terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2019

How to Fall Asleep if You're Autistic

Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:00 AM PDT

Sleeping difficulties often accompany autism.[1] If you're one of these people, don't worry—there are techniques you can use to help you fall asleep. This article is written for autistic people, but it may also be useful to parents of autistic children, people with other disabilities, or non-disabled people.


EditPreparing Before Bedtime

  1. Be active during the day. This will help you feel tired by the end of the night. Take a walk, ride your bike, hike on a hiking trail, or explore the neighborhood.
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    • Even leaving the house can help you feel sleepier at night. Try running errands, hanging out with loved ones, visiting the library, or exploring local attractions. If you prefer routine, perhaps joining a scheduled class, club, or activity would help.
  2. Give yourself some quiet time to think before bed. If you spend all your time in front of a screen, you might end up getting distracted from important thoughts, and then the thoughts will wait until you are in bed. Give yourself time to process by taking quiet time for yourself each day, without a screen in front of you.
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    • Avoid taking out your phone every time you are waiting for something, using the bathroom, or doing another mundane task. Instead, process some of the things that happened today. Thinking things over is good for you.
  3. Start doing quiet activities to relax. Chat with a family member, crochet, draw a picture, eat a snack, read a library book, listen to soft music, snuggle, or do something else that you enjoy.
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    • Special interests can be relaxing,[2] but also may make it hard to stop. Consider using a timer to remind you to go to bed, or having a family member tell you. Find what works best for you. You may want to do something related to your special interest, such as reading about it.
  4. Take care of your physical needs. Eat enough food, and use the bathroom. If you are feeling hungry, or feeling like you need to use the bathroom, it can be hard to fall asleep.
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    • If your family kitchen presents a lot of sensory barriers that make it hard for you to get food, keep non-perishable foods like crackers or trail mix in your bedroom just in case.
    • Avoid food and drinks with caffeine in the evening, like tea, soda, chocolate, and apples. These will likely keep you awake.
  5. Turn off screens at least 30 minutes from your bedtime. The bright lights (especially bluish lights) from a computer screen can trick your brain into thinking that it's still daytime, and thus makes it more difficult to sleep.[3]
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    • Use a blue light filter on all your devices. Some devices come with built-in blue light filters that you can enable, and others can download apps. Try setting the filter to automatically turn on a few hours before bed, and automatically turn off before you wake up.
  6. Pick sensory tools that help with relaxation. Swings, sweet-smelling soaps, and other tools can help you unwind.
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    • Get deep pressure with a weighted blanket, tight clothes, a bear hug, or a massage. Offer to exchange back rubs with someone in your household.
    • To feel heat, drink hot chocolate, wear warm clothes, snuggle with someone, or take a hot bath/shower.
  7. Stim as much as you need to. Stimming is a natural and healthy action that helps you feel balanced. At bedtime, you may use it for self-calming, or to release pent-up energy.
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    • Rocking, echolalia, squeezing, and humming are examples of stims that can calm you down and prepare you for a good night's sleep.
  8. Focus your attention on things that calm you, not things that stress you. Avoid engaging in or worrying about stressful things before bedtime, because it may be harder to fall asleep. Instead, do things that make you feel better, like talking to a loved one, doing a favorite activity, or watching cute animal videos.
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    • If you're struggling to stop thinking about a problem, try talking to a good listener about what's on your mind. If that isn't available, try a self-help app like Wysa for several minutes. If it still continues to be a serious problem, consider anti-anxiety medication.
  9. Take any needed medication and supplements. Stay on top of any medication regimens. Many autistic people's bodies don't produce enough melatonin naturally, and research shows that melatonin supplements can help autistic people sleep better.[4] This is a low-risk way to correct natural imbalances in your brain.
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    • Consider doctor-prescribed anti-anxiety medication with caution. If your anxiety is causing you not to fall asleep even after half an hour of trying, a very small dose of prescription medication like Xanax may allow you to fall asleep. Be careful, though, because these drugs can be addictive. Always follow your doctor's advice.

