree. Peaches on the periphery also grow larger and are sweeter because they have a higher sugar content.[2]
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    • If you're picking organic peaches, there may be tiny dents or spots on the peaches. These are harmless bug bites that won't affect the flavor of the peaches.
  3. Find peaches that are yellow, red, or orange. Depending on the type of peach you're picking, they'll turn a shade of yellow, orange, or red once they're ripe. Peaches that are still green aren't ready to pick.[3]
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    • Some white flesh peaches will have a pale white and yellow skin, but you still shouldn't see any areas of green.
  4. Smell the peaches to tell if they're fragrant. If you sniff a few peaches and can't smell anything, they're probably not ripe enough. Peaches should smell sweet and floral if they're ripe for picking.[4]
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    • The stronger the peach smell, the riper the fruit is.
  5. Squeeze the peach a little. The peach shouldn't feel firm or hard. When you squeeze it gently, the peach flesh should give a little so you know it's slightly soft. Avoid squeezing too hard or you'll bruise the fruit.[5]
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  6. Pull the peaches off of the branches. Once you've found a ripe peach you want to take home, hold it firmly in your hand and gently pull it away from the branch or twig that it's on. Ensure that you don't pull so hard that you injure the tree or cause nearby peaches to fall.[6]
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    • If you're having trouble pulling the peach off of a branch, it's probably not ripe enough yet.

EditSelecting Peaches at a Store or Farm Stand

  1. Ask to taste the peaches. Many farmers will offer to let you taste the peaches they're selling. If you're buying peaches at a grocery store, they may have samples set out or you can ask someone in the produce department to cut one for you.[7]
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    • Tasting the peaches is one of the best ways to decide which peaches to buy. If you taste a peach and aren't impressed with the flavor, they're probably not ripe.
  2. Decide which type of peach you want to buy. Although there are many varieties of peaches, you'll need to choose whether you want freestone or clingstone peaches. If you purchase freestone peaches, you'll be able to pull the flesh away from the pit, but you won't be able to if you buy clingstone peaches.[8]
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  3. Purchase local peaches from the grocery store. If there aren't farm stands in your area, check the grocery store for peaches. Ask someone in the produce department where the peaches came from and try to choose fruit that came from somewhere nearby. This usually means the fruit will be riper.[9]
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    • For example, if your grocery sells peaches that came from 50 miles away and 500 miles away, the ones that didn't travel as far were probably picked closer to ripeness.
  4. Look for unblemished fruit that smells fragrant. Whether you're buying peaches at the farm stand or grocery store, choose peaches that don't have dark spots or bruises. They should smell floral and sweet. When you pick them up, they should feel a little soft, not hard like rocks.[10]
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    • If you're buying from a farm stand, the farmer has probably selected some of the best fruit to sell so you're more likely to get perfectly ripe peaches than what's displayed at the grocery store.

EditRipening Peaches at Home

  1. Remove the peaches from the container you brought them home in. Peaches shouldn't remain stacked in a bucket or container and you shouldn't leave them in plastic. A plastic bag will trap moisture and cause the peaches the spoil faster.[11]
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  2. Place the peaches in a single layer into a paper bag. Loosely close the top of the bag and set the peaches on the counter at room temperature. The peaches will release ethylene gas which will cause the fruit to ripen. Open the bag and check the peaches after 24 hours to see if they're soft and ripe.[12]
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    • Avoid putting the peaches in the refrigerator or in a hot room. These extreme temperatures won't help the peaches ripen.
  3. Use the peaches as soon as they're soft. Since peaches will quickly begin to turn mushy once they're soft, it's important to use them as they ripen. Slice and eat the ripe peaches, bake with them, make peach jam, or freeze sliced peaches for later.
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    • If you'd like to enjoy the taste of ripe peaches year round, slice and can the fruit.


  • If you're picking peaches at the orchard, bring hats, bottles of water, and wear sunscreen.
  • Most grocery stores and farm stands don't want you squeezing or handling the fruit too much, so ask if you'd like to feel the peaches.