EditCreating Your Bedtime Environment

  1. Create a peaceful atmosphere. Darken your room as much as possible, and turn on some quiet music or a CD with calming nature sounds. This will help tell your brain that it is nighttime, and it's time to go to sleep.
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    • If total darkness bothers you, get a night light, so that you can see if you wake up in the middle of the night.
  2. Keep things quiet. Some autistic people have trouble sleeping due to sensory processing issues. Here are ways you can minimize noise:
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    • Play white noise. You can play it from a website, or find an app for your phone or computer for free.
    • Wear earplugs to bed. Within a few days, you should be used to having earplugs in your ears.
    • Stuff a piece of cloth underneath the door to block outside noise. Try a rug, blanket, or towel.
    • If noise comes from the other side of a wall, place a body pillow between the wall and your head. This will block some sound.
    • As a last resort, wear earmuffs to bed. These will make you sweaty, but will block sound.
  3. Surround yourself with comfortable textures. Wear comfy pajamas,[5] use sheets that don't feel bumpy or stiff, and place soft pillows on your bed.
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    • If you dislike the feeling of pajama legs shifting up your leg, try wearing shorts or no bottoms, or wearing thick socks to bed. During winter, many general stores sell fuzzy socks.
    • Cut the tags off of your pajamas and stuffed animals.
  4. Keep a notepad next to your bed. If your mind wanders to worries or creative thoughts, you can use the notebook to record them. Write down any important thoughts, so that you can stop worrying about them and relax.
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    • When worrying, ask yourself: "What can I do about this tonight?" Answer honestly. Your answer may be "stop worrying about it and get a good sleep." If this is the case, then stop ruminating on it and focus on something else that is pleasant.
    • Imagine relaxing things: nature, your favorite location, or your loved ones. Think about all the aspects of them that you love.
  5. Consider how you'll handle the need to stim in bed. If you tend to lie awake for a while, you may get the urge to stim.
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    • For wandering hands, try placing a textured thing on your bed. For example, take a favorite stuffed animal or toy to pet and rub.
    • If you rock or shake in bed, try buying a stuffed animal that vibrates. Holding it will allow you to feel input, without requiring movement, so it won't hinder your ability to fall asleep.
  6. Don't play on a phone or computer while trying to fall asleep.[6] The bluish light from the screen will make you feel less tired, and the distractions of the internet can keep you up later than you intended. Instead, keep books at your bedside. Try peaceful stories or nonfiction that will help you fall asleep faster.
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EditAdjusting Routines and Lifestyle

  1. See a doctor if you are following this advice, but still struggling to fall or stay asleep. Everyone needs a good sleep at night, so if you aren't getting it, that's a serious problem. Autistic people are at higher risk for some disorders that can interfere with sleep, and things can get better with appropriate treatment. Ask your doctor for advice. You may have...
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  2. Follow a consistent schedule. Go to bed around the same time every night, and set your alarm clock for the same time in the morning. Getting a consistent sleep schedule will help your body fall into a natural routine.
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  3. Take steps to reduce stress in your life. Stress can make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Consider what stresses you out the most in your life, and try to reduce it. Consider what makes you happy, and spend more time doing those things.
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    • Spend time with loved ones in quiet, peaceful environments.
    • Set aside time to enjoy your special interests. Your special interests matter, and engaging with them will help your mental health.
    • Think about whether you're pushing yourself too hard, or worrying too much. Listen to your self talk and seek to improve your self-esteem.
    • Allow yourself to be autistic in public.[7] Excessive self-monitoring will take away energy from other, more important things.[8][9] Being visibly autistic can be frightening, but it's also freeing.[10]
  4. Come up with a routine to follow before bedtime every night. When you start following the routine, it will signal that it's time to wind down for the evening and prepare to go to sleep.
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  5. Use the quiet time in bed as an opportunity to practice relaxation exercises. This will help you become good at the exercises for daytime use, and make you feel tired at night.
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    • Practice progressive relaxation in bed.
    • Take deep breaths, originating from your belly. Listen to your breathing and imagine that it is the sound of ocean waves crashing over your body and receding.
    • Imagine that you are in one of your favorite places. Think about what you see, what you hear, smell, touch, etc. Imagine it in great detail.


  • If you use lots of sound-blocking techniques, you may not be able to hear a regular alarm clock. Try placing a vibrating alarm clock in a pajama pocket, pillowcase, or the side of a tube sock.
  • Modify the room temperature as needed. If you tend to get hot at night, have the air conditioning start running 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Consult your doctor if you have long-lasting sleeping problems. You may have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, anxiety, or another problem.[11]

EditRelated wikiHows


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How to Arrange a Courier Pick Up

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 05:00 PM PDT

Courier services provide fast pickup and delivery services for high-value goods or urgent documents. In order to use a courier, you must schedule a pickup time for a representative from the company to come get your package. To ensure proper delivery, you should prepare ahead of time and make sure you have followed the courier directions for a proper pickup.


EditSelecting a Courier Service

  1. Prepare your package for courier pickup. Select an appropriate-sized box or envelope and place your item inside. Make sure if you're sending something fragile that your packaging is cushioned and your item is secure. Once you have your item or items in the appropriate package, seal the parcel with packaging tape.[1]
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    • Depending on where you are located, there are some restrictions on what you can and cannot mail. Items such as explosives, gasoline, aerosol, and ammunition are normally prohibited. Check the website of the national postal service in your country to ensure you are not mailing something that is prohibited.
  2. Measure the parcel you'd like to send. Carefully measure the length, width, and height of the box. If you have a kitchen scale, it will also be helpful to weigh the parcel as well. This will help you get a good idea of how much you can expect to pay for courier service. Many courier sites will ask you to input the parcel's dimensions and estimated weight when you book the pickup.[2]
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    • If in doubt, overestimate. This will help you avoid additional charges later on.
  3. Search for courier services that pick up near you. Some courier services only work within specific areas or countries. Many work internationally. To get the most accurate results, do a search of your city or town name and the words "courier service." This should yield a number of companies that provide service to your area.[3]
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    • You should also check the delivery address to ensure that the courier service will deliver to that location. Most websites will have an address checker tool.
  4. Compare prices for shipping your parcel at different companies. Narrow your search by looking at the prices listed for courier service based on the dimensions that you measured for your parcel. Compare different companies and see how their prices differ for the size package that you have.[4]
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    • You should also consider the type of parcel being sent and if it has any requirements such as temperature or extra care when delivering, as these can incur added fees.
  5. Check the pickup hours and delivery options offered by the courier. The service will likely require you to be present for pickup, so you will want to make sure you can be home during the hours specified. You might also look at any time guarantees that they might make, especially if you are working within a time frame.[5]
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    • Some courier services offer drop off locations. This might work best for you if you are not able to be at home during the day for pick up.

EditBooking Your Pickup

  1. Create an account with your chosen service. This process will vary by website, but will normally require you to input some information. You will likely be asked to enter your name, address, phone number, email address, and some form of payment information. This will make the process of arranging a pickup much easier.
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  2. Select a location for pickup. If you would like the package picked up from your house, simply use your home address. However, if you are working from another location, make sure you carefully enter the address to avoid any confusion. Some couriers will allow you to select a time, but many places give you a window of time that your package will be picked up within.[6]
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    • Depending on the location you are sending the package to and the time frame it will take to get the package there, the price will vary. Make sure to check the price once more before booking a pickup time.
  3. Pay for and print your label. Once you have selected a location, you can confirm your pickup and pay. This will generate a label for your parcel that you can either print out and affix to the packaging, or simply copy the label information onto the package in clear handwriting using a marker.[7]
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  4. Wait for collection by a courier. The courier should arrive during the time allotted by the company. Be patient and make sure you are home during this time. If your courier is late or doesn't show up, call the customer service number provided on the company website or in your confirmation email.[8]
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  5. Track your parcel. Once your parcel is picked up, you should receive an email for tracking or be able to use your confirmation number provided. This will let you see where your package is located from pickup to delivery at any point.[9]
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    • If at any point you see that your package is delayed, or if it gets delivered incorrectly, tracking the package can help you ensure that the problem is dealt with quickly.


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How to Start a Blog

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

This wikiHow teaches you how to create and begin using a blog, both in general and by using specific platforms such as WordPress and Blogger.