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How to Measure for Jeans

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Finding the right pair of jeans can take a lot of trial and error even if you do know your size. Once you've measured your inseam and waist, however, you'll be able to choose and purchase the right pair much more quickly. Measure yourself or have a friend help take your measurements before shopping for jeans so you know what to look for. All you need to do is match your measurements to the corresponding brand's sizing chart to buy jeans that fit well and flatter your figure.


EditMeasuring the Inseam

  1. Put on the shoes you plan to wear with your jeans while taking the measurements. You will finish taking the measurements at approximately where your shoes will meet the cuff. If you wear any orthotic inserts in your shoe, put them on as well to ensure an accurate reading.[1]
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  2. Stand with your back against a wall. Keep your back as straight as possible so you can get precise measurements. If possible, have someone else take your inseam measurement while you stand, as measurements taken by another person are better than self-measurements.[2]
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  3. Use a measuring tape to record the length from crotch to ankle. Start measuring at the top of your thigh down your leg to the top of your shoe, which should be around your ankle bone. This is your inseam, or leg length, size.[3]
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  4. Keep in mind that inseam may vary based on the style. Most brands offer different inseam styles within a certain waist size like short, regular, and tall. Shorter styles may rest above your ankle, while longer styles may end at or below the ankle. Men's jeans, in particular, are varied in inseam size. Read the label carefully and make sure your inseam size matches the jeans you want before buying them.[4]
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EditCalculating Waist, Hip, and Thigh Size

  1. Do not pull the measuring tape too tightly around your body. When measuring your waist, hip, and thigh size, avoid pulling the tape tightly to get a smaller reading. For the most comfortable jeans fit, you will want to take loose and relaxed measurements.[5]
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  2. Measure at the smallest part of your waist. Jean waist sizes are taken at the smallest section, around where their natural stomach crease is. For most people, this is about above the belly button.Try not to suck your waist in—although you may get a smaller reading, your jeans will be more uncomfortable.[6]
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  3. Wrap the measuring tape around the widest portion of your hips. Although jean sizes usually don't include hip measurements, you may need it if you are getting your jeans tailored. Usually, the widest portion will be right below the top of your hip bones.[7]
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  4. Take measurements along the widest part of your thighs. Like hip measurements, your thigh size will likely not be needed unless you are getting jeans tailored. Get your measurements around the widest part of your thighs, generally just below the crotch, so your jeans will be as comfortable to wear as possible.[8]
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EditReading Jeans Sizing Charts

  1. Use your waist/inseam measurements to determine your size. Sizing charts can differ based on country and gender, but most jeans sizing charts rely on waist/inseam measurements. Record your waist/inseam measurement and keep it on hand while shopping for jeans so you can reference it as needed.[9]
    • Keep your thigh and hip measurements close as well if you are ordering customized jeans or getting your jeans altered.
  2. Recognize that sizing charts can vary depending on the brand. Although men's jeans are usually ordered by waist/inseam (ie: "26/28, 28/30, etc..."), women's jeans are usually assigned a number based on their waist/inseam measurements (ie: "0, 2, 4..."). Check the brand's sizing chart beforehand to determine which number corresponds to your waist/inseam measurements.[10]
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    • Even if 2 pairs of pants from different brands are assigned the same number, they may have completely different waist/inseam measurements.
  3. Keep fit in mind while choosing a size. Jeans come in different fits and styles, like baggy, relaxed, skinny, or boot cut. Depending on the fit, a brand's size may fit tightly or more loosely on your body. Choose a fit that you like so your jeans don't only fit well but feels comfortable and looks flattering.[11]
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  4. Use SizeCharter to find the best jeans for your measurement. Put your waist, hip, inseam, and chest recordings into the SizeCharter website to match your measurements with the best pair of jeans for your size. If you cannot afford specially tailored jeans, this can help you find well-fitting jeans based on brand and fit.[12]
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  • If the jeans you currently have are not the right size, alter them yourself or hire a professional to make the alteration.
  • Have someone else take your measurements for the most accurate reading.
  • Avoid taking measurements over your clothing, if possible. Even tight-fitting clothes can change your overall reading.[13]
  • For professional measurements, visit a tailor.


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