EditCreating a Successful Blog

  1. Come up with a list of interests. Before you define your blog's intention, you should have a general idea of what you want to write about. The sky is the limit when it comes to your blog's category, but common topics include the following:
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    • Gaming
    • Style
    • Politics/Social Justice/Activism
    • Cooking/Food
    • Travel
    • Business/Company
  2. Know what not to blog about. Things like private information—both yours and other people's—and personal details that you don't want to share with people close to you shouldn't be topics for your blog.
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    • If you have a job that required you to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), you should avoid discussing activities or topics outlined in the NDA.
    • Blogging about other people is fine as long as you don't harass or discriminate against them, but be aware that they may see your content and retaliate.
  3. Consider your blog's intention. While having in mind a blog topic is a good start, your blog needs a specific direction in order to get off the ground. Common reasons for blogging include one (or a combination) of the following, though you can certainly find your own inspiration:[1]
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    • Teach something — Best-suited to instructional blogs (e.g., DIY projects).
    • Document your experience — Good for travel blogs, fitness challenges, and so on.
    • Entertain — Well-suited to a variety of mediums such as comedy writing, fan-fiction, and so on.
    • Call to action — Commonly used for your business or company blog.
    • Inspire others — This is a category that can stand on its own, but may best fit any of the other intentions in this section.
  4. Check out other blogs in your category. Once you've established your blog's topic and goal, research other blogs that use the same topic and/or your preferred style of writing to see how they engage their audiences.
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    • You shouldn't outright copy a blog you admire, but you can take inspiration from the tone, layout, or language used for the blog content itself.
  5. Brainstorm blog specifics. The last two things you should know before you actually make your blog are the blog's name and how you want the blog to look:[2]
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    • Blog name — Come up with a name that you feel comfortable sharing with others. This may be a combination of your interests, your blog's content, and/or a nickname; just make sure that your blog's title is both unique and easy to remember.
    • Blog design — You probably won't be able to design your blog's layout exactly the way you want to, but having a general idea of the color scheme and font type before you go to create your blog will make it easier to find a template you like.
  6. Create your blog using a reputable platform. Common blog platforms include WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr, but you can choose any commonly used service you like. Once you've selected a service, your blog creation process will usually look something like this:
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    • Open the service's website on your computer.
    • Create an account (preferably a free one to start).
    • Enter your desired blog name, then pick a URL.
    • Select a blog layout and any other requested details.
  7. Promote your blog on social media. Once you've created your blog and made a few posts, you can increase your blog traffic by posting a link to your blog on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.[3]
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    • You might even consider using the blog's address in your bio or as your "Company Website" on social media.
  8. Research keywords for your posts. "Keywords" are words which both pertain to your blog's topic and have a high search engine rating. Using keywords in your blog posts will make it easier for people who look up those words to find your content.[4]
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    • Keyword generator sites such as http://ubersuggest.io/ or https://keywordtool.io/ will come up with a list of words that relate to your blog's topic.
    • Re-check the keywords you use every time you create a blog post.
    • If you fit the keywords into your posts in a natural way, search engines will be more likely to pick up on your blog than if you just scatter them throughout the posts.
  9. Get your blog indexed by Google. Ensuring that your blog is indexed by Google will increase your search engine ranking, making it easier for people to find your blog when they look up related keywords.[5]
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  10. Use images in your posts. One thing that search engines tend to prioritize over all else is image use, so make sure your posts have high-quality images attached to them.[6]
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    • You may get bonus points for original photos.
    • Users tend to appreciate visual input alongside text, so adding images to your blog is a good idea even if you aren't worried about search engine optimization.
  11. Keep posting content. Little will cause your blog to stop drawing in traffic faster than not posting for a long period of time (or posting erratically). Develop a posting schedule that allows you to post at least once per week and stick to it.
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    • Missing a post by a day or two once in a while is fine, though you should consider making a note on social media that your post will be late.
    • Fresh content will also help keep your blog near the top of search engine results.

EditCreating a Blog in WordPress

  1. Open WordPress. Go to https://wordpress.com/ in your computer's web browser.[7]
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  2. Click . It's a link in the upper-right corner of the page.
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  3. Fill out the blog creation form. Enter your information into the following fields:
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    • What would you like to name your site? — Enter your blog's name here.
    • What will your site be about? — Type in a one-word category, then click a category that fits your blog in the resulting drop-down menu.
    • What's the primary goal you have for your site? — Type in a one-word category, then click a category that fits your blog in the resulting drop-down menu.
    • How comfortable are you with creating a website? — Click one of the numbers at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click . It's at the very bottom of the page.
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  5. Enter your preferred address for your blog. In the top text box, type in whatever you want your blog's URL name to be.
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    • Don't include the "www" or ".com" part of the URL here.
  6. Click next to the "Free" option. This option will appear below the text box. Doing so selected the free address for your blog.
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  7. Click . It's on the left side of the page. Doing so will take you to the account creation page.
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  8. Enter an email address. Type the email address you want to use to create your account into the "Your email address" text box.
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  9. Enter a password. Type a password for your account into the "Choose a password" text box.
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  10. Click . It's a blue button at the bottom of the page.
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  11. Confirm your email address. While you're waiting for WordPress to finalize your account details, do the following:
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    • Open your WordPress email inbox in a new tab.
    • Click the "Activate [blog name]" email from "WordPress".
    • Click Click here to Confirm Now in the email body.
    • Close the tab once it finishes loading.
  12. Click . It's in the middle of the original tab on which you created your WordPress account.
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  13. Add a theme to your blog. The "theme" dictates how your blog looks. Scroll down to the "Customize" heading, click Themes, and select the theme you want to use for your blog. You can then click Activate this design at the top of the page.
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    • You might want to click Free in the upper-right side of the page to see results for free themes only.
  14. Start writing. You can start your first blog post by clicking Write in the upper-right side of the window to bring up the post window; at this point, you're free to begin creating content for your blog.
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EditCreating a Blog in Blogger

  1. Open Blogger. Go to https://www.blogger.com/ in your computer's web browser.[8]
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  2. Click . It's in the top-right corner of the page.
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  3. Sign in using your Google Account. Enter your email address, click Next, and then type in your password and click Next.
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    • If you don't have a Google Account, create one before proceeding.
  4. Click . It's a blue button on the left side of the page.
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  5. Enter your name. Type your first and last name into the text boxes at the top of the page.
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  6. Select a gender. Click the gender drop-down box, then click the gender you want to use for your blog.
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  7. Click . It's at the bottom of the page.
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  8. Add a photo. Click your current photo, click Upload a photo when prompted, and then find and double-click a photo on your computer. You can then click SAVE to proceed.
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    • You can also click SKIP below this section to add a photo later.
  9. Click . You'll find this option near the bottom of the page.
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  10. Click . It's in the middle of the page.
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  11. Enter a blog title. Type your blog's title into the "Title" text box.
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  12. Select a blog address. Type the address you want to use into the "Address" text box, then click the address that appears below it in a drop-down menu.
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    • If Google indicates that the address is already taken, you'll need to choose a different address.
  13. Select a theme for your blog. Click a theme in the "Theme" list.
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    • The theme determines how your blog will appear.
  14. Click . It's at the bottom of the window.
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  15. Click when prompted. Doing so takes you to the blog's dashboard.
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  16. Start writing. Click New post at the top of the page to open the blog post window; at this point, you're free to begin creating content for your blog.
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EditSample Blog Post


  • Always fact-check rigorously before posting anything news- or fact-related.[9]
  • Many people like to read blogs on their mobile devices. Make sure that your blog site has a mobile version that is optimized for smartphone or tablet viewing.
  • Have a strategy for your blog and know whether to write evergreen content (that will remain relevant forever) or news-based content that has higher short-term appeal but quickly becomes irrelevant[10].
  • If you want to maintain a blog for your business, but you aren't confident about your writing skills, hire a professional writer to write your posts for you.
  • Be consistent with your posts. For example, aim to have new content published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


  • Be wary of unwarranted attention. Don't give out personal information such as your full name, your location, or other identifying attributes.
  • Avoid posting anything that infringes on the privacy of others if you allow everyone to read your blog. If something is personal, avoid using last names at the very least, or make up a name for that person. Also, never post private pictures of other people without their permission.
  • Remember that what you post is visible to the world, so be careful about how much information you share. Also, in certain countries, blog posts that are critical of the government or otherwise "offensive" could get you into serious trouble. Be smart about what you post.
  • Prepare yourself for some unkind comments, especially if you are blogging about sensitive topics.

EditRelated wikiHows


EditQuick Summary

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